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Game of Life.

"Game of Life" is a cellular automaton Conway that involves live and dead cells in a rectangular, two-
dimensional universe.

Travelling salesman
The problem is to form a closed circuit of a number of cities while traveling the shortest total distance
along the way.

3.Bending Truss
Truss Animation of a bending bridge truss. This animates 12 natural bending modes of a two-
dimensional truss. These bending modes are the results of eigenvalue analysis. They have been ordered
by natural frequency, with one being the slowest (and easiest to excite) mode and 12 being the fastest.

4. Superquadrics
This demo shows plots of various versions of Barr's "superquadrics" ellipsoid. The shapes are defined
by two parameters, known as vertical roundness and horizontal roundness. These two parameters are,
in turn, controlled by the sliders on the side panel of the Superquadrics window.

5. Coder/Decoder
Coder/Decoder Project: The codec acts like an encoder/decoder for messages using the letters of the
alphabet. The "Code" popup menu determines the degree of transposition: a "b" code transposes all
letters by one like so: "alphabet" becomes "bmqibcfu" and so on.

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