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9 Tactics of lifelong genius!

Tactic 1- Total Focus

The more we feed our thirst for distraction, the weaker becomes our creative
production. This distraction primarily being, the digital interruption, which
eventually costs us our fortune. We all dream of an income and lifestyle that
only 1% of the population currently owns, but are we willing to put in the
efforts and work that they put in daily? Are we capable of running our days as
they do? The path from ordinary to brilliance is not about making huge
changes for short terms, but some small changes that we implement daily
without failure. Total focus is one such change that you practice, to not only
strengthen your inner assets of genius but to increase them. You need to build
a porous bubble around you that acts as a bulletproof shield that protects you
against any negative, harmful and toxic stimuli that can decry your greatness.

The main problem we face to implement total focus in our lives is the constant
interruption we receive from our gadgets. We commence our work with full
focus and motivation but it’s just a matter of time until some notification pops
up in your mobiles, laptops or any other e-devices you might use. There’s just
one simple solution to this anti-genius approach to your work. You must
practice long stretches of complete solitude and gadget abstinence in an
environment that suits the type of work you’re currently pursuing. Deep and
uninterrupted work is the only way you can unlock your full potential.

Tactic 2- Doing real work

The work we do can be sorted into two categories, the Real Work vs the
Artificial Work. I suppose you might be clear about the sense of these works as
you read them and might also have distinguished yourself into one of the
categories till now. But just in case, Real Work means putting in sincere efforts
towards the task in hand, without distractions and finally delivering the
optimum results you possibly can. On the other hand, Artificial Work is doing
the work for the sake of it, with your surroundings full of distractions like
gossips, chatting, surfing, memes and what not!

The main reason I emphasize doing Real Work as opposed to Artificial work is
that Real Work increases your productivity to levels that you only fancy of as
of now. The work that used to take up 5-6 hrs of your time if done using the
techniques involved in Real Work will not take more than half the time. This
increased productivity will yield in more time, which you can utilize as you
please. Instead of being in the office from 9 in the morning to 9-10 at night,
and have no time to invest in your friends, family, health and other interesting
pursuits, you can put in Real Work and sincere efforts and make time for
yourself along the way. This not only gives time to accomplish personal
pursuits but also today, Market Place demands people who are effective and
Productive and can deliver their services to the fullest of their potentials while
minding the deadlines.

The techniques you can implement to ensure Real Work are

a. Doing one thing at a time and giving your full concentration and energy to
the task in hand.

b. Exploit the best professional hours. Find out the time of the day when
you’re at your optimal productivity and utilize this time to do the things which
require most creative and technical thinking. You can leave the menial tasks
for later.

c. Devoid yourself from any digital interruption and make sure you turn on the
DND mode on your device while performing a critical task.

Tactic 3- Work-Play Balance

Most of the successful and prolific people don’t work in a linear fashion-
working in long stretches under the assumption that it will yield better results.
That’s just the wrong way to look at it. Research has proved that the maximum
productivity and results are attained when there is a work-play balance in the
way we program our day. The elite creatives know the power of oscillation and
the benefits it brings. The way we must structure our work cycles is that it
must have alternate bursts of deep focus and ferocious concentration with
periods of rest and play in between. Humans work on their optimum when
they are relaxed and refreshed as opposed to exhausted and stressed. Genuine
pros operate their days as sprinters rather than marathoners.

Tactic 4- Micro-achievements
The path to greatness is often wrapped in those tiny steps that seem
inconsequential and tedious. In order to accomplish any long term vision, we
have to satisfy some tiny missions. It’s typical human nature to dream about
great accomplishments all day long but take no actions to fulfil those dreams
whatsoever. However glamorous the destination might be, the path towards it
will always have some bumps. People often start their journey with great zeal
but somewhere along the line they see the monotonous routine and the actual
work they have to put on in order to reach their destination. The demotivation
caused by the so-called speed bumps in our journey is the main reason why
only a handful of people actually make it. The real reason behind this failure is
the destination being distant to feel any sense of achievement for a long time.
A sense of achievement makes us feel motivated in an exceptional way. In
order to be fairly motivated throughout the journey, it’s important to divide
your entire journey into different stations, each station being a goal you
achieve in order to move ahead. What this method will really do is provide you
with constant micro-achievements so that you don’t feel uninspired or lost in
the journey. And the side benefit this has is that you will have systematic
navigation of your journey and will always be able to pinpoint where you stand
at the instant.

Tactic 5- Daily Workout & a proper diet

This tactic is my personal favourite and has done wonders for me. I’m 200%
sure that once you incorporate a routine of proper workout and a healthy and
balanced diet plan you will begin sensing the change from Day 1. And the
intoxication that it has is incomparable. The high you feel after each workout
sets you up for an energy filled and productive day. It’s just a matter of
deciding it and then following the routine daily. Newbies often have a mindset
that working out and eating healthy is just a physical phenomenon and has no
correlation with how the brain works and its productivity. This is a great
misconception amongst people. How your body feels directly determines how
your brain functions. The healthier and fit the body is, so is the brain. Apart
from the great figure and high confidence, working out and eating healthy has
several other benefits as well, such as it lifts your concentration, raises your
energy, elevates your optimism, helps you sleep better and also increases the
longevity of your life! My advice? Grab your shoes each morning and just
sweat for a minimum of 20 mins, this practice alone will do wonders for you.
One of the personal favourite benefits that exercise has is the feeling of great
happiness that you feel after each workout, the feeling it leaves is indescribable
in words. I, for instance, use the gift of exercise to release all my stress and
day’s negativity and come out of the gym feeling calm and joyous. I’d
recommend everyone to have some form of exercise routine that you can
follow daily, be it yoga, aerobics, Zumba, weight lifting, cardio, swimming,
mountain biking or whatever pleases you and agrees with you.

Tactic 6- Utilising commute hours

Most people commute a total of 60 sixty minutes daily from and to work or
schools and colleges approximately. This means a total of 1200 days of your
life spent on something as trivial as commute, considering you live a normal
human life. Most people don’t apprehend the preciousness of this time and
waste it on daydreaming, stimulating themselves with technology or simply
doing nothing. This 1 hr of the day dissipated if appropriated can benefit you
in ways you can’t imagine. My advice is that you must use this time listening to
educational audiobooks or podcasts, even 1 single idea that applies to your life
can generate millions and billions. And not just money, this practice can lift
you spiritually and multiply your creativity, productivity and vitality.

Tactic 7- Company matters

It’s said that you are the result of the 5 people you surround yourself with the
most. It’s up to you if you want to enhance your potential by surrounding
yourself by people who share an optimistic and pushing the limits mind-set or
with some lazy douches who will hold you back just because they themselves
are too uninspired to do something great. “Surround yourself with people that
push you to do better. No drama or negativity. Just higher goals and higher
motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply
bringing out the best in each other.”-Warren Buffet. Imagine if Dwyane
Jhonson or Kevin Hart surrounded themselves with people who told them to
not have dreams or hopes about the future and make peace with what they
had! The horror, right? People like The Rock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin
Hart, and Muhammed Ali are great inspirations for me! They taught me the
value of pushing the limits and never give up no matter what!

Tactic 8- The Power of Education

Legendary leaders, high achievers & peak producers all know the power of
lifetime learning. The more you know about your desired field, the better you’ll
deliver. Educating yourself daily cultivates your craft, opens new gates and
deepens your wisdom. For this, you might consider reading every book you
can get your hands on because you never know what piece of information
might become valuable to you. Listening to podcasts, talking to mentors,
following an online program and watching skill building videos are excellent
alternatives to the same. If you follow this practice you’ll be so exquisite at
what you do, that the market place will not be able to operate without you.

Tactic 9- Scheduling
The things that get scheduled are the things that get done. You must always
have a game plan for the week or days ahead. This does not mean planning
every minute and second of your life. That would just make your life boring
and tiresome. I agree with the fact that miracles and great works are often the
ones that happen organically and are unplanned, yet the point here is that one
must have a sense of organized game plan and some maturity in the way that
they operate their days. Without a schedule, you’re just shooting in the dark, if
it hits the target well and good, but most often than not it doesn’t. For this, you
have to have an aim and a target for which you must have a pre-structured
game plan, which does not fundamentally reveal every detail but lays out a
basic track on which you have to advance so that you don’t feel lost midway

-Apurv Mehta

Source-The 5 am club

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