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re a Ce ae at . . Te Copy cft= N° A Gevermont"ef andl Nevius ‘5 ‘ Abstract. Buildires Public“werkts Depavtucrt-Travellors Bunzalew wider tt control cf Winhways ami Rurrl Works Denartment-Preper mairgors Revisod Retcs-Apprevod. ‘i Bae "| Public Verks Department (BQ.1) G.0.Ms.Now1 742 + Drteds 17.8,90." vo ‘ 7 Promedtcths*Aavenil. sbirus . . vellovar Anndu 20216 Read ng at 1.6,, Public Works DepYrtwent Datcd: 13.8.81. O.Memo. Ne.1463 Publicterks Department Dz «117.89. _ 3.G,0.Ms.Nc.1835 Public Werks Dopertmont Dt. 16.11.88. *Rerd azole 1. G.0.Ms.Ne.1350 Public Yorks Dejfartmont Dt,15.8.814 Public Yorks Department Dt.11. 7489+ . Read aleci= Frea the Chior Enginocr (Ww) Lr, Ne.12754/srle4.3-00 Dt. €.2.89. © ORDERt= ic * ~ In the Gevormnfent erder thitt] te abeve, the Gescrrmery have Issued ordots that tht plintt aren rates per squeme ‘mene fer canrYing. cut the erdinery repairs beth for cdvil rp ill 5 for Bltetrical tons of werks fer eovtain types*cf festdentint rd aie residential tudldits fer cht yorr 1987-88 arc onberecd bosod ev My reperts ofthe Organisaticn ema Motheds Ce. ("nffineering Wing) “er perscnnel and Administr-tive Heferias Depsrtment ani in consuls -tari with the Chicf Encincor (Buildittgs) swperectitg the cHlers dsnuel in G,O.Ms.Re.1359 PublicWorks Donartmont Di.i3.6,1981 ard @.0.Ms..- 465 PUblic Werks“Denertmert Du.11. 3. while givii the plinth prca rete“per square motrs fe¥ erdinery ropeirs in Annoxure I the coiling ritesfer“specirlreveirs tc buildings in terms cf crdincry roprirs rete erc lst) enherced in Amrcturc II, In Anraxnros IIT to ¥ the Géverrnent eppreved the distri tion eo-ctficdonts beprrt- mont-wise arf circlewisc, In Anncyure’V the Govewmént public works depertacnt havo“alse %pprevol the evernge plinth arca retes fer Inspoeticn Purgetows art cirevit buses ly identifyan, eleven ecmponents such ss civil werks, r neayol cf Liner, ronoyrLvef ere ¥ies ete. In AnMexvre VII the fcverimert Putte Werks Dopertaat bev: also specifiod =“spocimon tord index tc bi anintnined fer tach budid Arg ‘hich gives ell informticns abcut the inspcetaen Durertows/dire Feuses/Prejcet Heuses/Rest Focuses. page ae 3. Tho Chicf Enginec¥ (eM) hes Yet stated the trv t¥indn; the Iravoiiers bunwlews tuc sciarale estit eivcndnirg the Trercikors Puryelby tue sophneto os “vevel.or§ Burgtltws re prepare every yor ene fcr i prynent ci Brepérty"texos“paysble t¢ the leet bedies end the cther fer ths pel maintonenes of ‘revel crs Burtelow within 1/2" thove spit rs. ef the buildin whici Jsvery axe Majer let Vee carriud out only through apiainl rupalraustin alia pftvr odtaining tho prior 9 buroval of thy computunt outhoritlus. In ordar +6 obvints thse difficultias, thodni doted 2949.96 od ruquuotad to izaus ordura allowing thunora1 pjzoved by thaGo vernmont in -ublic Horks D: pa: 4m 11465 Zablio Works Dopor tment Dt. 11.7,83 fo: the: ond catling rot nant in G,0.Ma.N vf2nginovr (HeRW) tn bis Le b+ aatotunanoy of building oa Tavs llorgs Bungalows yusted with Htghwoys and:taral Worles De porta nto. : v Ths Ones dugtes © ussnot vtatad thot tho Govrnne nt id. {n ¥ublio Worke Duportmn + ins, mont Dat-dt 16,614,083 haysroviowd 1405 Public Works Fotes and’ r? nucgat-a ordare of Sov wid ceiling rotza azuroved in Datud? 18671.1986 5.°"Ts Gos Gaighwaya*and dural sn {i C40 ba fosuvd, rato 6 1 ect nibincul worla Di pestiont 6. Thin ordir t Yipartmant vide {ts U. da iti portant Dave: 1147.83 a>,0inting tha To. 31552/299/90-1 Dt. 21, O.Ma.o.1335 iablic Worka Dip, jus retsa apsrov:d tn, G,0.Ms wnt allowing tho Lotast mW orng {9.061835 “ablic Vora Dupurtes nt gruadnd cosa tay px poosl of thu Chit. 2nzknues omen) “aud al tog hall stk rerua abl oud Lene raten “wdlto Yo vcs Dipartmnt Dt, for thy md utsnnnoal hail up ay 014,93 Ud Yyavllora tangslowa yuobed sn alae. . tho eonevtysn of Finanoo PY ovdes.of tn ovurnors Sepia sao aot Copy. oft tbs Chiat Joginosr (headin Gt. (10)Dt.72.11, 0, LiL! G.0.Mo elo. 1742 oie Suor M965. {nds .tn.42754/Sala! 3/587 4,ifo.1 Dt. 17.8, 90, 4 ogy, of above Govsnnant omar ts commante s1L' Saps antondi ng “nginsors (11) ond Divicoual dnginayrs' (1) for trfor= nation ondnvovagary section, /tras cow / wland aivelu, eo tugines. CliyMade 9, Special repairs coiling rate > teurms- of ominary repairs rate . Less than tO years 2 times ovlinary repairs rate 10 to 20 years 5 tiues.ontinazy ‘Repairs rate 3. 20 to-40 years T times oxiinary repairs rate 4, 40 to 60 years 10 times ordinary repairs rate 5. 60 years and above Actuals. 5s ELECTRICAL 1. Less than 10 years © 2.10 to 20 years 3. 20 yoars. and above ordinary Repairs rate omlinary repairs rate Note: 1 Only ceiling limit of total o: of 5 years is fixed for special Repairs expanditure on individual building: based gn plinth area, The work may be-carried ott once in 5. years or at intermediate period according to the necessity but the total amumt spent in a period of 5 years should not exceed the amqunt ‘as fixed. e anditure for a period Bote:2 Whenever tho coiling limit is exccedod applying the approved plinth area rates, the sp-cific approval for carrying out such works vill be obtainel fron the Superintending Inginesr concemed, Hote 3(a) Within tho’ ceiling limits presoribei, tho-executdve Bigineer may carry out spocial rep2izs works on an individual building not exe:eding Rs.50000/~ Rs.500C/- the work can be carriod out after obtaining specific approval of the Superintending Migineers of concerned circls. Tho Superintending Engivcer may inspect the works and record the Zact df his inspections on the sanctioned catimates and then plithorise te Executive Ingincer to xecute the work, i For Special Repairs works costing more than | Wotc: 4 Special Repairs to electrical equipments like pump ‘lifts, refrigerator, air Conditioners, H,T, installationg, Transformers .etc., will be : a8 per actuals requirenats, wane f2/

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