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Micro Project Report


“ Hotel Management System ”

Submitted by
Name of students
1. Sakshi Salunke
2. Sakshi Lashkar

Under the Guidance of

Name of guide
Prof. Vilas Rathod

In partial fulfillment of
Diploma in Information Technology
March 2019


PUNE – 411038
Affiliated to

Maharashtra State Board Technical Education

Micro-Project Proposal

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

1.Maximize the performance of libraries with dynamic reports.
2. Charts and graphs to review and track the progress for better decision-making.
3. The automated library software is user-friendly, powerful and developed for easy entry of
4. Makes library operations free from errors

2.0 Course Outcome addressed

a. Installation and configuration database product.
b. Apply constraints on relation.
c. Use DML commond on relation.
d. Use of operators in SQL queries.
e. Use of DC commond on database.

3.0 Proposed methodology

Management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library .The project
“Library Management System” is developed in php, which mainly focuses on basic operations in
a library like adding new books, and updating new information, searching books and members
and return books.
This project of “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT” of gives us the complete information about the
library. We can enter the record of new books and retrieve the details of books available in the
We can issue the books to the students and maintain their records and can also check how many
books are issued and stock available in the library. In this project we can maintain the late fine of
students who returns the issued books after the due date.
4.0 Action Plan
Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of responsible team
No. start Finish members
Date date
1 Discussion and finalization of 9-1-19 15-1-19 Sakshi Salunke

2 Preparation and submission of 18-1-19 1-2-19 Sakshi Lashkar

3 Collection of Data 18-2-19 20-2-19 Sakshi Lashkar,Sakshi Salunke

4 Compilation of Report And 1-3-19 5-3-19 Sakshi Salunke

5 Seminar 1-3-19 10-3-19 Sakshi Lashkar

5.0 Resources Required (Major resources such as raw material, some machining facility,
software etc.)
Sr. Name of resource/material Specifications Qty. Remarks
1 Computer (i3-i5) Windows 7 1

2 Software Jdk 10 1

3 Application Google chrome 1

Names of team members with Roll Nos.

1. Sakshi Salunke-23
2. Sakshi Lashkar-24

Approved by: Vilas Rathod


Micro-Project Report
Format for micro-project report
4.0 Rationale
To dramatically improve the discovery experience for users seeking scholarly information
resources, such as traditional monograph and journal publications, archival materials, research
datasets, images, recordings, cultural artifacts, newspapers and magazines, web archives, and
much more.
All three institutions have been looking at ways to gather context and relationships about these
resources that go far beyond traditional metadata approaches. Drawing from a wide variety of
sources, including traditional catalogs, usage information, research guides, author information,
semantically interoperable subject headings, geo spatial references.
Collection metadata at multiple granularities, and expert annotation and selection, we plan to
gather contextual information about resources such as books, articles, serials, datasets, and
multimedia into a semantic-web-based .

5.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

1.Maximize the performance of libraries with dynamic reports.
2. Charts and graphs to review and track the progress for better decision-making.
3. The automated library software is user-friendly, powerful and developed for easy entry of
4. Makes library operations free from errors.

6.0 Course Outcome Achieved

a. Installation and configuration database product.
b. Apply constraints on relation.
c. Use DML commond on relation.
d. Use of operators in SQL queries.
e. Use of DCL commond on database.
7.0 Actual methodology followed


1. Book_rec
2. Membership_rec
3. Book_details
4. Circulation_rec


1.Create table book_rec(book_name char(15) primary key,author char(15),total_copies

number(5),available_copies number(5));

2.Create table membership_rec(mem_id number(5) primary key,mem_name

char(15),no_of_books_taken number(2));

3. Create table book_details(book_id number(5) primary key,book_name char(15) references

book_rec(book_name),mem_id number(5));

4.Create table circulation_rec(book_id number(5) references book_details(book_id),mem_id

number(5) references membership_rec(mem_id),issue_date date,return_date date);
Add a New Book

bknam char(15);

auth char(15);

tot number(5);

id number(5);

no number(5);

i number(3);





insert into book_rec values(bknam,auth,tot,tot);

for i in 1..tot


select MAX(book_id) into no from book_details;

if no is not null then




end if;
insert into book_details values(id,bknam,null);

end loop;


Create a new Member


nam char(15);

id number(5);

no number(5);

i number(3);



select MAX(mem_id) into no from membership_rec;

if no is not null then




end if;

insert into membership_rec values(id,nam,null);

dbms_output.put_line('Mr/Mrs/Miss. '||nam||', your membership id is '||id);

Issue a Book


bknam char(15);

mid number(5);

bid number(5);

dat date;

nam char(15);

n number(5);



select MIN(book_id) into bid from book_details where book_name=bknam and mem_id is null;


select mem_name into nam from membership_rec where mem_id=mid;

update book_details set mem_id=mid where book_id=bid;

select no_of_books_taken into n from membership_rec where mem_id=mid;

if n is null then


end if;

update membership_rec set no_of_books_taken=n+1 where mem_id=mid;

update book_rec set available_copies=available_copies-1 where book_name=bknam;

select ADD_months(sysdate,1) into dat from dual;

insert into circulation_rec values(bid,mid,sysdate,dat);


Return a book

bknam char(15);

id number(5);

bid number(5);

tim number(7,2);

dat date;




select book_id into bid from book_details where book_name=bknam and mem_id=id;

update book_details set mem_id=null where book_id=bid;

update membership_rec set no_of_books_taken=no_of_books_taken-1 where mem_id=id;

update book_rec set available_copies=available_copies+1 where book_name=bknam;

select return_date into dat from circulation_rec where book_id=bid and mem_id=id;

select months_between(sysdate,dat) into tim from dual;

if tim>0 then

dbms_output.put_line('You have to pay fine');

end if;


 Improved Customer Service

 Cataloging Improvements

 Easier Access

 Collections

 Lasting Effects

 User Friendly

 Increase library engagement

 Student involvement


 The product provide the member with online blocking of books capability
 The system provides logon facilities to the user
 The system provide the member with the option to check their accounts and or change
their option of account when ever needed all through the day during the libraray hour

 While developing this project we have learnt a lot about library management system.

 During the development process we studied carefully and understood the criteria for
making a software more demanding.

5.0 Actual Resources Used (mention the actual resources used like software, hardware ect.)
Sr. Name of Resource Specifications Qty. Remark

1. Computer(i3) 2 GB RAM 1

2. Software Jdk1.0 1
6.0 Output of the Micro-Projects
7.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcome of this Micro- Project
The software takes care of all requirement of an average library and is capable to provide
easy an effective storage of information related to user that come are provided in library
system. The system also provide the facility of backup as per the requirement.

8.0 Applications of this Micro-Project

Library Management System. Library Management System is a software used to manages the
catalog of a library. This helps to keep the records of whole transactions of the books available
in the library.There are many features which helps librarian to keep records of available books
as well as issued books. Using library management system the librarian can catalogue and
maintain all types of books, journals, CD's etc. Provision to request for new titles, journals and
magazines.Powerful search engine allows users to find information in the library in no
time.Charge users for lost/damaged books..Newspapers attendance is maintained.

Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student:-Sakshi Salunke

Enrollment No:-1701480153
Name of Programme: - Information Technology
Semester: - IV
Course Title: -DB
Subject Code:-22416
Title of the Micro-Project:- “Library Management System”.

Course Outcome Achieved

a. Installation and configuration database product.

b. Apply constraints on relation.
c. Use DML commond on relation.
d. Use of operators in SQL queries.
e. Use of DCL commond on database.

(A) (B) Total Marks

Process and Product assessment Individual Presentation/ Viva (10)
(6 Marks) (4 Marks)

Comments/Suggestions about team work/Leadership/inter-personal communication (if


Name and designation of the Teacher: - Prof. Vilas Rathod(Lecturer)

Dated Signature……………………………………………………………………

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