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os Georgia Department of Agriculture ; Companion Animal/Equine Division i 19 Martin Luther King Jr, Dr. SW, Rim. 122 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Phone: 1-404-656-4914 Website: htipv/aacgeargia.goul Inspection 1D 62934 Animal Protection Inspection Report Inspection 1D Inspection Reason Inspection Date ‘Inspection Star Time Inspection Ena Time Inspector Nome 62934 REGULARIROUTING [3i6i2018 1130 AM 1220M “DIANNA 1 INSPECTION ISELLERS ESTNO EST NAME Type Leones No sett PET DEALER ry Pysical Adoress [Pretec [Physical sate Prysical ZipCode County Sees es a FPemese [Curent License Housekeeping ughing _[Adequele Facequate [Fre Exinguaring [bsiaves Femperature Contet |versaton —_[Dewue - Fase Pane Fase Pane Pose Pace | fEscosoas [Space fnrenor —[Sroctrar [Shot 7Eiemants — |Oranage Recuerent —fSurace ‘| Svenath Pass Fae Pass Fase paw Peromance [Record Keeping [Storage ~ [Waste Disposal — Jross Pare Pass Pass Pas [animaiGare Goss [Adequate [Adequate [Selig or Adopting Jairmam [FetnenngJEuhanasia [pumone [Negaive [Evacuaon Sepsiaton [Pood [iter fined er Osaased or [age lee’ [essane’ [Pion [Atnormot Animsls Fass [Pass |Pase—[Pass as wa] Sas WA nn | Pepe ee ee | Companion Animal Det |e oF Aras Nonber of SialEnclsre arb a BrasingAnwnaks Jn or ny BAT eo Follow Up Status information — — [Fotos Up Dae Foon Up Reason Fatow Up Baton sa Tye |Fotiow Up Notes | Action Information {uaraiine tsnee 55 (Stop Sata ~ [SU (Stop Use| SM (Sinp Moveme Ovaarine | o io o ». Georgia Department of Agriculture Js|, Companion Animal/Equine Division AS! 49 startin Luther King ir. Dr. SW, Rm. 122 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Phone: 1-404-656-4914 Website: hitp://agr.aeorgia. gov/ Inspection ID [62034 [eonpiont Resoves [Gonpiani Resaved Dale Campion Reference Nonber io | fd ConilreRRer (comments Routine inspection was perfores with owe” of ec curently thee isa approximate 150 breeder dag present with approximately 150 retired breeder dogs on the profemy majorly ed in enclosures that are off the ground vn conerote underlay for proper cecringich cramsina sep tane Large breed dogs ore mantanein are concrete runs wih uit in houses ane wielping boxes, 2 Jour enclosure sts are it loorng with tes coverage and dog houses avaiable for use Allstuctues appec" tobe sound and in goos worning condition Fre extinguishers sve avaiane Irougnout the fly, Records re traitained carted and appear up toate. sral eed animals nave aezess to incoor an euldooe Rovsing wih reper Temperature contol ndovre, Fees oe mantaned sealeg Cotamers Property grounds are maiianedin goos ension. All tequlremerts ave been metal animals appear fo De recewing adeavate and humane caveat his ime. Owner does not wish for 8 Copy ofrepon at ths tme ENO

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