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Designation: D5738 – 95 (Reapproved 2006)

Standard Guide for

Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of
Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace Elements—Diagrams
for Single Analyses1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5738; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope experience and should be used in conjunction with professional

1.1 This guide covers the category of water-analysis dia- judgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all
grams that use pictorial or pattern methods (for example, bar, circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to repre-
radiating vectors, pattern, and circular) as a basis for displaying sent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of
each of the individual chemical components that were deter- a given professional service must be judged, nor should this
mined from the analysis of a single sample of natural ground- document be applied without consideration of a project’s many
water (see Terminology). unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of this
1.2 This guide on single-analysis diagrams is the second of document means only that the document has been approved
several standards to inform the professionals in the field of through the ASTM consensus process.
hydrology with the traditional graphical methods available to 2. Referenced Documents
display groundwater chemistry.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
NOTE 1—The initial guide described the category of water-analysis D596 Guide for Reporting Results of Analysis of Water
diagrams that use two-dimensional trilinear graphs to display, on a single
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
diagram, the common chemical components from two or more complete
analyses of natural groundwater. Fluids
D1129 Terminology Relating to Water
1.2.1 A third guide will be for diagrams based on data D5754 Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical
analytical calculations that include those categories of water Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace
analysis graphs where multiple analyses are analyzed statisti- Elements—Trilinear Diagrams for Two or More Analyses
cally and the results plotted on a diagram (for example, the
box, and so forth). 3. Terminology
1.3 Numerous methods have been developed to display, on 3.1 Definitions—Except as listed as follows, all definitions
single-analyses diagrams, the ions dissolved in water. These are in accordance with Terminology D653.
methods were developed by investigators to assist in the 3.1.1 anion—an ion that moves or would move towards an
interpretation of the origin of the ions in the water and to anode; thus nearly always synonymous with negative ion.
simplify the comparison of analyses, one with another. 3.1.2 cation—an ion that moves or would move towards a
1.4 This guide presents a compilation of diagrams from a cathode; thus nearly always synonymous with positive ion.
number of authors that allows for transformation of numerical 3.1.3 equivalent per million (epm)—for water chemistry, an
data into visual, usable forms. It is not a guide to selection or equivalent weight unit expressed in English terms, also ex-
use. That choice is program or project specific. pressed as milligram-equivalent per kilogram. When the con-
NOTE 2—Use of tradenames in this guide is for identification purposes centration of an ion, expressed in parts per million (ppm), is
only and does not constitute endorsement by ASTM. multiplied by the equivalent weight (combining weight) factor
1.5 This guide offers an organized collection of information (see explanation of equivalent weight factor) of that ion, the
or a series of options and does not recommend a specific result is expressed in epm.
course of action. This document cannot replace education or Discussion—For a completely determined chemical
analysis of a water sample, the total epm value of the cations
will equal the total epm value of the anions (chemically
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rock
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21 on Groundwater and
Vadose Zone Investigations. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved July 1, 2006. Published August 2006. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D5738 – 95 (2000). Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/D5738-95R06. the ASTM website.

Copyright. (C) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbour Drive PO box C-700 West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, United States

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D5738 – 95 (2006)
balanced). The plotted values on the water-analysis diagrams meq/L by multiplying each ion by its equivalent weight factor
described in this guide can be expressed in percentages of the and determining the percent of each ion of the total cation or
total epm (although all illustrations are in milliequivalent per anion.
litre) of the cations and anions of each water analysis. 3.1.7 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)—for water chemis-
Therefore, in order to use the diagrams, analyses must be try, a weight-per-weight unit expressed in metric terms. The
converted from ppm to epm by multiplying each ion by its number of milligrams of solute (for example, sodium (Na)) per
equivalent weight factor and determining the percent of each kilogram of solution (water) and solute. For example, a 10 000
ion of the total cation or anion. mg/kg solute is the same as 1 % solute in the total 100% solute
3.1.4 equivalent weight factor—the equivalent weight fac- and solution. The mg/kg unit is equivalent to ppm according to
tor or combining weight factor, also called the reaction Matthess (3).
coefficient, is used for converting chemical constituents ex- 3.1.8 milligrams per litre (mg/L)—for water chemistry, a
pressed in ppm to epm and mg/L to meq/L (see explanation of weight-per-volume unit expressed in metric terms. The weight
epm and meq/L). To determine the equivalent weight factor, in milligrams (10−3 g) of the solute within the volume (litre) of
divide the formula weight of the solute component into the solute and solution. The weight can be also expressed in
valence of the solute component: micrograms (10−6 g). The use of the mg/L unit is the worldwide
~valence solute component! standard for the analysis and reporting of water chemistry.
~equivalent weight factor! 5
~formula weight solute component! Discussion—The ppm and mg/L values of the con-
(1) stituents in natural groundwater are nearly equal (within
Then to determine the equivalent weight (meq/L) of the anticipated analytical errors) until the concentration of the
solute component, multiple the mg/L value of the solute times dissolved solids reaches about 7000 mg/L. For highly miner-
the equivalent weight factor, as follows: alized waters, a density correction should be used when
~meq/L solute component! 5 ~mg/L solute component!
computing ppm from mg/L (1).
3 ~equivalent weight factor! (2) 3.1.9 natural groundwater—as defined for this guide, is
water positioned under the land’s surface, that consists of the
For example, the formula weight of Ca2+ is 40.10 and the
basic elements, hydrogen and oxygen (H2O), and numerous
ionic charge is two (as shown by the 2 + ), and for a value of
major dissolved chemical constituents, such as calcium (Ca),
20 mg/L Ca, the equivalent weight value is computed to be
magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), carbonate
0.9975 meq/L;
(CO3), bicarbonate (HCO3), chloride (Cl), and sulfate (SO4),
~2! and has not been significantly influenced by human develop-
~0.9975 meq/L Ca! 5 ~20 mg/L Ca! 3 (3)
~40.10! ment. Discussion—Many general geochemistry publica- Discussion—Other major constituents, in special
tions and water encyclopedias have a complete table of cases, can include aluminum (Al), boron (B), fluoride (F), iron
equivalent weight factors for the ions found in natural ground- (Fe), nitrate (NO3), and phosphorus (PO4). Minor and trace
water (1, 2).3 elements that can occur in natural groundwater vary widely,
3.1.5 grains per U.S. gallon (gpg)—for water chemistry, a but can include arsenic (As), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), mercury
weight-per-volume unit, also, for irrigation water, can be (Hg), radium (Ra), and zinc (Zn). In addition, natural ground-
expressed in tons per acre-foot (ton/acre-ft). The weight (grains water may contain dissolved gases, such as hydrogen sulfide
or tons) of solute within the volume (gallon or acre-foot) of (H 2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (02), methane (CH4),
solution and solute. A grain is commonly used to express the ammonia (NH3), argon (Ar), helium (He), and radon (Rn). Also
hardness of water where one grain is equal to 17.12 ppm maybe included are neutrally charged mineral species, such as
CaCO3. silicate (SiO2), naturally occurring organics, such as tanic
3.1.6 milliequivalent per litre (meq/L)—for water chemis- acids, colloidal materials, and particulates, such as bacteria
try, an equivalent weight unit expressed in metric terms, also viruses and naturally charged pollen spores.
expressed as milligram-equivalent per litre. When the concen- Discussion—Most of the natural groundwater is a
tration of an ion, expressed in mg/L, is multiplied by the part of the hydrologic cycle, that is the constant circulation of
equivalent weight (combining weight) factor (see explanation meteoric water as vapor in the atmosphere as a result of
of equivalent weight factor) of that ion, the result is expressed evaporation from the earth’s surface (land and ocean), liquid
in meq/L. and solid (ice) on and under the land as a result of precipitation Discussion—For a completely determined chemical from the atmosphere, and as liquid returned to the ocean from
analysis of a water sample, the total value of the cations will the land. A very small amount of the groundwater may be
equal the total value of the anions (chemically balanced). The magmatic water originating from rocks deep within the crust of
plotted values on the water-analysis diagrams described in this the earth. Other groundwater is connate in that it is trapped in
guide are expressed in percentages of the total meq/L of the sediments and has not actively moved in the hydrologic cycle
cations and anions of each water analysis. Therefore, in order for a period measured in geologic time.
to use the diagrams, analyses must be converted from mg/L to Discussion—While moving through the hydrologic
cycle, chemical elements in the water are exchanged with other
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of ions and dissolved into and precipitated out of the water,
the text. depending upon reactions with air and other gases, rock

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D5738 – 95 (2006)
minerals, biological agents, hydraulic pressure, and the ambi- 3.1.12 water-analysis diagram—the phrase, as used in this
ent temperature. The chemical composition of natural ground- guide, is for the graphical plotting methods used for displaying
water ranges from that similar to distilled water with a minor a single water-quality analysis. These systems use various
amount of dissolved solids to a brine with at least 100 000- types of graphical displays that form characteristic patterns of
mg/L dissolved solids (natural occurring brine have been the plotted individual cations and anions of the analysis. The
analyzed with more than 300 000-mg/L dissolved chemical pattern of the one analysis is then compared with the patterns
solids) (4). formed by the plotting of other analyses. This method can be
3.1.10 parts per million—for water chemistry, a dimension- utilized to assist in the scientific interpretation of occurrence of
less ratio of unit-of-measurement per unit-of-measurement cations and anions in natural groundwater, for example, the
expressed in English terms. One part per million is equivalent interrelationship of a number of water samples within the
to 1 mg of solute to 1 kg of solution. For example, if the total studied area. Simpler types of the diagrams (for example, bars)
weight of the solution and solute (1 million ppm) has 99 % can be used to display single ion values, such as Cl− or Na+.
solution and 1 % solute, this is the same as 990 000 ppm
solution and 10 000 ppm solute in the 1 million parts. 4. Summary of Guide
3.1.11 water analysis—a set of chemical ions as analyzed 4.1 This guide includes descriptions of the water-analysis
from a water sample. In this guide, the water analysis normally diagrams that pictorially display common chemical compo-
includes the common constituents as found in natural ground- nents of a single water analysis from a natural groundwater
water (see 3.1.9; natural groundwater). source.

FIG. 1 Examples of the Four Types of Single-Analysis Diagrams

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D5738 – 95 (2006)
4.1.1 The significance and use of the four distinct types of forms. It is not a guide to selection or use. That choice is
diagrams (bar, radiating, pattern, and circular) (see Fig. 1) are program or project specific.
described. 5.4 The single sample water-analysis diagrams described in
4.2 The minimum required chemical constituents from each this guide display the following; (1) the ppm or mg/L concen-
water analysis for inclusion on the more commonly used trations of the cations and anions on bars, circles, or baseline
diagrams are listed. diagrams; (2) the epm or meq/L percentages of the cation and
4.3 The recommended analytical accuracy or chemical bal- anion weights on bars, double bars, circles, radiating vectors,
ance of the minimum required chemical constituents is defined. or kitelike shapes and; (3) a combination of (1) and (2) on
4.4 Calculations required for the preparation of an analysis circles (1, 3, 25, 27, 28, 29).
for plotting on a diagram are described. 5.5 The classification of the composition of natural ground-
4.5 Descriptions and comprehensive illustrations are given water is an early use of the single sample water-analysis
for the following water-analysis diagrams: diagram.
4.5.1 Bar Diagrams: NOTE 3—Palmer, in 1911, developed a tabular system for the classifi- Hintz/Grünhut bar diagram (5), cation of natural water. Rogers, in a 1917 study of oil-field waters, Rogers bar diagram (6, 7), presented the Palmer classification on a graphical display that had three Collins bar diagram (8), vertical bars (6, 7, 29). Renick bar diagram (9),
5.6 The origin of the water may be postulated by the amount Preul bar diagram (10),
and the relationship of the cations and anions in a water sample Single-ion bar diagram (3), and
that is plotted on the diagram. Patterns visually indicate water Carlé bar diagrams (11).
types and origins.
4.5.2 Radiating Vector Diagrams:
5.7 Comparison of the visual similarity or dissimilarity of Tickell radial diagram (12),
diagrams for different water analyses that are from separate Dalmady radial diagram (13),
locations allows the analyst to evaluate if the samples may be Maucha 16-vector radial diagram (14, 15),
from the same water source or not. Maucha six-vector radial diagram (16),
5.8 Numerous interpretive methods are possible from the Girard four-axis diagram (17),
examination of a series of the single sample water-analysis Frey four-axis diagram (18),
diagrams. Colby kite diagram (19), Rónai starred diagram (20), and NOTE 4—For example, by arranging the diagrams at the point of origin EPA vector diagram (7.7.2 on GEOBASE 6.0). as represented on a geologic cross section or on an areal map, the
4.5.3 Pattern Diagrams: hydrochemical changes can be visualized as the water travels through the
hydrologic regime, the amount of mixing that has taken place with water Stiff pattern diagram (21), from a different origin, and the effects of ambient conditions, such as air, Dulas baseline diagram (22), temperature, rock, and man-induced contaminants, on the water.
4.5.4 Circular Diagrams: NOTE 5—It should be noted that for many hydrochemical research Carlé circular diagram (23), problems involving the interpretation of the origin, chemical reactions, Pie diagram (1), and mixing of natural water, the single sample water-analysis diagram is Tolstichin cyclical diagram (24), only one segment of several analytical methods needed to understand Disk diagram (24), and condition. Udluft circular diagram (25, 26).
6. Selection and Preparation of Data for Plotting on
4.6 Automated procedures (computer-aided graphics) for
Single-Analysis Diagrams
basic calculations and the construction of the water-analysis
diagrams are identified. 6.1 In most cases, raw data needs to be transformed before
4.7 Keywords it can be plotted in a uniform manner on the diagram.
4.8 A list of referenced documents is given for additional 6.2 Minimum Data Requirements—Many of the basic
information, and water-analysis diagrams require water analyses that have a
4.9 A bibliography (non-referenced documents) is given for minimum number of major ions determined, although on
further sources of information in Appendix X1. several diagrams a minimum of one ion can be plotted and
compared with similarly plotted diagrams.
5. Significance and Use
NOTE 6—The constituents commonly used on the diagrams are the
5.1 Each year, many thousands of water samples are col- cations calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), and potassium (K);
lected and the chemical components are determined from and the anions bicarbonate (HCO3), carbonate (CO3), sulfate (SO4), and
natural groundwater sources. chloride (Cl). If, in special circumstances, some other ions, such as
5.2 An understanding of the relationships between the dissolved iron (Fe2+) and ammonia (NH4+), exceed the conventional
similarities and differences of these water analyses are facili- group described above, and all water analyses for the study include these
constituents, they can replace or be combined with the ion with which they
tated by displaying each separate analysis as a pictorial are most similar. If the major anions and cations do not balance within a
diagram. This type of diagram allows for a direct comparison reasonable percent, normally 0 to 6 10 %, the analysis cannot be used (1,
between two or more analyses and their displayed ions. 27).
5.3 This guide presents a compilation of diagrams that NOTE 7—Natural potable waters normally contain relatively few dis-
allows for transformation of numerical data into visual, usable solved constituents in concentrations greater than 1 mg/L. The maximum

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D5738 – 95 (2006)
recommended dissolved solids for drinking water by the U.S. Public Several of the plot methods (circular, Rónai) use
Health Service is 500 mg/L. The World Health Organization guidelines area, for example, square inches (in.2) or square centimetres
recommend a maximum of 1000 mg/L dissolved solids (30). (cm2), to represent the concentration of the individual ions.
6.3 Recommended Accuracy for Chemical Balance—The This circular diagram uses the area of concentric circles to
chemical balance or chemical equilibrium of a complete represent the ion concentration in mg/L of the selected con-
analysis (all major ions determined) is calculated by converting stituents (20).
the ions from mg/L to meq/L values and adding the cations NOTE 10—Most of the single-analysis diagrams (excluding the line
together and the anions together. The computation for percent diagrams, for example, Maucha radiating vector (14, 15, 16)) have
balance is as follows, with zero as the optimum percentage enclosed two-dimensional areas to represent the individual ions and, in
value (percentage is determined by multiplying the computed reality, are representations of the concentrations. These patterned areas
value times 100); (for example, Collins bar diagram (8)) emphasize the variation in ion
concentrations to assist in the pictorial comparison and interpretation of
% Chemical Balance ~6! the analyses. The actual ion concentration is determined directly from an
Total Cations 2 Total Anions ~meq/L! accompanying line scale, therefore, the determination of the area repre-
Total Cations 1 Total Anions ~meq/L! sented by an ion is unnecessary.
3 100 (4)
6.4.3 Equivalent Weight Factors—The factors (see 3.1.4)
Recommended Chemical Balance For Use of Analyses on
Water-Analysis Diagrams used for converting the most common ions (used on the
Dissolved Solids Chemical Balance water-analysis diagrams) to meq/L from mg/L or epm from
0 to 100 mg/L Within 6 5 % ppm values are as follows:
101 to 250 mg/L Within 6 3 %
Greater than 250 mg/L Within 6 2 % Cations Anions
Calcium.................. 0.04990 Bicarbonate............... 0.01639
NOTE 8—Minor amounts of ions such as fluoride (F), nitrate (NO3), Magnesium............. 0.08229 Carbonate................. 0.03333
iron (Fe), and barium (Ba), may occur in natural groundwater, but Sodium.................. 0.04350 Sulfate...................... 0.02082
Potassium............... 0.02558 Choloride................. 0.02821
normally do not significantly influence the chemical balance. If any of
these ions (for example, NO3) occur in amounts that alter the chemical 6.4.4 Determining Ion Percentages—The percentage values
balance, they can be included in the computations for construction of used for plotting on some of the single water-analysis diagrams
water-analysis diagrams. Other constituents may occur in minor amounts
in a colloidal or suspended state, such as silica (SiO2), iron hydroxide
are determined by multiplying times 100 the number derived
(Fe), and aluminum compounds (Al), and are not considered in the from dividing the total meq/L or epm value of the cations and
chemical balance because they are not dissolved constituents. anions into the individual cation or anion value. For example,
NOTE 9—In a study of the Delmarva Peninsula, Hamilton, Shedlock, the number derived from dividing the total ion value
and Phillips used 10 % as the error limit for the ionic charge balance of (Ca + Mg + Na + K + HCO 3 + CO3 + SO4 + Cl) divided into
analyses with a complete set of major ions (nitrate was excluded as a the meq/L or epm value of Ca is multiplied times 100 to give
major ion) (31). In addition, there may be circumstances where the ionic the percentage of Ca in the total ions (by weight):
balance is greater than 10 % due to analytical error. If so, specify the
circumstances. meq/L Ca
% Ca 5 3 100 (5)
meq/L ~Anions 1 Cations!
6.4 Required Calculations for Diagram Construction: This percentage is the plot value for Ca on some of
6.4.1 Type of Plot Units—The single water-analysis dia- the single-analysis diagrams (Fig. 1 (b) and (d)). This proce-
grams include plot methods that require no additional compu- dure of computation is followed for each of the remaining
tations to the original constituent determinations (values in cations (Mg and (Na + K)) and for each of the anions (Cl, SO4,
ppm or mg/L units); conversion to equivalent weights (ppm to and (HCO3 + CO 3)) for the diagrams.
epm or mg/L to meq/L); ion percentage of the total equivalent 6.4.5 Example of Computations Using an Actual Chemical
weight (epm to % epm or meq/L to % meq/L); and to the plot Analysis—An example of the computations required to prepare
percentages determined from the principle of ion combina- a complete chemical analysis for plotting on standard water-
tions. Variations in the expression of plot units include the analysis diagrams is given as follows:
Hintz/Grunhut bar diagram where values are given in milli- Chemical Analysis—The following is the chemical
grams per kilogram (mg/kg) and milliequivalents per kilogram analysis that is used as an example for demonstrating the steps
(meq/kg) (5). needed for the plotting of constituent values.
6.4.2 Scale of the Plots: Chemical Constituents of Groundwater Sample as Determined by Laboratory Most of the diagrams use direct scale methods where Analyses (after Fetter, (32)):
the length of a line, vector, or bar represents the ion value in Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ HCO3− CO3− SO42− Cl−
ppm (or mg/L) or epm (or meq/L) or % epm (or % meq/L) Laboratory Determined Value
units. mg/L 23 4.7 35 4.7 171 0 1.0 9.5
Multiplied by Some circular diagrams (for example, pie, Tol- Equivalent 0.04990 0.08229 0.04350 0.02558 0.01639 0.03333 0.02082 0.02821
stichin, Udluft) use the length of the arc of the circle to form Weight
pie-shaped sectors and to represent the percentage equivalent Factor
weight of the ions (24, 26). meq/L 1.15 0.39 1.52 0.12 2.80 0 0.02 0.27 The diameter of the circular pie diagram can be Plot Value (Ion Percentage)
Percent 36.2 12.2 47.8 3.8 90.6 0 0.7 8.7
varied and scaled to represent the total constituent concentra-
tion of the analysis. Example of meq/L Computation:

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D5738 – 95 (2006)
1.15 meq/L Ca 5 23 mg/L Ca3 0.04990 ~conversion factor! can be presented in cartographic form, to facilitate comparison
(6) of regional or facies variations in the water” (3).
7.1.3 Matthess also stated “it is however difficult, or even Chemical Balance—The chemical balance of the impossible, to represent the analyses of several groundwaters
analysis is checked as follows: of quite different geochemical origins clearly on one diagram.”
3.09 ~anions! NOTE 13—A number of other excellent publications are available for
97 % ~balance! 5
3.18 ~cations! the geochemistry of natural groundwater, most of those are referred to in
2.801010.0210.27 ~anions! the text and listed in the bibliography. Two of those publications are by
5 3 100 (7)
1.1510.3911.5210.12 ~cations! Hem (1) and Zaporozec (24). Cation—Plot values (percentage of each cation con- NOTE 14—The criteria for the selection of an analysis and the compu-
tations required for preparing the analysis for plotting on many of the
stituent) for the cation are determined by dividing the total
single-analysis diagrams is described in Section 6.
cation amount in meq/L into the meq/L amount for each cation.
7.2 Bar Diagrams—Bar diagrams are those where the ion
NOTE 11—Plot values are rounded to a whole number for illustration.
values are represented by the length of symboled bars that Example of Plot Value (Cation Percentage) Compu- extend vertically or horizontally from a zero base (Fig. 1 (a)).
tation: 7.2.1 Hintz/Grünhut Bar Diagram—Hintz and Grünhut, for
1.15 meq/L Ca a study of mineral waters (spa) in 1907, presented a horizon-
36.2 % Ca 5 3.18 meq/L cations 3 100 (8) tally oriented two-bar diagram that uses meq/kg units for
plotting the ion values (see Fig. 2) (5).
0.39 meq/L Mg On the diagram, the cations Na, Ca, and Mg are
12.2 % Mg 5 3.18 meq/L cations 3 100 (9) arranged from left to right on the upper bar. The anions Cl,
SO4, and HCO3 are from left to right on the lower bar.
1.52 meq/L Na 1 0.12 meq/L K In addition, the total concentration in mg/kg is
51.6 % Na 1 K 5 3.18 meq/L cations 3 100 (10)
shown as a solid line above the bars and the free CO2 content Anion—Plot values (percentage of each anion con- is inserted as an extension to the anion bar (3, 5).
stituent) for the anion are determined by dividing the total 7.2.2 Rogers Diagram—Rogers, in 1917, developed one of
anion amount in meq/L into the meq/L amount for each anion. the earlier methods for displaying the chemical constituents of Example of Plot Value (Anion Percentage) Compu- natural groundwater on a pattern graph (6).
tation: The graphical display presented by Rogers is a
2.80 meq/L HCO3 1 0 meq/L CO3
vertically oriented triple-bar diagram (see Fig. 3). This diagram
90.6 % HCO3 1 CO3 5 3.09 meq/L anions 3 100 uses the system as proposed by Palmer (29) to simplify the
(11) determination of the geochemical classification of natural
0.02 meq/L SO4 On the diagram (see Fig. 3), the left bar represents
0.7 % SO4 5 3.09 meq/L anions 3 100 (12) the 50 % reacting value for the anions (acids), the right bar
represents the 50 % reacting value for the cations (bases), and
0.27 meq/L Cl the central bar shows the properties of reaction that result from
8.7 % Cl 5 3.09 meq/L anions 3 100 (13) the proportions of acids and bases. The acids are arranged with the strong acids (Cl and
NOTE 12—Dissolved Fe (Fe+2 and FE+3) can be a larger component in
some aquifers of terrestrial origin than Na + K (for example, coals, iron SO4) at the bottom of the left column and the weak acids
bog ores, and deltaic deposits). The Fe usually occurs in the deposits as an (HCO3 and CO3) at the top of the column. The bases are
iron carbonate (FeCO3) that dissolves to Fe and CO3 in the water or an arranged with the alkalies (Na and K) at the bottom of the right
iron sulfate (FeSO4) that dissolves to Fe and SO4 in the water. column and the alkaline earths (Ca and Mg) at the top of the
7. Water-Analysis Diagrams The primary salinity is due to the balance between
7.1 Introduction—This guide is an attempt to clearly de- equal values of the alkalies (Na and K) and strong acids (Cl and
scribe many of the diagrams that have been developed for SO4), the amount determined by the smaller (in this case strong
displaying a single water-quality analysis of natural ground- acids) of the two components. The 22.3 % strong acids
water. Four distinct types of single-analysis diagrams (bar, combines with an equal amount of alkalies to form 44.6 %
radiating vector, pattern, and circular) (see Fig. 1) are presented primary salinity in the total composition.
in the following sections of this guide. The primary alkalinity is the result of combining the
7.1.1 An outline of pictorial diagrams by Matthess describes remainder of the alkalies (41.8 − 22.3 % = 19.5 % Na and K)
a number of the plotting systems developed for the display of with an equal amount of the weak acids (HCO3 and CO 3).
the chemical composition of a single analysis from natural Therefore the primary alkalinity is equal to 39 % of the total
waters (3). composition.
7.1.2 In the description by Matthess is stated “the pictorial The secondary alkalinity is the result of combining
form (for example, diagrams of representative groundwater) the remainder of the weak acids (27.7 − 19.5 % = 8.2 % HCO3

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D5738 – 95 (2006)

NOTE—Analysis selected from Ref (1).

FIG. 2 Hintz/Grünhut Bar Diagram (3)

and CO3) with the alkaline earths (Mg and Ca). Therefore the The meq/L values of the ions are determined by
secondary alkalinity is equal to 16.4 % of the total composi- comparison with an accompanying scale. For example, the
tion. combined reacting value of all represented ions for analysis If the strong acids had exceeded the alkalies, the Number 1 is equal to about 10.5 meq/L (5.25 times two) of
remainder of the strong acids would have combined with the dissolved solids.
alkaline earths, creating secondary salinity. This water would For project reports, the analysis numbers are used as
be permanently hard. Rogers stated that “the writer has found a cross-reference index to an accompanying table of detailed
this distinction one of the most valuable features of Palmers’ source identifications and chemical constituent values.
classification for by it all waters are separated into two Symbols shown on the Collins bar diagram are
important group.” contrasting patterns for ease of distinguishing the individual
NOTE 15—Clarke stated later that the Palmer method was limited as “it ions. Various colors also can be used to represent the ions.
takes no account of the silica in natural waters and is of little use in the Primarily, the diagram is designed to compare one
study of mineral springs and mine waters” (33, 34). analysis with another and to the originating geologic forma- Symbols shown on the Rogers Diagram are contrast- tions.
ing patterns for ease of distinguishing the individual ions. The Collins diagrams can be placed on areal maps
Various colors also can be used to represent the ions. and geologic cross sections to visualize the similarities and
7.2.3 Collins Diagram—Collins, in 1923, published a pic- differences throughout the area of study.
torial technique that has two vertical bars, one for cations and Langelier and Ludwig, in 1942, demonstrated a
the other for anions in epm units (see Fig. 4) (8). method of comparing related pairs of analyses by use of the Collins states “the method used in the U.S. Geologi- Collins diagram. The first diagram of the pair extends
cal Survey is like others that have been published ...,” thus upward from a central horizontal zero (0) line and the second
saying that this was not the first use of this type of diagram. extends downward from the 0 line directly below the first The left bar, in meq/L, represents the 50 % reacting diagram (35).
value for the cations and the right bar represents the 50 % Other variations of the Collins Bar Diagram include
reacting value for the anions. single-ion bars and horizontal orientation of the diagram.

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D5738 – 95 (2006) Depending upon the intended use of the water or
purpose of the project, a critical concentration is established for
each ion and a horizontal center line is placed on the diagram
to show those ions above the critical concentration. These diagrams are commonly placed on maps at the
points of origin of the water samples. A single pattern is used on the diagram for ease of
distinguishing the diagram from other backgrounds. A color
can be used as a pattern to emphasize the diagram.
7.2.6 Single-Ion Bar Diagram—Matthess, in 1982, demon-
strated the use of single-ion bar diagrams (see Fig. 7) placed at
the points of origin on a map as a method for aiding the visual
comparison of Cl concentrations within the studied area (3). In Matthess’s example, the lengths of the bars
represent the mg/L concentrations of Cl in the sampled waters. Contrasting patterns are used to quickly distinguish
the various levels of ion concentrations, for example, 50 to
100 mg/L from 100 to 150 mg/L. Triangular-shaped designs were used by Matthess to
represent ion concentrations greater than 200 mg/L. Any ion of interest can be illustrated for visual
comparison by the method. Any combination of contrasting symbols or colors
can be used to emphasize the bars or other designs on maps or
other illustrations.
7.2.7 Carlé Bar Diagrams—Carlé, in 1950, demonstrated
two types of bar diagrams where the anions and cations are in
one vertical or horizontal bar (see Fig. 8) (11). The anions are at the top or left end of the bar. The
cations are at the bottom or right end of the bar. The scale of the vertical bar is shown by Carlé in
g/kg (grams per kilogram) or weight-per-weight units. The scale of the horizontal bar is shown by Carlé in
meq/L percentages, where 100 % equals the total anion and
NOTE—Adapted from Ref (6). cation concentration.
FIG. 3 Rogers Diagram/Palmers Classification Symboled patterns are used to distinguish the indi-
vidual anions and cations. Colors may be used for the same
7.2.4 Renick Diagram—Renick, in 1924, developed a ver- 7.3 Radiating Vector Diagrams—Those diagrams are where
tical double-bar diagram (see Fig. 5) similar to Collins (8, 9). the ion values are represented by the plot distance on a line or The diagram is arranged with the following ions and the length of lines or bars radiating from a central point (Fig.
combinations of ions; cations Ca, Mg, and Na + K and anions 1(b)).
HCO3 + CO3, SO4, and Cl + NO3. 7.3.1 Tickell Radial Diagram—Tickell, in 1921, proposed a The left bar, in meq/L units, represents the 50 % diagram (see Fig. 9) with six lines radiating out at 60° angles
reacting value for the cations and the right bar represents the from the origin (12).
50 % reacting value for the anions. Each line represents a single or combined anion or In addition, the diagram includes a third column, the
cation scaled in meq/L percentage units.
length of which represents the sampling depth, in feet or
metres, for the groundwater. The six radial lines of the Tickell diagram are the Symbols shown on the diagram are contrasting alkali ions Na + K, alkaline earth ion Ca, alkaline earth ion Mg,
patterns for ease of distinguishing the individual ions. Various carbonate species CO3 + HCO3, sulfate ion SO4, and chloride
colors also can be used to represent the ions. ion Cl.
7.2.5 Preul Bar Graph—Preul, in 1958, developed a bar The length of each line represents 50-meq/L percent-
graph (see Fig. 6) that has six vertical columns to represent the age units from the central origin of the diagram.
most important components (10). The percentage of each ion is based on 100 % total Each column, for example, SO4, Cl, HCO3, NO3, Fe, ions, for example, cation SO4 is 34.6 % of the total anion and
and Mn, has an individual mg/L scale. cation meq/L.

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NOTE—Adapted from Ref (1).

FIG. 4 Collins Bar Diagram The plot positions on the ion lines are interconnected The total shape of the ion bars gives a characteristic
(for example, the 34.6 % position of SO4 to the 11.55 % pictorial representation of the water analysis.
position of HCO3), the total shape of which gives a character- 7.3.3 Maucha 16-Vector Radial Diagram—Maucha, in
istic pictorial representation of the water analysis. 1932, developed an intricate 16-vector radial system (see Fig. The area enclosed by interconnecting the ion plot 11) for illustrating meq/L percentages of the primary four
positions is filled with a pattern or color to emphasize the shape anions and four cations for natural groundwater (there are eight
formed by the analysis. nonion vectors) (3, 14, 15). In the original version of the diagram, Tickell
combined the Ca and Mg on one line and reserved the sixth line Maucha started with a regular eight-sided polygon
for plotting the total meq/L concentration of the analysis or for constructed to give an area of 200 mm2 (axial length of
any other constituent or parameter of interest to the study. 8.082 mm). This polygon was divided into sectors by the 16
7.3.2 Dalmady Radial Diagram—Dalmady, in 1927, pre- vectors radiating at angles of 22.5° from the center of the
sented a modified version of the Tickell diagram (see Fig. 10) polygon. Each of the 16 sectors of the polygon had areas of
also with six lines radiating out at 60° angles from the origin 12.5 mm2.
(13). A vertical line (formed by nonion Vectors A and E) Dalmady’s modification represented the ions by separates the polygon (and diagram) into two halves. The
wide bars that extend from the central origin of the diagram anions SO4, Cl, HCO3, and CO3 are on four vectors on the left
along the lines to the plot positions of the meq/L percentage half and cations K, Na, Ca, and Mg on four vectors on the right
value of the ions. The plot positions on the ion lines were not half of the diagram. The eight intermediate vectors (alternating
interconnected as was done for the Tickell diagram. with the ion vectors) are labeled A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H and The six radial lines of the Dalmady diagram are the are, necessary to complete the characteristic shape of Maucha’s
same as the Tickell diagram and are the alkali ions Na + K, diagram.
alkaline earth ion Ca, alkaline earth ion Mg, carbonate species
CO3 + HCO3, sulfate ion SO4, and chloride ion Cl. Each ion vector is scaled in 100-meq/L percentage The length of each line represents 50-meq/L percent- units, where, on the original diagram, 100 mm is equal to
age units from the central origin of the diagram. 100 %. The percentage of each ion is based on 100 % total The plot position of an individual anion or cation is
ions, for example, cation SO4 is 34.6 % of the total anion and determined by computing the percentage included in the total
cation meq/L. anions (100 %) or cations (100 %). For example, on Maucha’s

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NOTE—Adapted from Ref (3). Analysis selected from Ref (1).

FIG. 5 Renick Diagram

original diagram, Na would be 87.4 % of the total cations and 7.3.4 Maucha Six-Vector Radial Diagram—Maucha, in
would be plotted 87.4 mm from the center of the diagram (see 1949, adopted a simple six-vector radial diagram (see Fig. 12),
Fig. 11). that he attributed to Telkessy (unknown reference), for graphi- The plot position of each individual ion is connected cally displaying the meq/L values of the major ion groups (1,
by lines to the two adjacent vectors at the position where they 16, 22, 24).
intersect the polygon. For example, the plot position of Na at The six vectors radiate outward at 60° angles from
87.4 % (87.4 mm on the original diagram) is connected to the central point of the diagram.
Vector Line B and Vector Line C at the point where they The length of each vector represents the individual
intersect the polygon. ion value in meq/L (or epm units). An accompanying meq/L Assuming the diagram is constructed according to unit scale allows for the determination of the value of each ion
Maucha’s original specifications, the area in square millimetres or of combined ions.
of the two triangles formed (center of diagram to ion plot These six-vector radial diagrams give a characteris-
position to intersection of vector line with polygon and back to tic pictorial representation of the water analysis.
center) corresponds to the ion percentages. For example, the The diagrams can be compared, one with another, or
two triangles formed by Na (see Fig. 11) would have an area of positioned at the relative sample location on an areal map for
87.4 mm2. the visual relationship of water analyses of a groundwater The area enclosed by the series of lines produces a study.
distinctive pattern and can be emphasized by filling in with a 7.3.5 Girard Four-Axis Diagram—Girard, in 1935, pre-
pattern or color. sented a four-vector radial diagram (see Fig. 13) for graphically

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age of the meq/L values can accompany the diagram (as shown
on Fig. 14) to allow for the determination of the combined ions,
however, Frey included only the actual values on the diagram. For the alkaline and earth water facies, the diagram
has the alkaline carbonates ((Na + K)CO3) on the right x-axis,
earth carbonates ((Ca + Mg + Fe)CO 3) on the upward y-axis,
alkaline sulfates ((Na + K)SO4) on the left x-axis, and earth
sulfates ((Ca + Mg)SO4) on the downward y-axis.
NOTE 16—When the chemical character of the water is of the alkaline
or earth facies, the ion distribution allows for three plot values to be
determined. Lines are drawn between the three plotted points to form a
triangular-shaped area (the third side of the triangle is the x- or yaxis).
NOTE 17—The enclosed area formed by the combined ion triangle for
alkaline and earth waters can be filled-in with a pattern or color to
emphasize the water type.
NOTE 18—The elongation of the triangle along one of the axes
determines the water quality type.
NOTE 19—A triangle elongated to the right is a sodium bicarbonate
(Na2CO3) type, to the left is a sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) (analysis Number
1 on Fig. 14), to the top is a calcium bicarbonate (CaCO3), and to the
bottom is a calcium sulfate (CaSO4) type water.
NOTE 1—Each ion bar has its own scale. Also, ion values are given in NOTE 20—For the alkaline and earth water facies, the second triangle
brackets (22). on analysis Number 1 of Fig. 14 supplies additional information on
NOTE 2—Adapted from Ref (3). chloride concentration to the user of the diagram and does not assist in
FIG. 6 Preul Bar Diagram determining the classification of the water.
NOTE 21—For the alkaline and earth facies, the chlorides are exclu-
displaying the meq/L concentrations of the major ion pairs sively alkalines and are shown by plotting the alkaline chlorides on both
from water analyses (3, 17). the positive x and negative y axes. The triangle is formed by the x and y The four vectors radiate outward at 90° angles from axes and by connecting the plot points together with a line. When the
the central point of the diagram. chloride is abundant to the point of being predominant, the water would be The length of each vector represents the individual of the class determined by the combined ion triangle and the additional
statement chloride content exaggerated. The total meq/L percentage sum
ion value in meq/L units. A meq/L unit scale can accompany
of the three combined ion values and one alkaline chloride value is 100 %.
the diagram to allow for the determination of the value of each
ion. For the chlorine water facies, the diagram has the The following ion pairs are plotted on separate axes; alkaline chlorides ((Na + K)Cl) on the x-axis to the right and
Ca and HCO3, SO4 and Mg, Cl and Na, and H and CO3. the earth chlorides ((Ca + Mg)Cl) on the x-axis to the left. To
Normally, the H and CO3 concentrations are nearly zero and do complete the chlorine triangle, the total of the (Na + K)Cl and
not show on the diagram. (Ca + Mg)Cl percentages is plotted on the negative y axis (see The plot positions of the cations (Ca, Mg, Na, and analysis Number 2 on Fig. 14).
H) are connected by solid lines and the anions (HCO3, SO 4, Cl,
NOTE 22—On Fig. 14, the earth carbonates (Ca + Mg)CO3 plot on the
and CO3) by dashed lines. positive y axis and the earth sulfates (Ca + Mg)SO4) on the negative y The diagram also may be plotted in mg/L values or axis.
meq/L percentages. These four-vector radial diagrams give a character- The order of ion combination and the resultant plot
istic pictorial representation of the water analysis. The dia- values, as given in Table 2, is required as a guide for the
grams can be compared, one with another, for the visual construction of the Frey diagram.
relationship of water analyses of a groundwater study. These four-axis radial diagrams present an easily
7.3.6 Frey Four-Axis Diagram—Frey, in 1933, presented a interpreted pictorial method for the chemical classification of
four-axis radial diagram (see Fig. 14) for graphically display- water.
ing the reconstituted salts of a water analysis by plotting the 7.3.7 Kite Diagram—Colby, Hembree, and Rainwater, in
meq/L percent of the combined ions (See Table 1 and Table 2 1956, presented a four-axis pattern diagram (Fig. 15) that
for analyses and order of combination) (3, 18). radiates from a central point and was named a kite diagram The system, that distinguishes the three water facies, because of its general shape (3, 19, 24).
alkaline, earth, and chlorine, is described by Frey as to permit The kite diagram has the four ionic groups plotted
the differentiation between psuedochloride waters and the real on the axes. The ions Ca + Mg are on the upward y axis,
chloride waters. Na + K on the downward y axis, SO4 + Cl + NO3 on the left x The four axes radiate outward at 90° angles from the axis, and CO3 + HCO3 on the right x-axis.
central point of the diagram. The axes are in epm or meq/L units with the zero (0) The length of each axis is determined by the at the central point. The total diagram can be scaled to
percentage of the combined ion value. A scale for the percent- correspond to the range of ion values for the project.

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NOTE—Adapted from Ref (3).

FIG. 7 Example of Single Ion Diagrams

NOTE—Analysis selected from Ref (1).

FIG. 8 Two Bar Diagrams Discussed by Carlé (11)

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NOTE 1—Scale of diagram = percentage (%) of total meq/L (100 %).

NOTE 2—Adapted from Ref (24). Analysis selected from Ref (1).
FIG. 9 Tickell Radial Diagram

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (3). Analysis selected from Ref (1).

FIG. 11 Maucha 16-Vector Radial Diagram

7.3.8 Rónai Starred Diagram—Rónai, in 1958, presented an

eight-vector diagram (see Fig. 16) that represents the indi-
vidual ions as right isosceles triangles where the area of the
triangles are proportional to the meq/L concentrations. The plot
was named a “starred diagram” because of its general shape
(20, 24). The area and related size of the Rónai diagram is
proportional to the total meq/L concentration of the anions and
cations. Individual anion and cation values are in meq/L
units. The area represented by the meq/L concentration of
each ion is proportional to the total anion or cation area. The meq/L concentrations of the ions are plotted on
the four vertical positive and negative y axes and the horizontal
positive and negative x axes that radiate from a central point.
The cations are above and the anions below the x-axis.
NOTE 23—The ions are plotted individually, where the upper vertical
NOTE 1—Scale of diagram = percentage (%) of total meq/L (100 %). axis has Ca to the left and Mg to the right, the left horizontal has Na + K
NOTE 2—Adapted from Ref (24). Analysis selected from Ref (1). above and Cl below the line, the lower vertical has HCO3 to the left and
FIG. 10 Dalmady Radial Diagram SO4 to the right, and the right horizontal axis is for optional ions, but, for
illustration, has Fe above and NO3 below the line. The kite figure is formed by connecting lines to plot The four remaining axes radiate at 45° angles from
positions on the four axes. the center of the diagram. The diagrams can be compared, one with another, or NOTE 24—To complete the starred-shaped diagram, lines are drawn at
positioned at the relative sample locations on an areal map for right angles (90°) from the ion plot points to the adjacent 45° axes to
the visual relationship of water analyses from a groundwater create right isosceles triangles, for example, from the upper vertical Ca
study. axis to the upper left 45° axis.

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NOTE—Adapted from Ref (24). Analysis selected from Ref (1).

FIG. 12 Maucha Six-Vector Radial Diagram

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (18). Analysis Number 1 selected from Ref

(1). Analysis Number 2 from Ref (18).
FIG. 14 Frey Four-Axis Diagram

TABLE 1 Analyses on Frey Diagram (See Fig. 14)

Analysis Number 1A Analysis Number 2B
meq/L % meq/L meq/L % meq/L
Na,K 26.58 43.70 63.67 29.34
Ca 1.85 3.05 10.98 5.06
Mg 1.97 3.25 33.85 15.60
Cl,F,NO3 2.34 3.85 76.90 35.44
SO4 21.03 34.60 27.80 12.81
HCO3,CO3 7.03 11.55 3.80 1.75
TOTAL 60.80 100.00 217 100.00
Analysis Number 1 selected from Ref (1).
Analysis Number 2 selected from Ref (18).

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (3). Analysis selected from Ref (1). The unit size of the area enclosed by each of the ion
FIG. 13 Girard Four-Axis Diagram right isosceles triangles represents the meq/L concentrations of
the individual ions.

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TABLE 2 Order of Combination of Percentage Reacting Values The outer boundary of the diagram is the 100 % meq/L line as shown on
for Frey Diagram (See Fig. 14) Fig. 16.
Order of Combination Analysis Number 1A Analysis Number 2A The percentage lines (25, 50, and 75 % meq/L)
Na,K + Cl 3.85 + 3.85 = 7.70 % 29.34 + 29.34 = 58.68 % shown on Fig. 16 are not required for diagram construction,
Remaining Na,K 43.70−3.85 + 39.85 % 29.34−29.34 = 0.00 %
Remaining Cl 3.85−3.85 = 0.00 % 35.44−29.34 = 6.10 % however, they assist in the interpretation of the water quality
Mg + Cl 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 % 6.10 + 6.10 = 12.20 % data. These lines are computed by the formula in
Remaining Mg 3.25−0.00 = 3.85 % 15.60−6.10 = 9.50 %
Remaining Cl 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 % 6.10−6.10 = 0.00 % NOTE 27—For example, the 25 % line is 0.25 times 116 or 29 meq/L.
Ca + Cl 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 % 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 % The plot distance of the 25 % line from the center of the diagram along a
Remaining Ca 3.05−0.00 = 3.05 % 5.06−0.00 = 5.06 %
X or Y axis is the square root of ((29 divided by 1.0) 3 2) or 7.62 plot
Remaining Cl 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 % 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 %
Na,K + SO4 34.60 + 34.60 = 69.20 % 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 % units.
Remaining Na,K 39.85−34.60 = 5.25 % 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 %
Remaining SO4 34.60−34.60 = 0.00 % 12.81−0.00 = 12.81 % The triangles can be filled-in with colors or patterns
Ca + SO4 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 % 5.06 + 5.06 = 10.12 % to represent each ion and emphasize the starred pattern.
Remaining Ca 3.05−0.00 = 3.05 % 5.06−5.06 = 0.00 %
Remaining SO4 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 % 12.81−5.06 = 7.75 % These eight radiating axes starred diagrams give a
Mg + SO4 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 % 7.75 + 7.75 = 15.50 % characteristic pictorial representation of the water analysis. The
Remaining Mg 3.25−0.00 = 3.25 % 9.50−7.75 = 1.75 % diagrams can be compared, one with another, for the visual
Remaining SO4 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 % 7.75−7.75 = 0.00 %
Ca + CO3BC 3.05 + 3.05 = 6.10 % 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 %
relationship of water analyses of a groundwater study.
Remaining Ca 3.05−3.05 = 0.00 % 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 % 7.3.9 EPA Pattern Diagram—The EPA pattern diagram (see
Remaining CO3 11.55−3.05 = 8.05 % 1.75−0.00 = 1.75 % Fig. 17) is a plot of the meq/L percentages of ions on five
Mg + CO3B 3.25 + 3.25 = 6.50 % 1.75 + 1.75 = 3.50 %
Remaining Mg 3.25−3.25 = 0.00 % 1.75−1.75 = 0.00 % vectors that radiate from a central point (see 7.7.3 on
Remaining CO3 8.05−3.25 = 5.25 % 1.75−1.75 = 0.00 % GEOBASE 6.0).
Na,K + CO3 5.25 + 5.25 = 10.50 % 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 %
Remaining Na,K 5.25−5.25 = 0.00 % 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 % The scale of each of the five vectors is 100-meq/L
Remaining CO3 5.25−5.25 = 0.00 % 0.00−0.00 = 0.00 % percentage units.
Analysis Number 1 selected from Ref (1); Analysis Number 2 from Ref (18). The meq/L percentages of the anions (or cations) are
CaCO3 and MgCO3 are combined under CaCO3 on Frey Diagram. determined by dividing the total meq/L anions (or cations) into
CO3 and HCO3 are combined under CO3 on Frey Diagram.
each individual meq/L anion (or cation) value. The cation meq/L percentages are plotted on the
upper part of the diagram with the combined Na + K plotted on Using the ion concentrations shown on Fig. 16, the the vector that radiates at a 30° angle to the left of a vertical
unit plot distance for Ca along the upper y ion axis from the axis and the Ca + Mg on the vector that radiates 30° to the
center of the diagram is determined using the following basic right.
mathematics. The anions meq/L percentages are plotted on the
Ca plot distance 5 ΠCa meq/L
meq/L plot unit * 2 (14)
lower half, with the HCO3 on the vector that radiates at a 30°
angle to the left of the vertical axis, the Cl on the vector that
or: radiates 30° to the right, and SO4 on the vertical vector. The plot positions on the vectors are connected by
6.90 plot units 5 Π23.38 meq/L ~Ca!
1.0 ~units per meq/L!
*2 (15) lines and the enclosed area shaded or colored to form a
distinctive pattern.
NOTE 25—The meq/L plot unit is determined by the user and can be These five-vector radial diagrams give a character-
millimetres, centimetres, inches, tenths of inches, and so forth. For this
example, assume 1.0 meq/L equals one square unit on the diagram. istic pictorial representation of the water analysis. The dia-
Therefore, the area of the Ca right isosceles triangle is equal to 23.38 grams can be compared, one with another, for the visual
square units. relationship of water analyses of a groundwater study. Using the total meq/L concentration shown on Fig. 7.4 Pattern Diagrams—Pattern diagrams are those where
16 (232 meq/L), the unit size of each individual Rónai diagram the ion values are represented by the length of lines extending
is determined using the following computation. at right angles in both directions from a horizontal or vertical
line (see Fig. 1(c)).
Unit length of each side of square 5 ΠAnion or cation total meq/L
meq/L plot unit *8 7.4.1 Stiff Diagram—Stiff, in 1951, developed a pattern
diagram system (see Fig. 18) with horizontal ion lines for
graphically presenting analytical data of oil field waters. This
or: diagram is widely used in the study of potable groundwater (1,
30.46 plot units 5 Π116 meq/L ~total anions or cations!
1.0 ~units per meq/L
2, 3, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37, 38).
NOTE 28—Stiff’s intentions were to use the diagrams to identify various
geologic formations by distinct patterns caused by the chemical makeup of
NOTE 26—The unit area of the total diagram is based on the sum of the water. In addition, Stiff used the diagram to trace salt water leaking
eight right isosceles triangles. Each of these triangles has an area that from a brine pit as it moved in a fresh water aquifer. Also, by examining
represents either the total anions or total cations, which is 116 square plot the diagrams of water sampled over a period of time from an oil well, he
units. Therefore, the total area of the square diagram is 928 units was able to distinguish a leak of water of a different composition into the
(8 3 116). Each side of the square is 30.46 plot units (square root of 928). casing of the well.

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NOTE—Adapted from Ref (19). Analyses from Ref (1).

FIG. 15 Kite Pattern Diagram The basic diagram consists of a central vertical line diagram is one of the more common methods used in the
that has no scale and four horizontal ion axes that are scaled in United States by the hydrologic profession for illustrating a
meq/L units. single chemical analysis by a pattern. The central vertical line of the diagram is the zero 7.4.2 Dulas Baseline Diagram—Dulas, in 1977, presented a
axis, with the cations plotted on four horizontal axes to the left water quality illustration (see Fig. 19) with vertical component
and the anions on four horizontal axes to the right of the zero lines that was identified as a baseline diagram. The purpose of
axis. this diagram is to easily make a judgment, through a visual Multiple meq/L scales may be used on the diagram method, about the suitability of the analyzed water for drinking
when some of the ions have exaggerated concentrations. (22).
NOTE 29—Brines may have a large amount of Na and Cl in comparison Dulas’ basic diagram consists of a central horizontal
to the other major ions. The use of a common scale would either give very line that has no scale, six vertical water quality component axes
long axes for Na and Cl or very short axes for the other ions. A convenient that are scaled in ppm (epm) units, and a vertical specific
method of designing the diagram so that the shape is manageable is to use conductance axis that is in micromhos at 25°C.
multiple scales. For example, on equal length axes, scale the Na and Cl at The water quality components selected for display
100 meq/L and the other ions at 10 meq/L. This multiple-scaled diagram
should be used for all analyses of a groundwater project to allow for a less on the original diagram were dissolved solids, Na + K, SO4, Cl,
confusing visual comparison. NO3, total hardness, and the specific conductance. The diagrams for a project should be accompanied Each of these components has a baseline or maxi-
with an explanation of the ion arrangement and the meq/L scale mum recommended concentration (for example, NO3 is 45
of the horizontal axes. ppm) when used for drinking water. This baseline is shown by Concentrations of other ions of interest to a particu- the horizontal line of the diagram.
lar study, for example, selenium (Se), can be shown on the Each water quality component shown on the dia-
diagrams by use of additional horizontal axes. gram has an individual scale factor, which is given in an The outer ends of the horizontal axes may be accompanying table on Fig. 19.
connected by lines to produce a distinctive enclosed area (see The baseline diagram emphasizes those components
Fig. 18). This area may be filled in with a symbol or color to that exceed the maximum concentration by the extension of the
emphasize the pattern. representative vertical line above the horizontal baseline. The diagrams can be compared, one with another, or Those water quality components that are less than
positioned at the relative sample locations on an areal map or the baseline criteria are shown by the vertical lines that extend
a geologic section for displaying the visual relationship of below the baseline.
water analyses from a groundwater study. The end of the line (either above or below baseline), The Stiff pattern diagram basically is used as support corresponds to the analyzed value of the component. This
for evaluating scientific interpretations of the hydrology of value can be determined by comparison with accompanying
groundwater aquifers. This diagram and modifications of the table of scale factors.

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D5738 – 95 (2006)

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (24). Analysis selected from Ref (24).

FIG. 16 Rónai Starred Diagram

NOTE 30—The baseline diagram, as illustrated on Fig. 19, was designed The circle area of a component is determined by
for evaluating water quality components related to drinking water. Similar setting each 10-mg/L value of the component equal to one unit
diagrams could be constructed to visually examine components and ions or one cm 2, for example, a Cl of 13 mg/L is equal to 1.3 cm2.
that may be of interest to a project, for example, a groundwater pollution The radius (r) of the circle that represents a
component is equal to the square root of the surface area (F) of
7.5 Circular Diagrams—The circular diagrams are those the circle divided by pi (p) (3.1416) or 0.6383 cm for a 1.3-cm2
where the outer border is a circle and the ion concentrations are circle. The equation is as follows:
represented by appropriately sized subdivisions of the circle r 5 =F/p (18)
(Fig. 1(d)).
7.5.1 Carlé Circular Diagram— Carlé, in 1954, presented a or:
method where selected elements of an analysis are portrayed in
separate eccentric circles (see Fig. 20) and where the area of 0.6383~r! 5 =1.3~F!/3.1416~p! (19)
the circles represent the ionic concentration. This use of the
area allows for a wide range of element values to represented NOTE 31—The unit used for the surface area (F) and radius (r) of the
circle can be any convenient system of measurement, for example, inch or
by moderately sized circles (23).
millimetre. Also, the circle sizes can be adjusted by using smaller or larger The example given, Fig. 20, has three components ion concentrations to represent one unit of circle surface area. For
plotted in mg/L units; dissolved solids, Cl, and HCO3. example, one unit of circle area can be set equal to 1-mg/L or to 100- mg/L

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D5738 – 95 (2006) The diagrams can be compared, one with another, or
positioned at the relative sample locations on an areal map for
the visual relationship of water analyses from a groundwater
study. A variation in the pie diagram is where the diameter
of the circle is scaled directly to the mg/L concentration of the
dissolved solids, for example, one scale unit equals 500 mg/L
and two units equals 1000 mg/L (24, 28).
7.5.3 Tolstichin Cyclical Diagram—Tolstichin, in 1937,
presented a cyclical diagram (Fig. 22) for visually illustrating
the ions of a water quality analysis. This diagram consists of
two overlying circles of different diameters, each divided into
pie-shaped sectors (24). The smaller circle overlies the center of the larger
circle and represents the total anion concentration (100 %) in
percent meq/L. The outer large circle represents the total cation
concentration in percent meq/L. The circle size is independent and does not represent
any of the components of the analysis. The percent meq/L of each ion is given by the size
of the pie-shaped sector in the appropriate anion or cation
circle, where one percent of an ion equals a 3.6° arc of the
circle. Each sector may be filled-in with a pattern or color
to visually identify the ions. The diagrams can be compared, one with another, or
NOTE—Adapted from GEOBASE. Analysis selected from Ref (1). positioned at the relative sample locations on an areal map for
FIG. 17 EPA Pattern Diagram the visual relationship of water analyses from a groundwater
7.5.4 Disk Diagram—The disk diagram (see Fig. 23), de-
component concentration. When all of the original circles and the scribed by Zaporozec in 1972 and originating in Czechoslova-
matching scale circle are drafted using the selected unit of measurement, kia, consists of a circle divided into twelve pie-shaped equal-
the unit value can be deleted and the circle diagrams and related scale sized sectors (24).
circle reduced or enlarged as needed for publication. The disk diagram allows for as many as twelve ion On Fig. 20, the dissolved solids creates the largest concentrations of an analysis to be shown on one illustration.
circle and lesser valued elements form smaller circles within The cations meq/L percentages are plotted in the six
the circles of the greater-valued elements. The lesser-valued sectors of the upper half and the anions meq/L percentages in
circles are placed at the lower edge of the greater-valued the six sectors of the lower half of the diagram.
circles. An individual cation value is determined as a meq/L Each element may be emphasized by a fill-in pattern percentage of the total cation meq/L concentration and an
or color with the lowest-valued circle unimpeded by the anion value as a meq/L percentage of the total anion meq/L.
patterns of greater-valued circles. The radius of the circle is scaled in meq/L percent-
7.5.2 Pie Diagram—The traditional pie diagram (see Fig. age units, with 0 % at the center and 100 % at the circumfer-
21) is circular with scaled cation pie-shaped sectors positioned ence. A percentage scale for the radius can accompany the
in the upper half and anion sectors in the lower half of the diagram.
circle (2, 3, 24, 28). Unused sectors are empty. The arrangement of the The size of the pie sectors within the circle represent ion sectors should remain constant when a number of “disk”
the percent of the individual ion meq/L of the total (an- diagrams are constructed from a series of analyses of a
ion + cation) meq/L concentration (a 3.6° arc of the circle groundwater project.
equals 1 % meq/L of the total concentration). The diameter and area of the circle has no direct The radius and area of each circle is directly related meaning concerning ion concentrations.
to the dissolved solids meq/L concentration for the analysis The pie-shaped sector that is assigned to an indi-
(see explanation under and vidual ion is shaded or colored from the center (0 %) out to the Each ion sector may be identified with a symbol or arc that represents the total meq/L percentage of that ion. The
a color to emphasize the ion concentrations for the constitu- radius is segmented at 20 % intervals to assist in plotting the
ents. ion percentages.

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D5738 – 95 (2006)

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (1). Analyses selected from Ref (1).

FIG. 18 Stiff Pattern Diagram The diagrams can be compared, one with another, Ions with concentrations of 0.01 to 0.50 % meq/L
for the visual relationship of water analyses of a groundwater are represented by scaled spokes that radiate into the sectors of
study. related cations or anions. For example, on Fig. 24, Li+ is shown
7.5.5 Udluft Circular Diagram—Udluft, in 1953 and 1957, by a spoke that is scaled to be 0.37 % meq/L in length.
presented a circular diagram segmented in grads (400 grads is The area of the circular diagram is scaled to repre-
400 new degrees, see sketch on Fig. 24) that Matthess sent the dissolved solids concentration in mg/L. For example,
described as “a complex circular diagram for illustrating the large circle, with a radius of 53.21 units, has an area of
comprehensive water analyses and chemical peculiarities” (2, 8896 units2 that represents the total concentration of
25, 26). 8896 mg/L (see explanation under and Individual cation plot values are determined as The species CO2 and SiO2(see Fig. 24), and other
meq/L percentages (0 to 100 %) of the total cation meq/L constituents, such as HBO2, that do not contribute to the ionic
concentration and anion plot values as meq/L percentages (0 to balance, are shown at the center of the diagram as concentric
100 %) of the total anion meq/L. circles with a true area relationship. The diagram has the cation meq/L percentage seg-
ment (100 % cations or 200 grads or 200 new degrees) in the NOTE 32—The inner circle, with a radius of 5.2 units and an area of 85
units2, represents SiO2 with a 85-mg/L concentration. The second circle,
upper half and the anion meq/L percentage segment (100 % with a radius of 11.2 units and an area of 394 units2, represents SiO2
anions or 200 grads or 200 new degrees) in the lower half. Two (85 mg/L) + CO2(309 mg/L) for a total concentration of 394 mg/L.
grads (two new degrees) equals one percent of the anions or of
the cations. The diagram allows for plotting temperatures in °C Anions and cations, with concentrations of 0.51 % of groundwater by circles placed outside the total concentration
or greater, are plotted as pie-shaped sectors. For example, a circle.
cation that is 50 % of the total cation meq/L concentration NOTE 33—On Fig. 24, the three circles represent a temperature of 60°C
would have a sector that consists of one half of the upper cation or greater and less than 80°C for a known temperature of 65°C. Each
segment of the diagram or 100 new degrees. circle is therefore equal to 20°C.

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D5738 – 95 (2006)

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (22).

FIG. 19 Baseline Diagram Radioactive constituents, such as radon and radium, 7.7.1 The Stiff and Collins diagrams were automated in
can be shown by scaled arcs. 1966 for use with computerized groundwater quality files and
NOTE 34—Matthess gives examples of these constituents by placing the
a line printer (36, 37).
radium outside the total concentration circle with the arc projecting 7.7.2 A relational groundwater database with an extensive
upward from the 0 % line on the left side of the diagram. The radon arc collection of groundwater, geology, and areal map procedures
is projected downward from the 0 % line outside and to the left of the (GEOBASE 6.0) for desktop computers is available from
circle identified as CO2. These constituents are scaled in 10–7-mg/kg units. Earthware of California. Included in this program package are Each sector may be filled-in with a pattern or color routines for the display of the Collins, Stiff, Tickell, Disk,
to visually identify the ions. Maucha, Pie, and EPA diagrams.4 The diagrams can be compared, one with another, 7.7.3 A package of software (ROCKSTAT) from Rockware
for the visual relationship of water analyses from a groundwa- Scientific Software contains routines for the plotting of water-
ter study. analysis diagrams on a desktop computer. Included is a version
7.6 Numerous published resource evaluation and research of the Stiff diagram.5
studies are available where “water-analysis diagrams” were 7.7.4 A package of six water-quality diagrams is available
used to assist in the interpretation of the groundwater geochem- through documentation from the USGS (39). Included in the
istry. package are versions of the Stiff and Pie diagrams.6
7.7 Automated Procedures for Single-Analysis Pattern Dia-
NOTE 35—Literature searches and verbal inquires found computerized 4
For further information contact: Earthware of California, 30100 Town Center
procedures for the Collins, Stiff, Tickell, Disk, Maucha Radial, Pie, and Drive #196, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677.
EPA diagrams. Although procedures for the other pattern diagrams 5
For further information contact: Rockware Scientific Software, 4251 Kipling
discussed in this guide are probably available, none could be found. St., Suite 595, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.
Additional sources of computerized procedures can be added in the 6
For further information contact: USGS Books and Reports Sales, Federal
subsequent publication of this guide. Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225.

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Enrique Martinez (Enrique Martinez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D5738 – 95 (2006)

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (24). Analysis selected from Ref (1).

FIG. 22 Tolstichin Cyclical Diagram

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (3). Analysis selected from Ref (3).

FIG. 20 Carlé Circular Diagram

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (24). Analysis selected from Ref (1).

FIG. 23 Disk Diagram
NOTE—Adapted from Ref (1). Analysis selected from Ref (1).
FIG. 21 Pie Diagram
8. Keywords
7.7.5 A graphics package called PLOTCHEMEM includes a 8.1 chemical ions; geochemical classification; groundwater;
version of the Stiff, Collins, Pie, and radial diagrams where pattern diagram; water-analysis diagram
water quality data may be entered directly or from a separate
ASCII file.7

For further information contact: Scientific Software Group, P. O. Box 23041,
Washington, DC 20026-3041.

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Enrique Martinez (Enrique Martinez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D5738 – 95 (2006)

NOTE—Adapted from Ref (3). Analysis selected from Ref (25).

FIG. 24 Udluft Circular Diagram


(Nonmandatory Information)


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(38) Briel, L. I., “Documentation of a Multiple-Technique Computer U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 93-74, 1993.
Program for Plotting Major-Ion Composition of Natural Waters,”

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