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nvtu Process level assembly catalogue (MCS-5) Documentation Part1 Structure and function E531 439/00E © 1994 [NTU Motoren-und Turbinen-Union Friedrehshaton GmbH ‘38040 Friedrichshafen Germany ‘Telofon (075 41) 90-0 Telex 7 34 200-50 mtd “Telefax (075 41) 906123 ‘Das Handbuch ist zur Vermeidung von Stérungen oder Schisen beim Betrieb zu beactten und daher vom Betreiber dem jeweligen \Wartunge—und Bedienungspersonal zur Verigung 2 stellen, AuBerhalb dieses Vorwondungszwecks dat das Handbuch ohne uneere. votherige Zustimmung nicht benutz, vewielfligtader Driten sonstwie zugangich gemacht werden, ‘Anderungen bleiben vorbehalten ‘This handbook is provide for use by maintenance and operating personnel in order to avold maltuncions or damage during operation, ‘Other than for this purpose, the handbook shall not be reproduced, used or disclosed to others without our por consent. Subject to alterations and amendments, ‘Le manuel devra étre observé en vue éviter des incidents ou des endommagements pendant le service. Aussi recommandons-nous & "explotant de le mettre & la cispositon du personnel chargé de Tentretien et dela condute. En dehors de oét usage, fe manuel ne pourra (te utiisénireprodut ou rendu accessible de quelque autte manire & des Bers, sane note consentement préalable "Nous nous résarvons le droite entreprendre toute madieaton. .3\.n9 1 Manual debe tenerse presente para evita anomalas 0 dfios durante el servicio, y, pr dicho motel usddHs Sébe poneto a ‘lsposicin del personal de mantanimiento y de servicio, Fuera de este fin de apicacion, ol Manual. se debe llzar,copiarni poner fen manos de tercers, sin nuesto consentimiento prev. " [Nos reservamos el derecho de inroduelr modfcaciones, fis "No Sehtido de evita falhas ou danos durante o servicio, o usuario deberd cular de que o Manual esteja sempre & dsposicéo do pessoal ‘encarregado com a manutencdo e operacdo. Além desta sua fnalidade, o Manval néo devera, sob qualquer pretexto, ser reproduido parcial ou totalmente ou franqueado a terceros sem préva e expressa autorizacdo de nose parte Reservamo-nos o drito de proceder modifeacées. manuale va consuitato per evtare anomalie 0 guast durante I servizio, per cul va messo a disposizione dal utente al personale addetto ala manutonaione e all condota. Senza nostra approvazione preventiva non & ammesso implegare I manuale per opi vers, iproduro ‘© metiri. dlsposzione itor. Con riser a modifche, Guide Page Deutsche Aerospace Table of contents 32 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5.1 35.2 3.5.3 3.6 Table of contents... Table of figures Abbreviations Safety requirements Use and structure Use of the Peripheral Interface Modules (PIMs) Peripheral Interface Modules (PIMs) Structure of the PIMs Mounting of the PIMs ....... Plug-in locations and terminals of the PIMs ...... Replacing MPU.23 and PIM printed circuit boards Technical data of the PIMs Overview of printed circuit boards .. MPU 23 printed circuit boards (microprocessor systems) . Connection printed circuit boards (motherboards) PIM printed circuit boards .... Functional description .. Connection assignment . Connection assignment of MPU 23 ° Connection assignrient of MPU 23 with SCB 2 2 Connection assignment of MPU 23 with CCB 1 Technical data E531439/00E - 08.93 - ee eee eee

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