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Time-to-depth conversion and seismic velocity

estimation using time-migration velocity

Maria Cameron1, Sergey Fomel2, and James Sethian3

ABSTRACT depth. For step 1, we derived a partial differential equation 共PDE兲

in two and three dimensions relating the Dix velocity and the
The objective was to build an efficient algorithm 共1兲 to esti- geometric spreading of image rays to be found. This is a nonlin-
mate seismic velocity from time-migration velocity, and 共2兲 to ear elliptic PDE. The physical setting allows us to pose a Cauchy
convert time-migrated images to depth. We established theoreti- problem for it. This problem is ill posed, but we can solve it nu-
cal relations between the time-migration velocity and seismic ve- merically in two ways on the required interval of time, if it is suf-
locity in two and three dimensions using paraxial ray-tracing the- ficiently short. One way is a finite-difference scheme inspired by
ory. The relation in two dimensions implies that the conventional the Lax-Friedrichs method. The second way is a spectral Cheby-
Dix velocity is the ratio of the interval seismic velocity and the shev method. For step 2, we developed an efficient Dijkstra-like
geometric spreading of image rays. We formulated an inverse solver motivated by Sethian’s fast marching method. We tested
problem of finding seismic velocity from the Dix velocity and de- numerical procedures on a synthetic data example and applied
veloped a numerical procedure for solving it. The procedure con- them to a field data example. We demonstrated that the algo-
sists of two steps: 共1兲 computation of the geometric spreading of rithms produce a significantly more accurate estimate of seismic
image rays and the true seismic velocity in time-domain coordi- velocity than the conventional Dix inversion. This velocity esti-
nates from the Dix velocity; 共2兲 conversion of the true seismic ve- mate can be used as a reasonable first guess in building velocity
locity from the time domain to the depth domain and computa- models for depth imaging.
tion of the transition matrices from time-domain coordinates to

INTRODUCTION rithm or by depth migrating poststack data after time demigration

共Kim et al., 1997兲. Each option requires converting the time-migra-
Time-domain seismic imaging is a robust and efficient process tion velocity to a velocity model in depth.
routinely applied to seismic data 共Yilmaz, 2001; Robein, 2003兲. The connection between the time- and depth-domain coordinates
Rapid scanning and determination of time-migration velocity can be is provided by the concept of image ray, which was introduced by
accomplished either by repeated migrations 共Yilmaz et al., 2001兲 or Hubral 共1977兲. Image rays are seismic rays that arrive normal to the
by velocity continuation 共Fomel, 2003兲. Time migration is consid- earth’s surface. Hubral’s theory explains how a depth velocity model
ered adequate for seismic imaging in areas with mild lateral velocity can be converted to time coordinates. However, it does not explain
variations. However, even mild variations can cause structural dis- how a depth velocity model can be converted to the time-migration
tortions of time-migrated images and render them inadequate for ac- velocity.
curate geologic interpretation of subsurface structures. Moreover, image-ray tracing is a numerically inconvenient proce-
To remove structural errors inherent in time migration, it is neces- dure for achieving uniform coverage of the subsurface. This could
sary to convert time-migrated images into the depth domain, either explain why simplified image-ray-tracing algorithms 共Larner et al.,
by migrating the original data with a prestack depth-migration algo- 1981; Hatton et al., 1981兲 did not find widespread practical applica-

Manuscript received by the Editor 22 May 2008; published online 1 October 2008.
New York University, Department of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York, New York, U.S.A. E-mail: kourkina@
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. E-mail:
University of California at Berkeley, Department of Mathematics, Berkeley, California, U.S.A. E-mail:
© 2008 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

VE206 Cameron et al.

tions. Other limitations of image rays are related to the inability of

time migration to handle large lateral variations in velocity 共Bevc et
al., 1995; Robein, 2003兲.
VDix共t0兲 ⳱ 冑 d
共t0兲兲. 共4兲

The objective of this work is to find an efficient method for build- 3兲 Velocity is arbitrary in two dimensions. Equation 2 is a conse-
ing a velocity model from time-migration velocity. We establish new quence of the truncated Taylor expansion for the traveltime
around the surface point x0. Velocity Vm共x0,t0兲 is a certain kind
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ray-theoretical connections between time-migration velocity and

seismic velocity in two and three dimensions. These results are of mean velocity, and we establish its exact meaning in the next
based on the image-ray theory and paraxial ray-tracing theory section.
共Popov and Pšenčik, 1978; Červený, 2001; Popov, 2002兲. 4兲 Velocity is arbitrary in three dimensions. Equation 2 is heuristic
The results can be viewed as an extension of the Dix formula 共Dix, and not a consequence of the truncated Taylor expansion. To
1955兲 to laterally inhomogeneous media. We show that the Dix ve- write an analog of traveltime approximation 2 for the three-di-
locity is seismic velocity divided by the geometric spreading of im- mensional case, we use the relation 共Hubral and Krey, 1980兲
age rays. Hence, we use the Dix velocity instead of time-migration
⌫ ⳱ 关V共x0兲R共x0,t0兲兴ⳮ1 , 共5兲
velocity as a more convenient input. We develop a numerical ap-
proach to find 共1兲 seismic velocity from the Dix velocity, and 共2兲 where ⌫ is the matrix of the second derivatives of the travel-
transition matrices from time-domain coordinates to depth-domain times from a subsurface point x to the surface, R is the matrix of
coordinates. We test the approach on synthetic and field data exam- radii of curvature of the emerging wavefront from the point
ples. This approach is complementary to more traditional velocity- source x, and V共x0兲 is the velocity at the surface point x0.
estimation methods. It can be used as the first step in a velocity mod-
el-building process. For convenience, we prefer to deal with matrix K ⬅ ⌫ⳮ1, which is,
according to equation 5,

K共x0,t0兲 ⬅ V共x0兲R共x0,t0兲. 共6兲

The traveltime approximation for three dimensions implied by the
Kirchhoff prestack time migration commonly is based on the fol- Taylor expansion is
lowing traveltime approximation 共Yilmaz, 2001兲. Let s be a source, r
be a receiver, and x be the reflection subsurface point. Then the total T̂共x0,t0,s,r兲 ⳱ 冑t20 Ⳮ t0共x0 ⳮ s兲T关K共x0,t0兲兴ⳮ1共x0 ⳮ s兲
Ⳮ 冑t20 Ⳮ t0共x0 ⳮ r兲T关K共x0,t0兲兴ⳮ1共x0 ⳮ r兲.
traveltime from s to x and from x to r is approximated as

T共s,x兲 Ⳮ T共x,r兲 ⬇ T̂共x0,t0,s,r兲, 共1兲 共7兲

The entries of the matrix K共x0,t0兲 have dimensions of squared veloc-
where x0 and t0 are effective parameters of the subsurface point x.
ity and can be chosen optimally in the process of time migration.
The approximation T̂ usually takes the form of the double-square- It is possible to show, however, that one needs only the values of

冉 冊
root equation

T̂共x0,t0,s,r兲 ⳱ 冑 t20 Ⳮ
兩x0 ⳮ s兩2
Vm 共x0,t0兲
Ⳮ 冑t20 Ⳮ
兩x0 ⳮ r兩2
Vm 共x0,t0兲
⳵ t0

to perform the inversion. This means that the conventional 3D


共2兲 prestack time migration with traveltime approximation 2 provides

sufficient input for the inversion procedure in the 3D case. The deter-
where x0 and t0 are the escape location and traveltime of the image minant in equation 8 is well approximated by the square of the Dix
ray 共Hubral, 1977兲 from the subsurface point x. Regarding this ap- velocity obtained from the 3D prestack time migration using the ap-
proximation, let us list four cases depending on the seismic velocity proximation given by equation 2.
V and the dimension of the problem: One can use more complex and accurate approximations than the
double-square-root equations 2 and 7, e.g., the shifted hyperbola ap-
1兲 Velocity V is constant. Equation 2 is exact, and Vm ⳱ V. proximation 共Siliqi and Bousquié, 2000兲. However, other known ap-
2兲 Velocity V depends on only the depth z. Equation 2 is a conse- proximations also involve parameters equivalent to Vm or K.
quence of the truncated Taylor expansion for the traveltime
around the surface point x0. Velocity Vm depends on only t0 and SEISMIC VELOCITY
is the root-mean-square velocity

In this section, we establish theoretical relationships between
t0 time-migration velocity and seismic velocity in two and three di-
1 mensions.
Vm共t0兲 ⳱ V2共z共t兲兲dt. 共3兲 The seismic velocity and Dix velocity are connected through the
0 quantity 兩Q兩, the geometric spreading of image rays. The quantity
兩Q兩 is a scalar in two dimensions and a 2 ⫻ 2 matrix in three dimen-
In this case, the Dix inversion formula 共Dix, 1955兲 is exact. We sions. The simplest way to introduce Q is the following. Trace an im-
formally define the Dix velocity VDix共t兲 by inverting equation 3 age ray x共x0,t兲; x0 is the starting surface point, and t is the traveltime.
as follows: Call this ray central. Consider a small tube of rays around it.All these
Velocity estimation using time migration VE207

rays start from a small neighborhood dx0 of the point x0 perpendicu- tion 10. Moreover, let us eliminate the differentiation in q using the
lar to the earth’s surface. Thus, they represent a fragment of a plane definition of Q and rewrite it in the time-domain coordinates x0,t0.
wave propagating downward. Indeed, Q ⳱ dq/dx0, hence d/dq ⳱ 共dx0 /dq兲共d/dx0兲 ⳱ Qⳮ1d/dx0.
Consider a fragment of the wavefront defined by this ray tube at Therefore, system 9 becomes

冉 冊
time t0. Let dq be the fragment of the tangent to the front at the point
x共x0,t0兲 reached by the central ray at time t0 and bounded by the ray 1 共fQ兲x0
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tube 共Figure 1兲. Then, in two dimensions, Q is the derivative

Qt0 ⳱ 共fQ兲2 P, P t0 ⳱ ⳮ . 共13兲
fQ Q x0
Q共x0,t0兲 ⳱ dq/dx0. In three dimensions, Q is the matrix of the deriv-
atives Qij共x0,t0兲 ⳱ dqi /dx0j, i, j ⳱ 1,2, where derivatives are taken Eliminating P in system 13, we get the following partial differen-
along certain mutually orthogonal directions e1, e2 共Popov and Pšen- tial equation 共PDE兲 for Q,

冉 冊 冉 冊
čik, 1978; Červený, 2001; Popov, 2002兲.
The time evolution of the matrices Q and P is given by Q t0 1 共fQ兲x0
⳱ⳮ . 共14兲
f 2Q 2

冢 冣冉 冊
fQ Q

0 V20I t0 x0
d Q Q
⳱ 1 , 共9兲 The initial conditions are Q共x0,0兲 ⳱ 1, Qt0共x0,0兲 ⳱ 0. Equation 14
dt P ⳮ V 0 P simplifies in terms of the negative reciprocal of Q as follows. Intro-
duce y ⳱ ⳮ1/Q. Then equation 14 becomes

冉 冊 冉冉 冊 冊
where V0 it the velocity at the central ray at time t, V
⳱ 共⳵ 2V/⳵ qi⳵ q j兲i,j⳱1,2, and I is the 2 ⫻ 2 identity matrix. The absolute y t0 y f
value of det Q has a simple meaning: it is the geometric spreading of 2 ⳱ y . 共15兲
f t0 f y x0
image rays 共Popov and Pšenčik, 1978; Červený, 2001; Popov, 2002兲. x0

The matrix ⌫, introduced in the previous section, relates to Q and P In the expanded form, equation 15 is
as ⌫ ⳱ PQⳮ1. Hence, K ⳱ QPⳮ1.
In Cameron et al. 共2007兲, we prove that y t0t0 y t0 f t0 f x0x0 f x0 y x2
ⳮ2 ⳱y ⳮ y x0 ⳮ y x0x0 Ⳮ 0

2 3 .
⳵ V共x共x0,t0兲,z共x0,t0兲兲 f f f f y
VDix共x0,t0兲 ⬅ 共t0Vm
共x0,t0兲兲 ⳱
⳵ t0 兩Q共x0,t0兲兩 共16兲
in two dimensions, where Vm共x0,t0兲 is the time-migration velocity; 3D case
and Equation 11 can be rewritten in the following form,
⳵ V ⳱ 冑det F共det Q兲2 ,
共K共x0,t0兲兲 ⳱ V共x共x0,t0兲兲共Q共x0,t0兲QT共x0,t0兲兲ⳮ1 共17兲
⳵ t0
where F is the left-hand side of equation 11. As in the 2D case, we re-
共11兲 write system 9 in time-domain coordinates 共x0,t0兲. Then we get
in three dimensions, where K is defined by equation 6 and can be de- Qt0 ⳱ V2P, 共18兲
termined from equation 7.


In this section, we derive the partial differential equations for Q in
two and three dimensions. From now on, we denote the square of the
Dix velocity by f in two dimensions and the corresponding matrix by
F in three dimensions, to avoid the subscript

F⬅ 共K共x0,t0兲兲. 共12兲
⳵ t0
Furthermore, we imply that t0 denotes the one-way traveltime along
the image rays. Finally, we assume that the domain does not contain
caustics; i.e., the image rays do not cross on the interval of time we

2D case
Consider a set of image rays coming to the surface. Suppose we
are tracing them all backward in time along with the quantities Q and
P. Let us eliminate the unknown velocity V in system 9 using equa- Figure 1. Illustration for the definition of geometric spreading.
VE208 Cameron et al.

1 V共x0,t0兲 from equation 10 in two dimensions and equation 17 in three

Pt0 ⳱ ⳮ Qⳮ1关ⵜ共Qⳮ1 ⵜ V兲T兴Q, 共19兲 dimensions.
Step 2. Convert the seismic velocity V共x0,t0兲 in the time-domain
coordinates to depth-domain coordinates x using the time-to-depth
where V is given by equation 17, and the gradients are taken with re- conversion algorithm, which is presented by Cameron et al. 共2007兲.
spect to x0. It is a fast and robust Dijkstra-like solver motivated by the Fast
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Then the PDE for Q is Marching Method 共Sethian, 1996, 1999兲.

We performed step 1 in two ways, a finite difference method and a

冉 冊
V2 0 t0
⳱ ⳮ Qⳮ1关ⵜ共Qⳮ1 ⵜ V兲T兴Q.
spectral Chebyshev method.

Finite-difference method
The initial conditions are Q共x0,0兲 ⳱ I2, Qt0共x0,0兲 ⳱ 0. The required This method was inspired by the Lax-Friedrichs method for hy-
input 冑det F is well approximated by the squares of the Dix velocity perbolic conservation laws 共Lax, 1954兲 because of its total variation
obtained from the 3D prestack time migration. We emphasize that diminishing property. We use the “Lax-Friedrichs averaging” and
despite the fact that Q is a matrix in three dimensions, scalar data are wide five-point stencil in space. The scheme is given by
enough for its computation.
PnjⳭ1 Ⳮ Pnjⳮ1 ⌬t 1
j ⳱ ⳮ
2 4⌬x Vnj

冉 冊
Cauchy problem for elliptical equations
VnjⳭ2 ⳮ Vnj Vnj ⳮ Vnjⳮ2
Equations 14 and 20 reveal the nature of the instabilities in the ⫻ ⳮ , 共21兲
problem at hand. These PDEs are elliptic. The physical setting al-
QnjⳭ1 Qnjⳮ1
lows us to pose only a Cauchy problem for them, which is known to
be ill-posed. Furthermore, the PDEs involve not only the Dix veloci- 1 1 ⌬t n 2 n
ty, but also its first and second derivatives. This dependency leads to ⳮ ⳱ⳮ Ⳮ 共共f j 兲 P j Ⳮ 共f jnⳭ1兲2 PnⳭ1
j 兲,
j Qnj 2
high sensitivity of the solutions to input data.
Nonetheless, we found two ways for solving these PDEs numeri- 共22兲
cally on the required, and relatively short, interval of time: namely, a
finite-difference scheme inspired by the Lax-Friedrichs method and where V ⬅ fQ.
a spectral Chebyshev method. A detailed analysis of the problem We impose the following boundary conditions Qn0 ⳱ Qnxⳮ1
⳱ 1,
shows that these methods work because of P0 ⳱ Pnxⳮ1 ⳱ 0 corresponding to the straight boundary rays. We set
n n

the initial conditions Q0j ⳱ 1, P0j ⳱ 0 corresponding to the initial

1兲 the special input VDix, corresponding to a positive finite seismic conditions for the image rays traced backward: Q ⳱ 1, P ⳱ 0.
2兲 the special initial conditions Q共x0,t0 ⳱ 0兲 ⳱ 1, Qt共x0,t0 ⳱ 0兲
⳱ 0 that correspond to the image rays Spectral Chebyshev method
3兲 the fact that our methods damp the high harmonics 共either by Alternatively, we solve the PDE in the form given by equation 15
including error terms in the finite-difference method or by trun- by a spectral Chebyshev method 共Boyd, 2001兲. Using cubic splines,
cation of the polynomial series in the spectral Chebyshev meth- we define the input data at Ncoef Chebyshev points. We compute the
od兲 Chebyshev coefficients and coefficients of the derivatives in the
4兲 the short interval of time, in which we need to compute the solu- right-hand side of equation 15. Then we use a smaller number Neval of
tion so that the growing low harmonics fail to develop sig- the coefficients for function evaluation. We need to do such Cheby-
nificantly shev differentiation twice.
Finally, we perform the time step using the stable third-order Ad-
Items 1 and 2 say that the exact solutions of PDEs for the hypo- ams-Bashforth method 共Boyd, 2001兲, which is
thetical, perfect Dix velocity given by equations 10 and 11 are finite
and nonzero. Items 3 and 4 say that the numerical methods take care
of the imperfection of the data and computations on a short-enough
time interval.
unⳭ1 ⳱ un Ⳮ ⌬t 冉 23 n
4 5
F ⳮ Fnⳮ1 Ⳮ Fnⳮ2 , 共23兲
3 12

where Fn ⬅ F共un,x,tn兲 is the right-hand side. In numerical examples,
we tried Ncoef ⱖ 100 and Neval ⱕ 25. This method allows larger time
INVERSION METHODS steps than the finite-difference method, and it has the adjustable pa-
rameter Neval.
Numerical reconstruction of true seismic velocity V共x兲 in depth- For step 2, we use a Dijkstra-like solver introduced in Cameron et
domain coordinates from the Dix velocity given in the time-domain al. 共2007兲. It is an efficient time-to-depth conversion algorithm moti-
coordinates 共x0,t0兲 consists of two steps: vated by the fast marching method 共Sethian, 1996兲. The input for this
Step 1. Compute the geometric spreading of image rays in the algorithm is V共x0,t0兲, and the outputs are the seismic velocity V共x,z兲
time-domain coordinates from the Dix velocity by solving equation and the transition matrices from time-domain to depth-domain coor-
14 in two dimensions and equation 20 in three dimensions. Then find dinates x0共x,z兲 and t0共x,z兲.
Velocity estimation using time migration VE209

We solve the eikonal equation with an unknown right-hand side example, there is a significant difference between the two velocities
coupled with the orthogonality relation caused by the geometric spreading of image rays. The middle part of
the velocity model might not be recovered properly. The true struc-
1 ture should include a salt body visible in the image. The inability of
兩 ⵜ t 0兩 ⳱ , ⵜ t0 · ⵜ x0 ⳱ 0. 共24兲
V共x0共x,z兲,t0共x,z兲兲 our method to recover it exactly shows the limitation of the proposed
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approach in the areas of significant lateral velocity variations, which

The orthogonality relation means that the image rays are orthogonal
invalidate the assumptions behind time migration 共Robein, 2003兲.
to the wavefronts. Such time-to-depth conversion is very fast and
Figure 5 compares three images: poststack depth-migration im-
produces the outputs directly on the depth-domain grid.
age using Dix velocity, poststack depth-migration image using the
velocity estimated by our method, and prestack time-migration im-
EXAMPLES age converted to depth with our algorithm. The evident structural
improvements in Figure 5b in comparison with Figure 5a, in particu-
Synthetic data example lar near salt flanks, and a good structural agreement between Figure
Figure 2a shows a synthetic velocity model. The model contains a 5b and c, serve as an indirect evidence of the algorithm’s success. An
high-velocity anomaly that is asymmetric and decays exponentially. ultimate validation should come from prestack depth-migration ve-
The corresponding Dix velocity mapped from time to depth is shown locity analysis, which is significantly more expensive.
in Figure 2b. There is a significant difference between both the value
and shape of the velocity anomaly recovered by the Dix method and
the true anomaly. The difference is explained by taking into account
geometric spreading of image rays. Figure 2c shows the velocity re-
covered by our method and the corresponding family of image rays.
An analogous 3D example is provided in Cameron et al. 共2007兲.

Field data example

Figure 3, taken from Fomel 共2003兲, shows a prestack time-migrat-
ed image from the North Sea and corresponding time-migration ve-
locity obtained by velocity continuation. The most prominent fea-
ture in the image is a salt body, which causes significant lateral varia-
tions of velocity.
Figure 4 compares the Dix velocity converted to depth with the in-
terval velocity model recovered by our method. As in the synthetic


Figure 3. 共a兲 Seismic image from the North Sea obtained by prestack
time migration using velocity continuation 共Fomel, 2003兲. 共b兲 Cor-
responding time-migration velocity.

b) a)


Figure 2. Synthetic test on interval velocity estimation. 共a兲 Exact ve-

locity model. 共b兲 Dix velocity converted to depth. 共c兲 Estimated ve- Figure 4. Field data example of interval velocity estimation. 共a兲 Dix
locity model and the corresponding image rays. The image-ray velocity converted to depth. 共b兲 Estimated velocity model and the
spreading causes significant differences between Dix velocity and corresponding image rays. The image-ray spreading causes signifi-
estimated velocity. cant differences between Dix velocity and true velocity.
VE210 Cameron et al.

a) velocity might differ qualitatively from the output velocity. We have

also tested our algorithm on a field data example and validated it by
comparing a prestack time-migration image mapped to depth with
poststack depth migrated images.
Our approach is complementary to velocity estimation methods
that work directly in the depth domain. Therefore, it can serve as an
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efficient first step in seismic velocity model building.


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