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European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

Theory and Methodology

An e€ective implementation of the Lin±Kernighan traveling

salesman heuristic
Keld Helsgaun
Department of Computer Science, Roskilde University, Building 42.1, Universitetsvej 1, Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Received 14 October 1998; accepted 13 April 1999


This paper describes an implementation of the Lin±Kernighan heuristic, one of the most successful methods for
generating optimal or near-optimal solutions for the symmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP). Computational tests
show that the implementation is highly e€ective. It has found optimal solutions for all solved problem instances we have
been able to obtain, including a 13,509-city problem (the largest non-trivial problem instance solved to optimality
today). Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Traveling salesman problem; Heuristics; Lin±Kernighan

1. Introduction The new algorithm di€ers in many details from

the original one. The most notable di€erence is
The Lin±Kernighan heuristic [1] is generally found in the search strategy. The new algorithm
considered to be one of the most e€ective methods uses larger (and more complex) search steps than
for generating optimal or near-optimal solutions the original one. Also new is the use of sensitivity
for the symmetric traveling salesman problem analysis to direct and restrict the search.
(TSP). However, the design and implementation of Run times of both algorithms increase ap-
an algorithm based on this heuristic is not trivial. proximately as n2:2 . However, the new algorithm is
There are many design and implementation deci- much more e€ective. The new algorithm makes it
sions to be made, and most decisions have a great possible to ®nd optimal solutions to large-scale
in¯uence on performance. problems, in reasonable running times.
This paper describes the implementation of a For a typical 100-city problem the optimal so-
new modi®ed version of the Lin±Kernighan algo- lution is found in less than a second, and for a
rithm. Computational experiments have shown typical 1000-city problem optimum is found in less
that the implementation is highly e€ective. than a minute (on a 300 MHz G3 Power Macin-
Even though the algorithm is approximate,
E-mail address: (K. Helsgaun). optimal solutions are produced with an impres-

0377-2217/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 7 - 2 2 1 7 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 8 4 - 2
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 107

sively high frequency. It has produced optimal · If the triangle inequality holds (cik 6 cij ‡ cjk for
solutions for all solved problems we have been all i, j and k), the problem is said to be metric.
able to obtain, including a 13,509-city problem (at · If cij are Euclidean distances between points in
the time of writing, the largest non-trivial problem the plane, the problem is said to be Euclidean.
solved to optimality). Furthermore, the algorithm A Euclidean problem is, of course, both sym-
has improved the best known solutions for a series metric and metric.
of large-scale problems with unknown optima,
among these an 85,900-city problem. 2.2. Solution algorithms
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 de®nes the TSP and gives an overview of The problem is easy to state, but hard to solve.
solution algorithms. Section 3 describes the origi- The diculty becomes apparent when one con-
nal algorithm of Lin and Kernighan (including siders the number of possible tours ± an astro-
their own re®nements of the algorithm). Sections 4 nomical ®gure even for a relatively small number
and 5 present the new modi®ed algorithm and its of cities. For a symmetric problem with n cities
implementation. The e€ectiveness of the imple- there are (n ) 1)!/2 possible tours. If n is 20, there
mentation is reported in Section 6. are more than 1018 tours. The 13,509-city problem,
which is successfully solved by the algorithm de-
scribed in this paper, contains about 1050;000 pos-
2. The traveling salesman problem sible tours. In comparison it may be noted that the
number of elementary particles in the universe has
2.1. Formulation been estimated to be ÔonlyÕ 1087 .
It has been proven that TSP is a member of the
A salesman is required to visit each of n given set of NP-complete problems. This is a class of
cities once and only once, starting from any city dicult problems whose time complexity is prob-
and returning to the original place of departure. ably exponential. The members of the class are
What tour should he choose in order to minimize related so that if a polynomial time were found for
his total travel distance? one problem, polynomial time algorithms would
The distances between any pair of cities are exist for all of them. However, it is commonly
assumed to be known by the salesman. Distance believed that no such polynomial algorithm exists.
can be replaced by another notion, such as time or Therefore, any attempt to construct a general al-
money. In the following the term ÔcostÕ is used to gorithm for ®nding optimal solutions for the TSP
represent any such notion. in polynomial time must (probably) fail.
This problem, the TSP, is one of the most Algorithms for solving the TSP may be divided
widely studied problems in combinatorial optimi- into two classes:
zation [2]. Mathematically, the problem may be · Exact algorithms.
stated as follows: · Approximate (or heuristic) algorithms.
Given a Ôcost matrixÕ C ˆ …cij †, where cij rep-
resents the cost of going from city i to city j, 2.2.1. Exact algorithms
…i; j ˆ 1; . . . ; n†, ®nd a permutation The exact algorithms are guaranteed to ®nd the
…i1 ; i2 ; i3 ; . . . ; in † of the integers from 1 optimal solution in a bounded number of steps.
through n that minimizes the quantity The most e€ective exact algorithms are cut-
ci1 i2 ‡ ci2 i3 ‡    ‡ cin i1 ting-plane or facet-®nding algorithms [3±5]. These
algorithms are quite complex, with codes on the
Properties of the cost matrix C are used to order of 10,000 lines. In addition, the algorithms
classify problems. are very demanding of computer power. For ex-
· If cij ˆ cji for all i and j, the problem is said to ample, it took roughly 3±4 years of CPU time on
be symmetric; otherwise, it is asymmetric. a large network of computers to determine the
108 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

exact solution of a 7397-city problem [5]. The

previously mentioned 13,509-city problem was
solved over a period of three months using a
cluster of 3 servers, a total of 12 processors, and
32 PCs [6].

2.2.2. Approximate algorithms

In contrast, the approximate algorithms obtain
good solutions but do not guarantee that optimal
solutions will be found. These algorithms are Fig. 1. A 2-opt move.
usually very simple and have (relatively) short
running times. Some of the algorithms give so-
lutions that in average di€ers only by a few
percent from the optimal solution. Therefore, if a 3. The Lin±Kernighan algorithm
small deviation from optimum can be accepted,
it may be appropriate to use an approximate 3.1. The basic algorithm
The class of approximate algorithms may be The 2-opt algorithm is a special case of the k-
subdivided into the following three classes: opt algorithm [7], where in each step k links of the
· Tour construction algorithms. current tour are replaced by k links in such a way
· Tour improvement algorithms. that a shorter tour is achieved. In other words, in
· Composite algorithms. each step a shorter tour is obtained by deleting k
The tour construction algorithms gradually build links and putting the resulting paths together in a
a tour by adding a new city at each step. The tour new way, possibly reversing one ore more of them.
improvement algorithms improve upon a tour by The k-opt algorithm is based on the concept k-
performing various exchanges. The composite al- opt:
gorithms combine these two features.
A simple example of a tour construction algo- A tour is said to be k-optimal (or simply k-
rithm is the so-called nearest-neighbor algorithm: opt) if it is impossible to obtain a shorter
Start in an arbitrary city. As long as there are tour by replacing any k of its links by any
cities, that have not yet been visited, visit the other set of k links.
nearest city that still has not appeared in the tour.
Finally, return to the ®rst city. From this de®nition it is obvious that any k-opt
A simple example of a tour improvement al- tour is also k0 -opt for 1 6 k0 6 k. It is also easy to
gorithm is the so-called 2-opt algorithm: Start with see that a tour containing n cities is optimal if and
a given tour. Replace 2 links of the tour with 2 only if it is n-opt.
other links in such a way that the new tour length In general, the larger the value of k, the more
is shorter. Continue in this way until no more likely it is that the ®nal tour is optimal. For fairly
improvements are possible. large k it appears, at least intuitively, that a k-opt
Fig. 1 illustrates a 2-opt exchange of links, a so- tour should be optimal.
called 2-opt move. Note that a 2-opt move keeps Unfortunately, the number of operations to test
the tour feasible and corresponds to a reversal of a all k-exchanges increases rapidly as the number of
subsequence of the cities. cities increases. In a naive implementation the
A generalization of this simple principle forms testing of a k-exchange has a time complexity of
the basis for one the most e€ective approximate O…nk †. Furthermore, there is no non-trivial upper
algorithms for solving the symmetric TSP, the bound of the number of k-exchanges. As a result,
Lin±Kernighan algorithm [1]. the values k ˆ 2 and k ˆ 3 are the most commonly
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 109

used. In one study the values k ˆ 4 and k ˆ 5 were X ˆ fx1 ; . . . ; xr g and Y ˆ fy1 ; . . . ; yr g, such that, if
used [8]. the links of X are deleted from T and replaced by
However, it is a drawback that k must be the links of Y, the result is a better tour. This in-
speci®ed in advance. It is dicult to know what k terchange of links is called a r-opt move. Fig. 2
to use to achieve the best compromise between illustrates a 3-opt move.
running time and quality of solution. The two sets X and Y are constructed element
Lin and Kernighan removed this drawback by by element. Initially X and Y are empty. In step i a
introducing a powerful variable k-opt algorithm. pair of links, xi and yi , are added to X and Y, re-
At each iteration step the algorithm examines, for spectively.
ascending values of k, whether an interchange of k In order to achieve a sucient ecient algo-
links may result in a shorter tour. rithm, only links that ful®ll the following criteria
Given that the exchange of k links is being may enter X and Y.
considered, a series of tests is performed to deter- (1) The sequential exchange criterion: xi and yi
mine whether k + 1 link exchanges should be con- must share an endpoint, and so must yi and xi‡1 .
sidered. This continues until some stopping If t1 denotes one of the two endpoints of x1 , we
conditions are satis®ed. have in general: xi ˆ …t2iÿ1 ; t2i †, yi ˆ …t2i ; t2i‡1 † and
At each step the algorithm considers a growing xi‡1 ˆ …t2i‡1 ; t2i‡2 † for i P 1. See Fig. 3.
set of potential exchanges (starting with k ˆ 2). As seen, the sequence …x1 ; y1 ; x2 ; y2 ; x3 ; . . . ; xr ; yr †
These exchanges are chosen in such a way that a constitutes a chain of adjoining links.
feasible tour may be formed at any stage of the A necessary (but not sucient) condition that
process. If the exploration succeeds in ®nding a the exchange of links X with links Y results in a
new shorter tour, then the actual tour is replaced tour is that the chain is closed, i.e., yr ˆ …t2r ; t1 †.
with the new tour. Such an exchange is called sequential.
The Lin±Kernighan algorithm belongs to the Generally, an improvement of a tour may be
class of so-called local optimization algorithms [9, achieved as a sequential exchange by a suitable
10]. The algorithm is speci®ed in terms of ex- numbering of the a€ected links. However, this is
changes (or moves) that can convert one tour into not always the case. Fig. 4 shows an example
another. Given a feasible tour, the algorithm re- where a sequential exchange is not possible.
peatedly performs exchanges that reduce the (2) The feasibility criterion: It is required that
length of the current tour, until a tour is reached xi ˆ …t2iÿ1 ; t2i † is chosen so that, if t2i is joined to t1 ,
for which no exchange yields an improvement. the resulting con®guration is a tour. This feasibil-
This process may be repeated many times from ity criterion is used for i P 3 and guarantees that it
initial tours generated in some randomized way. is possible to close up to a tour. This criterion was
The algorithm is described below in more detail.
Let T be the current tour. At each iteration step
the algorithm attempts to ®nd two sets of links,

Fig. 2. A 3-opt move. Fig. 3. Restricting the choice of xi , yi , xi‡1 ; and yi‡1 .
110 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

(4) A previously broken link must not be added,

and a previously added link must not be bro-
To limit the search even more Lin and Kerni-
ghan re®ned the algorithm by introducing the
following rules:
(5) The search for a link to enter the tour,
yi ˆ …t2i ; t2i‡1 †, is limited to the ®ve nearest
neighbors to t2i .
Fig. 4. Non-sequential exchange …r ˆ 4†. (6) For i P 4, no link, xi , on the tour must be
broken if it is a common link of a small number
included in the algorithm both to reduce running (2±5) of solution tours.
time and to simplify the coding. (7) The search for improvements is stopped if
(3) The positive gain criterion: It is required that the current tour is the same as a previous solu-
yi is always chosen so that the gain, Gi , from the tion tour.
proposed set of exchanges is positive. Suppose Rules 5 and 6 are heuristic rules. They are based
gi ˆ c…xi † ÿ c…yi † is the gain from exchanging xi on expectations of which links are likely to belong
with yi . Then Gi is the sum g1 ‡ g2 ‡    ‡ gi : to an optimal tour. They save running time, but
This stop criterion plays a great role in the ef- sometimes at the expense of not achieving the best
®ciency of the algorithm. The demand that every possible solutions.
partial sum, Gi , must be positive seems immedi- Rule 7 also saves running time, but has no in-
ately to be too restrictive. That this, however, is ¯uence on the quality of solutions being found. If a
not the case, follows from the following simple tour is the same as a previous solution tour, there
fact: If a sequence of numbers has a positive sum, is no point in attempting to improve it further. The
there is a cyclic permutation of these numbers such time needed to check that no more improvements
that every partial sum is positive. The proof is are possible (the checkout time) may therefore be
simple and can be found in [1]. saved.
(4) The disjunctivity criterion: Finally, it is re- In addition to these re®nements, whose purpose
quired that the sets X and Y are disjoint. This is primarily to limit the search, Lin and Kernighan
simpli®es coding, reduces running time and gives added some re®nements whose purpose is pri-
an e€ective stop criterion. marily to direct the search. Where the algorithm
has a choice of alternatives, heuristic rules are used
to give priorities to these alternatives. In cases
3.2. Lin and Kernighan's re®nements where only one of the alternatives must be chosen,
the one with the highest priority is chosen. In cases
A bottleneck of the algorithm is the search for where several alternatives must be tried, the al-
links to enter the sets X and Y. In order to increase ternatives are tried in descending priority order
eciency, special care therefore should be taken to (using backtracking). To be more speci®c, the
limit this search. Only exchanges that have a rea- following rules are used:
sonable chance of leading to a reduction of tour (8) When link yi …i P 2† is to be chosen, each
length should be considered. possible choice is given the priority c…xi‡1 †ÿ
The basic algorithm as presented in the pre- c…yi †.
ceding section limits its search by using the fol- (9) If there are two alternatives for x4 , the one
lowing four rules: where c(x4 ) is highest is chosen.
(1) Only sequential exchanges are allowed. Rule 8 is a heuristic rule for ranking the links to
(2) The provisional gain must be positive. be added to Y. The priority for yi is the length of
(3) The tour can be ÔclosedÕ (with one exception, the next (unique) link to be broken, xi‡1 , if yi is
i ˆ 2). included in the tour, minus the length of yi . In this
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 111

way, the algorithm is provided with some look- gorithm is a considerable improvement of the
ahead. By maximizing the quantity c…xi‡1 † ÿ c…yi †, original algorithm. For example, for the men-
the algorithm aims at breaking a long link and tioned 318-city problem the optimal solution is
including a short link. now found in a few trials (approximately 2), and in
Rule 9 deals with the special situation where a very short time (about one second on a 300 MHz
there are two choices for x4 . The rule gives pref- G3 Power Macintosh). In general, the quality of
erence to the longest link in this case. In three solutions achieved by the algorithm is very im-
other cases, namely for x1 , x2 , and sometimes x3 , pressive.
there are two alternatives available. In these situ- The increase in eciency is primarily achieved
ations the algorithm examines both choices using by a revision of Lin and Kernighan's heuristic
backtracking (unless an improved tour was rules for restricting and directing the search. Even
found). In their paper Lin and Kernighan do not if their heuristic rules seem natural, a critical
specify the sequence in which the alternatives are analysis shows that they su€er from considerable
examined. defects.
As a last re®nement, Lin and Kernighan in-
cluded a limited defense against the situations
where only non-sequential exchanges may lead to 4.1. Candidate sets
a better solution. After a local optimum has been
found, the algorithm tests, among the links al- A central rule in the original algorithm is the
lowed to be broken, whether it is possible to make heuristic rule that restricts the inclusion of links in
a further improvement by a non-sequential 4-opt the tour to the ®ve nearest neighbors to a given
change (as shown in Fig. 4). city (Rule 5 in Section 3.2). This rule directs the
search against short tours and reduces the search
e€ort substantially. However, there is a certain risk
4. The modi®ed Lin±Kernighan algorithm that the application of this rule may prevent the
optimal solution from being found. If an optimal
Lin and Kernighan's original algorithm was solution contains one link, which is not connected
reasonably e€ective. For problems with up to 50 to the ®ve nearest neighbors of its two end cities,
cities, the probability of obtaining optimal solu- then the algorithm will have diculties in obtain-
tions in a single trial was close to 100%. For ing the optimum.
problems with 100 cities the probability dropped The inadequacy of this rule manifests itself
to between 20% and 30%. However, by running a particularly clearly in large problems. For exam-
few trials, each time starting with a new random ple, for a 532-city problem [11] one of the links in
tour, the optimum for these problems could be the optimal solution is the 22nd nearest neighbor
found with nearly 100% assurance. city for one of its end points. So in order to ®nd
The algorithm was evaluated on a spectrum of the optimal solution to this problem, the number
problems, among these a drilling problem with 318 of nearest neighbors to be considered ought to be
points. Due to computer-storage limitations, the at least 22. Unfortunately, this enlargement of the
problem was split into three smaller problems. A set of candidates results in a substantial increase in
solution tour was obtained by solving the sub- running time.
problems separately, and ®nally joining the three The rule builds on the assumption that the
tours. At the time when Lin and Kernighan wrote shorter a link is, the greater is the probability that
their paper (1971), the optimum for this problem it belongs to an optimal tour. This seems reason-
was unknown. Now that the optimum is known, it able, but used too restrictively it may result in poor
may be noted that their solution was 1.3% above tours.
optimum. In the following, a measure of nearness is de-
In the following, a modi®ed and extended ver- scribed that better re¯ects the chances of a given
sion of their algorithm is presented. The new al- link being a member of an optimal tour. This
112 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

measure, called a-nearness, is based on sensitivity

analysis using minimum spanning 1-trees.
First, some well-known graph theoretical ter-
minology is reviewed.
Let G ˆ (N, E) be a undirected weighted graph
where N ˆ f1; 2; . . . ; ng is the set of nodes and
E ˆ f…i; j† j i 2 N ; j 2 N g is the set of edges. Each
edge …i; j† has associated a weight c…i; j†.
A path is a set of edges f…i1 ; i2 †;
…i2 ; i3 †; . . . ; …ikÿ1 ; ik †g with ip 6ˆ iq for all p 6ˆ q.
A cycle is a set of edges f…i1 ; i2 †;
…i2 ; i3 †; . . . ; …ikÿ1 ; i1 †g with ip 6ˆ iq for all p 6ˆ q i.e., a
path where the endpoints coincide.
A tour is a cycle where k ˆ n.
For any subset P S Í E the length of S, L(S), is
given by L…S† ˆ …i;j†2S c…i; j†. Fig. 5. A 1-tree.
An optimal tour is a tour of minimum length.
Thus, the symmetric TSP can simply be formu- Usually a minimum spanning tree contains
lated as: ``Given a weighted graph G, determine an many edges in common with an optimal tour. An
optimal tour of G''. optimal tour normally contains between 70% and
A graph G is said to be connected if it contains 80% of the edges of a minimum 1-tree. Therefore,
for any pair of nodes a path connecting them. minimum 1-trees seem to be well suited as a heu-
A tree is a connected graph without cycles. A ristic measure of ÔnearnessÕ. Edges that belong, or
spanning tree of a graph G with n nodes is a tree Ônearly belongÕ, to a minimum 1-tree, stand a good
with n ÿ 1 edges from G. A minimum spanning tree chance of also belonging to an optimal tour.
is a spanning tree of minimum length. Conversely, edges that are Ôfar fromÕ belonging to a
Now the important concept of a 1-tree may be minimum 1-tree have a low probability of also
de®ned. belonging to an optimal tour. In the Lin-Kerni-
ghan algorithm these ÔfarÕ edges may be excluded
A 1-tree for a graph G ˆ …N ; E† is a spanning as candidates to enter a tour. It is expected that
tree on the node set N n f1g combined with this exclusion does not cause the optimal tour to
two edges from E incident to node 1. be missed.
More formally, this measure of nearness is de-
The choice of node 1 as a special node is arbi- ®ned as follows:
trary. Note that a 1-tree is not a tree since it
contains a cycle (containing node 1; see Fig. 5). Let T be a minimum 1-tree of length L…T †
A minimum 1-tree is a 1-tree of minimum and let T ‡ …i; j† denote a minimum 1-tree re-
length. quired to contain the edge …i; j†. Then the
The degree of a node is the number of edges a-nearness of an edge …i; j† is de®ned as the
incident to the node. quantity
It is easy to see [12,13] that:
1. an optimal tour is a minimum 1-tree where ev-
ery node has degree 2; a…i; j† ˆ L…T ‡ …i; j†† ÿ L…T †:
2. if a minimum 1-tree is a tour, then the tour is
optimal. That is, given the length of (any) minimum 1-
Thus, an alternative formulation of the sym- tree, the a-nearness of an edge is the increase of
metric TSP is: ``Find a minimum 1-tree all whose length when a minimum 1-tree is required to
nodes have degree 2''. contain this edge.
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 113

It is easy to verify the following two simple (b) Otherwise, if …i; j† has 1 as end node
properties of a: …i ˆ 1 _ j ˆ 1†, then T ‡ …i; j† is obtained from
(1) a…i; j† P 0: T by replacing the longest of the two edges of
(2) If …i; j† belongs to some minimum 1-tree, T incident to node 1 with …i; j†.
then a…i; j† ˆ 0: (c) Otherwise, insert …i; j† in T. This creates a cy-
The a-measure can be used to systematically cle containing …i; j† in the spanning tree part of
identify those edges that could conceivably be in- T. Then T ‡ …i; j† is obtained by removing the
cluded in an optimal tour, and disregard the re- longest of the other edges on this cycle.
mainder. These Ôpromising edgesÕ, called the Cases a and b are simple. With a suitable rep-
candidate set, may, for example, consist of the k a- resentation of 1-trees they can both be treated in
nearest edges incident to each node, and/or those constant time.
edges having an a-nearness below a speci®ed upper Case c is more dicult to treat eciently. The
bound. number of edges in the produced cycles is O(n).
In general, using the a-measure for specifying Therefore, with a suitable representation it is
the candidate set is much better than using nearest possible to treat each edge with time complexity
neighbors. Usually, the candidate set may be O(n). Since O(n2 ) edges must be treated this way,
smaller, without degradation of the solution the total time complexity becomes O(n3 ), which is
quality. unsatisfactory.
The use of a-nearness in the construction of the However, it is possible to obtain a total com-
candidate set implies computations of a-values. plexity of O(n2 ) by exploiting a simple relation
The eciency, both in time of space, of these between the a-values [15,16].
computations is therefore important. The method Let b…i; j† denote the length of the edge to be
is not of much practical value, if the computations removed from the spanning tree when edge …i; j† is
are too expensive. In the following an algorithm is added. Thus a…i; j† ˆ c…i; j† ÿ b…i; j†. Then the
presented that computes all a-values. The algo- following fact may be exploited (see Fig. 6). If
rithm has time complexity O…n2 † and uses space …j1 ; j2 † is an edge of the minimum spanning tree, i
O…n†. is one of the remaining nodes and j1 is on that cycle
Let G ˆ …N ; E† be a complete graph, that is, a that arises by adding the edge …i; j2 † to the tree,
graph where for all nodes i and j in N there is then b…i; j2 † may be computed as the maximum of
an edge …i; j† in E. The algorithm ®rst ®nds a b…i; j1 † and c…j1 ; j2 †.
minimum 1-tree for G. This can be done by
determination of a minimum spanning tree that
contains the nodes f2; 3; . . . ; ng, followed by the
addition of the two shortest edges incident to
node 1. The minimum spanning tree may, for
example, be determined using PrimÕs algorithm
[14], which has a run time complexity of O(n2 ).
The additional two edges may be determined in
time O(n). Thus, the complexity of this ®rst part
is O(n2 ).
Next, the nearness a…i; j† is determined for all
edges …i; j†. Let T be a minimum 1-tree. From the
de®nition of a minimum spanning tree, it is easy to
see that a minimum spanning tree T ‡ …i; j† con-
taining the edge …i; j† may be determined from T
using the following action rules:
(a) If …i; j† belongs to T, then T ‡ …i; j† is equal
to T. Fig. 6. b…i; j2 † may be computed from b…i; j1 †.
114 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

Thus, for a given node i all the values example as Euclidean distances). The question
b…i; j†; j ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n, can be computed with a time is whether it is also possible to save the space
complexity of O(n), if only the remaining nodes are needed for the b-values. At ®rst sight it would
traversed in a suitable sequence. It can be seen that seem that the b-values must be stored in order to
such a sequence is produced as a byproduct of achieve O(n2 ) time complexity for their computa-
PrimÕs algorithm for constructing minimum span- tion. That this is not the case will now be
ning trees, namely a topological order, in which demonstrated.
every node's descendants in the tree are placed The algorithm, given in Fig. 8, uses two one-
after the node. The total complexity now becomes dimensional auxiliary arrays, b and mark. Array b
O(n2 ). corresponds to the b-matrix but only contains b-
Fig. 7 sketches in C-style notation an algorithm values for a given node i, i.e., b‰jŠ ˆ b…i; j†. Array
for computing b…i; j† for i 6ˆ 1, j 6ˆ 1, i 6ˆ j. The mark is used to indicate that b‰jŠ has been com-
algorithm assumes that the father of each node j in puted for node i.
the tree, dad[j], precedes the node (i.e., The determination of b‰jŠ is done in two
dad‰jŠ ˆ i ) i < j). phases. First, b‰jŠ is computed for all nodes j on
Unfortunately this algorithm needs space O(n2 ) the path from node i to the root of the tree (node
for storing b-values. Some space may be saved by 2). These nodes are marked with i. Next, a for-
storing the c- and b-values in one quadratic ma- ward pass is used to compute the remaining b-
trix, so that, for example, the c-values are stored in values. The a-values are available in the inner
the lower triangular matrix, while the b-values are loop.
stored in the upper triangular matrix. For large It is easy to see that this algorithm has time
values of n, however, storage limitations may complexity O(n2 ) and uses space O(n).
make this approach impractical. The a-values provide a good estimate of the
Half of the space may be saved if the c-values edgesÕ chances of belonging to an optimal tour.
are not stored, but computed when needed (for The smaller a is for an edge, the more promising is
this edge. Using a-nearness it is often possible to
limit the search to relative few of the a-nearest
neighbors of a node, and still obtain an optimal
tour. Computational tests have shown that the a-
measure provides a better estimate of the likeli-
hood of an edge being optimal than the usual c-
measure. For example, for the 532-city problem
Fig. 7. Computation of b…i; j† for i 6ˆ 1, j 6ˆ 1, i 6ˆ j.
the worst case is an optimal edge being the 22nd c-
nearest edge for a node, whereas the worst case
when using the a-measure is an optimal edge being
the 14th a-nearest. The average rank of the opti-
mal edges among the candidate edges is reduced
from 2.4 to 2.1.
This seems to be quite satisfactory. However,
the a-measure can be improved substantially by
making a simple transformation of the original
cost matrix. The transformation is based on the
following observations [13]:
1. Every tour is a 1-tree. Therefore the length of a
minimum 1-tree is a lower bound on the length
of an optimal tour.
2. If the length of all edges incident to a node are
Fig. 8. Space ecient computation of a. changed with the same amount, p, any optimal
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 115

tour remains optimal. Thus, if the cost matrix even adequacy. Whether convergence is guaran-
C ˆ …cij † is transformed to D ˆ …dij †, where teed is often not important, as long as good ap-
proximations can be obtained in a short time.
dij ˆ cij ‡ pi ‡ pj ; No general methods to determine an optimum
strategy for the choice of step size are known.
then an optimal tour for the D is also an opti- However, many strategies have been suggested
mal tour forP C. The length of every tour is in- that are quite e€ective in practice [17±22]. These
creased by 2 pi . The transformation leaves the strategies are heuristics, and di€erent variations
TSP invariant, but usually changes the mini- have di€erent e€ects on di€erent problems. In the
mum 1-tree. present implementation of the modi®ed Lin±Ker-
3. If Tp is a minimum 1-tree with respect to D, nighan algorithm the following strategy was cho-
then its length, L(Tp ), is a lower bound on the sen (inspired by Crowder [18] and Helbig-Hansen
length of an optimal
P tour for D. Therefore and Krarup [22]):
w…p† ˆ L…Tp † ÿ 2 pi is lower bound on the · The step size is constant for a ®xed number of
length of an optimal tour for C. iterations, called a period.
The aim is now to ®nd a transformation, · When a period is ®nished, both the length of the
C ! D, given by the vector p ˆ …p1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn †, period and the step size are halved.
thatPmaximizes the lower bound w…p† ˆ L…Tp † · The length of the ®rst period is set to n/2, where
ÿ2 pi . n is the number of cities.
If Tp becomes a tour, then the exact optimum · The initial step size, t0 , is set to 1, but is doubled
has been found. Otherwise, it appears, at least in- in the beginning of the ®rst period until W does
tuitively, that if w(p) > w(0), then a-values com- not increase, i.e., w…pk † 6 w…pkÿ1 †. When this
puted from D are better estimates of edges being happens, the step size remains constant for the
optimal than a-values computed from C. rest of the period.
A suitable method for maximizing w(p) is sub- · If the last iteration of a period leads to an incre-
gradient optimization [13]. It is an iterative method ment of W, then the period is doubled.
in which the maximum is approximated by step- · The algorithm terminates when either the step
wise changes of p. size, the length of the period or vk becomes zero.
At each step p is changed in the direction of the Furthermore, the basic subgradient algorithm
subgradient, i.e., pk‡1 ˆ pk ‡ tk vk ; where vk is a has been changed on two points (inspired by Held
subgradient vector, and tk is a positive scalar, and Karp [13]):
called the step size. · The updating of p, i.e., pk‡1 ˆ pk ‡ tk vk , is re-
For the actual maximization problem it can be placed by
shown that vk ˆ d k ÿ 2 is a subgradient vector,
where d k is a vector having as its elements the pk‡1 ˆ pk ‡ tk …0:7vk ‡ 0:3vkÿ1 †;
degrees of the nodes in the current minimum 1-
tree. This subgradient makes the algorithm strive where vÿ1 ˆ v0 .
towards obtaining minimum 1-trees with node · The special node for the 1-tree computations is
degrees equal to 2, i.e., minimum 1-trees that are not ®xed. A minimum 1-tree is determined by
tours. Edges incident to a node with degree 1 are computing a minimum spanning tree and then
made shorter. Edges incident to a node with degree adding an edge corresponding to the second
greater than 2 are made longer. Edges incident to a nearest neighbor of one of the leaves of the tree.
node with degree 2 are not changed. The leaf chosen is the one that has the longest
The p-values are often called penalties. The second nearest neighbor distance.
determination of a (good) set of penalties is called Practical experiments have shown that these
an ascent. changes lead to better bounds.
The choice of step size is a very crucial decision Having found a penalty vector p, that maxi-
from the viewpoint of algorithmic eciency or mizes w(p), the transformation given by p of the
116 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

original cost matrix C will often improve the a- Johnson [9] in an alternative implementation of
measure substantially. For example, for the 532- the Lin±Kernighan algorithm used precomputed
city problem every edge of the optimal tour is candidate sets that usually contained more than 20
among the 5 a-nearest neighbors for at least one of (ordinary) nearest neighbors of each node. The
its endpoints. The improvement of the a-measure problem with this type of candidate set is that the
reduces the average rank of the optimal edges candidate subgraph need not be connected even
among the candidate edges from 2.1 to 1.7. This is when a large fraction of all edges is included. This
close to the ideal value of 1.5 (when every optimal is, for example, the case for geometrical problems
edge has rank 1 or 2). in which the point sets exhibit clusters. In contrast,
The transformation of the cost matrix has the a minimum spanning tree is (by de®nition) always
e€ect that optimal edges come ÔnearerÕ, when connected.
measured by their a-values. The transformation Other candidate sets may be considered. An
ÔconditionsÕ the problem, so to speak. Therefore, interesting candidate set can be obtained by ex-
the transformed matrix is also used during the ploiting the Delaunay graph [24,25]. The Dela-
Lin±Kernighan search process. Most often the unay graph is connected and may be computed in
quality of the solutions is improved by this means. linear time, on the average. A disadvantage of
The greatest advantage of the a-measure, this approach, however, is that candidate sets can
however, is its usefulness for the construction of only be computed for geometric problem in-
the candidate set. By using the a-measure the stances. In contrast, the a-measure is applicable in
cardinality of the candidate set may generally be general.
small without reducing the algorithmÕs ability to
®nd short tours. Thus, in all test problems the al-
gorithm was able to ®nd optimal tours using as 4.2. Breaking of tour edges
candidate edges the 5 a-nearest edges incident to
each node. Most of the problems could even be A candidate set is used to prune the search for
solved when search was restricted to only the 4 a- edges, Y, to be included in a tour. Correspond-
nearest edges. ingly, the search of edges, X, to be excluded from a
The candidate edges of each node are sorted in tour may be restricted. In the actual implementa-
ascending order of their a-values. If two edges tion the following simple, yet very e€ective, prun-
have the same a-value, the one with the smallest ing rules are used:
cost, cij , comes ®rst. This ordering has the e€ect 1. The ®rst edge to be broken, x1 , must not belong
that candidate edges are considered for inclusion to the currently best solution tour. When no so-
in a tour according to their ÔpromiseÕ of belonging lution tour is known, that is, during the deter-
to an optimal tour. Thus, the a-measure is not only mination of the very ®rst solution tour, x1
used to limit the search, but also to focus the search must not belong to the minimum 1-tree.
on the most promising areas. 2. The last edge to be excluded in a basic move
To speed up the search even more, the algorithm must not previously have been included in the
uses a dynamic ordering of the candidates. Each current chain of basic moves.
time a shorter tour is found, all edges shared by this The ®rst rule prunes the search already at level
new tour and the previous shortest tour become the 1 of the algorithm, whereas the original algorithm
®rst two candidate edges for their end nodes. of Lin and Kernighan prunes at level 4 and higher,
This method of selecting candidates was inspired and only if an edge to be broken is a common edge
by Stewart [23], who demonstrated how minimum of a number (2±5) of solution tours. Experiments
spanning trees could be used to accelerate 3-opt have shown that the new pruning rule is more ef-
heuristics. Even when subgradient optimization is fective. In addition, it is easier to implement.
not used, candidate sets based on minimum span- The second rule prevents an in®nite chain of
ning trees usually produce better results than moves. The rule is a relaxation of Rule 4 in Section
nearest neighbor candidate sets of the same size. 3.2.
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 117

4.3. Basic moves Eilon [8]. They observed that 5-opt should be ex-
pected to yield a relatively superior improvement
Central in the Lin±Kernighan algorithm is the over 4-opt compared with the improvement of 4-
speci®cation of allowable moves, that is, which opt over 3-opt.
subset of r-opt moves to consider in the attempt to Another deviation from the original algorithm
transform a tour into a shorter tour. is found in the examination of non-sequential ex-
The original algorithm considers only r-opt changes. In order to provide a better defense
moves that can be decomposed into a 2- or 3-opt against possible improvements consisting of non-
move followed by a (possibly empty) sequence of sequential exchanges, the simple non-sequential 4-
2-opt moves. Furthermore, the r-opt move must be opt move of the original algorithm has been re-
sequential and feasible, that is, it must be a con- placed by a more powerful set of non-sequential
nected chain of edges where edges removed alter- moves.
nate with edges added, and the move must result in This set consists of:
a feasible tour. Two minor deviations from this · any non-feasible 2-opt move (producing two cy-
general scheme are allowed. Both have to do with cles) followed by any 2- or 3-opt move, which
4-opt moves. First, in one special case the ®rst produces a feasible tour (by joining the two cy-
move of a sequence may be a sequential 4-opt cles);
move; the following moves must still be 2-opt · any non-feasible 3-opt move (producing two
moves. Second, non-sequential 4-opt moves are cycles) followed by any 2-opt move, which pro-
tried when the tour can no longer be improved by duces a feasible tour (by joining the two
sequential moves (see Fig. 4). zcycles).
The new modi®ed Lin±Kernighan algo- As seen, the simple non-sequential 4-opt move
rithm revises this basic search structure on several of the original algorithm belongs to this extended
points. set of non-sequential moves. However, by using
First and foremost, the basic move is now a this set of moves, the chances of ®nding optimal
sequential 5-opt move. Thus, the moves considered tours are improved. By using candidate sets and
by the algorithm are sequences of one or more 5- the ``positive gain criterion'' the time for the search
opt moves. However, the construction of a move is for such non-sequential improvements of the tour
stopped immediately if it is discovered that a close is small relative to the total running time.
up of the tour results in a tour improvement. In Unlike the original algorithm the search for
this way the algorithm attempts to ensure 2-, 3-, 4- non-sequential improvements is not only seen as a
as well as 5-opt. post optimization maneuver. That is, if an im-
Using a 5-opt move as the basic move broadens provement is found, further attempts are made to
the search and increases the algorithmÕs ability to improve the tour by ordinary sequential as well as
®nd good tours, at the expense of an increase of non-sequential exchanges.
running times. However, due to the use of small
candidate sets, run times are only increased by a
small factor. Furthermore, computational experi- 4.4. Initial tours
ments have shown that backtracking is no longer
necessary in the algorithm (except, of course, for The Lin±Kernighan algorithm applies edge ex-
the ®rst edge to be excluded, x1 ). The removal of changes several times to the same problem using
backtracking reduces runtime and does not di€erent initial tours.
degrade the algorithmÕs performance signi®cantly. In the original algorithm the initial tours are
In addition, the implementation of the algorithm is chosen at random. Lin and Kernighan concluded
greatly simpli®ed. that the use of a construction heuristic only wastes
The new algorithmÕs improved performance time. Besides, construction heuristics are usually
compared with the original algorithm is in accor- deterministic, so it may not be possible to get more
dance with observations made by Christo®des and than one solution.
118 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

However, the question of whether or not to use a C. The software, approximately 4000 lines of code,
construction heuristic is not that simple to answer. is entirely written in ANSI C and portable across a
Adrabinsky and Syslo [26], for instance, found that number of computer platforms and C compilers.
the farthest insertion construction heuristic was The following sections describe the most central
capable of producing good initial tours for the Lin± techniques employed in the implementation.
Kernighan algorithm. Perttunen [27] found that the
Clarke and Wright savings heuristic [28] in general
improved the performance of the algorithm. Re- 5.1. Representation of tours and moves
inelt [25] also found that is better not to start with a
random tour. He proposed using locally good tours The representation of tours is a central imple-
containing some major errors, for example the mentation issue. The data structure chosen may
heuristics of Christo®des [29]. However, he also have great impact on the run time eciency. It is
observed that the di€erence in performance de- obvious that the major bottleneck of the algorithm
creases with more elaborate versions of the Lin± is the search for possible moves (edge exchanges)
Kernighan algorithm. and the execution of such moves on a tour.
Experiments with various implementations of Therefore, special care should be taken to choose a
the new modi®ed Lin±Kernighan algorithm have data structure that allows fast execution of these
shown that the quality of the ®nal solutions does not operations.
depend strongly on the initial tours. However, sig- The data structure should support the following
ni®cant reduction in run time may be achieved by primitive operations:
choosing initial tours that are close to being optimal. 1. ®nd the predecessor of a node in the tour with
In the present implementation the following respect to a chosen orientation (PRED);
simple construction heuristic is used: 2. ®nd the successor of a node in the tour with re-
1. Choose a random node i. spect to a chosen orientation (SUC);
2. Choose a node j, not chosen before, as follows: 3. determine whether a given node is between two
If possible, choose j so that other nodes in the tour with respect to a chosen
(a) …i; j† is a candidate edge, orientation (BETWEEN);
(b) a…i; j† ˆ 0, and 4. make a move;
(c) …i; j† belongs to the current best tour. 5. undo a sequence of tentative moves.
Otherwise, if possible, choose j such that …i; j† The necessity of the ®rst three operations stems
is a candidate edge. from the need to determine whether it is possible
Otherwise, choose j among those nodes not to ÔcloseÕ the tour. The last two operations are
already chosen. necessary for keeping the tour up to date.
3. Let i ˆ j. If not all nodes have been chosen, In the modi®ed Lin±Kernighan algorithm a
then go to Step 2. move consists of a sequence of basic moves, where
When more than one node may be chosen at each basic move is a 5-opt move (k-opt moves with
Step 2, the node is chosen at random among the k 6 4 are made in case an improvement of the tour
alternatives. The sequence of chosen nodes con- is possible).
stitutes the initial tour. In order simplify tour updating, the following
This construction procedure is fast, and the di- fact may be used: Any r-opt move (r P 2) is
versity of initial solutions is large enough for the equivalent to a ®nite sequence of 2-opt moves
edge exchange heuristics to ®nd good ®nal solutions. [8,30]. In the case of 5-opt moves it can be shown
that any 5-opt move is equivalent to a sequence of
at most ®ve 2-opt moves. Any 4-opt move as well
5. Implementation as any 3-opt move is equivalent to a sequence of at
most three 2-opt moves.
The modi®ed Lin±Kernighan algorithm has This is exploited as follows. Any move is exe-
been implemented in the programming language cuted as a sequence of one or more 2-opt moves.
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 119

During move execution, all 2-opt moves are re- 5.2. Distance computations
corded in a stack. A bad move is undone by un-
stacking the 2-opt moves and making the inverse A bottleneck in many applications is the com-
2-opt moves in this reversed sequence. puting of distances. For example, if Euclidean
Thus, ecient execution of 2-opt moves is distances are used, a substantial part of run time
needed. A 2-opt move, also called a swap, consists of may be spent in computing square roots.
moving two edges from the current tour and re- If sucient space is available, all distances may
connecting the resulting two paths in the best pos- be computed once and stored in a matrix. How-
sible way (see Fig. 1). This operation is seen to ever, for large problems, say more than 5000
reverse one of the two paths. If the tour is repre- nodes, this approach is usually not possible.
sented as an array of nodes, or as a doubly linked list In the present implementation, distances are
of nodes, the reversal of the path takes time O(n). computed once and stored in a matrix, only if the
It turns out that data structures exist that allow problem is smaller than a speci®ed maximum di-
logarithmic time complexity to be achieved [25,31± mension. For larger problems, the following
34]. These data structures, however, should not be techniques are used to reduce run time.
selected without further notice. The time overhead (1) Each candidate edge including its length is
of the corresponding update algorithms is usually associated to the node from which it emanates. A
large, and, unless the problem is large, typically large fraction of edges considered during the so-
more than 1000 nodes, update algorithms based lution process are candidate edges. Therefore, in
on these data structures are outperformed by up- many cases the length of an edge may be found by
date algorithms based on the array and list struc- a simple search among the candidate edges asso-
tures. In addition, they are not simple to implement. ciated with its end nodes.
In the current implementation of the modi®ed (2) Computational cheap functions are used in
Lin±Kernighan algorithm a tour may be repre- calculating lower bounds for distances. For ex-
sented in two ways, either by a doubly linked list, or ample,
p a lower
 bound for an Euclidean distance
by a two-level tree [34]. The user can select one of dx2 ‡ dy 2 may be quickly computed as the
these two representations. The doubly linked list is maximum of jdxj and jdyj. Often a reasonable
recommended for problems with fewer than 1000 lower bound for a distance is sucient for deciding
nodes. For larger problems the two-level tree that there is no point in computing the true dis-
should be chosen. tance. This may, for example, be used for quickly
A worst-case cost of O… n† per 2-opt move deciding that a tentative move cannot possibly
may be achieved using the two-level tree repre- lead to a tour improvement. If the current gain,
sentation. This is currently the fastest and most plus a lower bound for the distance of a closing
robust representation on large instances that might edge, is not positive, then the tour will not be
arise in practice. The idea is to divide the tour into improved by this move.
roughly n segments. Each segment is maintained (3) The number of distance computations is
as a doubly linked list of nodes. reduced by the caching technique described in
The segments are connected in a doubly linked [35]. When a distance between two nodes has been
list, and each segment contains a sequence number computed the distance is stored in a hash table.
that represents its position in the list. The hash index is computed from the identi®ca-
All the query operations (PRED, SUC and tion numbers of the two nodes. Next time the
BETWEEN) are performed in constant time (as in distance between the same two nodes is to be
the list representation, albeit with slightly larger computed, the table is consulted to see whether
constants), whereas the the distance is still available. See [35] for details.
p move operations have a
worst-case cost of O( n) per move. The e€ect of using the caching technique was
The implementation of the operations closely measured in the solution of a 2392-node problem.
follows the suggestions given in [34]. See [34, pp. Here optimum was found with about 70 times
444±446] for details. fewer ordinary distance calculations than without
120 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

the technique, and the running time was more minimum 1-tree is computed. Since the number
than halved. of steps may be large, it is important to speed
up the computation of minimum 1-trees. For
5.3. Reduction of checkout time this purpose, the trees are computed in sparse
When the algorithm has found a local opti- The ®rst tree is computed in a complete graph.
mum, time is spent to check that no further pro- All remaining trees but the last are computed in a
gress is possible. This time, called the checkout sparse subgraph determined by the a-measure. The
time, can be avoided if the same local optimum has subgraph consists of a speci®ed number of a-
been found before. There is no point in attempting nearest neighbor edges incident to each node.
to ®nd further improvements the situation has Prim's algorithm [14] is used for computing
been previously been Ôchecked outÕ. The checkout minimum spanning trees. Therefore, to achieve a
time often constitutes a substantial part of the speed-up it is necessary to quickly ®nd the shortest
running time. Lin and Kernighan report checkout edge from a number of edges. In the current im-
times that are typically 30±50% of running time. plementation a binary heap is used for this pur-
The modi®ed algorithm reduces checkout time pose.
by using the following techniques: The combination of these methods results in
(1) Moves in which the ®rst edge …t1 ; t2 † to be fast computation of minimum spanning trees, at
broken belongs to the currently best solution tour least when the number of candidate edges allowed
are not investigated. for each node is not too large. On the other hand,
(2) A hashing technique is used. A hash func- this number should not be so small that the lower
tion maps tours to locations in a hash table. Each bound computed by the ascent is not valid. In the
time a tour improvement has been found, the hash present implementation, the number is 50 by de-
table is consulted to see whether the new tour fault.
happens to be local optimum found earlier. If this
is the case, fruitless checkout time is avoided. This
technique is described in detail in [36]. 6. Computational results
(3) The concept of the don't look bit, introduced
by Bentley [37], is used. If for a given choice of t1 The performance of an approximate algorithm
the algorithm previously failed to ®nd an im- such as the Lin±Kernighan algorithm can be
provement, and if t1 Õs tour neighbors have not evaluated in three ways:
changed since that time, then it is unlikely that an 1. by worst-case analysis;
improving move can made if the algorithm again 2. by probabilistic (or average-case) analysis;
looks at t1 . This is exploited as follows. Each node 3. by empirical analysis.
has a don't look bit, which initially is 0. The bit for The goal of worst-case analysis is to derive
node t1 is set to 1 whenever a search for an im- upper bounds for possible deviations from opti-
proving move with t1 fails, and it is set to 0 mum; that is, to provide quality guarantees for
whenever an improving move is made in which it is results produced by the algorithm.
an end node of one of the its edges. In considering All known approximate algorithms for the
candidates for t1 all nodes whose donÕt look bit is 1 TSP have rather poor worst-case behavior. As-
are ignored. This is done in maintaining a queue of sume, for example, that the problems to be solved
nodes whose bits are zero. are metric (the triangle inequality holds). Then
the approximate algorithm known to have the
best worst-case behavior is the algorithm of
5.4. Speeding up the ascent Christo®des [29]. This algorithm guarantees a
tour length no more than 50% longer than opti-
Subgradient optimization is used to determine mum. For any r-opt algorithm, where r 6 n=4 (n
a lower bound for the optimum. At each step a being the number of cities), problems may be
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 121

constructed such that the error is almost 100% the modi®ed Lin±Kernighan algorithm. The trials
[38]. For non-metric problems it can proven that of a run are not independent, since edges belong-
it is impossible to construct an algorithm of ing to the best tour of the current run are used to
polynomial complexity which ®nd tours whose prune the search.
length is bound by a constant multiple of the In the experiments the number of runs varies.
optimal tour length [39]. In problems with less than 1000 cities the number
The purpose of the second method, probabi- of runs is 100. In larger problems the number of
listic analysis, is to evaluate average behavior of runs is 10.
the algorithms. For example, for an approximate The number of trials in each run is equal to the
TSP algorithm probability analysis can used be to dimension of the problem (the number of cities).
estimate the expected error for large problem However, for problems where optimum is known,
sizes. the current series of trials is stopped if the algo-
The worst-case as well as the probability ap- rithm ®nds optimum.
proach, however, have their drawbacks. The
mathematics involved may be very complex and
results achieved by these methods may often be of 6.1. Symmetric problems
little use when solving practical instances of TSP.
Statements concerning problems that almost cer- TSPLIB [40] is a library, which is meant
tainly do not occur in practice (ÔpathologicalÕ to provide researchers with a set of sample in-
problems, or problems with an Ôin®niteÕ number of stances for the TSP (and related problems). TSP-
cities) will often be irrelevant in connection with LIB is publicly available via FTP from
practical problem solving. softlib:rice:edu and contains problems from
In this respect the third method, empirical various sources and with various properties.
analysis, seems more appropriate. Here the algo- At present, instances of the following problem
rithm is executed on a number of test problems, classes are available: symmetric TSPs, asymmetric
and the results are evaluated, often in relation to TSPs, Hamiltonian cycle problems, sequential or-
optimal solutions. The test problems may be gen- dering problems, and capacitated vehicle routing
erated at random, or they may be constructed in a problems. Information on the length of optimal
special way. If the test problems are representative tours, or lower and upper bounds for this length, is
for those problems the algorithm is supposed to provided (if available).
solve, the computations are useful for evaluating The library contains 111 symmetric TSPs,
the appropriateness of the algorithm. ranging from a problem with 14 cities to a problem
Section 6.1 documents computational results of with 85,900 cities. The performance evaluation
the modi®ed Lin±Kernighan algorithm. The re- that follows is based on those problems for which
sults include the qualitative performance and the the optimum is known. Today there are 104
run time eciency of the current implementation. problems of this type in the library, the largest
Run times are measured in seconds on a 300 MHz being a problem with 13,509 cities.
G3 Power Macintosh. The test results are reported in Table 1.
The performance of the implementation has The table gives the problem names along with
been evaluated on the following spectrum of the number of cities, the problem type, the optimal
problems: tour length, the ratio of runs succeeding in ®nding
1. Symmetric problems. the optimal solution, the minimum and average
2. Asymmetric problems. number of trials in a run, the minimum and av-
3. Hamiltonian cycle problems. erage gap between the length of the best solution
4. Pathological problems. obtained and optimum as a percentage of opti-
Each problem has been solved by a number of mum, the preprocessing time, and the minimum
independent runs. Each run consist of a series of and average time used for search in seconds per
trials, where in each trial a tour is determined by run.
122 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

Table 1
Performance for symmetric problems
Name Cities Type Optimum Success Trials Gap (%) Time (s)
Min Average Min Average Max Pre Min Average
a280 280 EUC_2D 2579 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.7 0.0 0.1
ali535 535 GEO 202310 100/100 1 8.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.0 0.2 0.7
att48 48 ATT 10628 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
att532 532 ATT 27686 98/100 1 66.2 0.000 0.001 0.072 2.9 0.2 3.6
bayg29 29 GEO 1610 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
bays29 29 GEO 2020 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
berlin52 52 EUC_2D 7542 *1/0 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
bier127 127 EUC_2D 118282 100/100 1 1.1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.0 0.0
brazil58 58 MATRIX 25395 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
brg180 180 MATRIX 1950 100/100 1 3.3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.0 0.0
burma14 14 GEO 3323 *1/0 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
ch130 130 EUC_2D 6110 100/100 1 3.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.1
ch150 150 EUC_2D 6528 62/100 1 62.9 0.000 0.023 0.077 0.3 0.0 0.4
d198 198 EUC_2D 15780 100/100 1 13.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.4 0.2 1.0
d493 493 EUC_2D 35002 100/100 1 45.8 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.5 0.2 3.2
d657 657 EUC_2D 48912 100/100 1 85.8 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.1 0.3 3.3
d1291 1291 EUC_2D 50801 8/10 152 584.2 0.000 0.033 0.167 19.0 23.1 59.8
d1655 1655 EUC_2D 62128 10/10 98 494.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 47.0 10.5 41.1
dantzig42 42 MATRIX 699 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
dsj1000 1000 CEIL_2D 18659688 7/10 90 514.1 0.000 0.035 0.116 12.3 13.1 55.1
eil51 51 EUC_2D 426 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
eil76 76 EUC_2D 538 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
eil101 101 EUC_2D 629 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
¯417 417 EUC_2D 11861 88/100 1 64.2 0.000 0.052 0.430 2.0 1.2 12.4
¯1400 1400 EUC_2D 20127 1/10 13 1261.3 0.000 0.162 0.199 36.5 13.1 583.3
¯1577 1577 EUC_2D 22249 2/10 134 1350.1 0.000 0.046 0.063 45.2 120.2 1097.5
¯3795 3795 EUC_2D 28772 4/10 1576 3167.5 0.000 0.072 0.191 220.9 2448.9 5666.4
fnl4461 4461 EUC_2D 182566 6/10 665 2767.3 0.000 0.001 0.003 332.7 284.1 1097.3
fri26 26 MATRIX 937 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
gil262 262 EUC_2D 2378 100/100 1 13.3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.6 0.1 0.4
gr17 17 MATRIX 2085 *1/0 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
gr21 21 MATRIX 2707 *1/0 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
gr24 24 MATRIX 1272 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
gr48 48 MATRIX 5046 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
gr96 96 GEO 55209 100/100 1 10.2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.1
gr120 120 MATRIX 6942 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
gr137 137 GEO 69853 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.4 0.0 0.0
gr202 202 GEO 40160 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.4 0.0 0.1
gr229 229 GEO 134602 12/100 6 216.6 0.000 0.009 0.010 0.7 0.2 1.7
gr431 431 GEO 171414 17/100 81 401.4 0.000 0.053 0.077 2.0 4.4 13.1
gr666 666 GEO 294358 30/100 25 531.9 0.000 0.026 0.040 4.8 2.0 18.8
hk48 48 MATRIX 11461 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
kroA100 100 EUC_2D 21282 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
kroB100 100 EUC_2D 22141 100/100 1 1.4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.1
kroC100 100 EUC_2D 20749 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
kroD100 100 EUC_2D 21294 100/100 1 1.3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
kroE100 100 EUC_2D 22068 99/100 1 10.7 0.000 0.002 0.172 0.2 0.0 0.2
kroA150 150 EUC_2D 26524 100/100 1 1.2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.0 0.1
kroB150 150 EUC_2D 26130 55/100 1 97,7 0.000 0.003 0.008 0.3 0.1 0.8
kroA200 200 EUC_2D 29368 100/100 1 2.1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.7 0.1 0.2
kroB200 200 EUC_2D 29437 100/100 1 2.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.4 0.0 0.1
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 123

Table 1 (Continued)
Name Cities Type Optimum Success Trials Gap (%) Time (s)
Min Average Min Average Max Pre Min Average
lin105 105 EUC_2D 14379 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
lin318 318 EUC_2D 42029 71/100 1 154.1 0.000 0.076 0.271 1.5 0.1 2.0
linhp318 318 EUC_2D 41345 100/100 1 2.4 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2 0.0 0.1
nrw1379 1379 EUC_2D 56638 3/10 414 1148.5 0.000 0.006 0.009 23.3 20.2 69.3
p654 654 EUC_2D 34643 100/100 1 46.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.5 1.1 9.7
pa561 561 MATRIX 2763 99/100 1 40.8 0.000 0.001 0.072 3.2 0.2 3.5
pcb442 442 EUC_2D 50778 93/100 1 102.7 0.000 0.001 0.014 2.0 0.1 4.0
pcb1173 1173 EUC_2D 56892 8/10 2 475.2 0.000 0.002 0.009 15.7 0.6 14.6
pcb3038 3038 EUC_2D 137694 9/10 121 1084.7 0.000 0.000 0.004 139.8 39.1 323.7
pla7397 7397 CEIL_2D 23260728 7/10 1739 4588.4 0.000 0.001 0.004 1065.6 4507.9 13022.0
pr76 76 EUC_2D 108159 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.1
pr107 107 EUC_2D 44303 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
pr124 124 EUC_2D 59030 100/100 1 1.4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.1
pr136 136 EUC_2D 96772 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.1 0.2
pr144 144 EUC_2D 58537 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.1 0.1
pr152 152 EUC_2D 73682 100/100 1 3.4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.5 0.1 0.1
pr226 226 EUC_2D 80369 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.6 0.1 0.1
pr264 264 EUC_2D 49135 100/100 1 7.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.6 0.2 0.5
pr299 299 EUC_2D 48191 100/100 1 4.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.9 0.3 0.8
pr439 439 EUC_2D 107217 98/100 1 72.8 0.000 0.001 0.041 2.0 0.1 1.6
pr1002 1002 EUC_2D 259045 10/10 38 215.1 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.6 1.0 3.4
pr2392 2392 EUC_2D 378032 10/10 37 396.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 84.6 8.7 54.5
rat99 99 EUC_2D 1211 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
rat195 195 EUC_2D 2323 100/100 1 3.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.1 0.4
rat575 575 EUC_2D 6773 77/100 2 290.6 0.000 0.004 0.030 3.2 0.4 8.2
rat783 783 EUC_2D 8806 100/100 1 6.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.5 0.1 0.3
rd100 100 EUC_2D 7910 100/100 1 1.1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
rd400 400 EUC_2D 15281 99/100 1 51.0 0.000 0.000 0.020 1.7 0.1 1.1
rl1304 1304 EUC_2D 252948 8/10 14 840.0 0.000 0.019 0.161 19.9 1.1 35.8
rl1323 1323 EUC_2D 270199 1/10 244 1215.1 0.000 0.018 0.048 20.8 10.9 51.6
rl1889 1889 EUC_2D 316536 4/10 1 1418.1 0.000 0.002 0.004 49.6 1.2 113.8
rl5915 5915 EUC_2D 565530 0/10 5915 5915.0 0.009 0.028 0.041 620.4 1886.5 2734.3
rl5934 5934 EUC_2D 556045 0/10 5934 5934.0 0.006 0.089 0.179 629.3 2704.0 3548.9
si175 175 MATRIX 21407 100/100 1 6.8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.1 0.2
si535 535 MATRIX 48450 33/100 70 460.8 0.000 0.006 0.017 2.8 5.2 30.0
si1032 1032 MATRIX 92650 2/10 49 844.6 0.000 0.057 0.071 12.6 3.4 20.1
st70 70 EUC_2D 675 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
swiss42 42 MATRIX 1273 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
ts225 225 EUC_2D 126643 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.5 0.1 0.1
tsp225 225 EUC_2D 3919 100/100 1 5.8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.5 0.1 0.3
u159 159 EUC_2D 42080 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.0 0.0
u574 574 EUC_2D 36905 91/100 1 111.4 0.000 0.007 0.081 3.3 0.2 3.2
u724 724 EUC_2D 41910 98/100 4 162.5 0.000 0.000 0.005 5.2 0.6 6.8
u1060 1060 EUC_2D 224094 9/10 2 305.9 0.000 0.000 0.003 12.2 1.6 38.0
u1432 1432 EUC_2D 152970 10/10 3 59.9 0.000 0.000 0.000 25.7 0.8 8.0
u1817 1817 EUC_2D 57201 2/10 905 1707.8 0.000 0.078 0.124 42.9 199.6 252.9
u2152 2152 EUC_2D 64253 5/10 491 1706.5 0.000 0.029 0.089 65.2 85.0 274.2
u2319 2319 EUC_2D 234256 10/10 1 3.2 0.000 0.000 0.000 86.2 0.5 2.6
ulysses16 16 GEO 6859 *1/0 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
ulysses22 22 GEO 7013 *1/0 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
usa13509 13509 EUC-2D 19982859 0/10 13509 13509.0 0.004 0.008 0.013 3785.2 39808.0 43814.5
vm1084 1084 EUC_2D 239297 7/10 8 425.2 0.000 0.007 0.022 12.7 1.9 28.6
vm1748 1748 EUC_2D 336556 4/10 65 1269.6 0.000 0.023 0.054 40.6 7.3 1016.1
124 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

The problem type speci®es how the distances Optima for rl5915, 5934 and usa13,509 were
are given. The entry MATRIX indicates that found by this means using approximately 2 days, 1
distances are given explicitly in matrix form (as day and 3 days of CPU time, respectively.
full or triangular matrix). The other entry names In addition to these problems, TSPLIB con-
refer to functions for computing the distances tains 7 symmetric problems for which no opti-
from city coordinates. The entries EUC_2D and mum solutions are known today. The dimension
CEIL_2D both indicates that distances are the 2- of these problems varies from 2103 to 85,900
dimensional Euclidean distances (they di€er in cities.
their rounding method). GEO indicates geo- Table 2 lists for each of these problems the
graphical distances on the EarthÕs surface, and currently best known lower and upper bound
ATT indicates a special Ôpseudo-EuclideanÕ dis- (published in TSPLIB, June 1998).
tance function. All distances are integer numbers. When the new algorithm was executed on these
See [40] for details. problems, it found tour lengths equal to the best
The preprocessing time is the time used for known upper bounds for 1 of the problems
reading the problem and determining the candi- (d2103). However, for the remaining 6 problems,
date set (using subgradient optimization). the algorithm was able ®nd tours shorter than the
For example, for the problem att532 of Padberg best known upper bounds. These new upper
and Rinaldi [11] the optimal solution was deter- bounds are listed in Table 3.
mined in 98 runs out of 100. The minimum num- The new upper bound for the largest of these
ber of trials made to ®nd optimum was 1. The problems, pla85900, was found using two weeks of
average number of trials in a run was 66.2 (a run is CPU time.
stopped if the optimal solution is found, or the It is dicult to predict the running time needed
number of trials made equals the number of cities). to solve a given problem with the algorithm. As
The average gap between the length of the best can be seen from Table 1, the size alone is not
solution obtained and the optimum as a percent- enough. One problem may require much more
age of the optimum was 0.001%. The maximum running time than a larger problem.
gap was 0.072%. The preprocessing time was 2.9 However, some guidelines may be given. Ran-
seconds. Finally, the minimum and average CPU dom problems may be used to provide estimates of
time used in a run was 0.2 and 3.6 seconds, re- running times. By solving randomly generated
spectively. problems of di€erent dimensions and measuring
For some of the small problems (berlin52, the time used to solve these problems, it is possible
burma14, fri26, gr17, gr21, gr24, ulysses16 and to get an idea of how running time grows as a
ulysses22) optima were determined by subgradient function of problem dimension.
optimization (marked with a * in the Success col- An algorithm for randomly generating TSP
umn). with known optimal tours, described by Arthur
The table shows that optima were found with and Frendewey [41], was used for this purpose.
the default parameter settings for 101 of the The test results [42] indicated that the average
problems. running time of the algorithm is approximately
Optima for the remaining 3 problems (rl5915, O(n2:2 ).
rl5934 and usa13,509) were obtained in the Another method often used in studying the
following way. First, for each of the problems average performance of TSP heuristics is to solve
a short tour was found using the default problem instances consisting of random points
settings. The search was then continued, but the within a rectangle under the Euclidean metric. The
following rule was added to the set of pruning instances are solved for increasing values of n and
rules: compared to the theoretical value for the expected
· The last link to be removed in a non-gainful length of an optimal tour (Lopt ). A well-known
move (x5 in a 5-opt move) must not belong to formula is Lopt …n; A† ˆ K n A when n cities are
the shortest available tour. distributed uniformly randomly over a rectangular
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 125

Table 2
Problems in TSPLIB with unknown optimal solutions
Name Cities Type Lower bound Upper bound
brd14051 14051 EUC_2D 469272 469445
d2103 2103 EUC_2D 80330 80450
d15112 15112 EUC_2D 1572863 1573152
d18512 18512 EUC_2D 645092 645300
pla33810 33810 CEIL_2D 65960739 66116530
pla85900 85900 CEIL_2D 142244225 142482068
rl11849 11849 EUC_2D 923132 923368

Table 3 c0n‡i;j ˆ c0j;n‡i ˆ ci;j for i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n;

Improved upper bounds
j ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n;
Name New upper bound and i 6ˆ j
brd14051 469395 c0n‡i;i ˆ c0i;n‡i ˆ ÿM for i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n
d15112 1573089 c0i;j ˆ M otherwise;
d18512 645250
pla33810 66060236
pla85900 142416327 where M is a suciently large number, e.g.,
rl11849 923307 M ˆ max…ci;j †.
It is easy to prove that any optimal solution of
the new symmetric problem corresponds to an
area of A units [43].pThat
p is, the ratio of the op- optimal solution of the original asymmetric prob-
timal tour length to n A approaches a constant
K for N ! 1. Experiments of Johnson, McGeoch
An obvious disadvantage of the transformation
and Rothenberg [44] suggest that K is approxi-
is that it doubles the size of the problem. There-
mated by 0.7124.
fore, in practice it is more advantageous to use
Fig. 9 shows the results obtained when the
algorithms dedicated for solving asymmetric
modi®ed Lin±Kernighan algorithm was used to
problems. However, as can been seen from Table 4
solve such problems on a 104  104 square for n
the performance of the modi®ed Lin±Kernighan
ranging from 500 to 5000 and n increasing by 500.
algorithm for asymmetric problems is quite im-
p ®gure depicts the tour length divided by
pressive. The optimum was obtained for all
n  104 . These results are consistent with the es-
timate K  0:7124 for large n.

6.2. Asymmetric problems

The implemented algorithm is primarily in-

tended for solving symmetric TSPs. However, any
asymmetric problem may be transformed into a
symmetric problem and therefore be solved by the
The transformation method of Jonker and
Volgenant [45] transforms a asymmetric problem
with n nodes into a problem 2n nodes. Let C ˆ (cij )
denote the n ´ n cost matrix of the asymmetric
problem. Then let C 0 ˆ …c0ij † be the 2n ´ 2n sym-
metric matrix computed as follows: Fig. 9. Solutions of random Euclidean problems on a square.
126 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

Table 4
Performance for asymmetric problems.
Name Cities Optimum Success Trials Gap (%) Time (s)
Min Average Min Average Max Pre Min Average
br17 17 39 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
ft53 53 6905 100/100 1 8.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
ft70 70 38673 100/100 1 1.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
ftv33 34 1286 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
ftv35 36 1473 47/100 1 43.6 0.000 0.072 0.136 0.1 0.0 0.1
ftv38 39 1530 53/100 1 40.3 0.000 0.061 0.131 0.1 0.0 0.1
ftv44 45 1613 100/100 1 2.8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
ftv47 48 1776 100/100 1 1.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
ftv55 56 1608 100/100 1 3.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.1 0.0 0.0
ftv64 65 1839 100/100 1 3.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
ftv70 71 1950 100/100 1 3.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 0.0 0.0
ftv170 171 2755 88/100 1 119.7 0.000 0.039 0.327 1.1 0.0 1.0
kro124p 100 36230 95/100 1 24.6 0.000 0.002 0.030 0.3 0.0 0.1
p43 43 5620 21/100 1 72.2 0.000 0.014 0.018 0.0 0.0 0.5
rbg323 323 1326 97/100 17 116.3 0.000 0.018 0.679 41.3 1.9 8.5
rbg358 358 1163 99/100 19 96.8 0.000 0.060 6.019 105.1 2.5 8.3
rbg403 403 2465 100/100 19 87.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 183.2 2.6 11.3
rbg443 443 2720 100/100 18 105.2 0.000 0.000 0.000 237.8 2.5 12.6
ry48p 48 1442 99/100 1 9.8 0.000 0.002 0.166 0.1 0.0 0.0

asymmetric problems of TSPLIB. The largest of actly once and return to its starting square'' [46].
these problems, rbg443, has 443 nodes (thus, the The knightÕs-tour problem is the 1; 2-leaper prob-
transformed problem has 886 nodes). lem on a 8 ´ 8 board.
Table 5 shows the performance statistics for a
few leaper problems. A small C-program, included
6.3. Hamiltonian cycle problems in TSPLIB, was used for generating the leaper
graphs. Edges belonging to the graph cost 0, and
The Hamiltonian cycle problem is the prob- the remaining edges cost 1.
lem of deciding if a given undirected graph The last of these problems has an optimal tour
contains a cycle. The problem can be answered length of 18. All the other problems contain a
by solving a symmetric TSP in the complete Hamiltonian cycle, i.e., their optimum tour length
graph where all edges of G have cost 0 and all is 0.
other edges have a positive cost. Then G contains Table 6 shows the performance for the same
a Hamiltonian cycle if and only if an optimal problems, but now the edges of the leaper graph
tour has cost 0. cost 100, and the remaining edges cost 101. Lin
An interesting special Hamilton cycle problem and Kernighan observed that knightÕs-tour prob-
is the so-called knightÕs-tour problem. A knight is lems with these edge costs were hard to solve for
to be moved around on a chessboard in such a their algorithm [1].
way that all 64 squares are visited exactly once As seen the new implementation is almost un-
and the moves taken constitute a round trip on a€ected.
the board. Fig. 10 depicts one solution of the
problem. The two ®rst moves are shown with
arrows. 6.4. Pathological problems
The problem is an instance of the general
``leaper'' problem: ``Can a {r, s}-leaper, starting at The Lin±Kernighan algorithm is not always as
any square of a mxn board, visit each square ex- e€ective as it seems to be with ``random'' or
K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130 127

large cost, and cannot be improved by changing

fewer than 3k edges. See [47] for a precise de-
scription of the constructed problems.
The diculty of the problem class is illustrated
in Table 7 showing the performance of the algo-
rithm when subgradient optimization is left out.
Note the results for the cases k ˆ 3 and k ˆ 5.
Here the optimum was frequently found, whereas
the implementation of the Lin±Kernighan algo-
rithm by Papadimitriou and Steiglitz was unable
to discover the optimum even once.
However, all these problems can be solved
without any search, if subgradient optimization is
used (provided that the initial period is suciently
Fig. 10. One solution of the knightÕs-tour problem large).
Table 8 shows the time (in seconds) to ®nd
optimal solutions by subgradient optimization.
``typical'' problems. Papadimitriou and Steiglitz
[47] have constructed a special class of instances of
the TSP for which local search algorithms, such as 7. Conclusions
the Lin±Kernighan algorithm, appears to be very
ine€ective. Papadimitriou and Steiglitz denote this This paper has described a modi®ed Lin±Ker-
class of problems as ÔperverseÕ. nighan algorithm and its implementation. In the
Each problem has n ˆ 8k nodes. There is ex- development of the algorithm great emphasis was
actly one optimal tour with cost n, and there are put on achieving high quality solutions, preferably
2kÿ1 …k ÿ 1†! tours that are next best, have arbitrary optimal solutions, in a reasonable short time.

Table 5
Performance for leaper problems (Variant 1)
Problem Success Trials Gap (%) Time (s)
Min Average Max Min Min Average
{1,2}, 8´8 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
{1,2}, 10 ´ 10 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
{1,2}, 20 ´ 20 100/100 1 2.1 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
{7,8}, 15 ´ 106 10/10 4 8.6 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.7
{6,7}, 13 ´ 76 100/100 1 1.1 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.5

Table 6
Performance for leaper problems (Variant 2)
Problem Success Trials Gap (%) Time (s)
Min Average Max Min Min Average
{1,2}, 8´8 100/100 1 1.0 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
{1,2}, 20 ´ 20 100/100 1 1.1 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
{7,8}, 15 ´ 106 10/10 3 10.0 0.000 0.000 0.4 1.0
{6,7}, 13 ´ 76 100/100 1 1.1 0.000 0.000 0.4 0.7
128 K. Helsgaun / European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 106±130

Table 7
Performance for perverse problems (without subgradient optimization)
k n Success Trials Gap (%) Time (s)
Min Average Max Min Min Average
3 24 46/100 1 14.9 2479.5 8291.7 0.0 0.0
4 32 55/100 1 17.4 1732.8 6209.4 0.0 0.0
5 40 48/100 1 24.1 1430.4 4960.0 0.0 0.0
6 48 53/100 1 26.6 1045.1 4127.1 0.0 0.0
7 56 32/100 1 41.2 1368.2 3532.1 0.0 0.0
8 64 41/100 1 41.2 1040.2 3085.9 0.0 0.0
9 72 1/100 5 71.3 1574.1 2738.9 0.0 0.1
10 80 2/100 1 78.6 1700.5 4958.8 0.0 0.2

Table 8 When distances are implicitly given, space re-

Time to ®nd the optimal solutions for perverse problems (with quirements are O(n). Thus, the space required for
subgradient optimization)
geometrical problems is linear. For such problems,
k n Time (s) not space, but run time, will usually be the limiting
3 24 0.0 factor.
4 32 0.0 The e€ectiveness of the algorithm is primarily
5 40 0.0
6 48 0.1
achieved through an ecient search strategy. The
7 56 0.1 search is based on 5-opt moves restricted by
8 64 0.1 carefully chosen candidate sets. The a-measure,
9 72 0.1 based on sensitivity analysis of minimum spanning
10 80 0.2 trees, is used to de®ne candidate sets that are
small, but large enough to allow excellent solutions
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here. In comparison, the modi®ed Lin±Kernighan
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