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Crea ng installa on thumb drive

(USB drive is reusable, only

necessary to make new one if the
auto install file changes)
Download ISO file from
OwnCloud Synetouch
Tech / Reseller Releases /
Server auto install
Format thumb drive to Fat32
File explorer and right click to the pen drive – choose
Make Fat32 is selected for File system, leave other se ngs
as it is

Download unetboo n (h ps://unetboo

Start unetboo n ‐ check disk image and select the downloaded iso file

Mount disk image file (ISO) to this thumb drive

Se ng up a Synetouch Server (using the auto install USB thumb drive)

HP Server
Enter to the server BIOS using DEL/ESC key.
Choose Advanced op on Select CSM configura on
Set Compa bility Support Module configura on (CSM configura on) to enabled: Boot mode is set
to Legacy mode.
Save your se ngs.

NUC – No special se ngs is necessary

Insert installa on USB and make sure server connected to internet

Boot from USB ‐ choose op on: Auto install EVERY DATA WILL BE LOST!
A er boo ng it will take 30‐50 min. The installer is doing everything automa cally. When it installed the
system it writes: “Installa on complete”
Remove USB s ck and press “Con nue”
The computer is reboo ng and loading the newly installed Debian Linux system.

Once installa on is done then in the terminal (black window for command lines) the script will ask: “Type
the name of new restaurant database! Do not use space accented and special characters in the
name!!!” Type the correct data and press enter.

The scripts setup a blank database (only demo user, no menu items, tables – Synetouch applica on on
server ‐ CUPS with printer drivers ‐ synetouch applica on ‐ startup scripts ‐ a backup script ‐

The last step that the script starts the installed TeamViewer, please add to your TeamViewer account and
send it to us. You can also add this server to your personal Teamviewer account by using the
connec on details from the server on your personal computer. Be sure that you follow the check
boxes in the bo om of Teamviewer to setup “Una ended Access”

A er this the base system installed and ready for specific configura on.

Restart server

How to prevent Debian from going to sleep and reques ng a password

Applica ons > Se ngs > Power Manager
Under System tab: Change System Sleep Mode to Suspend
Under Display tab: Move all sliders to Never
Under Security tab: Change “Automa cally lock the session” to Never in the drop‐down menu AND
uncheck the box next to “Lock screen when system is going for sleep”

Tes ng the synetouch system

A er Linux loaded back open Firefox and hit this URL: h p://localhost:8080/"databasename"/admin the
“databasename” is the name what you’ve typed in the script as database name.
In the login window type:

User: demo

Password: 1234

If you are able to login the server installed successfully. Bookmark the page.

Set up the router

If there is a connected new Microtel router and that hasn’t valid configura on, you can run the script to
make base NAT, WIFI, and VPN configura on. Make sure you have internet connected to the router first port
and connect the server to another port.
Type in browser: h p://

User: admin

Password: leave blank

A er login load the offered configura on and choose

menu: system/password

Leave bank old password then type new password and

confirm password: proconxus

A er OK close the browser.

Run the script:

Start new terminal window and navigate to the following folder by typing in:

cd /home/user/routers or

Open File Manager (Applica on

menu/File Manager) and navigate to
user/routers and right click inside the
folder and choose Open terminal here
(do not click on any files because you
will have different op ons)

for single band router type in : sh hit enter

for dual band router type in: sh hit enter

When script ask for restaurant name type in (do not use special characters, space)

Type in SSID name : Syntouch_Restaurant name

Type in user name (admin) and password what we set previously

Hit enter

Right Click the connec on icon on the Desktop for Informa on and note the server IP, you will need that for
the iPads.
Finalize configura on

The Wi‐Fi configura on is implemented by CapsMan.

If you want to ac vate it open browser and type:
h p://



A er login choose menu on le side: CAPsMAN/interfaces

Open (double click) interface cap1 (with dual band do the same
for cap2)

Choose Configura on from middle of the list and set to cfg1

A er OK close the browser

You can connect Wi‐Fi with the given SSID and with
password: proconxus.

Update if necessary:
check firmware at System/router board – click update

System/Packages‐Click on check for updates – use bugfix only from drop down list – Click Download

Set up an Access Point

Download Win box (router set up tool)

Download from www.micro

downloads to your laptop or PC ‐ bo om
of the page ‐ Useful tools and u li es *

Plug in and wait un l Wi‐Fi lights turn on

Reset the AP if already has se ngs (when power on

push RES bu on with one pointed object ll USR
starts blinking) then connect its first Ethernet
interface to LAN.

Connect with you computer to AP’s Wi‐Fi

Connect with Win Box

remove config – it reboots

reconnect‐ no ip

Load in script – Files – select


open new terminal on from

le menu – type in :

Reboot the router

connect to main router

A er login choose menu on le side: CAPsMAN/interfaces

open interface cap3 (with dual band do the same
for cap4) –

choose Configura on from middle of the list and

set to cfg1 as before

If you have more APs you need to repeat this for

all of them (addi onal APs will have 5 and up..)

Test main router and AP signal

Go Capsman‐ Interfaces – Click one by one each cap and uncheck enable parameter

Try to connect with any device – it should keep the SSID name and connect back

Check enable back

Set password for AP as well

Update firmware and packages the same way how we did with the main router

Create a blank Database

script will create one schema with blank database
First, make sure to download either an exis ng .sql file or a blank .sql file to create the database that the
restaurant will be using. NOTE: We use MySQL Workbench instead of Emma, but do not remove Emma
Open MySQL Workbench.

Select “New Connec on”

Name it “localhost”

Double‐click “localhost” above where you clicked New Connec on to open the connec on.

Create a new database (schema) by clicking the Gold icon.

Choose “Apply” and then “Apply” again to create the new schema.

Double‐click the new schema in the le ‐hand naviga on pane,

Load the blank.SQL

Leave LF

Execute it using the icon.

Deploy the applica on (.war file) using Synetouch
We will first need to modify the prod_dev.prope es file which is located within the .war archive.
From the Applica ons Menu choose File Manager and navigate to where you have saved the
restaurant.war file.

Right‐click the .war file and choose “Open with Xarchiver” or “Archive

Inside the archive viewer navigate to “/WEB‐INF/config”

Locate the prod_dev.prope es file and drag it anywhere outside of the

archive. – If you open with Archive manager then you can edit this
prod_dev.proper es file without moving out.

Open the file you just extracted and change the name in bold below to
match your DATABASE name in MySQL.

#main rendszer a produc on serveren

se ngsBean.picturesLoca on=/opt/synetouch/images
se ngsBean.defaultPictureName=defaultItemImage.jpg
se ngsBean.printDirectoryLinux=/opt/synetouch/printer/toprint
se ngsBean.previewDirectoryLinux=/opt/synetouch/printer/topreview

Save the file.

Drag the updated

prod_dev.prope es file
back into the projectrestaurant.war to the “WEB‐INF > config” directory. In case of using Archive
Manager you don’t need to move back anything since you edited the file inside the war file, just
confirm the update.

Rename the .war filename to the restaurant name.

Copy the .war file to opt/synetouch/webapps

This will create a folder and deploy the applica on. This process will take around 4‐8 min.

You can always check the deploying status by open a terminal and type top, while Synetouch is
among the first few lines of running processes; it is s ll working.

If you get an error your prod_dev.prope es changed name probably doesn’t match your database
name in MySQL.

To check to see if the back office is available use:

h p://localhost:8080/*contextroot*/admin/ManagerLogin.xhtml
(remember to replace *contextroot* with the context root you made)
Set up Printers and CUPS
Connect all the needed printers to the router or switch.
Press and hold the reset bu on while turning on the printer, con nue holding the reset bu on for 5
seconds. This will get an IP address from the router.
A er releasing the reset bu on wait for another 5 seconds and press the reset bu on again to print
the printers network informa on.
A er you have done this to all printers, log into the router by typing to the browser and
go to IP > DHCP server and set the IP addresses of the printer to sta c.
Go to IP > DNS and Click on Sta c.
To test the printers, open a terminal and ping each printer with the names you just created.
Open Firefox and go to localhost:631.
Login with: ID‐user , Pass– proconxus
Go to Administra on and Add Printer
Choose AppSocket/HP JetDirect
Add the printer using socket://hostname:9100 where hostname is the ip address.
Give the printer a name, descrip on, and loca on.
Select Bixolon.
Choose the driver that matches the printer.
Under the general se ngs change the Media Size to 72mm * 80mm (for Bixolon SRP‐350III only) and
enable Color Mode (for Bixolon SRP‐275II and Bixolon SRP‐275III only).
In Policies change the Error Policy to abort‐job.
Test printer from cups on the le drop down page
Drop down print test page
Change ip to sta c on printer by typing the IP address of the printer in the browser address bar, and
uncheck the DHCP check box
Add printer to BO by copying the address in the browser bar for Cups into the Back Office System >
Printers in the Address bar.
Test from BO by clicking the print test page bu on

Repeat steps 9‐16 for each printer.

To Install a Pax S300 Unit:
1. (Note: You will need to make sure the Synetouch router is set up to complete the setup.)
2. Make sure you have the payment creden als programmed into the system. You may do this later but it
must be done before you can take payments.
3. Make sure Heartland has added the Pax to the restaurants account and had the configura on file ready
to download. You may also do this later but it must be done before you can use the Pax.
4. Plug in the Pax.
5. Connect the Pax to the restaurant’s Synetouch network. The red plug is the LAN Connec on.
6. The Pax will check for updates and download the configura on file from Heartland when it boots or re‐
7. Next, you will need to reserve the IP address of the Pax.
8. Make sure the Pax is Connected
9. Press Func + 1 to open the Pax menu.
10. Enter the password 916860. This is the password for every menu op on in the Pax.
11. Scroll to Communica on >> LAN Parameters
12. Scroll to DHCP Type and set the type to DHCP.
13. Exit the menus. You should see a message about DHCP.
14. Go back to DHCP Type and change the type back to sta c.
15. Go to Communica on >> LAN Parameters >> IP Address and record the IP address.
16. Log into the router. Go to IP >> DHCP Server >> Leases and choose the entry for the Pax. Click the Make
Sta c bu on and exit the router.
17. Add the Pax to the Back Office:
18. Log into the back office and go to System >> Card Readers.
19. Click New Item
20. Add the IP address, set the port to 10009, and give the pax a name.
21. You can assign specific Pax’s to specific iPads by going to System >> Terminals, if you do not assign the
Pax’s to iPads it will prompt the server to select a Pax when they run a card.
22. Upda ng a Pax:
23. You will need to clear the database on the Pax and reboot the device before you go live.
24. On the Pax go to System Se ngs >> Database
25. Enter the password 916860.
26. Select Clear Database
27. Press Enter
28. Select All
29. Unplug the Pax and plug it back in. If it has an internet connec on it will check for updates.
30. Note: Clearing the Pax database will resolve many non‐networking issues with the Pax.
Setup Up Payment Se ngs
in Back Office

Log into back office

In the browser address window add this to the
end of the address a er ADMIN/
payment_se ngs_editor.xhtml

Enter these payment details, then click test and

Everything is entered correctly you will see blue
text bar at the top that says it was successful.

Some of these details are found either on the

Pax Device or in the email Heartland will send.
And other details in the Heartland Developer

URL: h ps://

Device ID: From Heartland or Pax

Licence ID: From Heartland or Pax
Site ID: From Heartland or Pax
Site trace: Same as Site ID with extra 1 at end

Manual entry public key: from heartand developer site

Manual entry private key: from heartand developer site

Manual entry token url: h ps://api2.heartlandpor

Username: From Heartland or Pax

Password: From Heartland or Pax

Modifica on password: pce4321

The Device ID, Username, and Password can change from what Heartland sends out ini ally.
They should ALL be the same across ALL devices. You will not be able to batch, void, or add ps if they are
not ALL the same for every Pax device. Heartland will have to update the Pax files for the devices to ensure
they are all the same if any are different.

Test to make sure all se ngs work

 Ring up a transac on on pax and adjust p then void from BO
 Ring up a manual enter transac on. Either on pax and long pressing credit card and typing on the ipad.
 Ring a 1 cent transac on and batch out that transac on from back office. Call Heartland to make sure they see the
Se ng Up an iPad

1. Turn on the iPad

2. Press the home bu on
3. Choose the language.
4. Select “United States” as your country or region.
5. Select a WIFI network. Choose the Synetouch network for the restaurant if it is available. If using a
Synetouch network the password should be “proconxus”
6. Wait for the iPad to Ac vate.
7. Enable Loca on Services
8. If your iPad allows Touch ID select “Set Up Touch ID Later” and press Con nue
9. Create a Passcode for the iPad. We recommend 1234 or 123456 as a default password. If you choose to
use a different passcode please record it. This passcode can be turned off later in the iPad Se ngs. If you
are asked “are you sure you want to use this code” choose “Use Code.”
10. Type in your passcode again to confirm the code.
11. Select “Set Up as New iPad”
12. Choose “Don’t have an Apple ID or forgot it?”
13. Select “Set Up Later in Se ngs” at the bo om of the page. When asked “Are you sure you don’t want to
use an Apple ID?” choose “Don’t Use”
14. Select “Agree” at the bo om right corner of the Terms and Condi ons page.
15. Select “Don’t Use Siri”
16. Select “Don’t Share” at the bo om of the iPad Analy cs page.
17. Select “Get Started”
18. Move the Se ngs bu on to the Quick Bar along the bo om of the iPad home screen.
19. Move Messages, Mail, and Music off the Quick Bar.
20. Create a folder for the unused apps by dragging one app on top of another.
21. Drag all apps except for Safari and Se ngs to the new folder.
22. Move Safari off the Quick Bar.
23. Open Safari
24. In “Search or enter website name” type h ps://apps.procon‐

25. Download the Latest Stable version or other compa ble

26. Choose “Install”
27. Save a shortcut to this page by pressing the icon of a box with
arrow next to the URL and choose “Add to Home Screen”. Save
the shortcut as Synetouch Apps.
28. Go back to the home screen of the iPad Latest Version
29. Move the Synetouch App to the Quick Bar and move the
Synetouch Apps shortcut to next to the Safari App. Press the
home bu on to stop moving apps.
30. Open Se ngs
31. Make sure the iPad is connected to the correct
Synetouch network for it to connect to the server. If
you are using a provided remote access URL you can use any
network with an internet connec on.
32. Go to General > Device Management. Select “Project Control
Expert.” Select Trust “Project Control Expert…” Confirm that you
trust the app.
33. Go to General > Keyboard and turn off all the keyboard op ons
except for “Enable Caps Lock.”
34. Go to Touch ID & Passcode, enter the passcode you set up in
Step 9, select Turn Passcode Off. Enter your passcode again.
35. Go to Se ngs > Synetouch
36. Turn off “Anima on enabled”
37. In the URL enter the IP address of the server followed by :8080
or use the remote access URL if needed. Ex:
###.###.###.###:8080 or
38. If you are using a remote access URL you will need to enable
“H ps connec on.” Skip this if you are using the server’s IP address.
39. In “Path” enter the name of the .war file or restaurant name.
40. Under “Credit Card Reader” select the appropriate model of reader.
41. Assign the printer ID in “Assigned printer” if you have it.
42. Exit the Se ngs and Launch the Synetouch App.
43. If you get an error message about an untrusted app see Step 32.
44. Allow the permissions the app asks for.
45. If you get a blank screen check or connec on error check the Se ngs from Steps 31 and 37. Then double
click the home bu on and swipe up on all the running apps to close them.
46. Enter the default pin number (1234) for the demo user.
47. If the app takes you to an update page please download the update and launch the app again.
48. If the iPad has not been ac vated it will prompt you to ac vate the iPad before you con nue.
49. To ac vate an iPad log into the back office and go to System > Terminals. Find the iPad and check the
Ac vated box.
50. Log into the app again with
the default pin number
(1234) and choose Clock In.
51. If you are able to log in you
have successfully set up
the Synetouch App.
Upda ng a Synetouch System

 Download the latest stable projectrestaurant.war file from ownCloud.

 Extract the prod_dev.proper es file from projectrestaurant.war/WEB‐INF/config
 Open prod_dev file.proper es and change rest_dev in the line jdbcUrl=jdbc\:mysql\://localhost\:3306/
rest_dev to whatever the name of the schema of the database is. Save your changes.
 Drag and drop the updated prod_dev.proper es file back to projectrestaurant.war/WEB‐INF/config
 To create a backup of the restaurant’s database open a terminal and run “sudo
mysqldump –rou nes ‐u root restaurantname > restaurantname_ me_date.sql” changing restaurant‐
name for the name of the schema. Check the size of the file in the home folder.
 Change the name of the projectrestaurant.war file to the name of the current .war file. (This is usually the
name of the restaurant.
 Copy the restaurants current running WAR file and Database back up into separate folder
 Make a second database backup
 Restart the server. ( Not necessary before each update but suggested)
 Delete the current .war file from the webapps folder. Wait for the other folder with the name of the .war
file in webapps to be deleted. (If the folder is not automa cally deleted you may delete it by opening a
terminal in the webapps folder and run sudo rm ‐r foldername)
 Open a terminal and run the top command.
 Copy and paste the new .war file to the webapps folder.
 Watch the ac vity in top running in the terminal for the synetouch services (Java and MySQL). You will
see these services near the top taking up most of the system resources. When the use of system re‐
sources synetouch drops off, try to log into the back office.
 If you were able to log into the back office you have successfully updated the system.
 A er you have updated the system open a terminal and run “sudo service restart synetouch” or restart
the server to free up memory. (You will need to wait 5 to 10 minutes for either method to finish.)
 To update the iPads open the app and try to login. If the system detects an update it will open a webpage
to download the compa ble version.
Daily closing procedures
Ipad side

Each server/manager should go trough the following points:

Look for open orders with Opened orders icon (tables,tabs,to‐go tabs ), check reopened orders and close
Check credit card transac ons under Tip screen (all has to be adjusted with p even if it’s 0) the sceen
should be empty
Checkout by with the door sign in the upper le corner (declaring cash sales if necessary)
Save server checkout report
Clock out – if user clock out before prints this report it will zero out the report and only way is to print
again from backoffice
A er all servers loged out managers can run a house report from the ipad
Report sreen – House report

Admin – Live transac on editor : make sure all the transac on has the right p amount and has checked
all the In Batch boxes
Reports – Sales – Sales analysis, House report, Batch close report
Reports – Server – Server Checkout reports :
If there is a doubt that printed server checkout report does not show the right numbers
(e.g.:server clock out before print checkout report) you can run the report from here – it is
always reflect the final numbers
Se ngs‐ Employee work hour editor :
Check who not clocked out (pick today date to From field an hit show result
Modify hours
Synetouch Kitchen Display Ge ng Started

Installa on
Unzip the file
Edit the se ngs.proper es
Set the host to the Synetouch server IP with PORT e.g.: h p://
Set the path to the Synetouch server applica on, e.g.: lxr

Kitchen Display Files

jre directory – build‐in java environment. DO NOT MODIFY THIS DIRECTORY!
tools directory (wget.exe, libeay32.dll, libiconv2.dll, libintl3.dll, libssl32.dll, wget64.exe and unzip.exe)
– binaries required to the auto‐update mechanism
kd.bat – run kitchen display using the KD’s build‐in java environment
kd_update.bat – Update from Synetouch server and run kitchen display using the KD’s build‐in java envi‐
synetouchkitchendisplay.jar – Kitchen Display client applica on
se ngs.proper es – Synetouch server configura on

Run kd.bat (just run) or kd_update.bat (update and run)
Use applica on in full‐screen mode
Applica on can be closed with ALT+F4 combina on, like any windows applica on

Setup & Usage

To have orders displayed, you have to add a Kitchen Display in Back Office, and assign it to one or more cate‐
gories the items of which you would like to have displayed. Follow these steps:
Run Back Office
Go to ‘Printers’
Add a printer, set type to ‘Kitchen Display’
Go to ‘Menu Editor’
Chose a category and add the Kitchen Display to the category’s printer list. From now on the items of this
category will be displayed on KD when they are ordered.

General usage of Kitchen Display:

Once you launched KD and you have your iPad with Synetouch ready you may start using KD. Make sure
Back Office server is running as well.
Order a few items from the category, to which you added a kitchen display as printer.
A er you place your order, the relevant items will show up on your KD screen.

Auto‐update System
Kitchen Display comes with an auto‐update mechanism:
Latest KD client distributed in the server’s .war file
The KD installa on contains the required scripts to perform the auto‐update
Stop the running Kitchen Display client
Run the kd_update.bat that perform the auto update
To update the system the se ngs.proper es file has to be configured properly because server url in this
file will be used during the update process

Tes ng the Auto‐update System

Preparing to the test
Stop running Kitchen Display client applica on
Always use the latest server version
Check your se ngs.proper es configura on
Check your tools directory
Check your kd_update.bat
Remove your synetouchkitchendisplay.jar file

Running the Test

Run kd_update.bat
If KD client downloaded, the KD client should start automa cally


Contents of U li
Keyboard Layouts.docx (available by itself)

**** How‐To Install BUMPBAR ****

* Connect BumpBar to YOUR Windows machine, not the one you are installing it to
* Open program KBWN.exe
* Click Keyboard‐‐> KB1700 (select)
* Select Template‐‐> Load
* Navigate to the KB file directory and select "KitchenDisplayFIXED.tpl"
* Go to Configura on‐‐> and choose "Write Into KB"

* The BumpBar should now be mapped correctly. You can connect it to the install machine and test it
Adding Images to Syneweb
I set up locally the online ordering
so you can see the changes while
you are woking on that.

So login to backoffice, may be from

home on this link:
h ps://

Select what Cartes you like to

show up online ordering, right now
all of them but if you click each
carte you can uncheck online

Then upload picture for each menu


Then on menu editor click on Sync

If it says successfull a er a few minutes you can check the pictures here:
h ps://’Syneweb WAR file name”/index.xhtml?token=”syneweb database name”
You can also use the online ordering app, just go ipad se ngs – cestlavie app se ngs and have the following there:
OO URl : h ps://”Syneweb WAR File Name”
OO Token: Syneweb Database Name

You do not need to change the rest of them and when it is done customer do not need to do this.

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