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Idea Engineering

Lecturer: Dr. Edidon Hutasuhut M.Pd

Arranged by :

Name : Sry Wahyuni Patricia Sinaga

Nim : 2183121033
Study Program : English education 18 C

Faculty of Language and Art

Medan State University

Praise and thank you, the author says to God Almighty for His blessings and mercy, the
author is still given the opportunity to be able to complete this Idea Engineering. This idea
engineering is made to fulfill the completion of assignments in the "Educational Psychology"
course, Hopefully this engineering idea can add insight and knowledge to the readers.
The author realizes that engineering this idea is far from perfect because there are still
many shortcomings. Therefore, the author with all humility apologizes and expects criticism and
constructive suggestions for future improvements and improvements.
Finally, the writer congratulates on reading and hopefully the material in the
engineering ideas in the form of this paper can be useful for the readers.

Medan, April 2019



Foreword ………………………………………………………….……....………………………………………………………….....1
Table of contents …………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………2

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................3
A. Background …………………………….….………………...………………………………………………………….............3
B. Purpose ………………………………..…………........................................................................................3
C. Formulation of the Problem …………………………………………………………………..………….………………….3

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION..................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER III CLOSING......................................................................................................................5

A. Conclusion…………………………………...............................................................................................5
B. Suggestions …………………………………………………………………………………………..…...…………………………5



Creativity is one of the potential of children that needs to be developed when children
are still early age because at an early age children are still easy to be guided. Creativity is one of
the foundations so that children are able to solve problems and explore something new.
Creativity is an important and inseparable part of the education process of a child. Especially in
the present, one's success is no longer determined by mere academic values, but on the ability
to make decisions, creativity in work, morality, and others. In growing the spirit of creativity in
early childhood, educators and the environment need to be able to pay attention to the nature
of children and support the growth of creativity. These basic natural properties must always be
nurtured and developed so that their creative nature is not lost. The following tips can support
the growth of creativity of the child, including playing, allowing children to imagine, see interests
and talents, free children to explore, do not force children, give new experiences, give praise.


1. To add insight about psychology, especially in improving children's creativity

2. To find out what are the tips needed to improve children's creativity
3. To find out what creativity is


1. How do parents improve children's creativity?

2. What is creativity?
3. What new ideas can be linked to improving children's creativity?
4. What are the roles of teachers in improving children's creativity ?



Creativity is an ability that is owned by individuals or someone to understand the

situation, in interpreting experiences and solving problems in new and original ways (making /
creating a new and useful thing). Parents and teachers play an important role in growing
children's creativity. Starting from parents, parents are the main or the first part can help children
think creatively. Parents are the main foundation that can support children's activities. Therefore,
if parents are not serious in educating children's creativity it can enable the child not to
understand in thinking and doing creative things.
After parents, the teacher also plays a role in increasing children's creativity. The teacher is the
second supporter of the child, through school learning the teacher must be able to associate
creativity with learning so that children are accustomed to doing creative things and able to think
The Role of Teachers in Developing Creativity :
a. Creative and like challenges
b. Accept children as they are
c. Motivator
d. Have a sincere love for children
e. Want and be able to develop children's competence
f. Want to play and share
g. Good, responsive and caring


Tips contained in the video or that I present based on the main video "Growing
children's creativity" have been very good in the efforts of both parents and teachers to foster
children's creativity. Apart from the tips presented in the video, In my opinion like a prospective
teacher, the new idea that I got to foster children's creativity is through problem based learning
methods where the teacher gives the material by giving puzzles to the child, after that the child
will try to solve his own problem, the learning method is conceptual learning , where the teacher
associates all learning about something or everything that students have ever discovered in
nature. For example, a teacher teaches children about leaves, they automatically know that it is
papaya, mango or other leaves and automatically they can solve their own problems, what makes
it easy for them to know that it is papaya leaves or mango leaves. In my opinion, learning is very
effective to foster children's creativity.



Creative children are usually always curious, have a broad interest, and love their
passion and creative activities. Creative children and adolescents are usually quite
independent and have self-confidence. They are more willing to take risks (but with
calculations) than children in general. Creative gifted students usually have a high sense of
humor, can see problems from various viewpoints, and have the ability to play with imagined
ideas, concepts, or possibilities. In the development of the creativity of children of parents,
teachers and the environment is a driver of increasing children's creativity. therefore
education from parents must be in line with the teacher and must be good at adapting to the
environment. (1)Educators should have a good goal in helping develop the creativity of their
students. Educators should provide different ways of teaching, because if the teaching
method is monotonous then the parents 'boredom can be seen from the parents' comments
that have been explained to the researcher, and the communication made by educators and
parents, both the child has increased and decline.
(2) Parents should not only think of children's academic achievements, but also think about
non-academic achievements, because every non-academic achievement is needed by
children, and every child has different abilities in certain fields and needs to be honed to
develop talents and abilities owned by children. So that the ability of each child cannot be
equated and forced by his parents.
(3) For majors outside of school education outside school education educators should have
interventions related to the course institution to meet the needs of the community who have
potential in their respective fields. Outside school education educators should pay attention
to the existence of dance courses, which are related to art, because by paying attention to
educators can know and have experience while paying attention, educators can develop art
course institutions by innovating in art courses.


Hopefully through this idea engineering, readers will increasingly understand what are
the important things that can spur in increasing children's creativity.

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