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(Results from Staad)

Moment (Mx + Mxy) 506 kN.m Min My for load case 120
Shear(τv) 0.56 n/mm²
Fck 30 n/mm²
Fy 500 n/mm²
Depth 1000 mm
Dia of Rod 25 mm 490.625
Cover 50 mm
Effective Depth 937.5 mm

Required Depth 350 mm

Note: Check If Required Depth is less than Effective Depth.

Mu/bd2 0.58
Percentage of Tension Reinforcement 0.15 REFER SP16 : TABLE-4
Required Reinforcement 1406 mm2
No of Rod Required 3
Note: Check if No of Rod is more than 10 or not, If it is more than change the dia of rod.
So Provide 25dia at 100mm C/C
No of Rod provided 10 Ast Provided 4906 mm2

Pt = 100 Ast / bd 0.523

Shear strength of Concrete (τc) 0.5 REFER IS456 - TABLE-19
Note: Check If Shear Strength of Concrete(τc) is greater than Shear(τv).
Length of Footing 18.45 m
Width of Footing 3.6 m
Depth of Footing 0.75 m
Length of Pedestal 0.75 m
Width of Pedestal 0.75 m
Unit weight of Soil (γs) 18 kN/m²
Depth of Foundation below FGL (h) 2.5 m
Co-efficient of friciton between soil and Footing base(µ ) 0.3
Force acting on footing in X direction (Fx) 335 kN
Force acting on footing in Z direction (Fz) 485 kN
Resultant force acting on footing (√(Fx^2 +Fz^2)) 589.4489 kN
Avg base pressure 100 kN/m²
Resistant force against sliding (µ * avg base pr. * area of footing) 1992.6
FOS against sliding 3.3804457


Unit weight of soil (γs) 18 kN/m³
Submerged unit weight of soil (γs-γw) 8.19 kN/m³
Depth of foundation below FGL (h) 2.5 m
Max uplift pressure of footing (γs*h) 24.525 kN/m^2
Resistance Base pressure due to self weight forces acting on
footing (footing+pedestal+soil) 33.331632 kN/m^2
FOS against Uplift 1.36
s from Staad)
or load case 120

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