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College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University



MAT1DM Worksheet 1A
WHAT ... you need to know and master
proper and improper fractions, mixed numbers
common denominators
greatest common divisor and least common multiple
adding and subtracting fractions
order of arithmetic operations
properties of real numbers
algebraic manipulations and rearrangements, simplifying expressions
introduction to simultaneous equations
solving quadratic equations

WHY ... you need to know this

The importance of algebra and mastering algebraic techniques and the laws of arithmetic to solve
problems within your subject is high. The importance of being accurate and skilled in these areas
is vital for scientists, engineers and statisticians, as well as many other professionals, like bankers,
architects, pharmacists, nurses, paramedics etc. You will be constantly needing to utilize these
skills in whatever discipline you are involved with, so it is important that you understand the
key principles of arithmetic, understand how to work with fractions and be able to use algebraic
techniques to solve problems.
In Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Biology and Engineering, skills in arithmetic and algebra
are vital as practitioners work with formulae, chemical composition, proportion of substances,
concentration, conversion of units, molarity, magnification, ratio and proportion, conversion of
units, temperature change, rate increases, kinematics, velocity and acceleration, projectile motion,
work, energy, force, fluids, heat, electric currents, charge and potential - the list goes on and on. In
Statistics, algebra and arithmetic techniques are used extensively and are fundamental. They are
used in the calculation of means, standard deviations, quartiles etc., in problem solving involving
probability and probability distributions, in hypothesis testing and many other areas.
In Mathematics, algebraic skills are inherently fundamental as they are essential for understanding
and problem solving. You need to know these skills so that your understanding of a problem is
not overshadowed by a misunderstanding of the mathematics required to answer the problem.So
make sure you iron out your problems and enjoy the confidence of knowing your answers are
mathematically accurate.
Anyone solving problems with unknown quantities which are labelled as variables are using algebra
and its fundamental laws. Proficiency in this area will help you solve problems with ease and
accuracy. Algebraic skills are vital when you work with formulae. Whenever you work with
equations which have variables like x or y in them, or a, b and c, or even α, β, γ for example, you
are using algebra to solve the problem. Some notable examples are algebraic expressions which
include t for time, s for seconds, V for volume, P for pressure, F for force, T for temperature
etc. Again, the list goes on and on. Algebraic equations are equations where you use symbols to
represent quantities or numbers, and you will continually use them in your work. To solve your
problems, you therefore need to be proficient in algebraic manipulation.
The mathematical sciences particularly exhibit order, symmetry and limitation, and
these are the greatest form of the beautiful. Aristotle
Nature’s great book is written in mathematics. Galileo
Choose the topics in MyMathTest you need the most help with. Each problem has an option
where you can view the worked solution if you are having any difficulty. There is also video
help for selected questions. You can try a self-diagnostic test and repeat it until you are happy
with your understanding. You can also review which topics you need help with, and tackle more
problems in those particular areas. MyMathTest also reviews your answers. Please also ask
your instructor if you need help with any topics or with the online program.
MyMathTest suggested chapters for this topic are:
R2.1 Exponents, Order of Operations, and Inequality
Evaluate exponential expressions.
Use order of operations.
Use inequality symbols.
Translate between word statements and symbols.
Reverse inequality symbols.
Solve applications.
R2.2 Variables, Expressions, and Equations
Evaluate algebraic expressions.
Rewrite phrases as algebraic expressions.
Decide whether a given number is a solution to an equation.
Write sentences as equations.
R2.3 Real Numbers and the Number Line
Classify numbers.
Use an integer to represent a change.
Graph numbers on a number line.
Select the lesser number in a pair of numbers.
Find the opposite and absolute value of a number.
Simplify absolute value expressions.
Solve applications.
R2.4 Adding Real Numbers
Add signed numbers.
Evaluate whether statements are true or false.
Write a numerical expression for a phrase and simplify it.
Solve applications.
R2.5 Subtracting Real Numbers
Subtract real numbers.
Write numerical expressions and simplify.
Solve applications.
R2.6 Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers
Multiply real numbers.
Divide real numbers.
Simplify expressions using order of operations.
Evaluate algebraic expressions.
Write numerical expressions and simplify.
Translate sentences to equations.
R2.7 Properties of Real Numbers
Identify properties of real numbers.
Write an equivalent expression using the given property.
Simplify expressions using properties of real numbers.
Rewrite expressions using the distributive property.
textbfR2.8 Simplifying Expressions
Simplify expressions by combining terms.
Identify numerical coefficients.
Identify terms as like or unlike.
Simplify expressions.
Write phrases as mathematical expressions.
MyMathTest continued
R2.8 Simplifying Expressions
Simplify expressions by combining terms.
Identify numerical coefficients.
Identify terms as like or unlike.
Simplify expressions.
Write phrases as mathematical expressions.
R5.1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Know the vocabulary for polynomials.
Combine like terms.
Simplify and write polynomials in descending order.
Evaluate polynomials.
Add or subtract polynomials.
R5.3 Multiplying Polynomials
Multiply a monomial and a polynomial.
Multiply two polynomials.
R5.4 Special Products
Square binomials.
Find products of sum and differences of two terms.
Find greater powers of binomials.
Solve problems.
R6.2 Factoring Trinomials
Factor trinomials with a coefficient of 1 for the squared term.
Factor trinomials after factoring out the greatest common factor.
R6.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Solve quadratic equations by factoring.
Solve other equations by factoring.
Solve application problems.
R6.7 Applications of Quadratic Equations
Solve problems about geometric figures.
Solve problems about consecutive integers.
Solve problems using the Pythagorean formula.
Solve problems using given quadratic models.
R7.4 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
Match the expression with the correct sum or difference.
Add or subtract rational expressions having the same denominator.
Add or subtract rational expressions having different denominators.
R9.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula
Identify the values a, b, and c.
Use the quadratic formula to solve equations.
Solve applied problems.
R9.6 Solving Equations by Using Quadratic Methods
Solve various equations that are quadratic in form.
Solve problems that lead to quadratic equations.
R10.1 Algebraic Expressions and Real Numbers
Evaluate algebraic expressions.
Use inequality symbols.
Identify properties of the real numbers.
Simplify algebraic expressions.
The word algebra originated in 820 AD when a medieval Persian mathematician named al-Khwārizmī
wrote a treatise which used the word al-gǎbr. However, as far back as 2000 BC and even earlier, we
find algebra used by the Babylonians and Egyptians. For example, to aid their calculations, the Babylo-
nians used the formula ab = [(a + b)2 − a2 − b2 ]/4. Through the time of Pythagoras (570-495 BC), Plato
(424-347 BC) and Euclid (323-283 BC), algebra developed. Euclid of Alexandria wrote a 13 volume book
called the Elements. Amongst definitions, axioms, theorems and mathematical proofs of propositions,
the work included an algebraic system which is now known as geometric algebra and it can be used to
solve many algebraic problems. Basic laws of addition and mulpilication were proved geometrically. Euclid
proved a2 − b2 = (a + b)(a − b) and (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 and found the solution of quadratic equations
ax + x2 = b2 and ax + x2 = a2 . Another work of Euclid, called Data, contained the solutions to the
equations dx2 − adx + b2 c = 0.
An algebraic expression is where symbols (called variables) are used to represent numbers or quantities.
For example, the following are algebraic expressions:
2x2 − 7x 3xyz + 4y + 22z ax2 + bx + c 55t I 2 R.
The number in front of a variable is called its coefficient. For instance, 8x3 has coefficient 8. An alge-
braic equation is an equation which uses algebraic expressions. For example, the following are algebraic
2x2 − 7x = 21 3xyz + 4y + 22z = 2xyz − 5 ax2 + bx + c = 0 55t = t2 + 3 I 2R = P .
Here are just a few examples of algebraic equations which are used in your respective science, engineering
or statistics subjects. Can you recognize any of them? Can you think of any more? List them below.
P V = nRT c= ∆G◦ = ∆H ◦ − T ∆S ◦ K = C + 273
I0 R2 T2 −T1
n = cv c1 v1 = c2 v2 log =A Q10 =
kQ1 Q2 ∆Q 9
F = qvB sin θ F = v = v0 − gt I= F = C + 32
r2 ∆t 5
V2 L 5
P = I 2R = R=ρ C = (F − 21) Req = R1 + R2 + R3
R A 9
Pn n
x̄ − µ 2 xi X
z= µ = np σ = np(1 − p) x̄ = i=1 E(X) = xi P (X = xi )
√σ n
n i=1

HOW ... to master the skills


A1. You should know what proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers are.
A fraction is one natural number x divided by another y. x is called the numerator and y is called the
For example,
1 3 5 11
2 4 6 8
are all fractions.

A proper fraction is one in which the numerator is less than the denominator.
For example,
1 5 7 1
2 7 8 11
are all proper fractions.

An improper fraction is one in which the numerator is greater than the denominator. For example,
3 7 121 14
2 4 55 3
are all improper fractions.
A mixed number consists of a whole number and a proper fraction.
For example,
7 1 3 11
6 1 2 5
8 2 4 12
are all mixed numbers.

Any mixed number can be written as an improper fraction and any improper fraction can be written
as a mixed number.
For any mixed number a we have
b ac + b b
a = =a+
c c c
For example
3 (5 × 4) + 3 23
5 = =
4 4 4
Another example.
7 (8 × 6) + 7 48 + 7 55
6 = = =
8 8 8 8
An improper fraction can be expressed as a mixed number by using long division.
For example, to write as a mixed number, we divide 5 into 11. We get 2 plus remainder 1. So,
(5 × 2) + 1 = 11

11 1
5 5
A2. You should know the definitions of common denominator, greatest common divisor and least
common multiple and be able to add and subtract fractions.

The greatest common divisor of two numbers a, b, written gcd(a, b) is the greatest divisor of both.
For example, gcd(7, 14) = 7 , gcd(24, 16) = 8 and gcd(23, 7) = 1

The least common multiple of two numbers a, b, written lcm(a, b) is the least multiple of each of the
numbers which is common to both. In fact, for positive integers a and b,

lcm(a, b) =
gcd(a, b)
For example,
7 × 14 98
lcm(7, 14) = = = 14
gcd(7, 14) 7
More example.
16 × 24 384
lcm(16, 24) = = = 48
gcd(16, 24) 8
2×5 10
lcm(2, 5) = = = 10
gcd(2, 5) 1
To add or subtract fractions, we express each fraction with the same denominator as the others to form
a common denominator. Then the numerators are added to obtain the answer. The best choice for the
denominator is the least common multiple of all of the denominators.

1 1
Example Add + . The least common multiple of the denominators is 6, since lcm(2, 3) = 6.
2 3
1 3 1 2
= =
2 6 3 6
1 1 3 2 5
+ = + =
2 3 6 6 6
1 1
Example Find − .
8 7
The least common multiple of the denominators is 56, since lcm(8, 7) = 56.
1 7 1 8
= =
8 56 7 56
1 1 7 8 1
− = − =−
8 7 56 56 56
1 1
Example Find +
3 9
Solution. Since the least common multiple of the denominators is 9, we have
1 1 3 1 4
+ = + =
3 9 9 9 9
A3. Recall the laws of addition, multiplication and division for fractions :

x z x·z
· =
y w y·w

x z x w x·w
÷ = · =
y w y z y·z

x z x±z
± =
y y y

x z xw yz xw ± yz
± = ± =
y w yw yw yw

You can use these rules to simplify algebraic expressions and solve problems.
Also note:  
y x x 1 x
= ÷z= × = (∗∗)
z y y z yz
x y z xz
 = x ÷ = x × = (∗ ∗ ∗)
z y y
Also note how we use common denominators to simplify fractions. For all real numbers x, y, z, w with
x 6= 0, y 6= 0, we have:
x z xw ± yz
± = (∗ ∗ ∗∗)
y w yw

4 2 4×2 8
× = =
9 3 9 × 3 27
4 2 4 3 4 × 3 12 2
÷ = × = = =
9 3 9 2 9 × 2 18 3
Note, as in this last example, we should always factor out common factors from both numerator and de-
nominator , then cancel them out so to put the fraction in is simplest form.
12 2
Since 12 is 2 × 6 and 18 is 3 × 6, becomes .
18 3

A4. You should recall the order of arithmetic operations.

Order of Arithmetic Operations - BODMAS.

1. B Brackets.
2. O Order (Powers).
3. D Division.
4. M Multiplication.
5. A Addition.
6. S Subtraction.

Work from left to right, doing the operations in the order above.

Example. Find
1 1 5 2 5 3
+ ÷ − ×( ÷ )
2 3 6 7 8 5

Solution. The operation in brackets must be done first.

5 3 5 5 25
÷ = × =
8 5 8 3 24
So we have
1 1 5 2 25
+ ÷ − ×
2 3 6 7 24

Division is next
1 5 1 6 6 2
÷ = × = =
3 6 3 5 15 5
So we now have
1 2 2 25
+ − ×
2 5 7 24

Multiplication is next.
2 25 1 25 25
× = × =
7 24 7 12 84
So we now have
1 2 25
+ −
2 5 84

Addition is next. Since

1 2 (5 × 1) + (2 × 2) 9
+ = =
2 5 10 10
then we now have
9 25

10 84
Now Subtraction
9 25 (9 × 84) − (25 × 10) 506 253
− = = =
10 84 10 × 84 840 420
Example. Find
(16 − 32 )4 × 5 ÷ 22

Solution. The operation in brackets must be done first.

Order is first and then Subtraction. Hence,

16 − 32 = 16 − 9 = 7

So we now have to solve

74 × 5 ÷ 22

Using BODMAS again, Order is followed by Division and then we do Multiplication. (Note that we
usually go from left to right when two operations are identical, so we’ll do the two Order operations from
left to right.) We get
74 × 5 ÷ 22 = 2401 × 5 ÷ 22
= 2401 × 5 ÷ 4 = 2401 ×
2401 × 5 12005
= = = 3001.25
4 4
A5.You should know the properties of the real numbers.

The real numbers, denoted by R, can be represented as the set of points on an infinite line called the real
line. The point 0 is called the origin and the numbers can be scaled up and down that line. The points to
the right of 0 are positive and to the left of 0 are negative. We can add, subtract, multiply and divide real

The integers Z are the real numbers . . . -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . .

The positive integers Z+ are the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . .

These are also called the natural numbers N.

The negative integers Z− are the numbers -1, -2, -3, . . . .

The rational numbers Q are those real numbers that can be expressed in the form , where a and b
are integers with b 6= 0.

The rational numbers are those which, when written in decimal form, have the decimals eventually
repeat in some way.
1 1 61
For example, = 0.333..., written 0.3̇ is rational, = 0.5000... = 0.5 is rational. But also, =
3 2 11

Those real
√ numbers whose decimals do not repeat in any way are called irrational numbers. For ex-
ample, 2, π and e are all irrational numbers.
Properties of the real numbers
For all real numbers a, b and c,
(commutative law addition)

ab = ba
(commutative law multiplication)

a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
(associative law addition)

a(bc) = (ab)c
(associative law multiplication)

a(b + c) = ab + ac and (a + b)c = ac + bc

(distributive laws)

For every real number a there exists a real number 0 such that

(additive identity)

For every real number a there exists a real number −a such that

a + (−a) = (−a) + a = 0
(additive inverse)

For every real number a there exists a real number 1 such that

(multiplicative identity)
For every real number a, except for 0, there exists a real number such that
1 1
a× = ×a=1
a a
(multiplicative inverse)

Also note, x × x = x2 and x × x is often written as x.x. So x × x × x = x.x.x = x3 . Also, x.x.x.x = x4 ,

x.x.x.x.x = x5 ... and so on.

Now using the above laws, for all real numbers a, b, c, d we have

(a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd (∗)
A6. You should now be able to expand and simplify algebraic expressions.

For example, when simplifying algebraic expressions like

(2x − 1)2 − 4(x − 2) − 3(x − 1)2

we multiply out, removing the brackets, and then collect like terms.

First of all, let’s look at each part of the expression separately. Using (*),

(2x − 1)2 = (2x − 1)(2x − 1) = 4x2 − 2x − 2x + 1 = 4x2 − 4x + 1

Using the distributive law,

−4(x − 2) = (−4) × x + (−4) × (−2) = −4x + 8

Remember, (−) × (−) = (+) (−) × (+) = (−) (+) × (−) = (−) (+) × (+) = (+)

Also, if you are unsure of the order of the operations, see A4 where BODMAS is explained - anything in
B Brackets first, then O Order, D Division, M Multiplication, A Addition and S Subtraction. Lastly,
again using (*) and the distributive law,

−3(x − 1)2 = −3(x − 1)(x − 1) = −3(x2 − x − x + 1) = −3(x2 − 2x + 1) = −3x2 + 6x − 3

Therefore, putting this all together and then adding like terms, we get

(2x − 1)2 − 4(x − 2) − 3(x − 1)2 = 4x2 − 4x + 1 − 4x + 8 − 3x2 + 6x − 3 = x2 − 2x + 6

Another example. You should be able to make r the subject of the equation in the formula
L(1 − rt)
(h − rt)
Solution. Here we multiply both sides by (h − rt) to get
L(1 − rt)
t(h − rt) = × (h − rt) = L(1 − rt)
(h − rt)
and so, using the distributive law,
th − rt2 = L − Lrt
Then, by adding Lrt to both sides, we get

th − rt2 + Lrt = L − Lrt + Lrt = L

because −Lrt + Lrt = 0.

Subtracting th from both sides, we get

th − rt2 + Lrt − th = L − th

and by using the commutative law twice, we can say this is equivalent to the equation

Lrt − rt2 + th − th = L − th

which means
Lrt − rt2 = L − th
because th − th = 0.
We then take rt out as a common factor

Lrt − rt2 = rt(L − t) = L − th

and so dividing by t(L − t) we get

(L − th)
t(L − t)
A7.You should be able to add, multiply and divide numbers and algebraic expressions.
Example. Find
1 1
x+2 − 2
Solution. First of all, consider the numerator (the top of the fraction) and find the common denominator
of that.
1 1

x+2 2
has common denominator 2(x + 2).
By (****) we have

1 1 2 − (x + 2) 2 − x − 2 −x
− = = =
x+2 2 2(x + 2) 2(x + 2) 2(x + 2)
Putting this together and using (**) we get
1 1 −x
x+2 − 2 2(x+2) −x −1
= = =
x x 2x(x + 2) 2(x + 2)
as the x’s cancel out.
A8. You should be able to solve simultaneous equations with two variables, and interpret problems
where they are used.

Simultaneous Equations
Simultaneous equations are sets of algebraic equations which contain multiple variables. A solution to
such a set of simultaneous equations is a particular set of specified values for the variables which satisfies
the equations. For example,
x+y =0
x − y = 10
is a set of two simultaneous equations with two variables x and y. It has solution x = 5, y = −5 which is
easily obtained by adding the first and second equations to get 2x = 10. So x = 5 and y = −5. (Also note,
in some cases there may be no solution and sometimes there an infinite number of solutions.)
Another example, solve the following equations for x and y.

x − 2y = 7 (1)
7x − 6y = −15 (2)

First of all, we can multiply both sides of equation (1) by 7 to get 7x − 14y = 49. We do this so that we
can eliminate x as we now have

7x − 14y = 49 (3)
7x − 6y = −15 (2)

We can then subtract (2) from (3)

7x − 14y = 49 (3)
7x − 6y = −15 (2)
− − − − − − − − −−
0 − 8y = 64 (∗)

to get −8y = 64. So then y = −8.

Using (*), we substitute y = −8 back into any of the equations, say (1), to get x + 16 = 7 and so x = −9.

Check. (1) x − 2y = 7 and so with x = −9 and y = −8 we have −9 + 16 = 7 Correct

(2) 7x − 6y = −15 and so with x = −9 and y = −8 we have (−63) − (−48) = −63 + 48 = −15 Correct
Simultaneous equations can have more than two variables. There are algorithmic techniques for solving
simultaneous equations as the variables get higher in number and more difficult to solve. We do not explain
those methods here. We include a basic method for solving sets of simultaneous equations in three variables.
4x − y + z = 5 (1)
3x − 2y + 7z = 20 (2)
x+y−z =0 (3)
If we add equations (1) and (3) we get 5x = 5 since

4x − y + z = 5
x+y−z =0
− − − − − − −−
5x + 0 + 0 = 5

and so x = 1. Putting x = 1 back into equations (1), (2) and (3), we get

−y + z = 1 (4)
−2y + 7z = 17 (5)
y − z = −1 (6)

Equations (4) and (6) are the same since −y + z = 1 is equivalent to y − z = −1. So we need only consider
two equations in two variables now to find y and z. So let’s consider (4) and (5).
To eliminate y we can multiply (4) by -2 and add it to (5) (or multiply (4) by 2 and subtract it from (2)).
Let’s do the former. Then,

2y − 2z = −2 (7)
−2y + 7z = 17 (5)

Adding we get 5z = 15 and therefore z = 3. Putting z = 3 back into equation (4) we get y = 2. So, for the
set above, x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 satisfies the three equations and is therefore a solution.

A9. You should be able to factorize polynomials. Note the following factors:

ax + ay = a(x + y)

x2 − y 2 = (x − y)(x + y)
x2 + 2xy + y 2 = (x + y)2
x3 − y 3 = (x − y)(x2 + xy + y 2 )
x3 + y 3 = (x + y)(x2 − xy + y 2 )
There are different methods used to factorize polynomials. Sometimes the factors are clear and can be
found easily. For example, consider x2 − 8x + 15. Note that 15 = 5 × 3 and 8 = 5 + 3. So you can write
x2 −8x+15 as (x−3)(x−5). Solving x2 −8x+15 = 0 we get (x−3)(x−5) = 0, so x = 3, x = 5 are the solutions.

Another example. Consider 4x2 − 8x − 21. If we want to factor this into (ax + b)(cx + d) for inte-
gers a, b, c, d, then

4x2 − 8x − 21 = (ax + b)(cx + d) = (ac)x2 + (ad + bc)x + (bd)

So ac = 4, bd = −21 and ad + bc = −8. If now we choose a = 2, c = 2, b = 3 and d = −7, we have these

conditions holding. So, 4x2 − 8x − 21 = (2x + 3)(2x − 7) When 4x2 − 8x − 21 = 0 we have solutions x =
and x = .
A10. There is a formula you should know for solving quadratic equations of the form

ax2 + bx + c = 0

It is: √
−b ± b2 − 4ac
Note that

(1) when b2 − 4ac > 0 there are two distinct real solutions;

(2) when b2 − 4ac = 0 there is one real solution;

(3) when b2 − 4ac < 0 there are no real solutions (but two complex conjugate solutions).

b2 − 4ac is called the discriminant and is often written as ∆.

Geometrically speaking, f (x) = ax2 +bx+c is a parabola, and the values (x, 0) where f (x) = 0 are the points
in the xy-plane where this parabola intersects the x-axis. So when ∆ > 0, the parabola f (x) = ax2 + bx + c
intersects the x-axis at two places, when ∆ = 0 it intersects the x-axis at one place only, and when ∆ < 0
it does not intersect the x-axis at all.

Example. Solve the following quadratic equations for real x and y using the quadratic formula above. If
there are no real solutions, state why.

(a) x2 + 2x − 2 = 0
(b) x2 + 2x + 2 = 0
Solution. (a) x2 + 2x − 2 = 0 is in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0. Here a = 1, b = 2, c = −2. We use the
quadratic formula to get the solution. That is,
√ p √
−b ± b2 − 4ac −2 ± 22 − (4 × 1 × −2) −2 ± 4 + 8
x= = =
2a 2×1 2
√ √
−2 ± 12 −2 ± 2 3 √
= = = −1 ± 3
2 2
√ √
So there are two solutions, and they are: x = −1 + 3 and x = −1 − 3.

(b) x2 + 2x + 2 = 0 is in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0. Here a = 1, b = 2, c = 2. We use the quadratic

formula to get the solution. That is,
√ p √
−b ± b2 − 4ac −2 ± 22 − (4 × 1 × 2) −2 ± −4
x= = =
2a 2×1 2
We stop here, as we cannot get the square root of a negative number when we are working with reals. (We
can get a solution if we are working with complex numbers, but we aren’t here.) So there are no real solutions.
Some subject specific EXAMPLES
In the following solved exercises you will see algebra utilized in a practical way. These subject specific
questions use symbols to represent quantities and algebraic techniques to solve the problems. Read through
them and make sure you understand how algebra is used. You can then try similar problems in the Ex-
ercises section. Or you could try to solve them yourself, and then check that you agree with the solution.
Make sure you set out your solutions correctly and in detail. Just getting an answer is not sufficient once
you get into a profession as often you need to explain how you got that answer. So, you should be able to
express your solution in correct mathematical language. This is important, not only for your growth as a
mathematical communicator, but for others who may read your work in your future careers and need to see
clearly how you obtained a solution.

Chemistry Example.
Example. In Chemistry, the molecular weight or molar mass of a compound is found by adding
the atomic weights of all of the atoms in the compound. It is given in grams per mole (written g/mol or
gmol−1 ).
(a) Find the molar mass = molecular weight of H2 O (water).
(b) Find the molar mass = molecular weight of NaCl (sodium chloride).
(c) Find the molar mass = molecular weight of NH4 Br (ammonium bromide).

Note: Hydrogen (H) has atomic weight 1.008, Oxygen (O) has atomic weight 16.00, Sodium (Na)
has atomic weight 22.99, Chlorine (Cl) has atomic weight 35.85, Nitrogen (N) has atomic weight
14.01 and Bromine has atomic weight 79.90.

(a) Water, H2 O, consists of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. Hydrogen has atomic weight
1.008 and Oxygen has atomic weight 16.00. So the molar mass, or molecular weight, of water is:

(2 × 1.008) + (1 × 16.00) = 18.016 g/mol

(b) Sodium (Na) has atomic weight 22.99 and Chlorine (Cl) has atomic weight 35.85. So the molar mass,
or molecular weight, of sodium chloride is:

(1 × 22.99) + (1 × 35.43) = 58.42 g/mol

(c) Nitrogen (N) has atomic weight 14.01, Hydrogen has atomic weight 1.008, and Bromine has atomic
weight 79.90. So the molar mass, or molecular weight, of ammonium bromide is:

(1 × 14.01) + (4 × 1.008) + (1 × 79.90) = 14.01 + 4.032 + 79.70 = 97.742 g/mol

Statistics Example.
Example. In Statistics, the mean or average of a set of data is the sum of the each of the data values
divided by the number of data values. The following data set is the retail value of 10 new luxury cars chosen
from a car sales outlet. Find the mean of the following set of data.

$75, 000 $84, 000 $84, 000 $90, 000 $90, 000 $90, 000 $90, 500 $90, 500 $90, 700 $100, 000

Solution. The sum of the data values is:

75, 000 + (2 × 84, 000) + (3 × 90, 000) + (2 × 90, 500) + 90, 700 + 100, 000 = 884, 700

To get the average, we divide this by 10. So the average is:

884, 700
= 88, 470
and the average price is $88,470.
Physics/Engineering Example.
Example. In Physics, the average velocity of an object is defined as its displacement divided by the time
elapsed. That is,
displacment final position - initial position
average velocity = =
time elapsed time elapsed
This is written as
∆x x2 − x1
v̄ = = in units m/s
∆t t2 − t1
where x1 is the initial position, x2 is the final position, t1 is the initial time, t2 is the final time and t2 − t1
is the time taken.

If an athlete runs from 85m to 1105m in 210 seconds, what is the athlete’s average velocity?

Solution. Here x1 = 85m and x2 = 1105m and t2 − t1 = 210s. So,

∆x x2 − x1 1105 − 85
v̄ = = = = 4.857m/s
∆t t2 − t1 210

Biology Example.
Example.In Biology, the final concentration of a substance is found by dividing the initial volume by the
final volume and multiplying by the initial concentration. That is,
initial volume
final concentration = × initial concentration
final volume
(a) A solution of coloured liquid contains 3 grams of stain per litre. If 1 mL of stain is diluted by adding
7 mL of distilled water to it, what is the final concentration?

(b) The final concentration of a coloured liquid is 0.75 grams of stain per litre. The initial volume was 1
mL and the final volume was 10mL. What was the initial concentration?


(a) The initial volume is 1 mL and the final volume is (1 + 7) = 8 mL. Since the liquid contains 3 gams
of stain per litre, then
initial volume
final concentration = × initial concentration
final volume
= × 3 grams per litre = 0.375 grams per litre = 0.375 g/L

(b) Since
initial volume
final concentration = × initial concentration
final volume
we have
final volume
initial concentration = final concentration ×
initial volume
That is,
10 mL
initial concentration = 0.75 grams per litre × = 7.5 g/L
1 mL
Biology Example.
In population genetics, there are two main measures of genetic variation - the allele frequency and the
genotype frequency.
The allele frequency is the proportion of the total that is represented by a single, specific allele (out of all
alleles at that locus in that population).
The genotype frequency is the proportion of the total that is represented by a single, specific genotype
(out of all possible genotypes at that locus in that population).
Consider a population of 100 pea plants. 64 tall plants have genotype T T , 32 tall plants have genotype T t
and 4 dwarf plants have genotype tt.

(a) Calculate the frequency of t allele in this population.

(b) Calculate the frequency of tt genotype in this population.

Solution. (a)

no. of copies of one allele in a population

Allele frequency =
total no. of alleles for that locus in the population
So we get
32 + (2 × 4) 40
t= = = 0.2
(2 × 64) + (2 × 32) + (2 × 4) 200
So the frequency of the t allele is 0.2 and 20% of alleles for this locus in this population are the t allele.
no. of individuals with one genotype in a population
Genotype frequency =
total no. of all genotypes for that locus in the population
So we get
4 4
tt = = = 0.04
64 + 32 + 4 100
So the frequency of the tt genotype is 0.04 and 4% of individuals in this population are dwarf plants.

Chemistry Example.
The ideal gas equation is
P V = nRT

P is the pressure of a gas sample

V is the volume of the sample
n is the number of mole of gas in the sample
R is a constant of nature - the gas constant ( 8.314 J mol−1 K−1 or 0.08216 L atm mol−1 K−1 )
T is the temperature on the Kelvin scale

How many moles of nitrogen gas occupy 2.5 L at 1 atm pressure and 27◦ C?

Solution. The gas equation is P V = nRT . We are told that V = 1L, P = 1atm, R = 0.08216 L
atm mol−1 K−1 and T = 27 + 273 = 300◦ K (as the temperature has to be converted from Celsius to Kelvin.)
We wish to find n. So rearranging, we get
PV 1atm × 2.5L
n= = = 0.1014mol
RT 0.08216L atm mol−1 K−1 × 300K
Physics/Engineering Example.
Kinematics is the branch of mechanics which describes the motion of bodies independently of external forces.
It deals with the relation between distance, time, velocity and acceleration, and the mathematical principles
which are applied to them.
Galileo hypothesized that at a given location on earth in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with
the same constant acceleration. This is due to gravity, written g, which is (nearly) constant near the surface
of the earth. Acceleration due to gravity on the earth is g = 9.8 m/s2 . Vertical displacement is represented
by y, so that as y increases with height, g acts in the negative y direction.
The kinematics equations describing the motion are:

v = v0 − gt
y − y0 = (v + v0 )t
y − y0 = v0 t − gt2
v 2 = v02 − 2g(y − y0 )
where v = velocity, v0 = initial velocity, t = time, a = −g = constant acceleration, y = vertical displacement
and y0 = initial vertical displacement.
(a) If an object is projected vertically upward from the ground with a speed of 15 m/s, how long does it
take to reach its highest point?
(b) How high does the object rise?

(a) At its highest point, the velocity is zero, so we set v = 0. Using the equation v = v0 − gt we have
0 = v0 − gt. Rearrange this to make t the subject of the equation.
0 = v0 − gt ⇔ v0 = gt ⇔ t=
t= = 1.53s
and it takes 1.53 seconds to reach its highest point.
Note: the symbol ⇔ is used in mathematics to denote ”if and only if” and can be used when Equation A is
equivalent to Equation B. What this means logically is:

If Equation A, then Equation B. (symbol ⇒) AND If Equation B, then Equation A.(symbol ⇐)

Be careful when using these symbols. Sometimes ⇐ or ⇒ are all you can use as one equation may imply
the other equation, but they may not be equivalent.
(b) We use the kinematics equation
v 2 = v02 − 2g(y − y0 )
At the highest point v = 0 and also y0 = 0 as the initial vertical displacement is 0. So the equation above
0 = v02 − 2gy
We now rearrange the equation to make y the subject, as we require the vertical displacement (height).

0 = v02 − 2gy ⇔ 2gy = v02 ⇔ y=
We now use the values given

v02 (15m/s)2
y= = = 11.48m
2g (2 × 9.8)m/s2
So the object rises 11.48 m.
Biology Example.
The increase in a rate caused by a 10◦ C increase in temperature is called the Q10 . If the rate doubles,
Q10 is 2; if the rate triples, Q10 is 3. In fact, when rates R1 and R2 have been observed at two different
temperatures T1 and T2 respectively, then
R2 T2 −T1
Q10 =

If R1 = 135 at T1 = 33◦ and R2 = 170 at T2 = 39◦ , what is Q10 ? (Give your answer as a fraction or correct
to 4 decimal places.)

Simply plug in the values into the equation and solve. We get
  10   10  2
R2 T2 −T1 170 38−33 170 1156
Q10 = = = = = 1.5857
R1 135 135 729

Chemistry Example.
Given the acid dissociation equilibrium HA + H2 O ↔ A− + H3 O+ , the percentage ionization is given by

[H3 O+ ]
% ionization = × 100%
[HA] initial
where square brackets denotes the ”molar concentration of”.

(a) Given the molar concentration of H3 O+ is [H3 O+ ] = 0.007M and the initial molar concentration of
the acid is [HA]initial = 0.3M , what is the percentage ionization?
(Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places.)

(b) For a different acid, suppose the percent ionization is 5% and [HA]initial = 1.8M . Find the concen-
tration of H3 O+ . (Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places.)

(a) Plug in the values given into the equation to get

[H3 O+ ]
% ionization = × 100% = 0.233%
[HA] initial
[H3 O+ ]
% ionization = × 100%
[HA] initial
so plugging in the values we get

[H3 O+ ]
5% = × 100% and therefore [H3 O+ ] = 0.09M
Physics/Engineering Example.
The average velocity of an object is defined as its displacement divided by the time elapsed. That is,
displacement final position - initial position
average velocity = =
time elapsed time elapsed
This is written as
∆x x2 − x1
v̄ = = in units m/s
∆t t2 − t1
(a) A bicycle travels from 85m to 1105m in 210 seconds. What is the velocity of the bicycle?

(b) Another bicycle travels from 60m to a finishing point at a velocity of 3.3m/s in 180 seconds. What
is the finishing point?

(a)Using the equations above,

∆x x2 − x1 1105m − 85m
v̄ = = = = 4.857m/s
∆t t2 − t1 210m
∆x x2 − x1 x2 − 60
v̄ = = =
∆t t2 − t1 180
So we solve for x2 .
x2 = v̄ × 180 + 60 = 3.3 × 180 + 60 = 654m
Chemistry Example.
A useful equation used in Chemistry and Biology is n = cv, where n is the amount of a substance (in mol)
(moles of solute), v is the volume (in litres)(litres of solution) and c is the amount of substance per unit
volume (mol per litre)(molarity).
Use this equations to find out how many grams of solid Mg(NO3 )2 are required to make 5.5L of a 2.5M
Mg(NO3 )2 solution.

Note: Magnesium (Mg) has molar mass 24.31, Nitrogen (N) has molar mass 14.01 and Oxygen (O) has
molar mass 16.00.

n = c × V where n is the amount of a substance (in mol) (moles of solute),
molar mass
Since the molar mass of Magnesium (Mg) is 24.31, the molar mass of Nitrogen (N) is 14.01 and the molar
mass of Oxygen (O) is 16.00, then the molar mass of Mg(NO3 )2 is

24.31 + [(14.01 + (16 × 3)) × 2] = 148.33 gmol−1

mass = 148.33 × 2.5 × 5.5 = 2039.5g
Therefore, the required mass of Mg(NO3 )2 is 2039.5 g.

1. State whether the given fraction is

(a) a proper fraction (b) an improper fraction (c) a mixed number

1 3 65 1 9 128 5 3
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 5 (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) 3
2 2 4 2 10 7 4 4
2. Write the following mixed numbers as improper fractions.
5 3 2
(a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 6
6 4 3
3. Write the following improper fractions as mixed numbers.
25 17 141
(a) (b) (c)
3 4 11
4. Find the greatest common divisor of the following numbers.

(a) 7 and 21 (b) 9 and 33 (c) 10 and 36 (d) 15 and 4

5. Find the least common multiple of the numbers in Question 4.

6. Use the rules of arithmetic operations of fractions and the order of arithmetic operations to find the
solutions to the following.

1 6 5 3 7 7 5 8 3 5 8 3 3 2 3
(a) − + (b) ÷ + (c) × ÷ (d) × − × ÷( + )
2 5 2 4 5 2 6 9 4 6 9 4 2 5 2
7. In Chemistry, the molecular weight or molar mass of a compound is found by adding the atomic
weights of all of the atoms in the compound. It is given in grams per mole (written g/mol or gmol−1 ).

(a) Find the molar mass = molecular weight of MgO (magnesium oxide).
(b) Find the molar mass = molecular weight of Na2 SO3 (sodium sulphite).
(c) Find the molar mass = molecular weight of Na2 SO4 (sodium sulphate).
(d) Find the molar mass = molecular weight of Fe2 O3 (iron oxide).
Note: Magnesium (Mg) has atomic weight 24.31, Oxygen (O) has atomic weight 16.00, Sodium
(Na) has atomic weight 22.99, Sulfur has atomic weight 32.07 and Iron (Fe) has atomic weight

8. The following data set is the retail value of 15 display homes at a particular display village. Find the
mean of this set of data.

$375, 000 $375, 000 $284, 000 $284, 000 $190, 000 $190, 000 $190, 000 $250, 500

$290, 500 $290, 700 $300, 000 $375, 000 $190, 000 $284, 000 $284, 000

9. In Physics, the average velocity of an object is defined as its displacement divided by the time elapsed.
This is written as
∆x x2 − x1
v̄ = = in units m/s
∆t t2 − t1
where x1 is the initial position, x2 is the final position, t1 is the initial time, t2 is the final time and
t2 − t1 is the time taken.
If an athlete runs from 12m to 147m in 20 seconds, what is the athlete’s average velocity?
10. In Biology, the final concentration of a substance is found by dividing the initial volume by the final
volume and multiplying by the initial concentration. That is,
initial volume
final concentration = × initial concentration
final volume
(a) A solution of coloured liquid contains 7 grams of stain per litre. If 1 mL of stain is diluted by
adding 9 mL of distilled water to it, what is the final concentration?
(b) The final concentration of a coloured liquid is 0.55 grams of stain per litre. The initial volume
was 1 mL and the final volume was 11mL. What was the initial concentration?

11. Expand and then simplify 4bc(ad + 3d) − 2bcd + 15bc(d − ad).

12. Expand and simplify 7(x + 2y)(2x − y)and then state the coefficient of x2 .

13. Simplify 2x2 + 4xyz + 3x2 − y 2 + 7xyz.

14. Perform the following operations, stating your answer in its simplest form.
7 42
(i) ×
14 6
6 19
(ii) ÷
15 4
15. Recall the ideal gas equation P V = nRT .

(a) Rearrange the expression to make V the subject of the equation.

(b) Given the values P = 1.4 atm, n = 2.3 mol, R = 0.08216 L atm mol−1 K −1 and T = 321K, use
your answer to (a) to find V . (Give your answer correct to 3 decimal places).

16. A useful equation used in Biology and Chemistry is n = cv, where n is the amount of a substance (in
mol) (moles of solute), v is the volume (in litres)(litres of solution) and c is the amount of substance
per unit volume (mol per litre)(molarity).

(a) Make c the subject of the equation.

(b) Find c when n = 1.7 × 10−7 mol and v = 5 × 10−7 litres.

17. The increase in a rate caused by a 10◦ C increase in temperature is called the Q10 . If the rate doubles,
Q10 is 2; if the rate triples, Q10 is 3. In fact, when rates R1 and R2 have been observed at two different
temperatures T1 and T2 respectively, then
R2 T2 −T1
Q10 =

If R1 = 120 at T1 = 20◦ and R2 = 140 at T2 = 25◦ , what is Q10 ?(Give your answer as a fraction or
correct to 4 decimal places.)

18. Given the acid dissociation equilibrium HA + H2 O ↔ A− + H3 O+ , the percentage ionization is given
[H3 O+ ]
% ionization = × 100%
[HA] initial

(a) Given [H3 O+ ] = 0.003M and [HA]initial = 0.1M, what is the percentage ionization? (Give your
answer correct to 2 decimal places.)
(b) For a different acid, suppose the percent ionization is 4% and [HA]initial = 1.9M. Find the
concentration of H3 O+ . (Give your answer correct to 3 decimal places.)

19. Solve the following equations.

(a) x2 + 4x + 4 = 0 (b) (x − 3)2 = 0 (c) x2 − 14x + 45 = 0 (d) x2 + 7x + 9 = 0

(e) 2x2 + x − 3 = 0
20. Jenny dissolves units of substances S1 and S2 in a solution. She cannot dissolve these substances
simultaneously, so must wait for one unit of substance to dissolve before she adds the next. It takes
3 minutes for a unit of substance S1 to dissolve and 7 minutes for a unit of substance S2 to dissolve.

(a) If she wants the same amount of units S1 and S2 dissolved, how many units of each substance
does she dissolve if it takes her 3 hours to complete the task.
(b) If, at another time, she wants 3 times as much of substance S2 than Substance S1 dissolved in
the solution, how many units of each substance does she dissolve if it takes her 2 hours?

21. Pharmacist Bob sold two brands of headache tablets, Brand A and Brand B. In total, had 200 packets.
Brand A cost 7 dollars and Brand B cost 9 dollars. He sold them all and collected 1500 dollars. How
many packets of each brand did he sell?

22. Consider the first order equilibrium reaction A+B ↔ X +Y and let a, b, x and y represent the number
of moles of the respective products and reactants. The equilibrium constant is given by

xy x2
k= =
(a − x)(b − x) (a − x)(b − x)

as X and Y are produced in equal proportions. Rearrange to get

k(a − x)(b − x) = x2 (∗)

Use algebraic techniques to rewrite this equation (*) in the quadratic form ax2 + bx + c = 0. Given
k = 8, a = 2 moles and b = 4 moles, solve for x using the quadratic formula and hence find the number
x of moles of each product. (Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places. You will get two solutions
- give the smallest positive number as your answer.)

23. The volume of a cone is given by the formula V = 13 πr2 h, where r is the radius of the circle at the
top of the cone and h is its height. If V = 37 cm3 and r = 5cm, what is the height of the cone?

24. The surface area of a sphere of radius r is given by A = 4πr2 The radius of the Jupiter is approxi-
mately 71, 492 = 7.1492 × 104 km. What is its surface area approximately?

25. Let C denote degrees Celsius, F denote degrees Fahrenheit, and K denote Kelvin temperatures. To
convert temperature from one scale to another, we use:
5 9
K = C + 273 C = (F − 32) F = C + 32
9 5
(a) If the maximum temperature one day is 34.3◦ C, what is this in Fahrenheit?
(b) If a temperature in Kelvin is measured as 232◦ K, what is this in Fahrenheit?

26. In population genetics, there are two main measures of genetic variation - the allele frequency and the
genotype frequency.
The allele frequency is the proportion of the total that is represented by a single, specific allele (out
of all alleles at that locus in that population).
The genotype frequency is the proportion of the total that is represented by a single, specific
genotype (out of all possible genotypes at that locus in that population).
Consider a population of 250 pea plants. 155 tall plants have genotype T T , 83 tall plants have
genotype T t and 12 dwarf plants have genotype tt.

(a) Calculate the frequency of t allele in this population.

(b) Calculate the frequency of tt genotype in this population.

27. Use the kinematics equations to solve the following.

(a) If an object is projected vertically upward from the ground with a speed of 25 m/s, how long does
it take to reach its highest point? (b) How high does the object rise?
28. The average velocity of an object is defined as its displacement divided by the time elapsed.

(a) An athlete runs from 12m to 147m in 20 seconds. What is the athlete’s average velocity?
(b) Another athlete runs from 12m to a finishing point at a velocity of 5.1m/s in 25 seconds. What
is the finishing point?

29. Solve the following sets of simultaneous equations.

5x − 3y = 1
5x + 4y = 22

x − 3y = 2
2x + 2y = 20

x + 3y + z = 3
x+y+z =1
−x + y + 2z = −2

30. Use the equation n = c × V to find out how many grams of solid Mg(NO3 )2 are required to make 3.5L
of a 1.5M Mg(NO3 )2 solution.
Note: Magnesium (Mg) has molar mass 24.31, Nitrogen (N) has molar mass 14.01 and Oxygen (O)
has molar mass 16.00.


1. (i) proper (ii) improper (iii) improper (iv) mixed number (v) proper (vi) improper (vii) improper (viii)
mixed number
29 7 20
2. (a) (b) (c)
6 4 3
1 1 9
3. (a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 12
3 4 11
4. (a) 7 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

5. (a) 21 (b) 99 (c) 180 (d) 60

9 113 80 305
6. (a) (b) (c) (d)
5 28 81 2052
7.(a) 40.31 g/mol (b) 126.05 g/mol (c) 142.05 g/mol (d) 159.7 g/mol


9. 6.75 m/s

10.(a) 0.7 g/L (b) 6.05 g/L

11. −11abcd + 25bcd

12. 14x2 + 21xy − 14y 2 = 7(2x2 + 3xy − 2y2)

13. 5x2 + 11xyz − y 2

7 8
14. (i) 2 (ii) 95

15. (a) V = P (b) 43.328
16. (a) c = (b) 0.34
17. = 1.3611
18. (a) 3% (b) 0.076M
√ √
−7 + 13 −7 − 13
19. (i) x = −2 (ii) x = 3 (iii) x = 5 or x = 9 (iv) x = or x =
2 2
(v) x = 1 or x = −
20. (a) 18 units of S1 and 18 units of S2 . (b) 5 units of S1 and 15 units of S2 .

21. 150 of Brand A and 50 of Brand B.

22. 1.81m (and mathematically 5.05 as well).

24. 2.044442426 × 1010 π km2 = 20, 444, 424, 260π km2

25. (a) 93.74 ◦ F (b) -41.8 ◦ F

26. (a) 21.4% (b)0.048

27. (a) 2.55s (b) 31.89m

28. (a) 6.75m/s (b)139.5m

29. (a) x = 2, y = 3 (b)x = 8, y = 2 (c) x = 1, y = 1, z = −1

30. 778.73 g

These notes and exercises were written by

Dr Deborah C Jackson
College of Science, Health and Engineering
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
La Trobe University

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