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Hello and welcome to Week Forty-Three of The Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan. We
hope your week is going well and that you're ready for this week's edition.

Today as Jim and Chris talk about the importance of leaders taking time out for
themselves and taking care of themselves, I'm reminded of a particular phenomenon of
the ocean. The last few years (5 to be exact) my family and I have made it a point to go to
the Florida Gulf Coast for a week to 10 days. We try to stay in the Destin area, which is
known for its clear, blue water and white sand. On a perfect day it is so easy to just
marvel at the beauty and magnificence of the ocean. It's expanse and power are almost
beyond imagination, but I've also noticed a phenomenon; that in spite of the beauty,
power and magnificence of the ocean, at certain times of the year and on particular days,
the usually beautiful and clear water will actually become murky (usually related to
storms farther out). And all of a sudden this beautiful, magnificent ocean, has now
become a place that is perceived as unpleasant by many and certainly not with the luster
it had on the previous day. The power and expanse of the ocean didn't change, just the
clearness of the water.

When leaders invest in themselves and take care of themselves they are much more able
to create clearness and an attractive environment from which they lead. Conversely, if
you neglect yourself, you are more likely to have murkiness in your relationships and the
results can dramatically be affected. You may be the same person, but how you are
perceived and how effective you become can be hindered. We all have the opportunity to
create both positive or negative experiences for ourselves and those around us. As
leaders, let's realize that investing in ourselves needs to be at the top of our priority list.

Lots of great stuff this week!



“Leaders are those who determine the Area of Excellence for the group.”
-– Brian Tracy

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 634

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 635

Jim Rohn's Tenth Pillar of Success: Leadership, Part Four -

Becoming the Best Leader You Can Be
Hi, Jim Rohn here. Remember our key phrase this month: You are a leader! Continue to
grow in your leadership position so that you can effectively lead the group around you,
no matter what size it is!

This month we are covering the topic of Leadership:

1. The Foundational Principles of Leadership and Developing a Powerful Vision.

Three weeks ago we covered the basic foundational elements that are central to becoming
a person with tremendous leadership skills and abilities. We also discussed secrets to
having a powerful and compelling vision that helps you attract others.

2. Character: The Core of Leadership and Leadership Mistakes to Avoid. Two

weeks ago we looked at what I believe to be the core element of what it means to be a
leader--the issue of character. We looked at what it means to be a person of character
who can lead others forward, and how character is essential in successfully leading
others. We also looked at some typical leadership mistakes people make that hinder their
ability to lead and move their organizations forward, and how you can avoid making
those same mistakes.

3. Skills Needed for Effective Leadership and Developing Other Leaders in Your
Organization. Last week we turned our eyes away from the character traits of leaders
and looked more at the basic skills that effective leaders demonstrate. We looked at some
strategic ways to develop other leaders around you so you ensure a new generation of

4. Becoming the Best Leader You Can Be - Taking Care of Yourself as the Leader
and Motivating Those Who Follow You - In Good Times and Tough Times. This
week we will take a closer look at making sure that you take care of yourself. In this day
and age it is even more important for the leader to closely guard their own growth and
development. Today we will also look at how to motivate others to follow you.

There is a basic principle in life: You cannot help people beyond the degree to which you
have first helped yourself. This is not to say we should be narcissistic and selfish. It
means that we should make our own lives successful so that we can in turn help others
along the journey as well.

Leaders can fall into this trap: they can be so focused on the needs of their followers and
the needs of the organization that they eventually fall apart themselves, which means they
can no longer help others.

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 636

One key to being a great leader is to work towards longevity. This means taking care of
yourself and making yourself the very best leader and person you can be. You've heard
me teach in my seminars, "I'll take care of me for you, and you take care of you for me."
This philosophy is true not only on a broad level, but especially in leadership.

So, here are some keys to keeping yourself in the game so you can be an effective leader
for a very long time and all the while helping as many people as possible:

1. Realize that taking care of yourself isn’t being selfish. Leaders are people just as
their followers are. We need to take care of ourselves. And it isn’t being selfish to do so.
In fact, the argument could be made that to not take care of ourselves is the most selfish
thing we could do because there is high likelihood that we will burn out and then be
unable to serve our followers because we haven't taken care of ourselves. We can still
work hard and lead, while at the same time be very effective in taking care of ourselves.
This may be an attitude or belief adjustment for some of you who are used to giving up
too much of yourselves to your followers.

2. Have a plan for taking care of yourself. If you don’t have a plan, something
important could, and probably will be, neglected. What gets planned, gets done. It is
interesting that the same leaders who wouldn’t neglect planning their work, don’t plan the
part of their lives that will restore them to a greater strength in both their work and non-
work lives. A strong leader plans to restore him or herself. They schedule restorative
activities and times.

3. Set boundaries. Even as leaders, we need to have boundaries with our followers.
There needs to be a clear line that they are not allowed to cross or encroach upon. Your
followers need to know not only that you are the leader and as such, you are willing to
sacrifice for the team, but also that you are a person who needs time for yourself.

4. Live a life of balance. One of the most important things you can do in this area is to
make sure that you are balanced. There are many areas of life: work, hobbies, family,
health, recreation, learning, etc. The list could go forever. Unfortunately, too many
people spend too much time on one or two areas, and usually it is work that gets the bulk
of our energy and attention. Life isn’t designed to be lived this way. We all need a break
from an intense routine. We are actually designed to
work more efficiently as we live in balance. As we turn
away from a part of life for a time it actually enables us
to be better when we return. So when you leave your
leadership at work for a time, say for a well-needed
vacation, you will actually be a better leader when you
get back to the office. Balance makes us better in every
area, including our emotional, physical, intellectual and
spiritual life.

5. Spend quiet time. We live in a day of noise. From the time we get up until the time
we collapse into bed, we are surrounded by noise. We are bombarded with thousands of
marketing messages. We're exposed to television, radio, and people talking all day long.
Frankly, we need quiet. We need to be alone with just our thoughts. We need to get away
Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 637
from all of the voices to be alone with our own voice – that inner voice we don’t always
get to hear. When we get alone we begin to see more clearly. We learn about ourselves.
And that, in turn, helps us become better leaders.

6. Take time for fun things. Every leader – every person – needs time for fun. Just
because you are a leader doesn’t mean that you have to be serious all of the time.
Everybody should have things they do to enjoy themselves. Laugh and have fun!

7. Have someone such as a mentor or coach invest in you, just as you invest in
others. The job of the leader is to give sacrificially to those he or she leads. This is the
idea of servant leadership. Leaders give. The idea that the leaders get to the top and live
off of others' work is not accurate. True leaders give to others. The downside is that we
often do not have anyone to give to us. While we are teaching others, who teaches us?
Every great leader should have someone who can contribute to their life, someone who
can teach them, someone who can encourage them, someone who the leader can go to
with issues and problems. That is a need every leader has. You would do well to find
someone who can invest in you the way you invest in others.

8. Take a day off each week. Ancient script teaches us, labor (or work) six days and rest
one. Take a day of rest. No more “sneaking back into the office.” No more making “just
one more phone call.” This is a foreign concept to many people in this day. We have
become seven-days-a-week workers. But the body, the mind and the spirit need rest. It is
okay to do nothing. You have my permission! Rest one full day – at least! This will go a
long way toward regenerating your life, and ultimately your leadership.

9. Go for the long haul. The old fable of the tortoise and the hare is a good analogy here.
Those who finish first are those who steadily plod along and discipline themselves to
finish the race. You are a leader today. Do you want to be a leader 10 years from now? 20
years? 30 years? If you pace yourself and take care of yourself, you can be. Yes, we need
to have a sense of urgency in our work, but we must at the same time understand we have
a lifetime to lead.

Taking care of yourself is important. It is something you cannot neglect if you take your
leadership role seriously. Give this some serious thought and consideration. When you
grasp the concept of taking care of yourself and then act on it, you will significantly
increase your chances for being a great leader for the long haul.

Next, Chris is going to talk to you about motivating people and being a leader during
tough and challenging times.

Until next week, let's do something remarkable!

Jim Rohn

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the
vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.”
-- John Welch

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 638

Hi there, Chris Widener here. This week I want to talk with you about motivation, with
an emphasis on how to lead during tough times.

One thing I know to be true (but many people do not believe) is that people do want to be
motivated. Sometimes people will say, “But they just won’t follow.” Not true. You just
haven’t motivated them to follow you! Get certain things right and they will follow! With
that in mind, here are some keys to getting people motivated to follow your leadership.

1. Inspire and Challenge Them. People want to be inspired. They want to be

encouraged to think bigger and better things. They want to look for and climb big
mountains. They want to have someone help them dream their biggest dreams. That’s
inspiration! They also want someone to set the high bar for them. They want someone to
tell them that they can and should aim higher and go for more. That’s challenging! Show
them the lofty heights, because probably no one else is. And the one who does is the one
who will lead them.

2. Teach Them. One of the greatest leadership development programs in the world is at
General Electric. Jack Welch, the former CEO, personally devoted himself to its growth.
And he spent thousands and thousands of hours there himself, teaching in a classroom
setting. He knew that information must be communicated and taught. He knew that
leaders need to take the time and be patient, teaching those they lead. And oftentimes,
through this process you will probably learn something yourself!

3. Empathize with Them. OK, it’s almost a cliché by now, but the saying, “I feel your
pain” worked! Why? Because people want their leaders to feel their pain. They want
them to know what it feels like when it is hard or when it is work. This doesn’t mean
every board meeting has to be a touchy-feely sob-fest, but we ought to do more than tell
our followers, “Suck it up soldier!” In this day and age, that doesn’t fly. They want to
know that you understand what they are going through and that you care. Sit down with
them. Ask questions about the situation, and follow up with them.

4. Strategize with Them. Some, but very few people want to be told what to do and then
be left alone. Most would like some direction and help in the area of strategy. Take the
time to plot out the plan of action. Even if you know it, it is best to not just hand it over
and say, “Now do it.” Take them step-by-step so they learn how to do it themselves.
Remember, we aren’t just trying to get the job done; we are trying to get the job done and
create new leaders under us. This is an investment!

5. Dream with Them. Take an interest in what they want to accomplish in their life.
Give them opportunity to dream about what your organization or business can become.
Encourage them to dream big dreams, and then do all you can to share that dream, foster
that dream, and make that dream a reality! Let them know that you are committed to
them achieving their dreams, and they will follow you to the ends of the earth!

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 639

6. Encourage Them to Shoot for the Stars. This is closely aligned with
having them dream, but this has more to do with the size of their dream!
Most people will underestimate what they can do or what they want to
accomplish. Most people have much more potential than they realize, let
alone live up to. Help them by encouraging them to stretch their dreams
so they are even bigger and greater than before.

7. Communicate Honestly and Clearly with Them. People who follow

want their leaders to be honest with them. The act of following is based on believing that
you are being told the truth about where you are going! Be open about the positives and
the negatives. People can take it and if you make them integral to the solutions, then even
tough problems become a chance for teamwork! Communicate in many ways: written,
verbal, etc. Do it regularly so they know what the plan is, where you are going, what time
departure is and the estimated time of arrival at destination Success!

Now, motivation is always important, but especially in tough and challenging times. Here
are a few things to keep in mind when the going gets rough:

Tough and challenging times will surely come -- that is a given. The question is what
kind of leadership we will demonstrate during those times. Those who are weak leaders
will see permanent damage. With extraordinary leaders at the helm, however, an
organization can actually become stronger and thrive in spite of the tough and
challenging times. That should be our goal, so here are some ideas on how to be an
extraordinary leader in tough and challenging times!

1. Keep Your Eye on the Big Picture. When things get tough, everybody’s temptation is
to become acutely focused on the problem. The extraordinary leader, however, will keep
his or her eye on the big picture. This doesn’t mean that we don’t address the problem. In
fact, we have to address the problem. But what separates a leader from a follower is that
the leader doesn’t get caught up in the problem. The leader sees the big picture and keeps
moving toward the vision. The further they take their followers toward the vision, the
further away from the problem they get.

2. Don't Get Caught in the War or the Friendly Fire. When it gets tough, even the
most loyal team members can be tempted to start shooting and unfortunately, they
sometimes shoot each other! Rather than focusing on the enemy on the outside, they
begin to question each other and find many faults with one another that they normally
would not see. The extraordinary leader is the one who does not get dragged into the fray.
They keep their eye on the big picture and act rationally and objectively. They understand
that people can become heated and might say things they don’t really mean, that people
are firing because they are angry or scared. The extraordinary leader understands this and
rises above it. This way, they take fewer arrows and set the example for their followers.

3. Be First to Sacrifice. When it gets tough (cuts in salaries, etc.), the leader should do
just that--lead. They need to not only be the one who is rewarded the greatest when all is
well, but they also need to be the first to sacrifice. The extraordinary leader says, “I know
many of you are concerned with the salary cuts. I am too. In the long run we will be
healthy again but for the mean time, this is necessary. Understanding this, I want you to
Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 640
know that I am taking a 20% pay reduction myself. I want you to know that we are in this
together.” The Extraordinary Leader is the first to sacrifice and will be rewarded with the
loyalty of his or her followers.

4. Remain Calm. Panic is one of the basest of human emotions and no one is immune to
it. The extraordinary leader, however, takes time out regularly to think the issues through
in order to remain calm. They remind themselves that all is not lost and there will be
another day. They remind themselves that being calm will enable them to make the best
decisions – for themselves and for their followers. Panic only leads to disaster, while
calm leads to victory.

5. Motivate. In tough and challenging times, people are naturally down. They tend to be
pessimistic. They can’t see how it is all going to work out. Thus, they have a hard time
getting going. The extraordinary leader knows this and will focus on being the optimistic
motivator. He or she will come to the office knowing that for the time being, the mood of
the group will be carried and buoyed by them and their attitude. Above all else, they seek
to show that the end result will be good – and with this they motivate their followers to
continue on, braving the current storms, and on to their shared destiny.

6. Create Small Wins. One of the ways to motivate is to create small wins. The
extraordinary leader knows that in tough times his or her people think that all is lost.
They wonder if they can win. So the extraordinary leader creates opportunities for the
team to win, even if they are small. They set smaller, more achievable goals and remind
and reward the team members when they hit those goals. With each small win, the leader
is building the esteem and attitude of his followers, digging them out of their self-created
hole of fear.

7. Keep a Sense of Humor. The extraordinary leader knows that even if the whole
company goes down the drain, we still get to go home to our families and live a life of
love with them. The extraordinary leader keeps perspective and knows that we humans
act irrationally when we get scared and fail, and sometimes that is humorous. Don’t ever
laugh at someone’s expense in this situation, because that will be perceived as cold and
heartless, regardless of what you meant by it, but do keep the ability to laugh at yourself
and the situations that present themselves. By doing this you will keep yourself and your
team in an attitude that will eventually beat the tough times.

Remember: You can be a great motivator of people and you can do it even when stormy
weather comes!

Have a great week!

Chris Widener

“A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and
to help those who are doing well to do even better.”
-- Jim Rohn

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 641

nss ffoorr R

Q. How well do you take care of yourself? Would others agree?

Where do you fall short?

Q. Do you take a day off each week? Write comments here.

Q. In what way do you sacrifice yourself for the sake of your followers? How can you
change that to make it healthier and help them for a longer time?

Q. Do you have a plan for taking care of yourself?

Q. Put the following in order of how well you take care of yourself: spiritual, physical,
emotional, intellectual. What order would you like them to be in?

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 642

n SStteep
pss T
Thhiiss W
1. Take some time this week to lay out a basic plan for taking care of yourself.

2. Take at least 2 hours this week to invest in yourself in the following areas: emotional,
physical, spiritual and intellectual.

3. Take a day off in the next week and do no work, but instead give yourself time to rest
and restore yourself. Write comments here.

4. Do something fun! Remember – “All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy (and
Suzie a dull girl). Life is short – enjoy it!" Write your plan here.

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 643

Review of Brian Tracy's CD Eleven:

• How to set and achieve goals

• Four major obstacles to goal-setting
• Increasing your likelihood of success
• The power of belief
• The fuel of achievement
• Identifying the obstacles

And More!

A LLooookk FFoorrw
Today's edition is designed to give you a week off from listening to a
CD (a catch-up week if needed). Of course, feel free to skip ahead in
your listening assignments, or get caught up on a previous conference call.

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004 644

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