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1. Create a table named "MyEmployee" with some columns.

create table MyEmployee

ID int identity,

Name varchar(20),

Salary float,

DepartmentID char(2)

2. Insert some data into the table.

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('A',20000,'1')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('B',10000,'1')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('C',28000,'2')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('D',15000,'1')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('E',39000,'1')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('F',12000,'1')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('G',40000,'2')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('H',32000,'1')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('I',56000,'2')

Insert into MyEmployee(Name,Salary,DepartmentID)values('J',29000,'1')

3.Select the table to check the values.

select * from MyEmployee

4.Create a table named "Department" with some columns and insert some data into it.

create table Department

ID int identity,

DepartmentID char(2),

DepartmentName varchar(20)

5.insert into Department(DepartmentID,DepartmentName)values('1','Finance')

insert into Department(DepartmentID,DepartmentName)values('2','IT')

6.Create a primary key in the "Department" table on the DepartmentID column and
also create a relationship between the DepartmentID column of the "MyEmployee"
table after creating it as a foreign key.




7.Create a view named "Employee_View" that gets the employee's records from the
"MyEmployee" table whose salary is less than 3000 and also gets the "DepartmentID"
and " DepartmentName" from the "Department" table by joining them.

Create view Employee_View As select

e.ID,e.Name,e.Salary,d.DepartmentID,d.DepartmentName from

MyEmployee e inner join Department d on e.DepartmentID=d.DepartmentID

where salary < 30000

8. Select the view as in the following:

Select * from Employee_View

9. Problem: You can't update records in multiple tables when the view references
more than one base table. You can only update columns that belong to a single base
table. I will update the records via view in three ways to explain this problem.

10. update Employee_View set DepartmentName='IT_' where DepartmentID='2'

11. select * from Employee_View

Explaination: This query worked because as I said earlier, "you can only update
columns that belong to a single base table" and here we are only updating the data
of the "Department" table.

12. update Employee_View set Salary=25000 where DepartmentID='2'

13. select * from Employee_View

Explaination: This query worked because as I said earlier, "you can only update
columns that belong to a single base table" and here we are only updating the data
of the "MyEmployee" table.
14. update Employee_View set DepartmentName='IT', Salary=25000 where
Explaination: This query didn't work because as I said earlier, "you can only
update columns that belong to a single base table" and here we are updating the
data of both tables "MyEmployee" and "Department" .

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