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Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165

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Multiscale analysis of foreign exchange order flows and technical

trading profitability
Nikola Gradojevic a,⁎, Camillo Lento b,1
IÉSEG School of Management (LEM-CNRS), Lille Catholic University, 3, rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France
Faculty of Business Administration, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5E1, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper investigates the multiscale (frequency-dependent) relationship between technical trading profitabil-
Accepted 15 February 2015 ity and feedback trading effects in the Canada/U.S. dollar foreign exchange market. The results suggest that
Available online xxxx technical trading activities of financial customers drive frequent violations of the FX market microstructure
assumption that exchange rate movements are driven by order flow. After controlling for transaction costs, we
find that the contribution of financial customers in feedback trading dominates the contribution of non-
Foreign exchange markets
Order flows
financial customers, especially at lower frequencies. An additional, novel contribution is that technical indicators
Technical trading constructed from order flows can be profitable.
Frequency domain © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction signals and thereby strengthens the appreciation trend.3 It is worth

noting that in case of any evidence of reverse causality, the linear
In technical analysis, technical trading rules are constructed from estimate of the size of price effects would be biased at a given time scale.
historical price (and volume) information. Specifically, traders place Only a few papers have directly tested the causality assumption in
their orders by mechanically applying mathematical transformations FX markets and they focused on a particular data frequency (typically
and rules based on past and present prices. However, this notion daily). Killeen et al. (2006) find that Granger causality runs from inter-
contrasts the major assumption underlying foreign exchange (FX) dealer order flow to price, and not vice versa, for the DM/FRF exchange
market microstructure theory that exchange rate movements are rate. However, several papers documented statistically significant
driven by order flow and not vice-versa (Lyons, 2001). The argument reverse causality effects. For instance, Sager and Taylor (2008) perform
in favor of this assumption stems from the classical equity microstruc- Granger causality tests on the data from Evans and Lyons (2002) and
ture literature such as Hasbrouck (1991), Glosten and Milgrom (1985) reveal that causality runs from the DM/USD and JPY/USD exchange
and O'Hara (1995): in rational markets, aggregate order flow should rate returns to corresponding interdealer order flows. They also present
reflect innovations in dispersed information, rather than being the evidence against the causality assumption for customer order flows.
result of “momentum” (or “feedback”) trading strategies followed by This evidence corroborates Marsh and O'Rourke (2005) who argue
some FX traders.2 Notwithstanding the theoretical validity of this that commercial order flow is price sensitive. Similarly, Boyer and van
argument, Schulmeister (2006) finds that currency order flows can in Norden (2006) conclude that interdealer order flow responds to the
fact be driven by technical trading signals. He uncovers strong feedback FRF/USD spot rate innovations. They note that the price responsiveness
effects where a rising exchange rate triggers buy technical trading of commercial order flow contrasts with the usual predictions of the mi-
crostructure literature. Gradojevic and Neely (2008) demonstrate the
ability of the Canada/U.S. dollar returns to predict financial order

⁎ Corresponding author at: The Rimini Center for Economic Analysis, Italy.
Tel.: +33 320 545 892. Alternatively, feedback effects in the FX market can also be caused by liquidity
E-mail addresses: (N. Gradojevic), (C. Lento). provision. Bjønnes et al. (2005), for example, find that non-financial customers are passive
Tel.: +1 807 3438387; fax: +1 807 3438023. liquidity providers in the SEK/EUR market. In the same vein, D'Souza (2008) documents
Positive (negative) feedback trading is systematic buying (selling) in response to price that, in addition to commercial clients, dealers are key participants in the provision of
increases, and selling (buying) in response to price decreases (Evans and Lyons, 2002). liquidity in the Canada/U.S. dollar market.
0264-9993/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165 157

flows, but not non-financial order flows. Lyons (2001) finds some trades of non-financial customers (dominated by Canadian corporations)
evidence that falling prices induce additional selling in the JPY market than in the trades of financial customers (dominated by foreign
and refers to that phenomenon as “distressed selling”. Recently, dealers). Alternatively stated, Canadian-domiciled and corporate cus-
Gradojevic (2012) showed that reverse causality in FX market micro- tomers also engage in short-term trading and their transactions may
structure is frequency-dependent. This evidence is consistent with provide insights regarding the fundamental trends in the Canadian
arguments that, in financial markets, the data generating process economy, which act as a leading indicator for the exchange rate.
(DGP) is a complex network of layers with each layer corresponding Considering the evidence of a stable increasing trend in technical
to a particular frequency. Thus, a successful characterization of such trading profitability with the trading horizon, it can be concluded
DGP should be estimated with techniques that account for intra- and that reverse causality effects at a particular frequency imply techni-
inter-frequency dynamics (Dacorogna et al., 2001).4 cal trading profitability of financial customers at such a frequency.
The main goal of this paper is to test the strength of the relationship These findings suggest that feedback trading effects can be explained
between multiscale feedback effects (i.e., reverse causality in the by the predominant activity of technical traders acting for financial
frequency domain) and technical trading profitability in the Canada/ institutions.
U.S. dollar market. The motivation for this research is to study the In the next section, the methodology for causality in the frequency
behavior of technical traders with different time horizons such as domain is reviewed. The data and the construction of technical trading
daily, weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. More importantly, this explora- strategies are presented in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the findings.
tion seeks to understand whether the dominance of technical trading The final section concludes the paper.
is the kind of “irrational” behavior that governs feedback trading. The
profitability of moving average, filter and trading range breakout 2. Causality in the frequency domain
technical indicators is tested on the Canada/U.S. dollar exchange rate,
and cumulative financial and non-financial order flows. This paper is The test for causality in the frequency domain by Breitung and
novel to the literature because it is the first study, to the authors' best Candelon (2006) originates from Geweke (1982) and Hosoya (1991).
knowledge, to use currency order flows (i.e., proxies for trading Let zt = [xt, yt]′ be a two-dimensional time series vector with t =
volume) for technical trading rule calculations. Also, it is important to 1,…,T. It is assumed that zt has a finite-order VAR representation
emphasize that the analysis presented in this paper differs from the
existing literature (e.g., Gradojevic and Neely, 2008; Gradojevic, 2007; ΘðLÞzt ¼ εt ; ð1Þ
Evans and Lyons, 2005; Rime et al., 2010; Schulmeister, 2006) in that
it accounts for the wide range of FX trading horizons in the frequency where Θ(L) = I − Θ1L − … − ΘpLp is a 2 × 2 lag polynomial with Lk zt =
domain. In all, we develop four testable hypotheses that concern the zt–k. It is assumed that the vector εt is white noise with E(εt) = 0 and
theoretical assumptions of the FX market microstructure model E(εtεt′) = Σ, where Σ is a positive definite matrix. Next, let G be the
(i.e., the direction of causality), customer type, sampling frequency, lower triangular matrix of the Cholesky decomposition G′G =
technical trading profitability and market regime. Σ− 1, such that E(ηtηt′) = I and ηt = Gεt. The system is assumed to be
In the first part of the paper, the frequency domain causality tests stationary, implying the following MA representation:
are performed on Canada/U.S. dollar returns, and financial and non-   
financial order flows. It is confirmed that, in general, there is very little Φ11 ðLÞ Φ12 ðLÞ ε1t
zt ¼ ΦðLÞεt ¼
evidence of a stable causal relationship between order flows and returns Φ21 ðLÞ Φ22 ðLÞ ε2t
running in either direction. The null hypothesis of no predictability of FX Ψ11 ðLÞ Ψ12 ðLÞ η1t
¼ ΨðLÞηt ¼
returns by spot non-financial order flows is not rejected at weekly and Ψ21 ðLÞ Ψ22 ðLÞ η2t
shorter horizons, while it is rejected for financial order flows at horizons
between 3 and 8 days. In terms of reverse causality from price to order where Φ(L) = Θ(L)−1 and Ψ(L) = Φ(L)G−1. Using this representation,
flows, we document that daily and weekly frequencies exhibit feedback the spectral density of xt can be expressed as
effects for non-financial, whereas, financial order flows are found to be
driven by price changes at longer horizons. Next, for both order flow 
types, we test the hypothesis that technical trading rules constructed −iω 2  −iω 2
f x ðωÞ ¼ Ψ11 e  þ Ψ12 e  : ð3Þ
at the ‘reverse causality frequencies’ are more profitable than the 2π
trading rules generated from data sampled at other frequencies. Our
evidence of very short run technical trading profitability indicates that
The measure of causality suggested by Geweke (1982) and Hosoya
non-financial customers were engaged in feedback trading primarily
(1991) is defined as
at the daily horizon. Also, we present the findings of medium (bi-weekly
and monthly) horizon profitability that can be attributed to the techni-
2π f x ðωÞ
cal trading of financial customers. My→x ðωÞ ¼ log 
Ψ e−iω 2
In general, even after accounting for transactions costs, substantial 11

technical trading excess returns are found for all three time series 2    3
 −iω 2
and the profitability in general increases with the time horizon.5 Further- Ψ12 e  7
more, the results indicate that technical trading rules are more profitable ¼ log41 þ 
 5: ð5Þ
Ψ e−iω 2
with non-financial order flows than with financial order flows. This sug- 11

gests that there is more technical trading information content in the

This measure is zero if |Ψ12(e−iω)| = 0 in which case it is said that y
does not cause x at frequency ω. To test the hypothesis that y does not
cause x at frequency ω the following null hypothesis is used:
The idea that the causality relationship between two variables may have different
characteristics at different time-scales can also be found in Gençay et al. (2001). They My→x ðωÞ ¼ 0: ð6Þ
use wavelet multiresolution analysis of money growth and inflation, and show that for
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Mexico and Turkey the nature of the causality changes with
wavelet scales (periods between two and 32 months).
Yao and Hosoya (2000) estimate My → x(ω) = 0 by replacing
The findings that technical trading strategies can be profitable at medium horizons is |Ψ11(e−iω)| and |Ψ12(e−iω)| from Eq. (5) with estimates obtained from
consistent with Neely and Weller (2003) and Harris and Yilmaz (2009). the fitted VAR. However, this approach is not appropriate since
158 N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165

|Ψ12(e−iω)| is a complicated nonlinear function of the VAR parameters.6 portfolio considerations.8 These order flows represent approximately
Breitung and Candelon (2006) resolve this problem by showing that 40–60% of all Canada/U.S. dollar transactions. For instance, the daily
the null hypothesis My → x(ω) = 0 is equivalent to a linear restriction order flows represent about 49% of the comparable spot Canadian dollar
on the VAR coefficients. First, they use Ψ(L) = Θ(L)−1G−1 and Ψ12 ðLÞ ¼ transactions reported in the BIS Triennial Survey in 2004. CC and FD order
flows represent respectively 22% and 49% of average daily aggregated
− g jΘΘð12LÞðjLÞ (where g22 is the lower diagonal element of G−1 and |Θ(L)|

trading volume of reporting FX dealers (King et al., 2010). Using the def-
is the determinant of Θ(L)) to express the null hypothesis as inition from Lyons (2001), order flows are measured as the difference be-
 tween the number of currency purchases (buyer-initiated trades) and
   Xp Xp
 −iω   sales (seller-initiated trades). Ceteris paribus, positive (negative) order
Θ12 e ¼ θ12;k cosðkωÞ− θ12;k sinðkωÞij ¼ 0; ð7Þ
 flow should raise (lower) the Canada/U.S. dollar spot closing rates St, ap-
k¼1 k¼1
preciating (depreciating) the USD. In the remainder of the paper the CC
where θ12,k is the (1,2)-element of Θk. Thus, a necessary and sufficient transactions will be referred to as non-financial order flows, while the
set of conditions for |Θ12(e−iω)| = 0 is FD transactions will be referred to as financial order flows.

3.2. Economic hypotheses
θ12;k cosðkωÞ ¼ 0; ð8Þ
The theoretical FX market microstructure model implies that price
p innovations are a function of order flow innovations. A relevant research
θ12;k sinðkωÞ ¼ 0: ð9Þ question would be the exploration of when and why order flows tend to
k¼1 follow exchange rate movements, which we refer to as the “violations of
the causality assumption”. Hence, our first two testable hypotheses
The notation can be simplified by letting aj = θ11,j and βj = θ12,j. address the relationship between the causality assumption of the FX
Then, the VAR equation for xt can be written as market microstructure model, customer type (financials and non-
financials), sampling frequency and market regime:
xt ¼ a1 xt−1 þ … þ ap xt−p þ β1 yt−1 þ … þ βp yt−p þ ε1t : ð10Þ
Hypothesis 1. The degree of violations of the causality assumption
The hypothesis My → x(ω) = 0 is equivalent to the linear restriction (from order flows to FX returns) in the FX market microstructure
model depends on the customer type, sampling frequency and market
H 0 : RðωÞβ ¼ 0; ð11Þ regime.

where β = [β1, …, βp]′ and Hypothesis 2. The violations of the causality assumption (from order
flows to FX returns) in the FX market microstructure model do not
cosðωÞ cosð2ωÞ … cosðpωÞ occur in a stable market regime for both customer types and all
RðωÞ ¼ :
sinðωÞ sinð2ωÞ … sinðpωÞ sampling frequencies.
Recall that the main purpose of this paper is to explore the potential
The ordinary F statistic for Eq. (11) is approximately distributed as links between reverse causality and technical trading activity at various
F(2, T − 2p) for ω ∈ (0, π). As in Breitung and Candelon (2006), to assess frequencies. As discussed, in rational markets, order flow show should
the statistical significance of the causal relationship between exchange not be the result of momentum or technical trading strategies pursued
rate returns and order flows, the causality measure for ω ∈ (0, π) is by a specific customer type. Our next hypothesis explores the relation-
compared to the 5% critical value of a χ2-distribution with 2 degrees ship between reverse causality and technical trading activity:
of freedom (5.99).7
Hypothesis 3. There exists a frequency-dependent relationship
3. Data description and economic hypotheses between violations of the causality assumption (from order flows to
FX returns) in the FX market microstructure model and the technical
3.1. Data description trading profitability in regard to the activity (order flows) of financial
The data are sampled at the daily frequency and are obtained from
Another interesting investigation concerns the potential profitability
the Bank of Canada. They span the period between October 10, 1994
of technical trading indicators that employ order flows for the underly-
and September 30, 2005. This represents a total of 2798 observations
ing variable, and this conjecture motivates the last testable hypothesis:
of daily returns (rt) and order flows. If St denotes an exchange rate at
time t, then rt = log(St) − log(St − 1). Hypothesis 4. Technical trading rules that employ both order flow
The order flow data are aggregate daily trading flows (in Canadian types can be profitable and the profits from the technical trading rules
dollars) for eight major Canadian commercial banks: increase as the frequency of the data decreases.
• Commercial client transactions (CC) include all transactions with
resident and non-resident non-financial customers. 3.3. Technical trading strategies
• Foreign institution transactions (FD) include all transactions with
foreign financial institutions, such as FX dealers. We calculate three momentum-based technical trading rules to
proxy for trading activity. Specifically, the moving average cross-over
The CC transactions are primarily motivated by trades in real goods
rule (MACO), filter rule and the trading range break-out rule (TRBO)
and services, while the FD transactions are motivated by international
are calculated with the Canada/U.S. dollar exchange rate, the non-
financial order flows, and the financial order flows. We have selected
6 these three trading rules because they are commonly employed in the
Yao and Hosoya (2000) propose a numerical estimation procedure instead of an exact
analytical expression.
7 8
Breitung and Candelon (2006) study the local power of the test when the frequency The FD transactions need not to be only motivated by portfolio considerations as they
being tested converges to the true frequency and show that the Wald statistic is asymptot- can also stem from non-financial customers, but we will not consider these potential im-
ically distributed as noncentral χ2. pacts in the current paper.
N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165 159

prior literature (e.g., Brock et al., 1992; Park and Irwin, 2007). In and the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation at lag order L. For non-
addition, we have computed each trading rule with three different financial order flows: L = 1 (p-value = 0.90), L = 2 (p-value = 0.32),
sets of parameters in order to reduce the sensitivity of our results to a L = 3 (p-value = 0.10), L = 4 (p-value = 0.07), L = 5 (p-value =
single trading rule parameter. 0.22) and L = 6 (p-value = 0.08). For financial order flows: L = 1
The MACO generates a buy (sell) signal whenever the short moving (p-value = 0.11), L = 2 (p-value = 0.10), L = 3 (p-value = 0.37),
average is above (below) the long moving average. The following L = 4 (p-value = 0.23), L = 5 (p-value = 0.11) and L = 6
combinations of short and long periods are employed: (1, 50), (5, 50), (p-value = 0.09).
and (10, 50). The filter rule generates a buy (sell) signal when the price Next, we use the Engle's Lagrange multiplier test (Engle, 1982) in
experiences a continued increase (decrease) above (below) a certain pa- order to test for conditional heteroskedasticity in the VAR systems. The
rameter that represents its percentage change. The parameters tested in null hypothesis of no ARCH effects is not rejected in the non-financial
this research are 1%, 2% and 5%. The TRBO generates a buy signal when order flow equation (p-value = 1.00) and also in the financial order
the price breaks-out above the resistance level and a sell signal when flow equation (p-value = 0.99). However, we detect conditional
the price breaks below the support level. The three periods used to mea- heteroskedasticity in the exchange rate returns equations for both order
sure the resistance and support levels are 5, 10, and 20. flow types (p-value = 0.00). The presence of ARCH effects in exchange
The profitability of the trading rules is determined by comparing the rate returns may appear problematic, but Bodart and Candelon (2009)
returns generated by the trading signals to the buy-and-hold strategy perform a simulation study and conclude that the causality test in the fre-
returns. Similar to Gençay (1998), the returns generated from the quency domain from Breitung and Candelon (2006) is robust to such data
trading rules are adjusted for transaction costs (i.e., both the bid-ask features. In light of these findings, we conjecture that the results of our
spread and brokerage trading costs). Our methodology relies on this rel- multiscale causality tests are unaffected by the observed conditional
atively simple technique for analyzing the profitability of the trading heteroskedasticity effects. We use this feature of the methodology as
rules because of the possible problems related to non-linear trading one of the arguments for working in the frequency domain.11
models such as computational expensiveness, overfitting, data Fig. 1 presents the causality measure between non-financial order
snooping and difficulties of interpreting the results.9 flows and exchange rate returns for all frequencies (ω ∈ (0, π)) along
The returns from the buy-and-hold strategy are calculated by with the 5% critical value (5.99) that is represented with a horizontal
investing in the security at the beginning of the data set, given the dashed line. The top panel indicates that the null hypothesis of no
trading rule parameters, and holding the security until the end of the causality is rejected when ω b 0.35 which corresponds to frequencies
data set. To minimize the measurement error due to non-synchronous with a wavelength of roughly more than four weeks (20 days = 2π/ω).
trading made evident by Scholes and Williams (1977), the investor Thus, FX microstructure theory appears to be correct only at such hori-
will be long in the market one day after the trading signal is generated. zons. In other words, it takes at least four weeks for customer order
Therefore, once a buy signal is generated, the investor will be long the flows to become informative for the price. This shows that the relevance
following day, and returns will be calculated based on the market of non-financial order flow strongly depends on the horizon length.
returns. Finally, the position is carried forward if the investor is long The bottom panel of Fig. 1 reveals evidence of reverse causality in the
(short) and a buy (sell) signal is generated. As a robustness check, we short run for ω ∈ [0.6, 1.4] (between 4.5 and 10.5 days, i.e., the weekly
also analyze risk-adjusted returns in the form of Sharpe ratios. and bi-weekly lag horizons) and ω N 2.2 (shorter than three days,
i.e., the daily lag horizon). These findings explain the inability of non-
financial order flows to predict returns for frequencies higher than
4. Results 0.35 and stresses that forecasting exchange rates with order flows
requires care. It can be concluded that linear exchange rate models
4.1. Multiscale causality that employ non-financial order flows produce unbiased estimates of
the size of price effects at medium to long horizons.
This subsection is adapted from Gradojevic (2012) and it reports the The results for financial order flows are displayed in Fig. 2 and they are
results of causality tests in the frequency domain for two bivariate in stark contrast to the ones for non-financial transactions. Financial order
systems: one for each order flow and exchange rate returns. Both Dickey flows are informative in the range ω ∈ [0.8, 2] corresponding to a cycle
Fuller and Phillips–Perron tests reject the null hypothesis of a unit root length between 3 and 8 days (top panel of Fig. 2). However, the bottom
in any of the time series at the 1% significance level (p-value = 0.000). panel of Fig. 2 does not reject the null hypothesis of no predictability for
According to the AIC criterion, the likelihood ratio and the final predic- ω b 1.6 thereby indicating bi-directional causality in the range
tion error criteria a VAR(6) model was selected for both systems.10 ω ∈ [0.8, 1.6]. Hence, for ω ∈ [1.6, 2] (lag horizon 3–4 days) the
Before we test the causality in the frequency domain, we carefully estimates support the FX microstructure causality assumption, while
check whether VAR(6) is an appropriate representation of the data. the reverse causality problems are present at lag horizons longer than
In particular, we test for possible conditional heteroskedasticity and roughly 4 days. Hence, when non-financial order flow conforms with
autocorrelation in the residuals. The evidence based on the Ljung–Box the causality assumption, financial order flows exhibit feedback trading
Q test statistic confirms that the residuals of our VAR(6) systems do effects. The findings that financial order flow is a poor predictor of
not suffer from serial correlation. In the system with non-financial exchange rate returns at longer horizons is consistent with Berger et al.
order flows, the Q statistics for the two equations are as follows: 20.83 (2008) who find that the association between interdealer order flow
(p-value = 0.40) and 11.44 (p-value = 0.93); i.e., the null hypothesis and exchange rate returns weakens at longer horizons. The above find-
of no serial correlation in the residuals is not rejected. In the system ings for both customer types demonstrate the validity of Hypothesis 1.
with financial order flows, the Q statistics for the two equations are as Next, the paper considers the robustness of the results with respect
follows: 18.67 (p-value = 0.54) and 25.26 (p-value = 0.19); i.e., the to time period. The data set is divided into three subsets according to
null hypothesis of no serial correlation in the residuals is not rejected. Gradojevic and Neely (2008) as follows: 1994–1997 (821 observations),
The same can be shown by using the Lagrange-multiplier test statistic 1998–2001 (1012 observations), and 2002–2005 (965 observations).12

9 11
See White (2005) for a thorough discussion of these issues. A time-domain approach may be appropriate as well. In fact, in a related paper, the
The Schwarz's Bayesian information criterion and the Hannan and Quinn information VECM/VAR systems based on these variables have already been covered (see Gradojevic
criterion suggest one lag for the bivariate system with non-financial order flow and two and Neely, 2008), but this contribution does not empirically test the links between the ob-
lags for the bivariate system with financial order flow. We find autocorrelation in the re- served “reverse causality” effects and technical trading activity.
siduals of the lower order VAR systems and opt for a more conservative approach that uti- They utilized the test for the constancy of the log-likelihood on the same data set and
lizes six lags. found structural instability in 1998 and 2001.
160 N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165

Fig. 1. Causality tests for non-financial (CC) order flows. Top panel: Causality tests (non-financial order flows to FX returns). Bottom panel: Causality tests (FX returns to non-financial order
flows). The values of the χ2 test statistic are given by a solid line. The 5% critical value (5.99) that is given by a horizontal dashed line. The null hypotheses are 1) that non-financial order
flow does not cause FX returns at frequency ω (top) and 2) that FX returns do not cause non-financial order flow at frequency ω (bottom).

The relationship between non-financial order flow and exchange rate for the entire sample (non-financial order flow is informative when
returns is examined for each subset. ω b 0.8, i.e., for the eight-day and longer horizons), causality is not
The causal impact of non-financial order flows on exchange rate observed for 1998–2001 and only in the very short run for 2002–2005
returns appears to be very sensitive to the time period (upper right (when ω N 2.6). Furthermore, reverse causality is not present in 1994–
panel of Fig. 3). Although the 1994–1997 period resembles the results 1997, but the other two periods are similar to the bottom panel of

Fig. 2. Causality tests for financial (FD) order flows. Top panel: Causality tests (financial order flows to FX returns). Bottom panel: Causality tests (FX returns to financial order flows). The
values of the χ2 test statistic are given by a solid line. The 5% critical value (5.99) that is given by a horizontal dashed line. The null hypotheses are 1) that financial order flow does not cause
FX returns at frequency ω (top) and 2) that FX returns do not cause financial order flow at frequency ω (bottom).
N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165 161

Fig. 3. Causality tests for order flows across subsamples. Top left panel: Causality tests (financial order flows to FX returns). Bottom left panel: Causality tests (FX returns to financial order
flows). Top right panel: Causality tests (non-financial order flows to FX returns). Bottom right panel: Causality tests (FX returns to non-financial order flows). The values of the χ2 test
statistic are given by a solid line for the 1994–1997 subsample, dashed line for the 1998–2001 subsample and dotted line for the 2002–2005 subsample. The 5% critical value (5.99)
that is given by a horizontal dashed line. The null hypotheses are 1) that order flows does not cause FX returns at frequency ω (top panels) and 2) that FX returns do not cause order
flows at frequency ω (bottom panels).

Fig. 1. In all, forecasting exchange rate returns with non-financial order Granger-causality tests are defined at all frequencies (ω ∈ (0, π)) and
flows at longer horizons does not violate the causality assumption of they are unable to test the null hypothesis whether “y does not cause x
microstructure theory. at a particular frequency ω”. In this sense, the Granger-causality test
The robustness analysis for financial order flows identifies the 2002– can be viewed as an “average measure”, while frequency-domain tests
2005 period as the one when transactions were not informative. The look for causality at a specific frequency. Another consideration worth-
figures for the other two periods mirror the top panel of Fig. 2. Reverse while mentioning is that time series are typically sampled at a higher
causality for longer horizons is present in 1998–2001 and 2002–2005, frequency and then aggregated to the lower frequency to test for Granger
but not in the 1994–1997 period (solid line in Fig. 3). Therefore, it is causality. This process of temporal aggregation may have spurious effects
important to note that the informativeness of financial order flows is on Granger causality tests (Ghysels et al., 2013; Granger and Lin, 1995)
sensitive to time period and frequency. Moreover, as the relationship and, for such a reason, we will not aggregate daily data to lower frequen-
between financial order flows and exchange rate returns tends to cies to test for Granger causality. Table 1 reports the Granger causality
occasionally reflect feedback trading, special attention should be paid tests for all variables: the Canada/U.S. dollar returns data (FX returns),
to forecasting at longer horizons. CC data (non-financial order flows), and FD data (financial order
It can also be noted that the 1994–1997 period was in line with the flows). For consistency with Subsection 4.1, the optimal lag length for
causality assumption for both order flow types, i.e., reverse causality the tests is six lags in each bivariate system.
effects were not observed and order flows were mostly informative The results in Table 1 are inconsistent with microstructure theory.
for the price. This period was characterized by stable exchange rates It is found that one can reject that both order flow types Granger do
when the Canadian dollar traded in a relatively narrow range around not cause foreign exchange returns at the 10% level. Financial order
0.73 U.S. dollars. The period of stability lasted until the heavy fluctua- flows appear to exert a stronger causal influence on FX returns than
tions in 1998 caused mainly by the economic crisis in emerging non-financial order flows. In addition, we find evidence of reverse
markets in Asia, Russian default, and the collapse of Long-Term Capital causality for both financial and non-financial order flows. These results
Management. Hence, the findings for 1994–1997 provide support for are similar to the ones in the frequency-domain at the daily horizon.
Hypothesis 2.

4.2. Granger causality Table 1

Granger causality Wald tests.

In this subsection, we accompany the frequency-domain causality re- Null hypothesis p-Value
sults with the standard time-domain Granger-causality tests (Granger, CC does not Granger cause FX returns 0.059
1969).13 In contrast to the approach by Breitung and Candelon (2006), FD does not Granger cause FX returns 0.000
FX returns does not Granger cause CC 0.009
13 FX returns does not Granger cause FD 0.001
We thank the anonymous referee for this suggestion as well as for other insightful
comments. Note: p-Values for the chi-square statistics are reported each test.
162 N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165

Table 2
Profits generated by technical trading rules.

MA(1,50) MA (10,50) MA (5,50) Filter 1% Filter 2% Filter 5% TRBO (5) TRBO (10) TRBO (20) Average

Daily data
Return −4.31% −0.40% −0.49% 0.26% −0.20% 3.22% −3.04% −1.11% 1.09% −0.55%
CC −4.42% 1.21% 1.59% 0.26% −0.20% 3.22% −3.57% −0.50% 1.56% −0.09%
FD −5.76% −1.32% −0.58% 0.26% −0.20% 3.22% −4.68% −1.61% −0.36% −1.22%

Weekly data
Return −1.30% 0.53% 0.62% −1.87% −0.16% −1.52% −0.88% −0.07% 1.26% −0.38%
CC 0.90% 1.76% 1.83% −1.87% −0.16% −1.52% 1.48% 1.50% 1.90% 0.65%
FD −7.00% 5.44% 1.11% −12.26% −1.11% −10.05% −5.84% 1.33% 2.88% −2.84%

Bi-weekly data
Return −0.95% −0.13% 1.05% −0.20% −0.33% −0.39% −0.35% 0.69% 1.51% 0.10%
CC 1.38% 1.66% 1.85% −0.20% −0.33% −0.39% 1.64% 1.74% 1.21% 0.95%
FD 0.03% −0.03% −0.01% −0.20% −0.33% −0.39% 0.54% 0.67% 0.16% 0.05%

Monthly data
Return 0.25% 1.13% 1.52% −0.92% 0.09% 1.59% 0.72% 1.03% 0.64% 0.67%
CC 1.14% 1.55% 0.95% −0.92% 0.09% 1.59% 1.37% 1.25% 1.02% 0.89%
FD 0.15% −0.01% −0.01% −0.92% −0.42% 1.59% 0.49% 0.08% 0.14% 0.12%

4.3. Technical trading strategies four frequencies examined, whereas the returns and FD data generated
positive profits on only two of the four frequencies. Recall that CC trans-
Subsection 4.1 identified reverse causality for the daily and weekly actions are with resident and non-resident non-financial customers,
frequencies in the case of non-financial customers and for the bi- whereas the FD transactions are with foreign financial institutions.
weekly and monthly frequencies in the case of financial customers. The fact that the trading rules were more profitable with CC data than
Therefore, if there is a relationship between reverse causality and the either the FD data or return data suggests that there is more momentum
profits from technical trading rules in regard to the activity of financials based technical trading information content in the trades of non-
(non-financials), one would expect technical trading profits from daily financial customer (e.g., Canadian corporations) than in the trades of
and weekly frequencies to be smaller (larger) than the profits from financial customers (e.g., foreign dealers). Nevertheless, the total tech-
the bi-weekly and monthly frequencies. Table 2 presents the profits nical trading profits from the non-financial customers in the FX market
generated from the technical trading strategies calculated with the are lower considering that CC transactions represent roughly 22% of
Canada/U.S. dollar returns data, CC data (non-financial order flows), the daily FX trading volume, while the corresponding figure for the FD
and FD data (financial order flows). customers is 49%.
Table 2 provides evidence that the bi-weekly and monthly frequency Finally, Table 2 indicates a stable, increasing trend in technical
generated the largest profits from technical analysis, as opposed to the trading profitability with the trading horizon. That is, the profits from
daily and weekly frequencies. This is especially true for the financial the technical trading rules increase as the frequency of the data
order flow. For example, the average profits from the nine trading decreases (i.e., from daily, to bi-weekly, to monthly), which verifies
rules were negative at the daily frequency for the returns data, CC Hypothesis 4. Except for the CC data, the profits from the technical trad-
data, and FD data. The returns and FD data also generated negative ing rules are the largest when calculated with the monthly frequency
profits at the weekly frequency. However, the average profits from (Fig. 4).
the trading rules are positive for the FX returns, CC and FD data at As an additional sensitivity test, we present the results before trans-
both bi-weekly and monthly frequencies. action costs (raw returns). The raw returns can rule out the possibility
Also, Table 2 provides evidence of a robust relationship between the
average technical trading profitability and reverse causality across time
scales for the financial order flow data, and this evidence provides
support for Hypothesis 3. However, this relationship is not robust for
the non-financial order flows. It is important to note that different
results emerge when analyzing the results for individual rules as
opposed to the average results. In particular, for the MACO(5,50),
MACO(10,50) and TRBO(20) rules, profits are positive for all frequen-
cies when using non-financial order flow, and the lowest at the monthly
horizon. This is consistent with the findings on reverse causality report-
ed in bottom panel of Fig. 1. Using financial order flow, the profits from
these same trading rules are negative at the daily horizon and positive at
the weekly, bi-weekly and monthly horizons, which is consistent with
bottom panel of Fig. 2. Thus, it would appear that the relationship
between trading rule profitability and reverse causality may depend
on the lag length employed in the trading rule.
Interesting results also emerge when analyzing the relationship
between technical trading profitability and reverse causality on the
individual data sets. For example, Table 2 reveals that the technical
trading rules were the most profitable when calculated with the non-
Fig. 4. Notes: The lines represent multiscale (from the daily to the monthly horizon)
financial order flow data. The CC data result in larger average profits average technical trading returns using the Canada/U.S. dollar returns (dotted line), CC
than the returns and FD data for all four frequencies examined. In order flows (dashed line) and FD order flows (solid line) before transactions costs are
addition, the trading rules generated positive profits on three of the taken into account.
N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165 163

Table 3
Profits before transaction costs generated by technical trading rules.

MA(1,50) MA (10,50) MA (5,50) Filter 1% Filter 2% Filter 5% TRBO (5) TRBO (10) TRBO (20) Average

Daily data
Return 2.98% 2.28% 1.36% 2.26% 0.28% 3.22% 2.83% 1.89% 2.62% 2.19%
CC 0.97% 3.06% 2.52% 2.26% 0.28% 3.22% 0.90% 1.56% 2.61% 1.93%
FD 0.21% 0.78% 0.61% 2.26% 0.28% 3.22% 0.29% 0.99% 1.05% 1.08%

Weekly data
Return 0.03% 0.91% 0.85% −0.62% 0.41% −1.49% 0.05% 0.38% 1.40% 0.21%
CC 1.56% 1.89% 1.95% −0.62% 0.41% −1.49% 2.03% 1.76% 1.99% 1.05%
FD −2.12% 6.78% 1.71% −4.21% 2.90% −9.89% −1.36% 3.50% 3.47% 0.09%

Bi-weekly data
Return −0.19% 0.07% 1.17% 0.59% −0.24% −0.36% 0.12% 0.88% 1.58% 0.40%
CC 1.64% 1.73% 1.93% 0.59% −0.24% −0.36% 1.86% 1.83% 1.26% 1.14%
FD 0.33% 0.03% 0.00% 0.59% −0.24% −0.36% 0.81% 0.75% 0.17% 0.23%

Monthly data
Return 0.53% 1.21% 1.57% −0.38% 0.09% 1.61% 0.87% 1.10% 0.70% 0.81%
CC 1.28% 1.61% 1.00% −0.38% 0.09% 1.61% 1.45% 1.32% 1.06% 1.00%
FD 0.24% 0.00% 0.00% −0.38% 0.09% 1.61% 0.57% 0.09% 0.15% 0.26%

that the increase in trading rule profit is caused simply by a reduction in flow) drive technical trading at the bi-weekly and monthly horizons.
the number of trades when moving from daily to weekly frequency Most importantly, we find a strong support for the multiscale
(i.e., the higher frequency trades will generate more trades, and increase dependency of reverse causality on the technical trading profitability
transaction costs). Table 3 presents the raw returns from the technical when analyzing the financial customers as well as some individual
trading strategies. trading rules.
The results for the technical trading returns before transaction costs Table 4 presents the number of trades generated from the technical
(Table 3) suggest that it is possible that the inverse relationship trading strategies calculated with the Canada/U.S. dollar return data, CC
between profits and the data frequency (Table 2) could arise due to data (non-financial order flows), and FD data (financial order flows). It
less trades being triggered (i.e., less transaction costs). The results reveals that the average number of trades generated with the return, CC,
from the price series suggest an increasing convex shape of returns and FD data all decrease as the frequency of the data decreased. For
across frequencies (Fig. 4) with higher profits at the lowest frequencies example, the daily frequency with the return data generated an average
relative to the highest frequencies. of 391 trading signals over the time period analyzed. The number of
Recall that CC order flows show strong reverse causality effects at trades decreased to 88, 45, and 27 with weekly, bi-weekly and monthly
the daily frequency. This is in line with Table 3 (and Fig. 4), which sug- data frequency, respectively. The same pattern is clearly evident with
gests that non-financial customers engage in technical trading at the the CC and FD data.
daily frequency (evidenced by the large returns at the daily level on An additional sensitivity test is conducted to determine if the
the price data). This could be the result of Canadian multinational cor- number of trades declines as the frequency of the data decreases. For
porations entering the foreign exchange market on a daily basis to example, one may argue that it is intuitively apparent that for a given
hedge or settle transactions denominated in foreign currencies. The FD sample period, a trading rule based on monthly returns will generate
order flow displays reverse causality at the weekly and lower frequen- fewer trades than one based on daily data. Accordingly, Table 5 presents
cies. Again, the returns without transaction costs suggest that financial the average number of trades generated against the expected number of
customers engage in technical trading at lower frequencies (evidence trades at the weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly frequencies. The expected
by the larger returns at the monthly level on the price data). number of trades is calculated based on the number of trades actually
Overall, Table 3 and Fig. 4 can be interpreted to provide support for generated at the daily level. For example, with approximately 245
the notion that non-financial customers (CC order flow) drive technical trading days per year, and 12 months per year, one would expect 19
trading at the daily frequency, while financial customers (FD order trades with monthly return data (i.e., 391/[250/12]). The expected
number of trades at the weekly and bi-weekly levels is calculated in

Table 4
Number of trades generated by technical trading rules. Table 5
Number of trades generated versus expected number of trades.
MA MA MA Filter Filter Filter TRBO TRBO TRBO
(1,50) (10,50) (5,50) 1% 2% 5% (5) (10) (20) Average Expected trades Difference

Return data Return data

Daily 584 204 145 284 46 0 1003 727 529 Daily 391
Weekly 36 35 24 204 76 4 203 133 81 Weekly 88 83 5
Bi-weekly 9 8 11 121 69 9 91 53 38 Bi-weekly 45 42 4
Monthly 1 0 1 79 52 10 44 30 25 Monthly 27 19 8

CC data CC data
Daily 435 141 71 284 46 0 869 665 528 Daily 338
Weekly 12 11 11 204 76 4 165 132 113 Weekly 81 72 9
Bi-weekly 6 5 7 121 69 9 74 59 51 Bi-weekly 45 36 9
Monthly 1 0 2 79 52 10 35 31 23 Monthly 26 17 9

FD data FD data
Daily 482 161 91 284 46 0 867 650 506 Daily 343
Weekly 12 11 4 204 76 4 162 123 99 Weekly 77 73 4
Bi-weekly 3 2 0 121 69 9 80 61 52 Bi-weekly 44 36 8
Monthly 1 0 0 79 52 10 40 33 33 Monthly 28 17 11
164 N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165

Table 6
Sharpe ratios of profits generated by technical trading rules.

MACO (1,50) MACO (10,50) MACO (5,50) Filter 1% Filter 2% Filter 5% TRBO (5) TRBO (10) TRBO (20) Average

Daily data
Return (0.048) (0.009) (0.009) 0.207 0.010 0.264 (0.034) (0.014) 0.007 0.041
CC (0.065) 0.012 0.020 0.207 0.010 0.264 (0.004) (0.011) 0.017 0.050
FD (0.055) (0.016) (0.008) 0.207 0.010 0.264 (0.044) (0.017) (0.007) 0.037

Return (0.051) 0.010 0.017 (0.247) (0.082) (0.266) (0.044) (0.010) 0.035 (0.071)
CC 0.031 0.078 0.083 (0.247) (0.082) (0.266) 0.048 0.060 0.083 (0.024)
FD (0.033) 0.013 0.001 (1.628) (0.568) (1.771) (0.034) (0.001) 0.004 (0.446)

Return (0.055) (0.016) 0.051 (0.048) (0.008) (0.008) (0.027) 0.026 0.072 (0.001)
CC 0.086 0.112 0.136 (0.000) (0.008) (0.008) 0.109 0.121 0.083 0.070
FD (0.006) (0.008) (0.001) (0.000) (0.008) (0.008) 0.013 0.018 (0.001) (0.000)

Return 0.010 0.075 0.020 (0.181) (0.097) 0.140 0.042 0.068 0.040 0.013
CC 0.008 0.008 0.007 (0.181) (0.097) 0.140 0.008 0.008 0.007 (0.010)
FD 0.001 (0.003) (0.059) (0.181) (0.097) 0.140 0.016 (0.002) 0.005 (0.020)

the same manner, but, with 52 weekly and 26 bi-weekly periods, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly frequencies. Similar patterns are also
respectively. Table 5 presents the results. identified, on average, for the CC and FD data.
The results from Table 5 support the results in Table 4 as the number The SR analysis with profits before transaction costs (Table 7) is
of trades generated in for the weekly, bi-weekly and monthly data are consistent with main results as the SRs for the return and CC increase
all near their expectations. Table 5 provides further support to the as the frequency decreases from daily to monthly. Therefore, the SR
results that the number of trades decrease as the frequency of the data analysis supports the conclusion that a robust relationship does not
decreases. exist between the average risk-adjusted technical trading profitability
Thus far, the results have focused solely on the returns from the and reverse causality across time scales.
technical trading strategies. However, returns are not the sole criterion The SR analysis also supports the conclusion that using the non-
by which optimal portfolios are determined. Accordingly, an additional financial order flow data results in the optimal trading strategy as the
sensitivity test is conducted to assess whether the riskiness of the risk-adjusted profits for three of the four frequencies (daily, weekly,
technical trading profits has any impact on the overall results. The and bi-weekly), and outperformed the financial order flow data at all
Sharpe ratio (SR) incorporates the riskiness of the technical trading four frequencies (Table 6). Before adjusting for transaction costs, the
strategies into the analysis. The SR is calculated as the ratio of the non-financial order flow data results in the optimal risk-adjusted
mean return of the trading strategy to its standard deviation. Higher trading strategy for all four frequencies (Table 7).
SRs are desirable because they indicate either higher mean returns or
less volatility. A negative SR indicates that a buy-and hold strategy 5. Conclusions
would perform better than the technical trading rule. The SRs for the
profits (before and after transaction costs) are presented in Tables 6 The first goal of this study is to critically investigate the causality
and 7, respectively. relationship between spot exchange rates and currency order flows in
Recall that Table 2 provided evidence that the bi-weekly and month- the Canada/U.S. dollar market. The recent popularity of FX market
ly frequencies generated the largest profits from technical analysis, microstructure models stems from the argument that order flow is the
as opposed to the daily and weekly frequencies. The SR analysis key variable in the process by which dispersed private and public
(Table 6) is consistent with the profit analysis as the SRs are larger at information is aggregated until it becomes embedded in exchange
the bi-weekly and monthly frequency. For example, the SR for the rates. The central hypothesis underlying this process is that order
return time series is − 0.018, − 0.007, 0.008, and 0.042 for the daily, flows drive exchange rates and not vice versa.

Table 7
Sharpe ratios of profits before transaction costs generated by technical trading rules.

MACO (1,50) MACO (10,50) MACO (5,50) Filter 1% Filter 2% Filter 5% TRBO (5) TRBO (10) TRBO (20) Average

Daily data
Return 0.028 0.020 0.011 0.006 (0.068) 0.264 0.027 0.017 0.023 0.036
CC 0.010 0.040 0.036 0.006 (0.068) 0.264 0.001 0.019 0.034 0.038
FD (0.000) 0.003 0.002 0.006 (0.068) 0.264 0.001 0.007 0.005 0.024

Return (0.007) 0.023 0.025 (0.169) 0.045 (0.265) (0.013) 0.005 0.040 (0.035)
CC 0.062 0.084 0.089 (0.169) 0.045 (0.265) 0.073 0.072 0.088 0.009
FD (0.014) 0.018 0.003 (1.154) 0.320 (1.770) (0.017) 0.007 0.006 (0.289)

Return (0.018) (0.006) 0.057 0.015 (0.064) (0.076) (0.004) 0.035 0.076 0.002
CC 0.106 0.118 0.143 0.015 (0.064) (0.076) 0.125 0.128 0.088 0.065
FD 0.005 (0.005) (0.000) 0.015 (0.064) (0.076) 0.023 0.021 (0.001) (0.009)

Return 0.031 0.080 0.023 (0.111) (0.020) 0.140 0.054 0.074 0.043 0.035
CC 0.122 0.155 (0.025) (0.111) (0.020) 0.140 0.136 0.130 0.112 0.071
FD 0.006 (0.002) (0.058) (0.111) (0.020) 0.140 0.020 (0.002) 0.005 (0.002)
N. Gradojevic, C. Lento / Economic Modelling 47 (2015) 156–165 165

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Canada (864-2007-0092). Also, the authors wish to thank Ramo Gençay White, H., 2005. Approximate nonlinear forecasting methods. In: Elliott, G., Granger,
for valuable advice on an earlier version of the paper, seminar partici- C.W.J., Timmermann, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Economics Forecasting. Elsevier, New
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(Bank of Canada) for providing the data. Giovanni Scalzo contributed
to the manuscript with some excellent research assistance.

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