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Thermodynamics of folding in the middle to lower crust

Bruce Hobbs
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Exploration and Mining,
PO Box 1130, Bentley, Western Australia 6102, Australia
Klaus Regenauer-Lieb
CSIRO Exploration and Mining, PO Box 1130, Bentley, Western Australia 6102, Australia, and
The School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia 6009, Australia
Alison Ord
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Exploration and Mining,
PO Box 1130, Bentley, Western Australia 6102, Australia

We show that dissipative processes involving thermal-mechanical coupling produce fold
systems with characteristics observed in the middle to lower crust. These comprise folds in
layers with little strength contrast, scale invariance, no strict periodicity, small wavelength/
thickness ratios, nonconcentric fold shapes, and axial plane crenulations. This contrasts with
classical folding theory that emphasizes large mechanical contrasts between a weak matrix and
strong embedded layers leading to periodic concentric fold systems with no formal link to axial
plane structures.

Keywords: folding, thermodynamics, thermal-mechanical coupling.

INTRODUCTION has become entrenched in the geological literature to the extent that text-
This paper is about folding in layered elastic-plastic-viscous mate- books in structural geology (Ramsay, 1967; Hobbs et al., 1976; Price
rials with feedback coupling between heat generated by the deformation and Cosgrove, 1990; Twiss and Moores, 1992) admit no other mecha-
and the temperature-dependent viscosity of the material. The conditions nisms of folding, although there is a strong emphasis in some works that
are those of the middle to lower crust. The folding process differs sig- processes involving shortening normal to the axial plane are dominant in
nificantly from the classical Biot approach; instead of a single dominant natural fold formation (Turner and Weiss, 1963). This classic approach
wavelength, folds develop at a range of scales. Folds formed at the kilo- involves a mechanical formulation in which the balances of mass and of
meter scale are governed by the thermal diffusivity, but folds also develop momentum constitute the governing equations. Dissipation of energy is
at smaller scales governed by the heterogeneous distribution of thermal not included in most of the geological literature, although Biot (1958,
conductivity arising from fluctuations in mineralogy. 1965) considered energy dissipation as a fundamental process operating
during deformation, and he expressed the instability evolution during
BACKGROUND folding in terms of the Helmholtz free energy and the dissipation func-
For more than 110 yr, the processes involved in the formation of folds tion. This means that in folding theory, except for Biot’s work and a few
in geological layered systems have been envisaged as buckling instabili- other instances (Fletcher, 1982; Hobbs et al., 2000), there has been no
ties controlled by the strongest (or more competent) layers in the system coupling of deformation to other processes, such as thermal transport,
(Willis, 1893; Biot, 1965; Johnson and Fletcher, 1994). Such notions fol- fluid flow, chemical reactions, and damage and fabric evolution, that
low intuitively from classic Euler unconfined elastic buckling behavior influence both the mechanical properties and the energy fluxes in the
(Jaeger, 1969). The essence of the classic folding theory presented by system. We refer to the classic approaches as uncoupled approaches,
Biot (1965) for a strong layer embedded in another weaker material is that and the framework developed in this article as a coupled approach. The
shortening of the system is intrinsically unstable because some initial geo- uncoupled theory qualitatively explains the first-order geometrical fea-
metrical perturbations are amplified by the deformation. Commonly, only tures of folds, i.e., periodicity and a wavelength proportional to the layer
one wavelength of the perturbations grows preferentially, at an exponen- thickness. However, the uncoupled approach does not reproduce quan-
tial rate depending upon the contrast in mechanical properties of the layer titatively what is observed geologically, i.e., a range of wavelength-to-
with its matrix. This contrast, however, needs to be >100 for significant thickness ratios compatible with realistic fold growth rates, and the fact
fold growth to occur (Biot, 1965). For large enough mechanical contrasts, that strictly periodic fold systems are rare and that parasitic folds of vari-
this process leads to a single wavelength, periodic fold train, the wave- ous orders are the norm. The distribution of the shapes and wavelengths
length of which is the Biot dominant wavelength, λB (Biot, 1965), given of natural folds is commonly scale invariant, so folds at the microscale
for a viscous layer embedded in a viscous matrix by resemble folds at the mesocale and macroscale. Moreover, experimental
data (Ranalli, 1995), given in Table 1 for a feldspathic layer embedded
λ B = 2 πH 3 6 ηE ,
(1) in quartzite, indicate that at a strain rate of 10–13 s–1 and a temperature of
530 K, the contrast in viscosity (measured as the second invariant of the
where H is the layer thickness, and ηL and ηE are the viscosities of the deviatoric stress divided by the associated strain rate) is 3.5, implying
layer and the embedding matrix, respectively. The expression is similar from equation 1 a dominant wavelength/thickness ratio of 5.2. At such
for power law viscous materials (Fletcher, 1974; Smith, 1979; Mühl- low viscosity contrasts, fold growth, according to classic theory (Biot,
haus et al., 1998), but the dominant wavelength can be <λB. For some 1965), is small or nonexistent, and one would not expect folds to form.
elastic-viscous materials, more than one wavelength develops (Hunt We show that realistic folds develop for such low-viscosity contrasts
et al., 1996; Mühlhaus et al., 1998; Hobbs et al., 2000). This approach through thermal-mechanical coupling.

© 2007 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or
Geology, February
February 2007
2007; v. 35; no. 2; p. 175–178; doi: 10.1130/G23188A.1; 3 figures; 1 tables; Data Repository item 2007040. 175
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TABLE 1. MODELING PARAMETERS from thermal conduction with thermal diffusivity, κ. The continuity equa-
Quantity Description Units Value tion is coupled to the energy equation.
A Quartzite Pre-exponential factor for quartzite flow law Pa–n s–1 1.33 x 10–34 Two competing physical processes are essential for thermal-mechan-
A Feldspar rich Pre-exponential factor for feldspar-rich Pa–n s–1 7.84 x 10–26 ical instabilities to develop; one involves the energy stored during deforma-
flow law
Q Quartzite Activation enthalpy for quartzite flow law J mol–1 135 x 103 tion and the other involves the energy dissipated during deformation. The
Q Feldspar rich Activation enthalpy for feldspar-rich flow law J mol–1 163 x 103 deforming rock matrix stores energy by elastic deformation of the crys-
n Quartzite Power law exponent for quartzite flow law — 4
n Feldspar rich Power law exponent for feldspar-rich flow law — 3.1
talline lattice and by producing microstructural defects such as disloca-
E Young’s Modulus for quartzite and feldspar Pa 4.5 x 109 tion arrangements, microcracks, or grain size changes. These processes
flow laws are expressed as strain hardening. The second process is the dissipation
ν Poisson’s ratio for quartzite and feldspar — 0.3
flow laws of energy, which appears as heat. This in turn weakens the material if
α Volumetric expansion coefficient for quartzite K–1 3.1 x 10–5 temperature-dependent processes dominate. For power law creep flow, the
and feldspar layers viscosity within a one-dimensional shear zone is described (Yuen et al.,
cp Specific heat at constant pressure for all J kg–1K–1 1450
materials 1978; Fleitout and Froidevaux, 1980) by
ρ Density of all materials kg m–3 2750
κ Thermal diffusivity of all materials m2 s–1 0.6 x 10–6 R Tc 2
ηeff ≈ 8κρc p , (2)
Q ε2k 2
where ηeff is the effective viscosity within the shear zone; Tc is a critical
DEFORMATION IN COUPLED SYSTEMS temperature; ε̇ is the instantaneous strain rate within the shear zone of
In deforming systems where several processes operate such that each initial, but collapsing, thickness k; κ is the thermal diffusivity; ρ is the
has feedback influences on the others, we speak of coupled systems. A density; and cp is the specific heat. Equation 2 describes the temperature
classic example is the influence of fluid pressure upon the effective stress at the center of the shear zone at the beginning of localization, and implies
in a fluid-saturated deforming porous medium (Coussy, 1995). A second that an order of magnitude increase in strain rate within such a shear zone
example is the influence of temperature arising from mechanical dissipa- leads to a viscosity decrease of two orders of magnitude. As the shear-
tion upon the strength of materials with temperature-dependent mechani- ing progresses and heat is conducted from the shear zone, two processes
cal properties (Ogawa, 1987; Hobbs and Ord, 1988). Another example is operate: (1) the viscosity within the shear zone decreases through thermal-
the influence of energy dissipated by chemical reactions upon the effective mechanical feedback, and (2) the thickness changes until the heat gener-
viscosity of viscoelastic materials (Haase, 1969). ated within the shear zone balances that lost to the surrounding material
The important issue is that many of these feedback interactions can by conduction. At this stage the shear zone has achieved its minimum
lead to instability of the deformation. A deforming body is said to be stable effective viscosity and maximum strain rate, ε̇max, related by
if a vanishingly small perturbation in the deformation remains vanishingly
R Tc 2
small (Hill, 1959; Koiter, 1960). If these perturbations grow with time, ηeff ≈ 2ρc p , (3)
then the system is unstable. Instabilities, as emphasized by Biot (1965), Q ε max
can be of two kinds: (1) the growth of initial geometrical, chemical, physi- and a steady-state width, ltherm, given by Equation 4. Equation 3 is exact
cal, and microstructural irregularities in the system, and (2) bifurcation for Newtonian viscous flow (n = 1) and a good approximation for power
phenomena where the system spontaneously transforms to a deformation law viscous flow (Fleitout and Froidevaux, 1980). While the analytical
mode different to the stationary state (Coussy, 1995; Nguyen, 2000). Shear approaches based on linear stability analyses (Ogawa, 1987; Hobbs and
band formation is an example of a bifurcation phenomenon. Ord, 1988) give insight into the instabilities associated with shear zone
In all these systems, which by their nature are thermodynamically development, numerical models are required to investigate details of the
irreversible, the underlying principle is that the dissipation of energy must growth of instabilities and how they may nucleate folds. Whether new
be nonnegative to satisfy the Second Law of Thermodynamics (expressed instabilities develop during folding, and whether their development influ-
by Truesdell and Toupin [1960] as the Clausius-Duhem inequality). The ences fold shape or fold evolution, can only be addressed numerically.
stability of the system is governed by the dissipation function (Ziegler, Details of the theory behind the results have been presented (Regenauer-
1983) and by the Helmholtz free energy, as initially expressed by Biot Lieb and Yuen, 2003; Regenauer-Lieb et al., 2006).
(1965) and elaborated upon by Nguyen (2000).
Numerical Model Setup
FOLDING IN THERMAL-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Folding behavior in thermal-mechanical coupled systems is illus-
Details of the mathematical formulation for systems of interest here trated in a generic model that incorporates a variety of length scales. This
are given in the GSA Data Repository1. Briefly, we employ an elastic- enables the generation of folds spanning lengths from meters to kilome-
plastic von Mises yield function (Regenauer-Lieb and Yuen, 2003) with a ters. We reproduce examples at the intermediate scale. The initial length of
power law creep function characterized by a stress exponent, n, and Arrhe- this model is 13.2 km and the height is 3 km. A feldspathic layer of initial
nius temperature dependence with an activation enthalpy, Q. The elastic thickness 400 m is embedded in a quartz-rich matrix. We present results
term contains a contribution arising from thermal expansion. Details of for a single-layer model at 530 K. The models are initially isothermal.
the constitutive parameters are given in Table 1. The governing equations Our rationale for this derives from a consideration of the thermal Peclet
comprise the continuity and momentum equations together with an energy number, Pethermal, which is the ratio of heat transport due to advection by
equation that describes the evolution of temperature with time and has the deforming material to heat transport by conduction. This dimension-
contributions from shear heating arising from mechanical dissipative proc-
L2 ε Total
esses, together with temperature changes arising from isentropic work and less number is given by Pe thermal = , where L is the height of the

model. In the models considered, Pethermal begins at 0.9 increasing during
GSA Data Repository item 2007040, mathematical formulation, is avail-
able online at, or on request from editing@
deformation to >8.0. Thus heat is moved by the deforming material faster or Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO than by conduction, so the local temperature in the model stays constant
80301, USA. except for temperature changes induced by the deformation. Although ini-

176 GEOLOGY, February 2007

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tial geothermal gradients could be considered, we have opted to neglect nism arising from initial geometrical perturbations driven by weak viscos-
them in order to understand the mechanisms involved. Fine-scale hetero- ity contrasts, the perturbations induced by thermal-mechanical feedback
geneity is introduced by incorporating random thermal perturbations grow fastest. At this scale, the intersections of developing shear zones
associated with a thermal expansion strain of ~10−9. These initial pertur- with layer boundaries act as nucleation points for fold hinges. At these
bations act as white noise for thermal-mechanical instabilities, which in intersections the effective viscosity of the feldspar rich material is reduced
turn cause thermal strain five orders of magnitude larger than that of the due to shear heating in accordance with Equation 3, and these weakened
random perturbations. Perturbations may be interpreted as small scale areas act as nucleation sites for localized buckles. The scaling length for
and compositional, such as would arise in an assemblage of quartz, feld- thermal-mechanical shear heating feedback is the thermal diffusion length
spar, and mica. Although this is a realistic thermal-mechanical effect, the scale given by the thermal diffusion equation (Carslaw and Jaeger, 1959),
perturbations also have a pure computational meaning in that they allow
thermal-mechanical instabilities to arise around perturbations rather than l therm = 2 , (4)
nucleating from numerical round-off errors that are sensitive to the geom- ε max
etry of the finite element mesh. In all models, the initial topography of where κ is ~10−6 m2s–1 and ε̇max is the maximum shear strain rate in the
the quartz-feldspar interface is perturbed following an elastic eigenmode shear zone at quasi-steady state (~10−12 s–1). Therefore, ltherm is ~2 km.
analysis (first 20 modes are perturbed), allowing the possibility for classi- The reflection of shear zones from the boundaries of the layer together
cal folding instabilities to develop, if such a mechanism dominates. with the inclination of shear zones at 45° to the bulk shortening axis means
that the wavelength of folds that develop is ~2H, a factor of 1.7 less than
NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS λB predicted by Equation 1 if such folds were able to grow.
We specifically explore the behavior of systems in which there is an Figure 2 shows the geometry, viscosity, and thermally induced strain
initial small contrast in mechanical properties between the layer and the after 76% shortening for the single layer case in which fine-scale hetero-
embedding matrix. The example is that used earlier (for constitutive param- geneity is incorporated. Figure 2A shows the viscosity and Figure 2B
eters, see Table 1). As indicated, at 530 K the viscosity contrast is 3.5, which shows zones of intense inhomogeneity of thermal strain developed paral-
in classic uncoupled theory would produce no fold amplification. lel to the axial planes of folds. These zones coincide with zones of high-
Figure 1 shows results for single-layer folding with no initial fine- viscosity contrast, as would be expected from Equation 3. The thermal
scale heterogeneity. The maximum contrast in the second invariant of the strain is defined as
stress, J2, at this stage of deformation, is ~10. Large-scale ductile shear
ε ijthermal = αΔT δ ij , (5)
zones appear, arising from shear heating feedback, after 1 m.y. of short-
ening (Fig. 1B). At this large scale, shear heating feedback is the most where ΔT is the temperature rise within a shear zone. It is this distribu-
efficient mechanism leading to instability: although the opportunity exists tion of thermal strain, and its influence on the local viscosity, that feeds
within the model setup for folds to develop by the classic Biot mecha- back through Equation 3 to produce the fine-scale axial plane crenula-
tions shown in Figure 3. Small-scale folding instabilities nucleate on the
thermal expansion sites that have been inserted in the initial conditions.
The folds become attenuated with strong shortening normal to the axial
plane of the folds. The fold profiles are Type IA of Ramsay (1967). This
contrasts with concentric profiles developed in uncoupled systems (e.g.,
Schmalholz et al., 2001).

We have shown that coupling thermal and mechanical processes
during rock deformation in middle to lower crustal conditions leads to
fold systems that resemble those observed in natural fold systems. The
characteristics are a departure from strict periodicity in fold profiles,
the development of folds at many length scales, nonconcentric fold pro-
files, and a variety of axial plane structures. Moreover, these structures
develop with relatively small contrasts in mechanical properties between
the layers. These attributes are not predicted by classic uncoupled fold-

Figure 1. Model setup: single stiff feldspathic layer is embedded in

soft quartz-rich matrix and is subject to layer-parallel shortening.
⎛3 ⎞
A: Second invariant of deviatoric stress tensor, σ′ij , J 2 = ⎜ σ ij′ σ ij′ ⎟ .
⎝2 ⎠
B: Corresponding instantaneous effective viscosity, ηeff (see
ε eff
text). Shear zones are highlighted by low effective viscosities corre- Figure 2. Single-layer system shortened at 530 K showing accumu-
sponding to high local strain rates emerging from background strain lated deformation after 76% shortening. A: Effective viscosity ηeff.
rate of 1 × 10−14s–1. B: Thermal strain εijthermal = αΔ
αΔT δij.

GEOLOGY, February 2007 177

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178 GEOLOGY, February 2007

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Thermodynamics of folding in the middle to lower crust

Bruce Hobbs, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb and Alison Ord

Geology 2007;35;175-178
doi: 10.1130/G23188A

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