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This study aimed to know whether the facilities of Assumpta Technical High School are

effective enough to satisfy the needs of the learners, especially the selected Grades 10, and Grade

12 STEM students, so they could achieve the competencies that are set by the Department of

Education. The study focused on the learning environment of the Grades 10 and 12 in Assumpta

Technical High School S.Y. 2018-2019 especially on how they perceived the effectiveness of the

school facilities. This study also intended to know the ratings of the students on the effectiveness

of the three facilities in the school, namely: laboratory, high school library, and classroom.

The study is a causal comparative. It used the quantitative method that utilized the

Questionnaire for Institutional Facilities which is composed of 28 statements and was constructed

and standardized by U. Kalita (2013) to measure the opinion of the students on availability of

Institutional facilities. The respondent/s of the study were selected using the stratified random

sampling technique. The stratified was based on the two sections from Grade 10 and Grade 12

STEM students of Assumpta Technical High School. The data obtained was analyzed by

computing for the weighted mean score per item, and the average weighted mean score. The

researcher used inferential statistics, specifically T-test and SPSS to tabulate the scores.

The findings of the study revealed that the library and the classrooms of Assumpta

Technical High School are effective enough to satisfy the needs of the selected Grade 10 and Grade

12 STEM students. However, based on the data gathered, the science laboratory failed to meet the

standards and is therefore determined to be not effective to satisfy the needs of the selected Grade

10 and Grade 12 STEM students.

The study recommended the following: (1) the school should provide enough librarians

that will help the students to be more active and productive inside the school's library; (2) the

laboratory technician or the teachers should provide enough materials especially when the students
are conducting their experiments; (3) the classrooms should use curtain that are light-colored and

thin because dark color curtain absorbed more heat and thick curtain traps the heats, increase the

windows in classroom and plant more trees beside the building so that it will help to get fresh air;

(4) the school should allow the students to the school’s WiFi if needed so they can catch up and

provide for themselves when there are school works that they need to accomplish.

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