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How to submit a Proposal

electronically – Filling in Part B

Martha Bißmann, WIP Renewable Energies

Sara Alfonso Romero, MADRID + D
*Preparatory Phase
*Part B1 - S&T Quality
*Part B2 - Implementation
*Part B3 - Impact
*Final sections *
*Preparatory Phase
*Part B1 - S&T Quality
*Part B2 - Implementation
*Part B3 - Impact
*Final Sections *
*The presentation has been developed having the
“Cooperation” programme in mind
*Most sections apply to other major programmes
like the “capacities” however some programmes
like “People” might have other structure and logic
*Training can make the process easier for you
reducing the time necessary to navigate through
the information, documents and guidelines
 No-one can guarantee success for you

*Preparatory Phase
*Part B1 - S&T Quality
*Part B2 - Implementation
*Part B3 - Impact
*Final sections *
*Cordis extract with the different programmes


Criteria for
geographical area
/ funding volume:

Impact of project:
* Background
* Concept
* Objectives
* Work plan
* Impact

*WP1 – Management
*WP2 – Biotechnological Methods Assessment
*WP3 – Best Practice Documentation
*WP4 – Knowledge Transfer Schemes
*WP5 – Education & Training Schemes
*WP6 – Biowaste Conversion Awareness Raising
*WP7 – Stakeholder Dissemination
* Select your partners:
 Leading specialists in biowaste conversion, biotechnology in
developing countries
 Communication and training experts
 Health and environmental specialists
 Socio-economic researchers
 Relevant networks
* Prefer entities specialized in the Mediterranean and
ACP countries
* Keep in mind the geographical balance

*Preparatory Phase
*Part B1 - S&T Quality
*Part B2 - Implementation
*Part B3 - Impact
*Final sections
* Download the Part B template from EPSS
* Download the Guide for applicants
* Copy the instructions from the Annex 4:
“Instructions for drafting Part B” to the relevant
parts of the template

*Preparatory Phase
*Part B1 - S&T Quality
*Part B2 - Implementation
*Part B3 - Impact
*Final sections *
* 1 Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the
topics addressed by the call

* 1.1 Concept and objectives

* 1.2 Progress beyond the state of the art
* 1.3 S/T methodology and associated work plan

* Table 1.3 a: Work package list

* Table 1.3 b: Deliverables List
* Table 1.3 c: Work package description
* Table 1.3d Summary of staff effort
* Table 1.3e List of milestones

1.1 Concept and objectives
* 1.1.1 Concept
* Explain the concept of your project. What are the main ideas that led you
to propose this work?
* 1.1.2 Objectives
* Describe in detail the S&T objectives. Show how they relate to the topics
addressed by the call. The objectives should be those achievable within the
project, not through subsequent development. They should be stated in a
measurable and verifiable form, including through the milestones that will
be indicated under section 1.3 below.

 Elaborate on the text of the concept note

 The objectives can follow the structure of the project

1.2 Progress beyond the state of the art
* 1.2.1 State of the art
* Describe the state of the art in the area concerned
 Get support from partners / colleagues you trust

* 1.2.2 Innovation
* Describe the advance that the proposed project would bring about. If
applicable, refer to the results of any patent search you might have
carried out.
 Logical continuation to the text of 1.2.1; be specific;
follow the structure and logic of the work-plan
 Use references

1.3 S/T methodology and associated work plan
* Detailed plan broken down into work packages
following the logical phases of the implementation of
the project
i) Describe the overall strategy of the work plan.
ii) Show the timing of the WPs in a Gantt chart
iii) Provide detailed description broken down into work packages
iv) Provide a graphical presentation of the components showing
their interdependencies (Pert diagram or similar)
 The planning should be detailed to justify the effort and allow
 Risks should be identified, and contingency plans described

• Few lines
• Consistent with the objectives of section 1.1.2

• Give a short overview; define the WP leader

• Break down into 3-5 tasks; give each a title and a leader
• The WP leader should describe in detail each task

• 2-3 deliverables; ideally one secondary and one main

• Deliverables should be specific MIRA Training, Bari, Oct 2009
MIRA Training, Bari, Oct 2009
*Complete when budget is finalised
* Select critical points – less than the WPs
*Preparatory Phase
*Part B1 - S&T Quality
*Part B2 - Implementation
*Part B3 - Impact
*Final sections *
* 2. Implementation
* 2.1 Management structure and procedures
* 2.2 Individual participants
* 2.3 Consortium as a whole
* 2.4 Resources to be committed

2.1 Management structure and procedures
(Maximum length: 5 pages)
*Describe the organisational structure and decision
making mechanisms. Show how they are matched to
the complexity and scale of the project.
 Roles: Coordinator, WP leaders, task leaders
Monitoring, control and communication procedures
Steering committee – voting rules

2.2 Individual participants
(Maximum length: one page per participant)
*For each participant provide a brief description of
the organisation, the main tasks they have been
attributed, and the previous experience relevant to
those tasks. Provide also a short profile of the staff
members who will be undertaking the work.
 Descriptions adapted to the project
 Request early, check them and ask for revision

2.3 Consortium as a whole
* Describe how the participants collectively constitute a
consortium capable of achieving the project objectives,
and how they are suited and are committed to the tasks
assigned to them. Show the complementarity between
participants. Explain how the composition of the
consortium is well-balanced in relation to the objectives
of the project.
* If appropriate describe the industrial involvement to
ensure exploitation of the results, and how the
opportunity of involving SMEs has been addressed

2.3 Consortium as a whole
*i) Subcontracting: If any part of the work is to be
subcontracted describe the work involved and explain
why a subcontract approach has been chosen for it.
*ii) If a participants requesting EU funding is based
outside the EU, and is not an Associated country or an
International Cooperation Partner Countries, explain
why such funding would be essential
*iii) If there are unidentified participants, the role,
competences and integration should be described.

2.4 Resources to be committed
(Maximum length two pages)
* In addition to the costs indicated in part A3 of the
proposal, and the staff effort shown in section 1.3, please
indicate any other major costs (equipment).
* Describe how the totality of the necessary resources will
be mobilised, including any resources that will
complement the EC contribution. Show how the resources
will be integrated in a coherent way, and show how the
overall plan for the project is adequate.

*Preparatory Phase
*Part B1 - S&T Quality
*Part B2 - Implementation
*Part B3 - Impact
*Final sections

3. Impact
(Maximum length for the whole of Section 3 – ten pages)
*3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work programme
*3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project
results, and management of intellectual property

3.1 Expected impacts
* Describe how your project will contribute towards the
expected impacts listed in the work programme in relation
to the topic(s) in question. Mention the steps that will be
needed to bring about these impacts
* Explain why this contribution requires a European (rather
than a national or local) approach
* Indicate how account is taken of other R&D activities
* Mention any assumptions and external factors that may
determine whether the impacts will be achieved

3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results,
and management of intellectual property
*Describe the measures you propose for the:
*Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results
*The management of knowledge
*The management of intellectual property

*Preparatory Phase
*Part B1 - S&T Quality
*Part B2 - Implementation
*Part B3 - Impact
*Final sections
MIRA Training, Bari, Oct 2009
5. Consideration of gender aspects
(Maximum length for section 5 – one page)
*Give an indication of the actions to promote gender
equality in your project, or in your field of research.
*These could include actions related to the project
consortium or actions aimed at a wider public
 Will not be evaluated, but will be discussed during

* Part 1: Coordinated work is needed but should not be
a problem if the consortium has the required
background and the concept is well developed
* Part 2: Some standard text can be used in proposals
of similar nature. A clear idea of the consortium and
the budget are needed
* Part 3: Many scientists face difficulties to sell their
idea, therefore adequate time should be dedicated
Part 1 > Part 3 > Part 2

* …moving on to Form B!

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