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Johnny Liu

Ms. Joseph


15 May 2019

Reflection Essay

As a person who likes to read poems but dislikes making them, I must say that this

project wasn’t the most fun. Although it wasn’t hard to do, I don’t think my poems turned out

great either. For all of my poems, I decided to use imagism because I thought it would be good

practice for me since I am honestly pretty bad at using descriptive words. I thought I would help

me learn more descriptive words and expand my vocabulary while at the same time make my

usage of the words better. But honestly speaking, I don’t think it had too great of an effect. I

think I only improved a little bit.

I also used free verse in all of my poems because its too hard trying to make the poems

rhyme and have the same structures. Most Modernist poems were free verse too, so I thought it

would be suitable to use it. For my first poem, I decided to make the topic of the poem the moon

because I was on my way home one night and saw the moon. It looked a bit dull, but I suddenly

remember this project while I was looking at it so I decided to do a poem about the moon. But

instead of describing the moon as dull, I tried to make the moon seem beautiful because that's

what moons are suppose to be like in my head.

For my second poem, I wrote about a field of grass. This idea came to me when I was in

class, looking out the windows and saw the lawn at the front of the school. The topic of grass

came into my head and I looked up images of it. Then I chose a image and tried to describe that
image to the best of my abilities. This is basically what I did for the rest of my poems. I found a

picture online and tried to describe it as best as I can so that the image would pop up in the

reader's mind when they read it.

My poetry reflects the Modernist Era because I used clear and descriptive words to

capture a picture in a way that would form a image similar to the picture in the reader’s mind

when they read it. I didn’t go by what traditional poems were like so my poems tend to have no

specific structure or rhythm to it. This is what the imagist poems were like during the Imagist

Movement. Overall, I think my poems would be similar to what imagist poems were like during

the Imagist Movement, although maybe not as good.

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