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Music as a Therapeutic Intervention with

Autism: A Systematic Review of the Literature


$EVWUDFW: This systematic review of literature is focused on the outcomes of the thera-
peutic use of music with children living with autism and was written to enhance the
practice of using music as a therapeutic intervention by studying program needs and
design. Outcomes from the use of music as a therapeutic intervention with children
along the autism spectrum disorder included improvement in interpersonal skills, so-
cial skills, and cognitive skills. Reported benefits included, but were not limited to in-
creased appropriate social behavior; increased attention to task; increased vocalization,
verbalization, gesture, and vocabulary comprehension; increased communication and
social skills; enhanced body awareness and coordination; improved self-care skills; and
reduced anxiety.
.H\ZRUGV Autism spectrum disorder, therapeutic use of music, children

Dawn De Vries is an assistant professor in the DeVos Center for Health Sciences at Grand Valley State
University. Teresa Beck is a professor and associate dean of undergraduate studies in therapeutic recre-
ation, Bethany Stacey works within the inpatient psychiatric setting. Katelyn Winslow is currently an
AmeriCorps NCCC member. Kristyn Meines is in a skilled nursing facility in West Michigan. This literature
review was conducted by senior-level undergraduate students at Grand Valley State University in Grand
Rapids, Michigan as part of a capstone class on Research and Professional Issues. It was expanded and fur-
ther developed by the GVSU faculty in cooperation with the student authors. Thanks to Susan Sunden for
her review and input. Please send correspondence to Dawn De Vries,

,QWURGXFWLRQ Furthermore, studies have shown that in-
dividuals with ASD have normal or supe-
Music and its power are not confined
rior abilities with certain components of
by language, culture, gender or ability.
music processing, which makes music a
Music’s ageless influence and its uses are
potential intervention for this population
seen throughout history, from classical
(Molnar-Szakacs et al., 2009).
composer Ludwig van Beethoven who
said, “Music can change the world” to 7KH)DFHRI$XWLVP
modern artist Billy Joel saying, “I think Individuals with autism spectrum
music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive disorders experience life in ways that are
expression of humanity. It’s something we unique to this diagnosis. Social deficits
are all touched by” (Baleson, n.d.). It has present themselves as an obvious and
been a contributor and area of influence defining trait of individuals with autism.
within health care and medical practice These individuals tend to have a defi-
for centuries (Lindbaek, 2000). cit in interpersonal relations, abnormal
Research has proven that music pro- developmental progress, problems with
duces beneficial outcomes when used flexibility, and unsuitable emotional re-
with multiple diagnostic groups. Docu- sponses (Dempsey & Foreman, 2001).
mented benefits include stimulating the Challenges in speech, eye contact, and
brain in multiple areas, improving cogni- communication make it difficult for indi-
tive, social, physical, and emotional do- viduals to persevere socially (Finnigan &
mains (Kunstler & Daly, 2010; Lindbaek, Starr, 2010). For those living with autism,
2000; Molnar-Szakacs, Wang, Laugeson, music has been shown to impact these
Overy, Wu, & Piggot, 2009; Simpson areas, enabling the individual to have in-
& Keen, 2011). The impact upon indi- creased social engagement.
viduals with autism spectrum disorders To be diagnosed with autism, the
(ASD) is no different. Reported benefits individual must present a lack of social
of music as a therapeutic intervention skills, including impairment in the use of
for individuals who have autism include nonverbal communication, lack of peer
the following (Cornhill, 2013; Simpson & relationship development skills, non-
Keen, 2011): spontaneous interactions with others,
reciprocity, lack of imaginative play, and a
• Increased appropriate social behav- lack of communicative exchange (Ameri-
iors can Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013;
• Improved attention to tasks Finnigan & Starr, 2010). The DSM iden-
• Increased vocalizations, verbaliza- tifies specific diagnostic criteria: These
tions, gestures, and vocabulary com- criteria include impairments in social
prehension communication and interaction in dif-
• Increased communication and social ferent settings such as reciprocal com-
skills munication, poor nonverbal communi-
• Enhanced body awareness and coor- cation, challenges in making friends, and
dination inability to share emotions or interests.
• Improved self-care skills ASD is also characterized by repetitive
• Reduced anxiety behavior or interests including repetitive
movements, ritualistic behaviors, strong
focus on a topic or interest, and over or

under-reactions to sensory simulation. therapy into real-life situations (ATRA,
These impairments must be persistent, 2014).
affect daily functioning, and begin in Recreational therapists utilize ev-
early childhood (APA, 2013). Addition- idence-based practice and research to
ally, these behaviors cannot be explained support selection and implementation of
by a delay or cognitive disability (Autism interventions. Evidence-based practice is
Speaks, 2014a). treatment or interventions that are select-
Autism’s prevalence in the United ed based on research and evidence of ef-
States is one in every 68 children, with ficacy and outcomes (Stumbo & Peterson,
boys more commonly affected (Centers 2004). For example, music has evidence
for Disease Control & Prevention, 2014a). to support its impact upon physical func-
Although the cause of ASD is unknown, tioning including range of motion and
environmental, biological, and genetic fine motor skills; cognitive abilities such
issues are cited as primary contributors as attention span and memory; affective
(CDC, 2014a; Raglio, Traficante, & Oasi, skills like sharing and expressing feelings;
2011). and social skills such as cooperation and
social interaction (Cornhill, 2013; Kun-
7KHUDSHXWLF5HFUHDWLRQ stler and Daly, 2010; Simpson & Keen,
One profession using music as an in- 2011). However, there is limited research
tervention for individuals with autism is within the recreational therapy profes-
therapeutic recreation (TR), also known sion on music as an intervention with
as recreational therapy (RT). TR/RT em- individuals who have autism based on
phasizes a holistic approach to health searches conducted in therapeutic recre-
which not only includes the absence of ation journals and evidence-based web-
illness, but a wellness component that sites dedicated to TR. The use of system-
incorporates physical, cognitive, emo- atic reviews such as this one provides a
tional, social, and leisure development. beginning to understanding the evidence
Recreational therapists focus on healthy that is available to enhance recreational
living as treatment to improve function- therapy practice (Stumbo, 2009).
ing, independence, and quality of life for
those served (American Therapeutic Rec- 3XUSRVH
reation Association [ATRA], 2014).
The purpose of this systematic re-
Recreational therapists use activity
view was to explore existing literature to
and community-based interventions to
identify the empirical evidence and prov-
assist clients in improving their physical,
en outcomes that support the therapeutic
cognitive, social, emotional, and leisure
use of music as an intervention with chil-
functioning through the development
dren on the autism spectrum.
of specific knowledge, skills, and behav-
iors (ATRA, 2014). When working with 5HVHDUFK4XHVWLRQV
clients and their families, outcomes are The following research questions
achieved by using the specific interests were developed for this study:
of the client and available community
resources. The therapist works with the • What are the evidenced-based out-
client to facilitate transfer of their knowl- comes of music when used as an in-
edge, skills, and abilities learned through tervention with children on the au-
tism spectrum?

• What genre/type(s) of music work and outcomes associated with using mu-
best when used as an intervention sic as an intervention with children along
with children on the autism spec- the autism spectrum.
• With what severity of autism does • Autism. Autism spectrum disorder
music work best? (ASD) and autism are both general
• What frequency and duration of the terms for a group of complex dis-
intervention is required to result in orders of brain development. These
significant outcomes for children on disorders are characterized, in vary-
the autism spectrum? ing degrees, by difficulties in social
• What is the most successful envi- interaction, verbal, and nonverbal
ronment for administering music communication and repetitive be-
as a therapeutic intervention for the haviors and typically appear within
greatest benefits for children on the the first three years of life (Autism
autism spectrum? Society, n.d.; Autism Speaks, 2014c).
• Child or children. For the purposes
6LJQLILFDQFHRI6WXG\ of this study, child/children indicate
The significance of this systematic individual(s) ages 0 to 18 years of age
review was to improve professional recre- (Oxford Dictionaries, 2014).
ational therapy practice by providing in- • Intervention. A program that has as
sight into the program need and design, a degree of client behavioral change
as well as the impact of using music as a as its outcome (Stumbo & Wardlaw,
therapeutic intervention with children on 2011).
the autism spectrum. The potential out- • Music as an Intervention. Using
comes for an individual with autism who music to stimulate functional areas
participates in music interventions are of the brain during therapy. This is
identified along with the best approaches different from music therapy which
for implementing a music intervention. is “the clinical and evidence based
Issues such as type of music, length of use of music interventions to ac-
sessions, and specific activities that the complish individualized goals within
therapist can use to accomplish individu- a therapeutic relationship by a cre-
alized goals are presented. dentialed professional who has com-
Additionally, as a profession, rec- pleted an approved music therapy
reational therapy strives to implement program” (American Music Therapy
evidence-based interventions in the most Association, 2014).
effective manner as supported by litera- • Recreational Therapy. A treatment
ture and research. Evidence-based prac- service designed to restore, remedi-
tice is used to justify the benefits and out- ate and rehabilitate a person’s level
comes of therapeutic interventions. This of functioning and independence
research project supports the importance in life activities, to promote health
and relevance of music in therapeutic and wellness as well as reduce or
recreation services. eliminate the activity limitations and
restrictions to participation in life
situations caused by an illness or dis-
The following terms are defined to
abling condition (ATRA, 2014).
assist in clearly articulating the research

0HWKRG standing of or the teaching of musical
concepts. Further, only articles in peer
/LPLWDWLRQVRIWKH6WXG\ reviewed journals were included.
The limitations restricting the scope The greatest delimitation of the study
of this study include access to the Grand was restricting the research to music as a
Valley State University databases avail- therapeutic intervention, specifically ex-
able to students, limited access to all rel- cluding interventions identified as music
evant literature, and the lack of literature therapy or studies performed or written
differentiating the therapeutic use of mu- by a board certified music therapist (MT-
sic as an intervention and that of music BC). In the review of the literature, it was
therapy. Grand Valley strives to provide difficult to discriminate between the re-
students with the most current databases search that studied the therapeutic use of
but does not have access to each database. music and those that were music therapy.
The method for gathering literature was By only using articles that referenced the
limited to only Grand Valley resources therapeutic use of music, researchers had
and library retrieval through interlibrary to limit the amount of studies used. It was
loan; this included access to the American assumed that articles written by authors
Journal of Recreation Therapy, the Annual without a music therapy credential were
in Therapeutic Recreation, and the Thera- not music therapists and did not admin-
peutic Recreation Journal. While conduct- ister specific music therapy, but rather
ing the literature review, articles were not used music as a therapeutic intervention.
consistently clear if they were providing
information regarding music therapy or
The search for evidence regarding
using music as a therapeutic interven-
outcomes associated with the therapeu-
tion. Thus, some research articles may
tic use of music with children on the
have been included in the study when
Autism Spectrum was initiated through
they should not have as well as excluded
a database search at Grand Valley State
from the study when they should have
University. Table 1 provides the results of
been included. This inclusion or exclu-
the database search. Seventeen databases
sion may have an impact on the evidence
were used to conduct the search includ-
presented in this review.
ing: CINAHL Plus, Education Research
'HOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKH6WXG\ Complete, Health and Wellness Resource
The study focused only on using Center, Oxford Music, Proquest Medical,
music as a therapeutic intervention with and SportDiscus. Various keywords rel-
children on the autism spectrum. In or- evant to the area of study were used with
der to be included in the study, the lit- each database search including autism,
erature had to be reviewing the specific children, interventions, music, and recre-
population of pediatrics which was de- ational therapy.
fined as children aged 0 to 18. The scope Based upon the databases and key-
of the initial student literature review words searched, a considerable amount of
was delimited to those articles published results were generated. The search was re-
since 2000. The students did not use ar- fined by focusing on outcomes related to
ticles published before the year 2000. the therapeutic use of music, as opposed
Furthermore, studies were excluded that to music therapy. Another keyword that
examined children with autism’s under- was focused on was the reference of mu-


Database Keywords Number of Hits Usable Hits
CINAHL Plus with Full Text Autism, Music, Children 41 5
Education Research Complete Use of Music, Autism 50 2
Music, Autism, Children 84 2
Health and Wellness Resource Center Autism 12314
with Alternative Health Module
Autis* AND Music AND Children 36 1
Oxford Music Online Autis* 1 0
Proquest Medical Library Therapeutic use of music, Children, 444 1
Autis*, Children OR Pediatrics
Autism, Therapeutic use of music, 194
Children OR Pediatrics – only peer
reviewed, human subjects
Autism, therapeutic use of music 152
intervention, children OR
pediatrics) - only peer reviewed,
human subjects, after 12/31/1999
PubMed Therapeutic use of Music, Autism 14 4

SportDiscus Music, Children, Autism 3 1
Recreational therapy, Music, 3 0
PsychoInfo Therapeutic use of music, 5 1
Children, Autism
AltHealth Watch Music, Children, Autism 2 0
ERIC Music, Children, Autism 49 3
Physical Education Index Music, Children, Autism 2 0
PsycArticles Therapeutic use of music, 49 2
Children, Autism
RehabData Music, Children, Autism 8 0
Ovid Therapeutic music, Children, 3 0
National Library of Medicine Music, Children, Autism 26 0
OT Search Music, Children, Autism 1 0
OT Seeker Music, Children, Autism 7 3
Note: Use of the asterisk (*) at the end of a word is used as a root or stem word in a search. A search engine will show any word that begins with the root or
stem before the *.
sic being used with children, as many language pathologists to adapted physi-
articles discussed music being used as cal educators to physical and/or occupa-
an intervention with adult populations. tional therapists; recreational therapists
Numerous articles resulted from the were not represented in the authorship
initial search of the databases. Peer re- of these articles. This lack of ownership
viewed journal articles were the intended by one profession demonstrates the vast
source of articles; consequently many ar- use and interest by various professions
ticles were disregarded due to inadequate into the therapeutic use of music with
scholarly reviews. A total of 15 unique children who have autism. Additionally,
articles were included in this systematic these individuals represented a number
review. of countries including the United States,
Australia, Great Britain, and Canada.
(YLGHQFHIURP/LWHUDWXUH6HDUFK Another theme was that the use of
Table 2 details the articles used in music as a therapeutic intervention has
this review. The table provides informa- been studied with primarily single sub-
tion on investigator’s and year of study, ject or small group designs of no more
subjects, intervention/activity, theoreti- than 26 participants. The studies primar-
cal foundation, focus, measures, and out- ily used children of various ages ranging
come’s. Summaries present details on the from 2 to 19 years old, with the majority
publication date, type of research design of participants being boys.
used in the studies, age of participants, The fourth theme involved the pri-
focus of the research, assessment mea- mary focus of the studies which was on
sures used, and the reported outcomes of social and communication skills. Most of
using music as a therapeutic intervention the studies focused on social skills devel-
with individuals who have ASD. opment to improve communication. The
In addition to the specific outcomes studies also focused on responsiveness to
of music as a therapeutic intervention, interaction, engagement, improving at-
several themes emerged. These included tention, and understanding and manag-
the timing of the publications, research ing emotions.
design issues, focus area of research, out- Additionally, there were a variety of
come assessment measures, and reported methods used to measure outcomes. The
outcomes. assessment tools most frequently used
The first major theme was the pub- were The Autism Diagnostic Observa-
lication dates of the studies. All studies tion Schedule and the Vineland Adaptive
were published during the 2000s, which Behaviour Scales. A smattering of other
was also indicated as a delimitation of tools, including Mullen Scales of Early
the study. The oldest study used was pub- Learning, Childhood Autism Rating
lished in 2001 and the most recent was Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test,
published in 2014. All studies were con- Music Therapy Coding Scheme, and Pic-
ducted by different authors. ture Exchange Communication System
Researchers and authors represented were also used: Thus, no one particular
a variety of professions. Authors ranged assessment tool tends to be used for eval-
from educators to psychologists to speech uating social and communication skills
for children with autism.

Investigator/s and Subjects Intervention or Theoretical Focus Measure/s Outcome/s
Year Activity Foundation

Carnahan, Musti- Six Caucasian Use of interactive None Engagement Teacher Increased engagement. Increased
Rao & Bailey children (five males, educational and Postintervention teacher satisfaction.
(2009) one female) with material paired responsiveness Acceptability and
school-based with music to to teacher-led Importance of Effects
identification of increase activities Survey
autism and one with engagement
other health
impairment, ranging
from 6 to 11 years, 5
months receiving
services in a special
education classroom

Dieringer & Two male Compare baseline Behaviorism Off-task Academic Learning Decrease in off-task behaviors when
Porretta (2013) preschoolers, four (no music – A) to behaviors Time in Physical music used
years old, diagnosed intervention (music during gross Education (ALT-PE)
with autism and off- – B). Physical motor
task behaviors demo and activities
instruction for
gross motor activity
with/ without
lyrical songs with
instruments as
music ABAB – 20-
23 minutes 3x/wk.
x 10 wks.

Finnigan & Starr A 3-year, 8-month- The use of music as Developmental Social Standard Assessment Increase in socially acceptable
(2010) old Filipino girl with a therapy in an theory, Social responses, Tools, Mullen Scales behaviors, Increase in social responsive
autism. early behavioral Theory avoidant of Early Learning, behaviors. Decreased social avoidant
intervention behaviors. Vineland Adaptive behaviors.
program for Improve peer Behavior Scales,
children with interactions Childhood Autism
autism. and Rating Scale, Autism
meaningful Diagnostic
play. Observation Schedule

Francis (2011) Twelve children aged Use of “The Tomatis Attention to Profound Education Improvements in levels of
9 to 19 years at a Listening Program” auditory task, Curriculum profile, concentration and engagement with a
residential school for a commercial processing concentration, family questionnaire, person. Increased social engagement by
children people with music auditory theory engagement, observation girls in the study.
profound and stimulation anxiety level
multiple learning designed to develop
disabilities listening and
processing skills

Gee, Thompson, A 7-year-old female Home based and None Responsivenes Sensory Process Decrease in negative and self-
& St. John (2014) with ASD with caregiver provided s to auditory Measure, Sensory stimulating behavior.
auditory sensory psycho-acoustically stimulate and Over-Responsitivity
over-responsitivity modified classical self- Scales
music (“The stimulating
Listening behavior
Program”) 15
minutes 2x/day x 5
days/wk. x 10

Kern, Wolery, & Two boys with Individualized None Using music to Picture Exchange The songs assisted the children in
Aldridge (2007) Autism ages 3 years, greeting songs with reduce the Communication entering the classroom, greeting the
5 months, and 3 lyrics matching the impact of System teacher and/or peers and engaging in
years, 2 months five steps of the transitions on play easing the morning transition into
greeting routine children with the classroom

Molnar-Szakacs 20 children, some Short sentences, Patterns of Increased response to music when
& Heaton (2012) with ASD and other environmental attention, compared to sentences or
typical developing at noises (like a door emotional environmental sounds. More
a school closing) or short recognition responsive to sounds than typically
excerpts of developing peers.
classical music


O’Connor & One 11-year-old male Behavioral None Increasing Observational review Behavior varied with the type of music.
Dieringer (2014) with ASD who responses when physical and data recording Some music had impact on decreasing
displays self- different types of activity by from videotapes of self-stimulating and repetitive
stimulating and self- music played reducing sessions behaviors, as well as increased
injurious behaviors, (whale songs, behaviors engagement and appropriate social
as well as sound didgeridoo, Pink behaviors.
aversion and lack of Floyd, tuba and
receptivity to social piano, “Old Man
interaction River”)

Quintin, Bhatara, 26 Canadian children Use music to assess Hill et al. Understanding Social Responsiveness Adolescents with high functioning ASD
Poissant, and adolescents with emotional (2004) and identifying Scale, Social able to recognize basic emotions in
Fombonne, a ASD diagnosis, recognition argument that emotions Communication music such as happy, sad, and scary.
Levitin (2011) ranging in ages from expressed in music although Questionnaire, Digit
10 to 19 years old; individuals span and letter-number
three with ASD, 13 with ASD sequencing scales from
with Asperger’s, 10 show some Wechsler Intelligence
with PDD-NOS degree of Scale for Children (4th
insight, there is ed.), Salk & McGill
a dissociation Musical Inventory,
between their Queen’s University
experience and Music Questionnaire-
their revised
theory of

Raglio, Case Study, The use of free Intersubjectivity Promoting the Music Therapy Coding Physical contact, looking at each other,
Traficante, Oasi 7-year-old sonorous- perspective in regulation of Scheme (MTCS) attuned movement, and approach to
(2011) autistic child musical which music emotional each other remarkably increased
diagnosed with improvisation in based upon the components
autistic disorder patient–therapist use of musical
interactions to build instruments
a dialogue to reflect can facilitate
the emotional state expressive or
of the relationship organizational
processes and
could lead the
patient and
therapist to a
moment of

Simpson & Keen Previous Studies The presence of Social Social Literature Review Improved signing skills. Improved
(2011) music and its use Inclusion inclusion, engagement in activities. Positive peer
with individuals Interaction interactions. Developing joint attention
who have autism with peers. and positive emotional communication.
Atypical Experiencing higher levels of joy.
behaviors. Increased eye contact. Increased
independent functioning. Reduction of
atypical behavior.

Sandiford, 12 nonverbal children Using melodic- Melodic-Based Improving The Autism Diagnostic Gains in verbal attempts and imitative
Mainess, and with autism. Ages 5 based approaches Communication Communication Observation Schedule attempts. Significant increase in
Daher (2012) to 7 to improve Therapy number of both taught and untaught
communication words used in the home environment.
Increased motivation to complete tasks.

Stephens (2008) Four children (two Using music, Social Willingness to Childhood Autism Increased spontaneous actions and
males, two females) dance, instruments, behavior and imitate and Rating Scales, word imitations. Joint attention in
with ASD ages 5 and vocalizations to imitation, engage Vineland Adaptive imitation behaviors within musical play
years, 2 months to 8 increase social Milieu spontaneously Behavior Scales-
years, 9 months at a interaction interventions in a reciprocal Communication
school social

Vernon, Koegel, Three children with Teaching parents to Home-based Engagement Autism Diagnostic Increased eye contact. Increased
Dauterman, & autism diagnosis, use everyday items care, Pivotal and Schedule, Autism positive affect. Increased verbal
Stolen (2012) ages 2 to 4 years old. (toys, music, etc.) Response responsiveness Diagnostic Interview- initiations. Increased parent affect and
to increase Treatment Revised engagement. Increased child and parent
engagement and behavior.

Wigram & Gold Previous Studies Music therapy None Music Therapy Critical View of Improvements in communicative
(2006) (Review Article) interventions Interventions Literature behavior, language development,
involving active, emotional responsiveness, behavioral
improvisational control. Most notable outcomes
methods included promoting interpersonal
communication, reciprocity, and the
development of language-building

The final theme identified included are often used to compensate for a lack
the outcomes of studies using music as a of stimuli or oversensitive reaction to
therapeutic intervention. These outcomes stimuli, and include behaviors such as
consisted of improved social skills, com- rocking, using pressure, and chewing on
munication, and behavioral regulation objects (Finnigan & Starr, 2010). As an
resulting in improved overall function- intervention, multiple studies found that
ing. The most notable outcomes included auditory stimulation in the form of music
promoting interpersonal communica- is preferred by individuals with autism
tion, reciprocity, and the development of and that these individuals tended to en-
language building skills. Major themes gage with music for longer time periods
are further detailed in the next section of when compared to typical individuals
the manuscript. their own age (Simpson & Keen, 2011).
In summary, the literature on thera- Researchers found changes in self-
peutic use of music used in this review stimulating behaviors depending on the
was written by various authors. No theo- type of music or sound used. For exam-
ries were identified that supported the ple, in O’Connor and Dieringer (2014),
therapeutic use of music as an interven- the study subject displayed less repeti-
tion for children along the autism spec- tive behavior of chewing or pulling on
trum. On the other hand, several studies clothes when listening to a whale song
identified similar results in improvements versus listening to a classic rock song
in social and emotional functional areas which resulted in increased chewing and
including increases in appropriate social picking or pinching of the face. In an-
skills, communication, emotional under- other study, Gee, Thompson, and St. John
standing, and behavioral regulation. (2014) found a decrease in negative and
self-stimulating behaviors following the
)LQGLQJV use of “The Listening Program,” which
The following section details the five uses classical music. While one cannot
different outcomes identified for the use make generalizations to the ASD popu-
of music as a therapeutic intervention for lation due to the extremely limited size
children with autism. These outcomes of these studies, the studies demonstrate
are: an increase in socially acceptable that different types of music and sounds
behaviors, increased social responsive may increase or decrease self-stimulating
behaviors, increased verbal communica- behaviors.
tion, increased recognition and/or un- Additionally, research supports the
derstanding of emotion, and decreased use of music to increase attention to task,
anxiety. direction following, and task completion.
Dieringer and Porretta (2013) specifically
,QFUHDVHLQ6RFLDOO\$FFHSWDEOH%HKDYLRUV focused on using music to maintain at-
Individuals with autism often display tention to task when working on gross
inappropriate behaviors contributing to motor skills. The researchers found that
the lack of social acceptance. These be- participants (two male 4-year-olds)
haviors include inability to follow direc- stayed on task better when age appropri-
tions, regulating voice level, and utilizing ate music with lyrics and instrumenta-
self-stimulation or repetitive behaviors tion were played than when it was not.
(Dieringer & Porretta, 2013; Finnigan & Francis (2011) studied the effects of a
Starr, 2010). Self-stimulating behaviors commercial product called “The Listen-

ing Program” upon children with ASD individuals to be creative and begin an
and learning disabilities to determine if interactive/response through music play-
the program impacted mood, attention ing, creating sounds and melodies. Ac-
to task or engagement. The researcher cording to the researchers, once this oc-
found that attention to task improved for curred, increased eye contact, approach,
children with autism following participa- and imitative movement followed (Raglio
tion in the program which used classical & Traficante, 2011).
music with advanced sound process- Finnigan and Starr (2006) further
ing techniques. Additionally, Carnahan, demonstrated this in their case study,
Musti-Rao, and Bailey (2009) studied the showing specific changes the use of music
effects of interactive educational materi- makes in terms of social responsiveness.
als used with music to increase students Their intervention consisted of three
with autism’s engagement in group ac- toys, singing, and a guitar. The therapist
tivities. While this study focused on aca- would sing and play guitar while using
demic engagement, there are still impli- verbal prompts and imitation to engage
cations for therapeutic recreation in that a client in the activity. Interventions con-
instruction with music showed increased sisted of 15-minute sessions, four times
engagement. a week, for 29 total sessions. The client’s
social baseline was recorded for the first
,QFUHDVHLQ6RFLDO5HVSRQVH%HKDYLRUV eight weeks, during which time no spe-
Common characteristics of indi- cific interventions were implemented.
viduals with autism are avoiding eye Following, there was an alternating phase
contact, not looking at objects being of music and non-music over 12 sessions,
pointed to, imitation such as repeating with seven additional sessions imple-
words or phrases, and difficulty relating mented with music as the sole means of
to or showing an interest in other people intervention. For research validity and
(CDC, 2014b). Francis (2011) found that reliability, after the seven music interven-
children with autism, particularly girls, tion sessions, two follow-up sessions with
showed improvements in social engage- no music were offered. Outcomes showed
ment following participation in “The Lis- that when the non-music intervention
tening Program.” occurred there was no eye contact in
Additionally, music improvisation contrast to the seven music intervention
can increase social response behavior. sessions which resulted in eye contact
Music improvisation is defined as the six out of seven sessions with a range of
free performance of music, typically not three to five occurrences each session.
planned or written down and made up The strength of this data were seen when
at the time of the performance (Cam- there was no eye contact with the thera-
bridge Press, 2014; Encyclopedia Britan- pist for sessions when no music was of-
nica, 2014). Music improvisation allows fered. The researcher concluded that eye
individuals with autism to start a musi- contact was not based on the therapist/
cal “dialogue” or “conversation” with the client bond despite multiple sessions
recreational therapist creating a recipro- together but rather due to interaction
cal nonverbal bond (Raglio & Traficante, through imitation.
2011). Through this, individuals bond Stephens’ (2008) study used mu-
with their therapist and begin to change sic to investigate children with autism’s
their internal world: This allows both willingness to spontaneously interact by

imitating the researcher. The researcher sessions are portable from one setting to
used musical play routines, allowing the another; further, the approach was devel-
children to either participate or not par- oped by a speech language pathologist to
ticipate on their own, through dancing, facility language development (Autism
playing or verbalizing. The results were Speaks, 2014b; Sandiford et al., 2013).
mixed in that three of the children dem- A pilot study on MBCT (Sandiford
onstrated increased action and word imi- et al., 2013) examined 12 children aged 5
tation spontaneously while one showed to 7, measuring outcomes using the Au-
limited spontaneous engagement. tism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
Finally, Vernon, Koegel, Dauterman, (ADOS). The ADOS is a standardized
and Stolen (2012) taught parents how to assessment using behavioral observation
use music to increase social engagement to assess and diagnosis ASD, specifically
and behaviors between them and their focused on communication, social inter-
child with autism. The results demon- action, and play (Lord, Risi, Lambrecht,
strated that using music as a structured Cook, Leventhal, DiLavore et al., 2000).
activity led to increased eye contact, im- Specific measured outcomes consist of
proved verbal imitation, improved affect, the number of verbal attempts, number
increased parent and child behaviors and of correct words, and number of words
engagement. reported by the parents. Sandiford et
al. (2013) examined 25 words that were
,QFUHDVHLQ9HUEDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQ known to be words that children typical-
Approximately 30% to 50% of indi- ly learn first and paired each word with
viduals with autism do not develop prac- a melody. The goal of the study was for
tical verbal speech skills (CDC, 2014b; the children to learn all 25 target words
National Autism Association, 2014; San- during 45-minute sessions in a five-week
diford et al., 2013). Of the remaining in- period. Results concluded that compared
dividuals with autism, most develop some with the control group, MBCT children
verbal speech. However, these individuals made stronger gains in verbal communi-
may use speech in different ways such as cation in a shorter amount of time (San-
repeating words or phrases, repeating diford et al., 2013).
what others say or have difficulty putting In addition to MBCT, language
words into sentences (CDC, 2014b). teaching music can be utilized at home
Music has the ability to increase ver- and in the community leading to success-
bal communication. One music-based ful social interactions in everyday life.
technique used is the Melodic-Based Language teaching music acknowledges
Communication Therapy (MBCT), the connection between music and learn-
which has proven to increase verbal com- ing, and in particular learning language
munication during the critical five-year (Koning, 2011). Language teaching music
span of language development (Sandi- can take the form of favorite songs, a va-
ford et al., 2013). Unlike improvisation or riety of instruments, or leading a creative
spontaneous use of music, MBCT uses a music group. Music can be introduced in
preprogrammed melody to elicit specific natural settings including the classroom
words while adding rhythm, usually clap- and home, creating a motivational tool
ping. MBCT is a practical method that for children with autism to participate in
does not rely on instruments and the language acquisition.

,QFUHDVHLQ8QGHUVWDQGLQJRU5HFRJQLWLRQ the visual domain… Music seems to be a
RI(PRWLRQV channel through which emotions can be
During typical child development, communicated to individuals with ASD”
emotional and social skills develop (p. 1251).
through experience, observation, and Of interest is the use of music-based
imitation (Molnar-Szakacs et al., 2009; social stories. However, little research has
National Center for Infants, Toddlers, been conducted on this. The only identi-
and Families, 2012). This is not the case fied study was by music therapist Katagiri
for children with autism who often expe- (2009) talking about the effectiveness of
rience social isolation or lack of mean- this intervention. Music-based social
ingful personal relationships due to an stories are written social situations with
inability to understand others’ emotions dramatic social cues which are then sung
and difficulty expressing their own (Au- with emotion specific music cues. These
tism Speaks, 2014b; CDC, 2014a; Mol- songs contribute to individuals with au-
nar-Szakacs et al., 2009). tism and their understanding of social
As suggested by the opening quotes, skills and emotions by creating a motiva-
music is a powerful tool, eliciting emo- tional avenue for learning. Emotion pro-
tions from listeners through tempo, in- voking music pulls upon the elements of
tensity, rhythm, and pitch. Five emotions music that create a story with melody, fre-
widely expressed in music are happiness, quency spectrum, and rhythm (Katagiri,
sadness, anger, love and fear (or its op- 2009). This intervention is mentioned as
posite peace) (Juslin, 2013; Quintin, it has shown to impact emotional under-
Bhatara, Poissant, Fombonne & Levitin, standing as social stories are often used
2011). These emotions have an impact within the field of therapeutic recreation.
on individuals with autism. Research has
demonstrated an increased motivation 'HFUHDVHLQ$Q[LHW\
and interest in music allowing therapists Anxiety is a common issue for in-
to use music as an avenue to emotional dividuals with autism (CDC, 2014b). To
understanding and experience (Molnar- reduce feelings of anxiety, it is important
Szakacs et al., 2009; Sacks, 2006). for individuals with autism to have struc-
Quintin et al. (2011) focused their tured routines (CDC, 2014a; Hagedorn,
study on children with autism and the 2004). Routine is a form of predictabil-
children’s ability to understand emotions ity in an unpredictable world, offering
expressed in music. They used music de- individuals with autism stability in their
fined as happy, sad, scary and peaceful. environment to express themselves and
The findings of this study indicated that feel comfortable. Examples might include
some emotions were easier for adoles- ordered morning tasks, structured class-
cents with ASD to understand than oth- room activities, and consistency in who
ers; particularly happy, sad and scary, picks the child up from school. Addition-
whereas peaceful was the most difficult to ally, to reduce anxiety, it is important to
understand. Furthermore, an adolescent’s decrease stress during non-routine activi-
verbal ability affected their ability to ex- ties, such as by using a schedule or timer.
press perceptions of emotions accurately. Kern, Wolery, and Aldridge (2006)
Quintin et al. (2011) wrote, “Studies of found that music improved participation
emotion recognition, so far, are more for two 3-year-old boys with autism in an
consistent in the musical domain than inclusive classroom setting. In a morn-

ing greeting song the lyrics shared the on social skill development and improve-
five- step greeting routine. The teacher ments in social functioning.
implemented the song once a child en- Based on these studies, it is con-
tered the classroom and sang the song cluded that individuals with autism ben-
in time with the child’s actions. The chil- efit from the therapeutic use of music in
dren’s behaviors preintervention included social functioning by decreasing social
ignoring the teacher, screaming, or lying isolation and increasing interpersonal re-
on the floor outside the doorway. Postint- lationships. Using music as a therapeutic
ervention showed each child indepen- intervention is a versatile approach and
dently transitioned with music, decreas- may be used to teach parents and teachers
ing socially inappropriate behaviors and techniques helpful in everyday situations.
increasing social inclusion with typical
Music is also offered as a method for As a result of this literature review,
implementing stability into the life of a the researchers were able to address their
child with autism. Music follows a com- research questions.
mon framework. Each song uses pulse, The first question was “What are the
tempo, and rhythm in such a manner that evidence-based outcomes of music when
allows listeners to predict what should used as an intervention with children on
come next. This provides an opportunity the autism spectrum?” Evidence-based
for self-soothing through the provision of outcomes were evident throughout each
security and consistency when children of the articles. Studies reported outcomes
become over or under stimulated, have that consisted of increases in verbal com-
a sudden change in routine (needing a munication, attention span, socially ac-
transition), or are frustrated (Hagedorn, ceptable behaviors, social skills, emotion-
2004; Wigram & Gold, 2006). al understanding, language development,
and peer interactions (Dieringer & Por-
&RQFOXVLRQ retta, 2013; Finnigan & Starr, 2010; Fran-
cis, 2011; Kern, Wolery & Aldridge, 2007;
The purpose of this literature review
Quintin et al, 2011; Raglio et al., 2011;
was to see if evidence based outcomes oc-
Wigram & Gold, 2006). While the pres-
curred when using music as a therapeutic
ence of music increased behaviors in
intervention with children on the autism
some situations, it also decreased anxi-
spectrum. It was found that there is an
ety, stress, and stimulation in other sce-
improvement in social skills, specifically
narios (Gee, Thompson & St. John, 2014;
socially acceptable behaviors, social re-
O’Connor & Dieringer, 2014). Further-
sponsive behaviors, verbal communica-
more, in studies where a group of individ-
tion, recognition of emotion, and a de-
uals were engaged in playing and creating
crease in anxiety. This literature review
musical melodies, the outcomes consist-
was conducted using 17 databases and
ed of increased eye contact, engagement,
15 studies that were chosen based upon
and social responses (Carnahan, Musti-
the search keywords of autism, children,
Rao & Bailey, 2009; Francis, 2011; Mol-
interventions, music, and recreational
nar-Szakacs & Heaton, 2012; Stephens,
therapy. Results showed a trend in re-
2008). Interventions that consisted solely
cent research that used primarily single
of rhythmic clapping had outcomes of
subject and small group studies focusing
increased verbal communication, social

interaction, and engagement (Sandiford used in increments of 30 to 60 minutes at
et al., 2013). When music is used as a lis- a time for four to five times a week (see
tening tool in classrooms and at home, Table 1). Clearly, research indicates that
the outcomes included decreased stress music should be used as a therapeutic
and increased productivity (Wigram & intervention on a regular basis to consis-
Gold, 2006). The evidence-based results tently target desired behavior changes.
provide support for music being used as The researchers concluded that envi-
an intervention that contributes to an in- ronments where there is structure are the
crease in the quality of an individual’s life ideal settings for the intervention of mu-
and social functioning. sic. This addresses question five about the
The next question focused on the most successful setting and environment
genre or type of music that was most ef- for the use of music with individuals
fective. The studies indicated a variety of who have autism. Home and school en-
music types were beneficial and effective, vironments were the main settings used
with no specific style more dominant throughout the studies. Environments
than another. However, in these studies, that are predictable were favored by the
classical music and nature sounds had the study subjects (Wigram & Gold, 2006).
most positive effects when compared to Music has a significant potential to
classic rock music (Francis, 2011; Mol- impact individuals with autism when it is
nar-Szakacs & Heaton, 2012; O’Connor used as a therapeutic intervention by rec-
& Dieringer, 2014; Quintin et al., 2011). reational therapists. Recreational thera-
In addressing the third question of pists should consider the following when
what severity of autism does music have implementing music as a therapeutic in-
an impact upon, it is concluded that tervention:
music is effective and can be used with
all levels of severity on the ASD. When • RTs should measure outcomes and
music is used with individuals who are examine benefits using appropriate
lower functioning displaying minimal tools that reflect the desired goals
verbal skills, the outcomes consisted of and outcomes.
increased verbal communication and an • Classical music and nature sounds
improvement in daily functioning (Sani- should be used more than others to
ford et al., 2013). Individuals classified elicit desired responses.
as being high functioning on the autism • Clients’ interests and responses to
spectrum benefitted from the interven- various types of music should be as-
tion of music in areas of increased social sessed, as individuals may respond to
response behaviors and a decrease in anx- other types of music.
iety (Raglio & Traficante, 2011; Wigram • Music as a therapeutic intervention
& Gold, 2006). Based on these studies, it can be used effectively with individ-
appears that music is effective and ben- uals with varying levels of function-
eficial for a majority of individuals who ing along the spectrum disorder.
have autism, regardless of the severity. • Sessions should be 30 to 60 minutes
When determining the ideal session in length, four to five times per week.
frequency and duration to bring about • The use of predictable and known
evidence based outcomes, research ques- environments (such as home or
tion four; it is concluded that the inter- school) provides the best setting in
vention of music works best when it is which to conduct the intervention.

5HFRPPHQGDWLRQVIRU)XUWKHU5HVHDUFK ing music as a therapeutic intervention
Based on the identified outcomes with individuals who have autism. With
of this literature review, the following this valuable information, practitioners
recommendations for further research may be intentional during their client in-
to document effectiveness of the thera- terventions.
peutic use of music as a therapeutic rec- Additional experimental research
reation intervention are shared. There is is needed to support the effectiveness of
an evident need for more therapeutic rec- this intervention, specifically for use in
reation specialists to conduct research in the field of therapeutic recreation. Exper-
this area. Additionally, research that is ex- iments with large sample sizes comparing
tended to databases beyond those not in- the effectiveness between experimental
cluded in the Grand Valley State Univer- and control groups are needed to support
sity system or interlibrary loan program evidence-based practice.
is necessary. Further investigation and Another recommendation is to de-
because there were few citations (refer termine if there is a relationship between
to Table 2) that documented theoretical severity of the autism, age of participants
foundations for the use of music as a ther- and the therapeutic outcomes of using
apeutic intervention for individuals with music as a therapeutic intervention with
autism, there is a need to identify theo- children along the autism spectrum. The
retical and conceptual underpinnings to variance in subjects and larger sample
support the use of this intervention when sizes would result in experimental find-
conducted by recreational therapists. ings that could be applied to the pediatric
More research would provide treat- population along the autism spectrum.
ment protocols and a standard for the According to current information, mu-
practice of the therapeutic use of music sic is an effective intervention when used
as an intervention. There were no stan- with children along the autism spectrum
dardized protocols for duration of ses- but more research is needed to support
sion, frequency of the sessions, group evidence-based practice of the therapeu-
size, or techniques to use when conduct- tic use of music in therapeutic recreation.

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