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RUN (13)- 6” MTR BHA 13

Run Objectives:

The objective of this run to perform control trip after logging..

BHA Comments & Feedback

 On23/03/2019 @ 11:00 PM, start P/up Motor Medium speed and MWD Tool,
made shallow hole test at 607 L/min got Pressure 170Psi, RIH freely to 3720m .
 Start reaming with 900 LPM , 40 RPM .
 At depth 3800 observed weight on bit increased while reaming down from Zero to
5 ton and stand pipe pressure constant at 1600 PSI, not increase , POOH 4
meter observed press and torque and ream down had 5 ton WOB and fluctuated
torque from 1 -3 KLBFT .
 Pooh 4 meter and tri with wash down , had 7 ton wob .
 Decided POOH to change motor .
 At surface found the motor bearing play 4 mm and the bit box of motor loos ,
turn easy by hand right and left.

 Run Details:

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