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Published on October 15, 2017

What Is Sur le Pont d'Avignon All
Math: Integral (ln x), 1/(ln x), 1/(x.ln x), and 1/(x².ln x)
Why Is Golden Retriever Called That?
We want to nd the solution for the inde nite integral from:

JavaScript (and Python): Get All

1. ∫ (ln x) d x
Sundays From Current Month

1 dx
2. ∫
(ln x)
The Manhattan Transfer - Let's Hang
3. ∫ dx
(x . ln x)
Tr i n La 7 D
4. ∫ 2 1 dx
(x . ln x) Math: Integral (ln x), 1/(ln x), 1/(x.ln
x), and 1/(x².ln x)
We have to keep in mind that:

JavaScript: Counting Same
∫ 1 d x = ln x + C Occurrences in an Array

To solve those, we can use different methods: Health: Tips to Overcome Sleep
Integral by parts Deprivation

∫u . d v = u . v − ∫v . d u
Blogger Conditional Tag — b:if and
Substitution - of 1

1 JavaScript: How to Convert One

∫ d u = ln u + C
u Number Base (Radix) to Another

Using (table look-up, or probably remembering some) integral table

JavaScript: Setting Dynamic
Duration of setInterval

1st problem
CSS: Start Animating Animated GIF
on Hover Event
∫ (ln x) d x
Using CDATA Section to Escape
The solution can be achieved using integral by parts. Characters on
So then,
u = ln x Blogger Template Error Message:
dv = dx "The entity name must immediately
du/dx [derivative of u] = 1/x follow the '&' in the entity reference"

switch the (dx) to right side ► du = (1/x) dx

v [integral of dv ► ∫ 1 dx] = x Python: Convert List into String

Substitute those variables:

∫ u.dv = u.v - ∫ v.du
∫ (ln x) dx = (ln x).x - ∫ x.(1/x) dx
= x.(ln x) - ∫ 1 dx
= x.(ln x) - x + C

∫ (ln x) dx = x.(ln x) - x + C
∫ (ln x) dx = x(ln x - 1) + C

This solution is already included in standard integral table.

2nd problem

∫ dx
(ln x)
This is a special logarithmic integral.
So the solution would be (using integral table):

Or (using jqMath — great with Firefox or other browser which supports MathML)


(ln x)
∫ d x = ln | ln x| + ln x + Σ
ln x k = 2 k . k!

3rd problem

∫ dx
x . (ln x)
This can be achieved using substitution.

u = ln x
du/dx = 1/x
switch (dx) to right side ► du = (1/x) dx

Substitute those variables:

∫ (1/u)du = ln u + C
∫ 1/[x.(ln x)] dx = ln [ln x] + C
This solution also already exists in integral table.

Last problem

∫ 1 d x
x2 . (ln x)
Let's take a look again at the integral table. It magically reveals this form:


xm + 1(ln x)n n
∫ x (ln x) d x =
m n
− ∫ xm(ln x)n − 1d x (for m ≠ −1)
m+1 m+1

You can substitute the:

m with (-2): for x

n with (-1): for ln x
Then that's the solution

Note: you don't have to "solve" the second integral, it will be endless. BUT, if
you have so much idle time, you may scribble some more.

You can go to Wolfram|Alpha to find out the graphs of those problems:

over there

So, in conclusion, nding the right method and "remembering" integral table are important to
solve those kind of problems.

Last modified on October 6, 2018

By MonkeyRaptor g+ t fb vk Load event in 9895 ms

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Math: Integral (ln x), 1/(ln x), 1/(x.ln x), and 1/(x².ln x)


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