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Cultural context

Heading TGG ADH Juno

Setting Long Island and New York City in Norwegian town or city, circa 1879 The film is set in the fictional
the Early 1920s.Great Gatsby is "every suburb in Europe." town of Dancing Elk, Minnesota
set in New York City and on Long Victorian Era
Island, in two areas known as Small town America, locations
"West Egg" and "East Egg" specific to the characters eg.
Loring’s home, Juno’s school.
after WWI, during the Roaring
20's, during the Prohibition Era

Society distinct social classes — old People live behind closed doors, Society frowns on teenage
money, new money, and no very private. pregnancy. A family is the best
money -Fitzgerald -strong place for a baby. Money will make
messages about elitism Middle class struggle to be better. a child’s life better.

upper class don't understand the Acceptable to be divorced,

problems the lower class go remarry, be a single mother.
Values and Attitudes through “"When ever you feel like Women work.
criticizing any one,..." Class divides apparent.

Gender Roles




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