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To my parents for having forged me as the person who

I am currently; I owe a lot of my achievements to

You among which this is included. I was trained with

Rules and some freedoms, but at the end of the day, I

Motivated contaminate to achieve my desires

Thank you mother and father


First of all I thank God for allowing me to have such good experience inside

From my catholic university Los Angeles Chimbote, thanks to my university for allowing me to
become a student in what I am passionate about, thanks to every teacher who participated in
this integral process of formation. That leaves this group as a finished product.

Finally, I thank those who read this apart from my thesis, for allowing more experience
research, knowledge of educational psychology
We can describe educational psychology as the area of psychology that is dedicated to
the study of human teaching within educational centers; includes, therefore, the analysis
of the ways of learning and teaching, the effectiveness of educational interventions in
order to improve the process, the application of psychology to these purposes and the
application of the principles of social psychology in those organizations whose purpose
is to instruct. Educational psychology studies how students learn and develop,
sometimes focusing attention on subgroups such as gifted children or those subjects
who suffer from a specific disability. Basically, he is concerned with understanding and
studying the process in which someone teaches something to another person in a given


Dependent who works on his own without depending on an employer a self-employed worker


Convince, firma belief thanks to their strong conviction persuadida them to attend.


The device or procedure by virtue of which automation is obtained.

unfortunate way Unfortunately, he lost the bet.

Importance of a thing by its consequences is still not known the magnitude of the
The psychology of education is a branch of psychology that specializes in the study of
the teaching-learning process in educational settings. The purpose of the psychology of
education, is that teachers apply appropriate teaching strategies to students, which has
been possible thanks to the studies that have been conducted in human development, in
this way, it is feasible to know the cognitive processes that intervene in learning

Diverse are the authors who have focused their attention on the way of learning of the
individual, and in this way arise positions where the cognition and the environment
intervene directly in the learning.

There is a close relationship between learning and motivation, that is why, it is

necessary that teachers know about the ways of learning of students and thus, promote
viable learning environments, based on the characteristics of each one, for that acquire
the necessary knowledge, and develop skills and attitudes, in a word, skills.

The contributions made by the theorists, and that continue to be made, help the
teaching-learning process to be as effective as possible, since it involves a series of
steps that range from well-grounded planning to an evaluation according to the contents
and, obviously, to that planning where the objectives were established, so, if the teacher
really wants to train competent individuals, he needs to know how to design them, but
above all, to execute them, which he will achieve with the understanding that he has of
those contributions.
To understand the development of the psychology of education, which, as previously
mentioned, is part of psychology, it is essential to take a tour through time and know the
contributions of the authors who were interested in the study of it, applying their
psychological knowledge to this specific area.

Santrock (2006), in his book Psychology of Education, mentions that three were the
outstanding pioneers:

The way in which James contributed to educational psychology is that, after publishing
his book "Principles of Psychology", he explained how psychology can be applied in
children's education, through lectures addressed to teachers. From James's perspective,
the way to expand the minds of the children, was to start their lessons a point beyond
their level of knowledge and understanding.

Taking into account the method of James to explain the human mind, we must take into
account its operation, I think this aspect is applicable, because as he stated, the mind is
plastic, adaptable, if the student, we give a little more of its apparent capacity, it is
molded to this and it is creating a habit that will make it better and better.

The contribution of Dewey to educational psychology was to apply its psychological

principles to education, such as considering that the child is an active being, thus, the
foundations were established to make the child learn by doing, and also that it must be
considered as a everything, so that the context in which it operates must be taken into
account, educate it integrally. When the child, especially preschoolers and first graders,
learns by doing, not only reinforces their cognitive skills, but also motor skills and,
therefore, to socialize, in this way, the stay in school is not tedious, it goes with taste,
and assimilates better. Unfortunately, there are still cases where teachers do not allow
activity in children, because they consider it debauchery, and most surprising, because I
have seen it, is that some teachers, who have been my direct experiences, are young, but
their mentality It is old.

Now, Dewey's position, although he spoke of children, is applicable at all levels, and in
my teaching experience, which is developed at undergraduate level, much more,
because future professionals not only must be provided with knowledge , but to develop
skills and attitudes so that they develop properly in the workplace, where the most
competent stands out; if we only focus on emptying contents, and wait until they reach
the end to apply them, they will be very difficult, because the theory is far from
practice, therefore, since they are studying, it is our duty as guides in this wonderful
world of knowledge , that combine theory with practice, in addition to being critical,
reflective, for which in class, develop activities where they comment, discuss, analyze
in plenary or small groups, real cases, that propose solutions, that they believe; and this
from the beginning, do not wait until they are more advanced, but little by little they
will be introduced in what they will do finally, if this is done, remember that the
practice makes the expert, therefore, they will do so better , learning from their mistakes
and improving what works for them. Also at this level I have observed that some
teachers, who still have the idea that being a teacher is transmitting knowledge, do not
allow such actions in their students, have the firm conviction that only they know, and
do not allow free expression, mistakenly consider that until they have clear
"knowledge", then they can apply it ... those who do not have clear knowledge, because
they do not know what it means to be a teacher, they are, since they are not able to
extract the most valuable according to the capacity of Each student to evaluate them,
want "perfection", but this is just a way to cover their inability to properly conduct the
educational process.

From his perspective of learning, where he considers that it is presented through a series
of connections between a stimulus and a response, Thorndike contributes, through his
law of effect, important elements to make the educational process effective, since in
This law mentions that if a connection is positively feedback (reinforced), it is
maintained, and if it is negatively feedback (punished), it weakens this, applied to the
classroom, if a student expresses a possible solution to a problem, or simply expresses
an opinion, and you are accepted, you will feel motivated to continue, to continue
participating, on the contrary, if you are censured, your motivation will decrease. Well,
from this perspective, our work as teachers, is that, when the student expresses an
opinion on a problem that we raise, we will lead you to the correct answer, if this was
not the right one, letting you know that your answer is acceptable , but inviting him to
seek more, that he has the potential, in addition to being motivated, critical thinking is
encouraged, because each response he offers is positively reinforced and he learns more,
he learned by himself, we were only a guide. On the other hand, if you do not accept the
answer because it was not correct or simply because you did not "think" like us, then,
obviously, we demotivate it, lose interest in learning, and some definitely do not learn.
One of his great contributions was to promote reasoning skills in the students.

Another of the great contributions of the Thorndike, was to promote measurement and
evaluation in the educational process, from their perspective, teaching and learning must
be treated scientifically.

As for the theories, I will indicate two relevant perspectives in education, mentioning
the authors that have influenced me.


Considering that motivation is an important piece for the apprentice to acquire and
assimilate knowledge, let us first define what motivation is: "internal or external state
that activates, directs and maintains behavior" (Woolfolk, 2010, Shamrock, 2006 and
Reeve, 2006) .Based on this definition we can see that there are two types of
motivation, internal or intrinsic and external or extrinsic. When the student is
intrinsically motivated, it is easier for him to perform academically, since he does not
need external incentives to achieve his goals, the task is attractive in itself, he seeks and
overcomes challenges by himself; in this way, this type of student does not need the
teacher to tell him what he has to do, by himself he seeks, investigates, investigates,
discovers, because he wants to know; here the work of the teacher only lies in
maintaining that motivation guiding him on the path of knowledge, channeling it
properly, for which it is necessary that he feels the bases of learning, so that the
apprentice knows the way forward, because, not because his Interest is born, it will be
left to drift, to guess what you should know; What the teacher should do, in a word is:
plan. Planning is basic, in the educational process, when the teacher designs his
teaching and learning strategies previously, the student with motivation of this type, will
maintain his interest in the study. On the other hand, when the student is extrinsically
motivated, there is more work on the part of the teacher, since this type of student is not interested in the
content itself, only focuses on what he can obtain or avoid, for example, obtaining or lose points. These
students are only interested in the qualification, not in learning, but hey, the fact is that they perform their
tasks, but exclusively for this interest, for obtaining a prize or avoiding punishment; Based on this, it is
important that in the planning, when the evaluation system is implemented, the criteria and the percentage
that each product or evidence will contain are defined, so that the student directs his or her efforts to that,
to cover the 100% that most yearns , he knows that if he meets the criteria established as a reward for his
effort, he will receive his passing grade, and if he does not comply with them, his punishment will be not
to approve the subject in whole or in part. Something very important is that the teacher does not lose sight
of the stipulated in the planning, since it has seen cases in which in the course, forget or overlook some
aspects and this, what is achieved is to discourage those who really strive and encourage disinterest and
apathy in those who do not.

Regardless of the type of motivation expressed by the student, it is advisable that the teacher use social
reinforcers, such as flattery, which should be handled properly, that is, according to the situation, not only
flatter for "winning" the student, or to serve as an example to the other members of the group, because it
can have counterproductive effects; the praise must be personal, in addition, based on the actions and
avoid the evaluation, for example, if the student did a job that included all the parameters marked, saying:
"I like that you have done a good job covering the stipulated requirements", instead of saying "your work
is very good", with this last expression, the student finds out that it is okay, but not why it is okay, and it
is as if nothing was said to him; On the other hand, suppose that it is the first time that the individual
presents a good job, in this situation avoid judging after flattery, for example: "I like that you have done a
good job covering the stipulated requirements, hopefully you always did" , this more than a flattery,
seems reproach, or so it is, so if what you want to achieve in the student satisfaction, it is more likely that
you get discomfort and therefore resentment.
The explanation of how motivation should be applied to learning can be found in
different psychological perspectives:
Behavioral perspective
From this perspective, the best way to motivate learners is by driving incentives, which
can be positive or negative. Among the most common incentives are to provide points
for success or decrease points for mistakes, in the case of small, star, be in the honor
roll, verbal recognition or diplomas, in short, each teacher has a wide menu to choose
the more convenient to the situation. In this perspective, what we can see is that with
these incentives, we reinforce the desired behaviors and decrease the unwanted ones,
since with repetition, the individual creates habits, and thus, the behavior is part of it,
that is why it is recommended that they are applied in a responsible manner, so that the
desired effect is really achieved. This perspective is manifested in extrinsic motivation,
since the reinforcers are external.
Humanist perspective
This perspective emphasizes the intrinsic factors of motivation. For humanists, the best
way to motivate is by activating the student's internal resources: competence, self-
esteem, autonomy and self-realization (Woolfolk, 2010). For Santrock (2006), the
motivation emphasizes the capacity of growth and the freedom of decision of the
student, which is based on the theory of Maslow, as for the need of self-realization.
Based on this perspective, the teacher must foster a learning environment where the
student has the opportunity to freely express their points of view, without being
sanctioned when they do not agree with it, if the student is allowed to state what they
think , you will have the option, when you are properly led to realize if you are wrong
or not; Many times students remain silent, refrain from participating for fear of being
sanctioned, either by the disqualification of the teacher or by the teasing of colleagues,
and this is not advisable, as he will not know if it is wrong if not he expresses, he will
remain with the doubt, or with what the teacher says, and he will simply be a repeater.
Cognitive perspective
From this perspective, the learner is considered an active being, the elements that drive
motivation are the internal, according to it, are the thoughts of the learner what motivates him
to do things, that is, depending on how they perceive the environment, students will establish
goals, will have the ability to plan and supervise them, is what is called achievement motivation.
The way you perceive the successes and failures, will make the student strive to achieve their
goals; From this perspective, the individual is firmly convinced of his capacity and, therefore,
dedicates all his effort in the achievement of his goals.

Social Perspective

This perspective indicates that the student will show interest in the school, when
maintaining satisfactory interpersonal relationships; The need for affiliation is what
drives this type of students, so they are always looking to please the teacher.


Having an effective classroom management is not an easy task, but neither is it
impossible. It is essential that the teacher develops strategies to achieve classroom
control, since otherwise, stress and fatigue that leads to emotional exhaustion, which is
known as "teacher exhaustion syndrome" (Emmer and Stough) , 2001, in Woolfolk,
2010). The experience and knowledge on the subject, is what makes the teacher have that
control in the classroom, should not lose sight of the diversity of beliefs, habits, behaviors,
goals, in short, a range of personalities, where must integrate them, for which, as already
mentioned, it is essential to develop teaching strategies that lead to tithe first weeks of
classes are basic to establish the conducive environment, this is the key to managing the
complexity of the group; At this time, the guidelines must be established, students must
know what is expected of them and at the same time know their expectations, the
objective is to achieve the cooperation of each one and to be actively involved in classes.
A basic rule is not to promise what can not be fulfilled, sometimes the expectations of the
students go beyond the academic, practically what they want is that they only get the
qualification and ready, in particular, one of the requests out of place is the not to leave
homework, and I say out of place because it is part of their training, reading, researching,
searching, everything that really involves learning, is part of their training. The idea that
some students still have is that the school is informative, that is, that the teacher will
"teach" them, considering that "teaching" is limited to the simple transmission of
knowledge and they calmly absorbing everything like a sponge : "Sponge Thought"
mentioned by Jorge Alberto Negrete (2010) in his book Strategies for Learning and
Guillermo Michel (2008) in his book Learn to Learn. In these same books, both authors
make reference to critical thinking, where the student thinks for himself, analyzes, judges,
interprets, and achieves it when he launches in search of information; making competent
students is the main task, and this is the essence of education: training, and that is what
we must instill in our students, who not only come to learn, but also to be trained, and
this training must be integral, as it is mentioned by Carlos Zarzar Charur (2006), in his
book Basic Skills for Teaching, the student must be trained in the intellectual dimension,
in the human dimension, in the social dimension and at a higher level, in the professional
dimension. So how to achieve this training? ... in the intellectual dimension, is precisely
what education refers to in its most general concept, where critical thinking is fostered,
through the design of tasks for independent work; the human dimension through the
development of values and attitudes, that are responsible, honest, respectful, among
others, a very important one is cooperation, that they learn to work together, and this gives
the pattern for the third dimension, the social , where we will achieve it if we encourage
collaborative work in students, who recognize that they are not isolated individuals, but
part of a group with which they share common objectives, this can be achieved through
the design of collaborative learning strategies, where the student develop a spirit of
belonging; and last, but not least, the professional dimension, which as already
mentioned, is applicable at higher levels, because here what is done is to promote attitudes
and values for life as a professional, because professionals are many, but professionals,
few, what does it mean to be a professional? ... conduct yourself ethically in the
development of our activities. In the professional dimension, the first dimensions are
combined, if we handle each one conveniently, in this the only thing that is realized is the
integration of each of them.
1. Establish behavioral expectations and resolve student doubts: it is common for students
to be anxious for the first few days because they do not know what to expect from the
class, and therefore from the teacher, it is more likely that their expectations are based on
their experiences with other teachers, so it is imperative that the rules, requirements,
procedures, everything that involves the proper development of the class, are established
so that students know what to expect, it is important that not only focus on the content
focus , but also in the behavior, because finally, it is through this, that the understanding
of the contents will be achieved.
2. Make sure that students are successful: in the first weeks it is convenient that the tasks
that are designed are accessible, practical, light, so that the student gets them all, in this
way the student acquires confidence, develops a positive attitude and is ready to solve
more difficult tasks, which it is recommended to graduate them little by little.
3. Remain visible and available: it is important to show the student that they can approach
you without any fear, that they will always be willing to support you in their doubts; some
teachers "take advantage of" the group or individual activities to solve pending, they sit
at their desk and forget the students, if they are responsible, they will fulfill their task, but
if not, they will do everything except work, and then they come the reprimand on the part
of the teacher, without considering that the only person responsible for this situation is
himself; to avoid this situation, and also because it is their job, it is convenient for the
teacher to walk around the classroom supervising the progress of the students, clearing
doubts, supporting them, this is really being a teacher! This must be done when we want
our students have training, do not confuse that the fact that they are active and
autonomous means abandoning them completely, we are and will continue to be their
guides, we are the bridge between them and knowledge.
4. Remain in command: it is common, that despite having clearly established the rules
and still delivered in writing, there will be those who forget or intend to test the teacher
to see if it will actually administer, so you should not lose of sight the stipulated thing and
whenever it is necessary, to apply them, always, in every moment to establish the limits
between the acceptable thing and the not acceptable thing within the classroom.
Neceser rules
The rules are convenient to be presented in writing, and in the primary levels of education,
where the teacher belongs to the classroom and in fact at any level where only one teacher
is her, placed in visible places, where the student has them presento. The rules, in addition
to being clear and precise, must be consistent with those of the school and the principles
of learning, because this will not generate confusion for the students, otherwise, they will
ask what rule they should abide by, since each one has their own own guidelines. The
regulation will be made based on the atmosphere you want to generate, in this way, if we
want the students to be active, critical, creative, think for themselves, then establish
flexible rules, where behaviors that impede good development are limited of the class,
such as not to get distracted, eat in class, talk about irrelevant topics among classmates,
but not prevent them from talking when they are commenting on the subject, because this
instead of damaging the class, enriches it; encouraging discussion is a good strategy to
encourage critical thinking.
Strategies to increase academic learning time include maintaining the flow of
activity, minimizing transition time, and holding students accountable.
1. Maintain the flow of activity: it is typical for students to be distracted in class, in this
situation, ineffective teachers interrupt the flow of the class to make observations about
the inappropriate behavior of the student, or invest a good time with a speech from how
it should be in general behavior in the classroom, these sudden changes, out of control
students, do not acquire anything new, the same as always, something that is supposed to
be marked from the beginning; the ideal thing to get the distracted student's attention is
to ask him questions about the topic, not to ask, to see what I said ?, which is a common
question among teachers when they are upset by the student's attitude, but to ask
productive questions, awaken the interest of the student, the lecture type is really tedious,
the best thing is to make it interactive, regardless of whether the student is paying
attention or not. Another mistake that ineffective teachers fall into is that, since they do
not plan their class, they present themselves to it and they take it as it is presented, so
there is no logic between the activities, and they usually go from one to the other without
any congruence. Other times they waste time in excessive explanations when the student
already understood perfectly, what is recommended here is to verify the comprehension
and thus the class becomes more enjoyable.
2. Minimize the transition time: the passage from one activity to another causes the
students to show inappropriate behaviors such as shouting, hitting each other, etc. To
avoid this, it is necessary to establish transitional routines, prepare students for it and
clearly define the limits of each one.
3. Accountability of students: when the student is responsible for the activities, it is
feasible to get more involved and do it with pleasure, for this it is necessary that the
indications of what they should do and why, be clear, when the student he has
knowledge of it increases his responsibility; It is also important to mention the time they
have and that they can go to the teacher when they need it. Helping students to set goals,
plan them and execute them, increases their responsibility, of course we must not lose
sight of the fact that holding them accountable does not mean leaving them completely
alone, they will always require supervision to be aware of their progress, or, correct
errors in case they present them.
Communication skills are basic in any relationship, and that of teacher-student is not
exempt from it. Three aspects of communication are worthy of consideration: speaking
skills, listening skills and the management of nonverbal communication.

1. Skills to speak: As already mentioned above, when information is provided, it must

be clear and precise, well, this is part of the ability to speak, clarity in speaking is
essential for good teaching. Florez, (1999, in Santrock, 2006) provides us with some
strategies to speak clearly:
a) Correct use of grammar
b) Select understandable and appropriate vocabulary for the level of learners
c) Apply strategies such as highlighting key words, paraphrasing or supervising
students' understanding, to improve the ability to understand what is being said
d) To manage an adequate rhythm of voice, neither very fast nor very slow
e) Avoid vagaries
It is also important that the messages that are sent be of the type "I" not "you", for
example, if the student refuses to carry out an activity, a message "you", would be:
"why are you so irresponsible?" , or "you are irresponsible", with this type of message
we are censoring, criticizing, judging the student, it is highlighting its negative aspects
without taking into account our feelings, what is achieved with this is a defensive
attitude on the part of the student and extreme degrees an irreconcilable conflict.

It is very well known that when we use phrases that involve criticism, insults and labels,
threats, moral lessons or even advice, deteriorates communication, these are barriers that
must be overcome if we want the educational process to be effective.
2. Skills to listen: good listeners do it actively. Active listening is a skill where all the
attention is focused on the interlocutor taking into account intellectual and emotional
aspects. Active listening implies, as already said:
a) pay attention to the student with whom you are speaking, for which it is important to
maintain eye contact, so we inform you that we are interested in what you are saying.
b) Another important aspect is the paraphrase, or what is the same, to validate the
message, which consists in telling the interlocutor what we understood, to leave no
room for doubt, sometimes the mistake is made to take things for granted and stay with
what we thought we understood, that is why it is important that we corroborate, in
addition, we also give the speaker the opportunity to feel confident that if we understand
him, using phrases like "do you mean ...", or "I think I understand ....
c) It is also basic to synthesize, since sometimes the student rambles, then summarize it,
using phrases such as: "something you have mentioned several times is ..." or "recap
what has been treated ..."
d) Realize competently, using phrases such as: "I guess you felt annoyed ..." or "It must
have been hard for you ..."

Educational psychology focuses on studying the factors that intervene in the teaching-
learning process, for which it conducts studies and thus find or determine the essential
elements for it to be conducted properly.

The theories have made great contributions and thanks to them, when we want, we can
effectively conduct the teaching-learning process, applying the contributions that each
makes, to the right situation, since not all students are equal, there is diversity of them,
therefore, our efforts should be directed to find the most viable ways for the student to
learn, designing teaching strategies that make him participatory and active in his own
acquisition of knowledge, taking into account the cognitive processes involved in it.

When the teacher adequately interprets the contributions and applies them satisfactorily
in the classroom, he really gets his students to be critical, reflective and competent
people, because he managed to develop in them, skills and attitudes, in addition to the
knowledge that was built by the student with the teacher's guide, obtaining significant
1. HOTHERSALL, David. History of Psychology. McGraw-Hill. Mexico, (2006)
2. MICHEL, Guillermo. Learn to learn Editorial Trillas. Mexico, (2008)
3. NEGRETE, Jorge Alberto. Strategies for learning. Editorial LIMUSA. Mexico,
4. SANTROCK, John. Psychology of development. McGraw-Hill. Mexico, (2006)
5. SANTROCK, John. Educational psychology. McGraw-Hill. Mexico, (2006)
6. WOOLFOLK, Anita. Educational psychology. Pearson Editorial. Mexico, (2010)
7. ZARZAR Charur, Carlos. Basic skills for teaching. Editorial Patria. Mexico, (2006)

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