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Antonyms are words which are opposites.

Collocations are words that often occur together.

Compounds are words which are made up of two separate words.

Homophones are sets of words that have the same sound as one another, but their
meaning and spelling are different.

Idioms are expressions that have a meaning which cannot be guessed from the the
meaning of the individual words.

A lexical set is a group of words related to one another because they all refer to the same
topic or situation.

Synonyms are words which have the same meaning as one another.

A word family is a group of words which come from the same base word (here, learn) and
consist of that word plus an affix.

Words with prefixes contain a group of meaningful letters at the beginning. These letters
are called a prefix. We attach them to base words.

Words with suffixes contain a group of meaningful letters at the end. These letters are
called a suffix. We attach them to base words.

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