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Transcript and Attendance Reflection

For my transcript I do feel as if I have some explaining to do because of how my freshmen and
sophomore years weren’t my best years of high school academically or attendance wise, I began
lacking a lot on my homework assignments, I wouldn’t do them because I didn’t have the energy
and I honestly just wasn’t motivated since I felt as if I had already done enough throughout the
school day which now I realize that it was not enough. I started not showing up to school and
skipping classes regularly whenever I would be at school which I know also contributed to how I
performed academically. Towards the end of my sophomore year I had to get sent to an
alternative high school because at the pace I was going I wouldn’t have been able to graduate.
Overall the alternative high school helped me a lot, and was full of supportive staff members that
cared about the wellbeing of their students and cared about seeing them succeed. This school put
me back on track and helped me see how going to school, managing your time wisely, and being
responsible can help you in the long run. I am a big believer in change, growth, and self
reflection. I have learned that one can only keep growing from depending on themselves, setting
goals and doing everything that you can to achieve them, I know that at the end of the day the
only person who is going to help me fully evolve into better version of myself is me. My
attendance wasn’t good but I know now that not being on time really holds you back from
learning in class and makes you fall behind on assignments. When I first started being late to my
classes and not showing up I would go back to my classes not knowing what was going on and
would feel confused and just wouldn’t end up doing my work, my attendance also affected how I
did on my tests I wouldn’t know when we had tests and when the day would come up I ended up
failing the tests. I changed how I did things my junior year of high school I began to wake up
early and go to school everyday and taking notes of what I had to do which helped me so much
and made life so much easier, doing homework wasn’t a hassle at all because I had been in class
to listen to the lecture, tests weren’t hard because I had been there to pay attention and know
what we had to study. From what I’ve learned my four years of high school I think I know how
to manage my time better I also think we all learn how to measure our time to where we have a
mental picture of what we have time to do and not and when you can figure out how to manage
that you do well in school and I feel as if it also helps your mental health because you aren’t
always as confused or feel left out and self destructive. I used to not believe when teachers would
say that with one day that you miss school you fall behind three days I very soon found that to be
true when I began to fall behind on all of my work. Now that I have learned the hard way how
attendance can reflect on you I will now manage my time much better than I ever did, I'm going
to write reminders of what I need to work on and start to do my work when it is assigned to me
and not work on it the night before it is due. I will also learn to manage my priorities better by
sticking to what I have to do, that will benefit me and not putting-off things that I need to do, I
often found myself putting off things that I needed to do to go hangout with friends and that has
now stopped. I'm going to begin to do what benefits me and what will help me succeed and live
the life that I want to live. With my future school work I will put my full effort into it and make
sure that it meets the expected criteria, I’m going to do what I should have done before and take
notes in class and ask for help when I need it. Everything that I have gone through throughout
my high school career has helped me reflect on what I need to do to be a better person and what I
need to do to help myself in the long run. I've matured a lot and feel like I am ready to take on
the world of what people call adulthood.p

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