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CORRIDORS – Roll 2d6

2 Stairs up 1 level/down 1 level/out of dungeon (1 in 3 chance of each)

3 Stranger
4 Trap
5 Event
6 Wandering Monster
7-9 Nothing
10 Blocked – dead end
11 Treasure/1d3x10GCs (1 in 2 chance of either)
12 Special – Roll 1d6
1. Roll again on Corridor
2. Event
3. Gallery, 50% chance of painting worth 1d6x10 GC
4. Stream for 4 spaces
5. Stream for 2d6+2 spaces
6. Chasm

All CORRIDORS have 1d6-2 doors and a 1 in 3 chance of being Blocked at the end.

ROOMS – Roll 2d6

2 Stranger
3 Furniture
4 Empty, 1 in 3 chance of Event
5 Furniture, Monsters and Stairs up/down (50/50%)
6-7 Furniture, Monsters, Treasure Chest
8 Monsters, Treasure Chest
9 Monsters
10 Trap
11 Event
12 Hazard

All ROOMS have 1d6-2 doors and a 1 in 3 chance of being Blocked at the end.

EVENTS – Roll 3d6

3 Trap
4 Chasm – The floor begins to give way, you must leave this area in one turn or roll 1d6 each turn: 1 =
You fall in and die, 2-6 = Safe
5 Winds – A cool, refreshing draft blows through the area restoring 1 Body to all
6 Rat Swarm – 1d6 Rats attack
7 Fire – Blazes through this area, all Furniture is destroyed, all creatures lose 1 Body
8 Summons – A goblin appears and must be killed in one round or he will summon Wandering
9 Rat Poison Vial – You may discard this to instantly kill all adjacent Rats
10 Nothing Happens
11 Curious Monsters – The nearest room door opens, revealing its contents including extra Room
12 Treasure Horde – Roll on Treasure
13 Scavenged Loot – 1d6x10GCs
14 Secret Tunnel – Take 1 extra turn
15 Secret Door – creaks open next to you
16 Lost – miss your next turn
17 Hidden Tapestries – You find a rich tapestry worth 2d6x10GCs that you may take
18 Trap

1: Trap
2-4: Nothing
5: Secret Door
6: One Way Door (1 in 2 chance of either direction)
STRANGERS – Roll 1d6

1 Rogue – Roll 1d6

1. Thief (looking for someone to team up with then betray): ALIGNMENT Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2, MIND
3, BODY 2, MOVE 11
2. 1d6 Brigands (looking for anyone’s treasure): ALIGNMENT Evil, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2, MIND 2, BODY 1, MOVE
3. Minstrel (looking for knowledge): ALIGNMENT Good, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 2, MIND 3, BODY 2, MOVE 8
4. Jester (looking for someone to protect him): ALIGNMENT Neutral/Good, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 1, MIND 1, BODY
1, MOVE 10
5. Bard (looking for adventure): ALIGNMENT Neutral, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2, MIND 4, BODY 3, MOVE 8
6. 1d6+1 Drunken Rakes (lost and violent): ALIGNMENT Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 1, MIND 1, BODY 1,
2 Warrior – Roll 1d6
1. Ranger (looking for evil monsters to kill): ALIGNMENT Good, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 2, MIND 3, BODY 2, MOVE 7
2. 2d6 Mercenaries (looking for employment = 50GCs each): ALIGNMENT Neutral, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2, MIND 1,
3. Paladin (seeking holy item): ALIGNMENT Lawful Good, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 3, MIND 3, BODY 3, MOVE 6
4. Fighter Adventurer (looking for treasure): ALIGNMENT Good/Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 2, MIND 3,
5. 1d3 Berserkers (looking for things to kill): ALIGNMENT Insane, ATTACK 4, DEFEND 1, MIND 1, BODY 1, MOVE
6. Valkry (avenging her dead village): ALIGNMENT Good/Neutral, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 2, MIND 4, BODY 3, MOVE
3 Wizard – Roll 1d6
1. Necromancer (lives here with 1d6 Skeletons): ALIGNMENT Chaotic/Evil, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 2, MIND 7, BODY
2, MOVE 6, SPELLS 10
2. Hotshot (showing off, looking for treasure/monster heads): ALIGNMENT Good/Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 1, DEFEND
3. Adventurer (looking for treasure): ALIGNMENT Good/Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 2, MIND 6, BODY 3,
4. Hermit (lives here): ALIGNMENT Good/Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 1, MIND 6, BODY 1, MOVE 6, SPELLS
5. Peddler (selling wares, may purchase from Equipment deck): ALIGNMENT Neutral, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 1, MIND
6. Sorcerer (with Wandering Monster minions): ALIGNMENT Evil, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 2, MIND 8, BODY 2, MOVE
7, SPELLS 12
4 Priest – Roll 1d6
1. War Cleric (looking for things to kill): ALIGNMENT Insane/Neutral, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 2, MIND 2, BODY 2,
2. Adventurer (looking for treasure): ALIGNMENT Good/Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2, MIND 3, BODY 2,
3. Sacrificer/Slaver (searching for sacrifices/slaves): ALIGNMENT Evil, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2, MIND 2, BODY 2,
4. Witch (on the run from the law, if Evil will teleport out of dungeon with half your GC if not killed in 1 round):
5. Scribe (looking for knowledge): ALIGNMENT Neutral/Good, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 2, MIND 4, BODY 1, MOVE 7,
6. Dishonoured (seeking redemption): ALIGNMENT Lawful/Neutral, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2, MIND 2, BODY 1,
5 Character – Roll 1d6
1. Prince/Princess (kidnapped by Wandering Monsters, pays 200GC or will marry you if you roll Mind or less on 2d6
if returned to surface safely): ALIGNMENT Neutral/Good, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2, MIND 3, BODY 2, MOVE 7
2. 1d3 Male/Female Diversions (take 1d6x10GCs each, heroes miss the rest of their turn and Wandering Monsters
arrive and attack, heroes can’t use any items for 1 turn after): ALIGNMENT Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 2, DEFEND 2,
3. 1d3 Sell Swords (looking for employment = 50GCs each): ALIGNMENT Neutral, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 2, MIND 2,
4. Young man/woman (has escaped kidnapping and is lost, pays 100GCs or will marry you if returned to surface
unhurt): ALIGNMENT Lawful/Good, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 1, MIND 4, BODY 3, MOVE 8
5. Succubus/Incubus (seeking money and pleasure): ALIGNMENT Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 2, MIND 4,
6. Vampire (seeking victim): ALIGNMENT Neutral/Evil, ATTACK 4, DEFEND 3, MIND 5, BODY 4, MOVE 10
6 Adventurer – Roll 1d6
2. Dwarf: ALIGNMENT Good/Neutral, ATTACK 3, DEFEND 3, MIND 2, BODY 3, MOVE 6
4. Gnome: ALIGNMENT Neutral/Good, ATTACK 1, DEFEND 1, MIND 4, BODY 2, MOVE 7, SPELLS 2
5. Half-Breed (Orc/Elf/Giant/Ogre): ALIGNMENT Evil/Good/Neutral/Chaotic, ATTACK 3/3/5/4, DEFEND 2/2/4/3,
MIND 1/4/1/1, BODY 2/3/10/8, MOVE 8
6. Other World Being: ALIGNMENT Good/Neutral/Evil/Insane, ATTACK 1d6, DEFEND 1d6, MIND 1d6, BODY 1d6,
MOVE 2d6
FURNITURE – Roll 2d6 (Doors and Furniture have DEFEND 4, BODY 1.)
2 Bookshelf roll 1d6:
1. Trap
2. Rat
3. Gain 1 Spell (if possible)
4. 1d6x10GCs
5. Nothing
6. Book roll 1d6: 1. Gain 1 Max Body, 2. Gain 1 Max Mind, 3. Gain +1 to Max Movement,
4. Lose 1 Max Body, 5. Lose 1 Max Mind, 6. -1 to Max Movement
3 Cupboard roll 1d6:
1. Trap
2. Empty
3. Secret Door
4. Rat Poison
5. Cloak
6. Silver Bolts
4 Table and 1d3 Goblins, roll 1d6:
1. Empty
2. Plate worth 5GCs
3. 1d6x10GCs
4. Fungus Spores attack you with 1CD
5. Rat Poison
6. Food, if eaten roll 1d6: 1. Poison, lose 1d3 Body, 2. Disgusting, miss 1 turn vomiting, 3. No effect, 4.
Edible and healthy, heal 1 Body, 5. Delicious, heal 1d3 Body, 6. Nourishing, take 1 extra turn
5 Fireplace roll 1d6:
1. Scorches you, lose 1 Body
2. Trap
3. Empty
4. 1d6x10GCs
5. Painting worth 100GCs
6. 1d6 Firebrands (one use each, +2 ATTACK Vs Mummies)
6 Throne roll 1d6:
1. Trap
2. Nothing
3. 1d2x10GCs
4. Secret Door
5. Skeleton, attacks
6. Crown, if worn roll 1d6: 1. Gain 1 Mind, 2. Gain 1 Spell, 3. Gain 1 Spirit, 4. Lose 1 Mind, 5. Trap, 6.
Teleport all monsters from Dungeon!
7 Alchemist’s Bench roll 1d6:
1. Trap
2. Empty
3. Rat
4. 1d2x10GCs
5. 1d6 Potions (see Treasure)
6. Humanoid Poison
8 Rack roll 1d6:
1. Insane Prisoner
2. 1d6x10GCs
3. Prisoner
4. Chaos Warrior
5. Stranger
6. Chaos Warrior torturing Stranger
9 Tomb roll 1d6:
1. 1d2 Skeletons
2. Trap
3. Magic Weapon (see Treasure)
4. Empty
5. 1d2x10GCs
6. Death Mist (normal rules)
10 Sorcerer’s Table roll 1d6:
1. Gain 1 Spell
2. Lose 1 Mind
3. Gain 1 Mind
4. Trap
5. Nothing
6. Roll Mind or less on 1d6 or become a Chaos Sorcerer!
11 Grave roll 1d6:
1. Mummy
2. Zombie
3. Skeleton
4. Empty
5. 2d6x10GCs
6. Roll on Treasure
12 Weapon Rack: Gain 1 equipment card of your choice
HAZARDS – Roll 3d6

3 Stranger
4 Room Revolves – Swap door locations
5 Statue guarding eye-gem (1d6x100GC) = ATTACK 6, DEFEND 6, MIND 0, BODY 7, MOVE 12,
NEUTRAL (will not attack unless attacked)
6 1d6 Mushrooms, if eaten roll 1d6
1. Heal 1d3 Body
2. Heal 1d2 Mind
3. Gain 1d6 Move for this adventure only, Maximum of 3d6
4. Lose 1d6 Move for this adventure only, Minimum of 1d6
5. Lose 1 Mind
6. Lose 1d3 Body
7 Throne, roll 1d6
1. Chaos Sorcerer materialises to fight
2. Secret Door
3. Nothing
4. Trap
5. Moveable – 1 square per turn
6. Roll on Treasure Chest
8 Magic Circle, roll 2d6
1. Heal 1 Mind
2. Regain 1 Spell
3. No effect
4. Lose 1 Mind
5. Lose 1 Spell permanently
6. Roll again:
1. Gain 1 Maximum Mind
2. Gain 1 Spell (a permanent innate ability of your choice, usable once per quest)
3. Lose ability to cast spells
4. Teleport to surface
5. Polymorphed into another race (roll on Stranger race above)
6. Lose 1 Body, Gain 1 Mind (permanently)
9 Trapdoor leads down 1 level or to another unseen room
10 Magical Pool, if bathed in roll 1d6:
1. Roll 4 Combat Dice and lose 1 Body for each Skull rolled
2. Transported to another room/1 level down
3. Gain/Lose 1 Body/Mind/Spirit
4. Gain 1 Wish
5. Reincarnate dead person/Polymorph live person
6. Turns all treasure into lead/Platinum (x5 value)
11 Elevator, goes up/down 1d6 levels/to surface each hour
12 Pit opens to next level down, 1 Body damage, Spikes for extra 1d6-3 damage
13 Chaos Sorcerer, Sorcerer’s Table, Chest (add 2 to roll), Throne, 2 Room Monsters
14 Roll 1d6
1-3 Dwarven Forge
4-6 Magic Mist
15 Well and 5 buckets worth of water, if drunk roll 1d6
1. Lose 1 Body
2. Heal 1 Body
3. Nothing
4. Restore 1 Spell
5. Lose 1 Mind
6. Take 3 Turns next go
16 Tomb, Chest, Weapons Rack, 4 Skeletons, 1 Gargoyle
17 Strange Sounds, each turn roll Mind or less on 1d6 or lose 1 Mind
18 Roll 1d6
1-3 Roll again twice on this Hazards table
4-6 Roll again on Room
TREASURE CHESTS/TREASURE (with 1d6x10GC) – Roll 2d6

2 Trap
3 1d6 Gems worth 1d6x10 GC each
4 1 piece of Jewellery worth 3d6x10GC
5 Magic Weapon (+1d2 Attack) roll 1d6:
1. Hand Axe
2. Spear
3. Crossbow
4. Battleaxe
5. Broadsword
6. Staff
6 Magic Armour (+1d2 Defend) roll 1d6:
1. Platemail
2. Chainmail
3. Shield
4. Helmet
5. Bracers
6. Cloak of Protection
7 Ring (3d6 charges) roll 1d6:
1. Heal 1 Body
2. Heal 1 Mind
3. +1 Spirit (no charges, permanent effect)
4. Ball of Flame
5. Spells (choose which group it uses)
6. +1 Defend and Attack
8 Wand (4d6 charges) roll 1d6:
1. Heal 1 Body
2. Fear (as Gas Trap)
3. Spell Absorbing
4. Trap Detection
5. Paralysing (for 1d6-Mind turns)
6. Charm (enemies become allies for 1 turn)
9 Magic Item roll 1d6
1. Book of 3d6 Spells
2. Boots of Speed (+1 Move)
3. Skull Cap (+1 Mind)
4. Girdle (+1 Body)
5. Gauntlets (+1 Attack)
6. Brooch (+1 Defend)
10 1d3 Potions, roll 1d6 for each one
1. Healing
2. Heroic Brew
3. Speed
4. Strength
5. Resilience
6. Invisibility (as Veil of Mist)
11 1 random Equipment Card
12 Roll 1d6
1. Quest Treasure
2. 1d3 Igneolite Bombs
3. Gain 1 Mind
4. Gain 1 Spell (Mind 4+ needed)
5. Gain 1 Body
6. Magic Lamp (choose one Spell, you may cast this once per adventure)


2 1d2 Fimir 1d2x9

3 1d3 Skaven 1d3x8
4 1d3 Skeletons None
5 1d3 Bandits 1d3x7
6 1d3 Goblins 1d3x3
7 1d3 Orcs 1d3x5
8 1d3 Hobgoblins 1d3x6
9 1d3 Beastmen 1d3x4
10 1d2 Zombies None
11 1d2 Mummies None
12 1d2 Chaos Warriors 1d2x20



4 1 Gargoyle 50
5 1d3 Beastmen 10
6 1d4+1 Skaven 40
7 1d3 Chaos Warriors 30
8 1d3 Mummies None
9 1d3 Zombies None
10 1d6 Skeletons None
11 1d3 Ogre Warriors + Ogre Chieftain 100
12 1d2+1 Fimir 20
13 1d6+2 Goblins 15
14 1d6+2 Orcs 25
15 1d2 Rats 2
16 1d6 Bandits 30
17 1d3 Hobgoblins 15
18 1 Rat Ogre 40
19 1 White Seer Skaven + 1d3 Skaven 60
20 1d2 Ogre Champions + 1 Ogre Lord 200
21 1d3 Trolls 120
22 1 Stranger 1d100
23 1 Chaos Sorcerer + 1d2 Chaos Warriors Roll on Treasure
24 Roll Twice +20


TRAPS – Roll 1d100

1 1d3 Arrows – shoot from walls roll 1CD for each, 1 damage for each skull
2 1d2 Poisoned Arrows – as above but 2 damage for each skull
3 Rolling Ball – normal rules
4 Spear – normal rules
5 Dart – normal rules
6 Pit – normal rules
7 Pit of Darkness – normal rules
8 Alarm – summons Wandering Monsters
9 Net – trapped, you cannot move for 1d3 turns
10 Magical Aura – lose 1d6 Spells
11 Transportation – teleported out of dungeon
12 Mine – every model within 5 squares (and LOS) takes 1 damage
13 Sliding Floor – move 2d6 spaces, take 1 damage for (and from) each creature you hit
14 Caltrops – Roll 6 or more on your Movement dice or miss 1d2 turns
15 Poisoned Caltrops – as above but take 1 damage for each turn missed
16 Falling Blocks – normal rules
17 Ceiling Lowers – move out of room next turn or be crushed to death
18 Ceiling Collapses – Roll Movement dice and get enough to leave area or die
19 Chute down 1 level
20 Door Falls Into Room – anyone adjacent is attacked with 3CD and door is removed
21 One Way Door – closes and traps occupants from one side only
22 Resisting Door – 1d3 Defend, 1d6 Body
23 Springing Door – attacks nearest model with 1d3 CD
24 Collapsing Floor – fall to next level for 1d3 damage
25 Illusionary Floor – fall to next level for 1d2 damage
26 Blinding Gas – no one in this area can attack or move for 1 turn
27 Corroding Gas – destroys all Armour
28 Fear Gas – no one in area can attack for 1d3 turns and must move away from enemies
29 Nausea Gas – miss 1 turn
30 Obscuring Gas – you have -1 to Attack, Defence and Move Dice for 1d6 turns
31 Poison Gas – Roll Body or less on 1d6 or take 1 damage
32 Sleep Gas – as per Spell
33 Slowing Gas – everyone in area suffers -1 to Move Dice for 1d6 turns
34 Weakness Gas – everyone in area suffers -1 Attack Dice for 1d6 turns
35 Jaws/Mantrap – 1CD attacks you and severs your arm/leg on a hit
36 Lightning Bolt – take 1 damage, 2 if you wear armour
37 Pendulum Blade – attacks with 5CD
38 Pendulum Ball – attacks with 4CD
39 Pit – locks shut when you fall in, has Defend 4, Body 2
40 Pit – as above but also floods, escape in 6 turns or die
41 Spiked Pit – as usual but also attacks with 2CD
42 Poisoned Spiked Pit – as above but each skull inflicts 2 damage
43 Portcullis – normal rules
44 Trapdoor – normal rules
45 Zombie Lair – normal rules
46 Mystic Cloud – normal rules
47 Wall of Death – normal rules
48 Mystery Chest – normal rules but also roll on Treasure Chest
49 Stone Block – lowers to block passage
50 Elevating Room – moves up or down 1 level every 100 turns
51 Doors Shut and Lock – room floods, escape in 8 turns or drown
52 Room Turns – by 90 degrees, doors will now lead different ways
53 Scything Blade – attacks with 6CD
54 Poisoned Spear – as usual but inflicts 2 damage if it hits
55 Stairs Collapse – take 1d2 damage if on them, remove stairwell piece either way
56 Gas Vent – roll Mind or less on 1d6 or Sleep as per Spell
57 Fire Vent – attacks as Ball of Flame
58 Acid Vent – corrodes all armour, then attacks with 3CD
59 Noose – swings and strings you up for 1d6 turns, your Defend is reduced to 1
60 Shaking Floors – move forward 2 spaces, lose 1 Body and miss you next turn
61-80 No Trap
81-00 Roll Twice!

Losing your leg halves your movement dice.

Losing your arm halves your ATTACK and DEFEND.

You can sell any Items for 1/3 of their price round down.


Life Costs (pay first per adventure or lose 1 Max Body) 10

Bank Membership (pay per adventure or lose half GCs) 10% of total GCs

Visit to Armoury 10
Backpack 20
Bracers (Wizards only, +1 Defence) 200
Breastplate (+1 Defence, Wizards cannot use) 125
Cloak (hide from monsters, 1 in 3 chance per monster per turn) 100
Cloak of Protection (+1 Defence, Wizards only) 200
Holy Water 100
Humanoid Poison (+2 Damage for one attack Vs Humanoids) 200
Igneolite (destroy blockages) 150
Padded Armour (+1 Defence) 150
Pistol (6 Missile Attack, requires Bullets) 800
1 Bullet 200
1 Silver Bolt (+1 Attack with Crossbow, one use each) 20
Rat Poison (kills all adjacent Rats, one use) 50
Rope of the Elves (immunity to the effects Pit Traps) 100
Warhammer (4 Attack dice, 5 for Dwarves) 450
Visit to Apothecary 50
Potion of Healing 200
Potion of Invisibility 150
Potion of Strength 170
Potion of Speed 175
Potion of Heroic Brew 180
Potion of Resilience 165
Use Spells Ability 1500
Learn 1 Extra Spell 300
Visit to Temple 10
Healing Potion 200
Resurrection 1000
Cure Disease 350
Cure 1 Body 10
Cure 1 Mind 100
Restore Limb 450
Visit to Training Grounds 100
+1 MIND 1000
+1 BODY 1000
+1 MOVE 1200
+1 ATTACK 1350
+1 DEFENCE 1350
Use Any Weapon Ability 1500
Trap Disarm Ability 1400
Mighty Blow (auto-kill enemies when you roll all skulls) 1500
Visit to Town Hall 10
Marriage 200
Divorce 100
House (no need to pay Bank Membership) 1000
Moneylender * (pay per adventure and until debt is paid) 10% of total GCs
Occupation 50
Title (become a Noble Sir or Lady) 2000
Will 50
Alteration of Will 20

* Moneylender If you cannot pay a required cost (not buying Items) between adventures you must borrow that cost from the
moneylender and make a note of it until you can pay it off in full in one go, thus paying 10% of every adventure’s spoils to
the Moneylender (until you can pay him).
4 IMPRESS PARTNER: Go down 2 levels into dungeon. 1st chest found contains a jewel (e.g.
necklace), return this to your partner. Reward: You never have to pay Life Costs again.

5 SAVE PRISONER: Room number (1d6+6) has monsters and 1 Imperial Guard captive, bring him
back alive. Reward: 300GC

6 RETURN IDOL: First table found displays the Idol, bring it back. Reward: +1 Mind/Body.

7 BECOME CHAMPION: Explore every level on 1 floor. Reward: Popularity, You may add or subtract
4 to your Random Events roll.

8 FIND ANIMAL: Room number (1d6+6) contains the pet that you must save and return to its owner.
Roll 1d6 for the type of pet from the Random Event table. Reward: 250GC.

9 IRON MAIDENS: Every monster met is an Iron Maiden (same stats as Chaos Warrior, don’t place
monsters if you run out of appropriate figures). Find the first Throne and sit on it to win. If so you may marry
an Iron Maiden. Reward: 400GC.

10 HAUNTED HALLS: Kill the first Chaos Sorcerer you find and escape. Any none-undead met are
replaced with Ghosts, their stats are still the same but you only do damage to their Mind instead of Body when
you strike them, as they do to you too. If your Mind is reduced to 0 you’re knocked unconscious for the rest of
the game. Reward: 300GC.

11 DRAGON SLAYERS: Go down to 3rd level where there are no doors or walls and the Dragon takes
up the whole board: ATTACK 8 (2 Attacks), DEFEND 8, MIND 6, BODY 10 (when down to less than 5 BODY it
loses the second attack), MOVE 100, Breath: Roll 2CD each turn and take 1 damage for each Black enemy
shield. Kill the Dragon! Reward: 1000GC.

12 CASKET OF SOULS: The first Middle Room you enter contains the Temple Template, the Casket is
under the Throne. Return the Casket to win, if you open it roll 1d6: 1: 100GCs, 2: Gain 1 Spell, 3: Nothing, 4:
Trap, 5: Summon Beastman, 6: Restart Quest! Reward: 300GC.

13 DOOMED ONES: Destroy 12 Skeletons and escape alive! Reward: 200GC.

14 TITANS: Destroy 1 Evil Titan. Every Gargoyle/Ogre/Chaos Warrior/Sorcerer is a Titan. Neutral

Titans ignore you and cannot be killed (remove the model if you wish). Good Titans will instantly kill any one
monster (but not Titan) for you before vanishing. Titans: ATTACK 8, DEFEND 8, MIND 8, BODY 8, MOVE 8.
Reward: 100GC.

15 JAILBREAK: You’re two floors down in the middle room. All your equipment, spells, etc are in the
first Treasure Chest you find. Find the stairs out. Reward: None.

16 RESCUE: First Hazard Room you find contains a Princess as per Strangers Table. Get her out alive.
Reward: 200GC.

17 CHASE: The first room on the second floor down contains a Spy, find him and then leave alive.
Reward: 250GC.

18 WAGER: Go down to the 3rd level and then get out alive. Reward: 300GC.

19 ADVENTURE: Kill at least one of each of the following monsters: Fimir, Goblin, Orc, Skeleton,
Zombie, Mummy. Reward: 400GC.

10 FIND QUEST TREASURE: It’s in the first Treasure Chest you find, roll 1d6: 1 Orc’s Bane, 2 Spirit
Blade, 3 Wand of Recall, 4 Talisman of Lore, 5 Borin’s Armour, 6 Roll again. Reward: Varies.

21 TREASURE: Find 1000GCs. Reward: None.

22 WARLORD: Go down to 3rd level, firs Orc found is the Warlord with same stats as normal Orc but 1
extra Attack. Kill him and get out alive. Reward: 450GC.

23 NECROMANCER: Kill the first Chaos Sorcerer found, he has ATTACK 2, DEFEND 4, MIND 6, BODY
1, MOVE 6, SPELLS Chaos and Blood. Reward: 500GC.

24 CROWN JEWELS: They’re in a Treasure Chest in room number (1d6+8) guarded by 4 Chaos
Warriors. Return them. Reward: 350GC.
RANDOM EVENTS – Roll 1d100 in between each Adventure

1 ACCIDENT, LIGHTNING STRIKES: If you own a House pay 100GCs for repairs or lose the House,
otherwise take 1d3 damage and go to 26 FIRE
2 AMBASSADOR: Has come to marry a local woman of beauty/nobility
3 ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: You’re attacked by an Assassin: A 3, D 3, M 2, B 2. If you defeat him
4 BAD HARVEST: 1 in 6 chance of 31 ILLNESS, 1 in 6 chance of 53 REBELLION, much grumbling
from the peasants
5 BANK ROBBERY: Lose any money you have invested in the Bank
6 BEFRIEND HEALER: Offers you a visit to the Temple and one Temple service for free
7 BEFRIEND MAGE: Offers you one free visit to the Apothecary
8 BEFRIEND PEDDLAR: Offers you anything from the Armoury for ½ price for one visit
9 BRIGAND ATTACK: You’re attacked by 1d6 brigands: A 3, D 2, M 2, B 1, no escape
10 CHALLENGED TO A DUEL: A warrior/wizard who you unintentionally insulted wants to fight you,
they have the same stats as you
11 CHILDREN: Newborn! Your Life Cost is doubled or set to a minimum of 10
12 COMET: Meteorites fall to earth and monsters spring up everywhere
13 CORRUPTION: A new, vengeful politician corrupts the local government, there’s a 1 in 6 chance you
must pay a 100GC fine or become imprisoned for 1 year, the unjust official lives in a dungeon as a
Chaos Sorcerer
14 CURSED BY HAG: Lose all your followers
15 DEATH OF PRIEST: You inherit 1d6 Vials of Holy Water to use against Evil
16 DEITY VISITATION: Local shrine is made holy and costs 100GCs to visit (once only per person),
gain 1 Mind or Body, the local dungeon becomes a Hell-Pit where the monsters all have +1CD as evil
deities sponsor their activities
17 DEMON TERRORISES TOWN: Kidnapping villagers, inhabits local dungeon, 3rd level down, centre
room: A 6, D 5, M 5, B 2, MO 8, 200GC reward for slaying him
18 DOPPLEGANGER: You’re attacked by a close friend (1 in 3 chance of your spouse if you have one!)
who was killed and replicated by a Doppelganger: A 3, D 3, M 3, B 1
19 EARTHQUAKE: Your House is destroyed (if you have one), either way lose all your money
20 ENCOUNTER CITY GUARD OFFICIAL: You are (possibly unjustly) fined 50GCs by a City
Watchman who dislikes your face
21 ENCOUNTER DRUNKARDS: You must fight 1d6 Drunken Louts: A 2, D 1, M 1, B 1
22 ENCOUNTER EVIL WIZARD: Drains your Mind by 1 and teleports you into a dungeon
23 ENTREATY: A peasant asks you to kill an evil high-ranking warrior (the first Stranger/Warrior in
dungeon) who terrorises his family, Reward: 50GCs, his eldest child’s hand in marriage and his
eternal gratefulness
24 EVIL MONSTER: A cunning enemy (Ogre/Gargoyle) has set up a dungeon near here and abducts
people for sacrifices and other horrible reasons
25 FAMINE: Your Life Cost is multiplied by 10 this time only, there is a 1 in 6 chance of 31 ILLNESS, 53
26 FIRE: The building you’re staying in catches fire, you must help extinguish it, pay double your Life
Cost this time and lose all GCs that aren’t Banked, if the building is your House it has been burned to
the ground
27 FLOOD: The town/city is flooded and your building subsides, if this is your House pay 100GCs for
damage repairs, also there is a 20% chance of 31 ILLNESS
28 GIVEN PET: A visiting friend brings you a Pet gift, roll 1d6:
1 Dog: add 10 to Life Cost, +1 Move
2 Mongoose: +1CD Vs Fimir, you may not own a Snake
3 Snake: automatically kills Rats, you may not own a Mongoose
4 Chicken: eat it to pay Life Cost, one use only
5 Worm: no effect
6 Cat: can cast Shine once per adventure
29 HUSTLER: You are seduced, lose 3d6x10GCs, if married you must also Divorce
30 HAUNTING: Ghosts plague the town A 2, D 2, M 4, B 0, MO 8, can only be hit by Magical Weapons,
they drain Mind instead of Body, they are led by a Master Ghost who haunts the local dungeon: A 4, D
4, M 8, B 0, MO 12
31 ILLNESS: A disease sweeps the land, you have a 20% chance of contracting it, if you live with
someone your chances are doubled, anyone with the disease dies in 2d6 days
32 ILLUSIONIST CON ARTIST: Unless you are a Mage, he cons you out of 50GCs
33 INFAMOUS CRIMINAL: Moves into the area, living in a local dungeon, he is the first stranger you
meet (a Warrior)
34 INSULT: You’re challenged by a local character (the same class as you) who you must fight or you
may never become a Champion
35 INVITATION: You’re invited to a marriage between two local families, but you and the bride/groom
fall in love, if you marry the noble you may not become a champion but your Life Cost is paid for you
and see 11 CHILDREN, either way you make an enemy (same class as you)
36 INVOLVED WITH NOBLE: If you’re married, your life leaves you for a local noble whilst you’re
adventuring, otherwise you become involved with a noble, you may marry her/him in which case
you’re Life Cost is now paid for you
37 KIDNAPPING: If married your spouse is taken to the 3rd level of the local dungeon, if not you suffer 9
BRIGAND ATTACK, if you lose you’re Imprisoned in the 3rd dungeon level and must make a
38 LORD ASSASSINATED: By a Thief who lives in the nearest dungeon, if he is not found and killed
the local government will go to 60 WAR
39 LORD DIES: A saddening event indeed
40 LUCKLESS MERCENARIES: Offer you their services for half price (2d6 Mercenaries)
41 LYCANTHROPY: The town is infested with Lycanthropes, their source is the dungeon
42 MAN-EATING CREATURE: A local monster keeps eating people and must be stopped. Guess
where it lives . . .
43 MILITARY INCURSION: 20 enemy troops (Chaos Warriors) move to the town borders and may be
hunted at 20GCs a head in the dungeon
44 MILITARY MOVEMENT: An army begins raiding the town borders, their commander (the first Chaos
Sorcerer you meet) governs them from his dungeon
45 MONEYLENDER MURDERED: Write off all (if any) of your debts with him
46 MONSTER: Wandering Monster attacks you whilst you’re out rambling the countryside
47 NEW RELIGION: If you become a follower you gain one Spell (Mind permitting) which you may cast
once per adventure (you can only follow one Religion at once)
48 OFFER OF MARRIAGE: If you accept your Life Cost is now paid for you automatically
49 PILGRIM IN NEED: Asks you to take him to the Shrine on dungeon level 3
50 PLOT: To overthrow the government brewing in the dungeon, the first Sorcerer’s Table holds
evidence of this and is worth 400GCs reward
51 PRESS-GANGED: You’re forced to join a ruffian gang, there is a 1 in 6 chance per adventure that
you’re caught and imprisoned for 1 year by the militia unless you can slay their leader (Chaos
Sorcerer, dungeon, 1st you meet)
52 RAT INFESTATION: 1d6 Rats attack, the town is full of them, 20% chance of 31 ILLNESS
53 REBELLION: The peasants ask you to join their revolt, if not fight 4 of them (same as 9 BRIGAND
ATTACK) and gain 200GCs if you put down the revolt; otherwise you must overthrow the local
government lords by defeating 6 Royal Guards (Chaos Warriors) in a row, Reward: 100GCs and you
become a Noble
54 RECRUITMENT: You’re enlisted in the army and go to War for 1d6 years
55 ROBBERY: Your place is robbed of all your Equipment and money, gutted . . .
56 TAX RISE: Your Life Cost is doubled from now on
57 UPSET GOODWIFE: A flirtatious goodwife demands 100GCs to stay quiet about you!
58 VIRTUOUS MAIDEN: A beautiful Noble (1 in 3 chance of being a Mage) moves to town, to woo her
you must complete 1 quest with no Reward to marry her and become Noble
59 VOLCANO: Erupts near town, dungeon becomes a Hell-Pit where monsters have +1CD
60 WAR: Either enlist in the army for 1d6+1 years of war or you may not become a Champion
61 WEATHER PROBLEMS: There is a storm, 1 in 6 chance of being hit by lightning and losing all your
non-magical Equipment and 1 Body
62 LOCAL HERO DIES: You inherit Elven Rope and 20GCs
63 DISEASE: Lose 3 Body before each adventure starts until cured
64 EVIL WIZARD: Drains your Mind, lose 1 Mind before next adventure starts
65 MUGGERS: You’re attacked by 1d3 muggers with same stats as Goblins and 20GC each
66-80 NO EVENT


4 3
5 6
6 9
7 12
8 15
9 18
10 21

Your MIND must be 6+ to learn any of the following sets of SPELLS:

EXPLODE = Destroys 1 inanimate object
FARSIGHT = Roll 1d6 and open that many doors on the board

SHINE = Blinds all enemies for one turn, they cannot attack
BURN = Makes one enemy become mad, that creature will then attack the nearest creature every turn
FLAMES OF DOOM = Attack 1d6+1 enemies in 1 room or corridor with 1CD

GOLEMN = A GOLEMN (same stats as a Fimir) is summoned and may be placed anywhere on the board in
LOS of the caster. He will attack the nearest creature each turn. If he cannot reach he will cast Fire Of Wrath
on that creature. Roll 1D3 each turn, on a 1, the GOLEMN disintegrates
TELEPORT = Move onto any space in an unrevealed room of your choice
VOID = 1d6 creatures in an 9 square area are moved to a room of your choice

Your MIND must be 7+ to learn any of the following sets of SPELLS:

SWELL = All models on the board in an adjacent space to an enemy lose 1 BODY
SUMMON = Roll 2d6, On a 9+ destroy any one creature on the board, otherwise the spell is wasted

MUTATE = Roll 1CD, SKULL = target creature permanently loses 1 ATTACK die
WARP = Move to any space on the board
GROWTH = One character/creature’s ATTACK and DEFEND are doubled but that model may only move 1
space per turn. This is negated as soon as that character restores 1 BODY


Special Ability – Dual Weapons: You may use two close combat weapons at once, the second weapon gives
you +1CD only regardless of what it normally provides.
You begin with one Earth Spell of your choice.

Special Ability – Sneaking: You may move through monsters as though they were heroes, if you do this before
you attack you gain +1CD for that attack only.
You can disarm traps like the Dwarf.

Special Ability – Healing: You begin the game with 3 (or 1d6, you choose, roll again for each adventure) Heal
Spells (Restore 4 Body).


Roll 1d6+2 for your Spirit score. Elves add +1 and Dwarves deduct –1 from the roll. This represents your
Spirituality and Charisma.

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