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Respiratory Acidosis, Respiratory Alkalosis,

and Mixed Disorders
Horacio J. Adrogué, Nicolaos E. Madias

Deviations of systemic acidity in either direction can have adverse PAO 2 = 150 − 1.25 PaCO 2
consequences and, when severe, can be life-threatening. There-
fore, it is essential for the clinician to recognize and properly where Pao2 is alveolar O2 tension (mm Hg). This equation dem-
diagnose acid-base disorders, to understand their impact on onstrates that patients breathing room air cannot reach Paco2
organ function, and to be familiar with their treatment and the levels much greater than 80 mm Hg (10.6 kP) because the
potential complications of treatment.1,2 hypoxemia that would occur at greater values is incompatible
with life. Therefore, extreme hypercapnia occurs only during O2
therapy, and severe CO2 retention is often the result of uncon-
RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS trolled O2 administration.
Respiratory acidosis is the acid-base disturbance initiated by an Secondary Physiologic Response
increase in CO2 tension of body fluids and in whole-body CO2 Adaptation to acute hypercapnia elicits an immediate increment
stores. The secondary increment in plasma bicarbonate [HCO3−] in plasma HCO3− concentration due to titration of non-HCO3−
observed in acute and chronic hypercapnia is an integral part body buffers; such buffers generate HCO3− by combining with
of the respiratory acidosis.3 The level of arterial CO2 tension H+ derived from the dissociation of carbonic acid:
(Paco2) is above 45 mm Hg (to convert values from mm Hg to
kP, multiply by 0.1333) in patients with simple respiratory aci- CO2 + H 2O ↔ H 2CO3 ↔ HCO3− + H + and H + + B− ↔ HB
dosis (measured at rest and at sea level). An element of respira-
tory acidosis may still occur with lower Paco2 in patients residing
at high altitude (e.g., 4000 m or 13,000 ft) or with metabolic where B− refers to the base component and HB refers to the acid
acidosis, in whom a normal Paco2 is inappropriately high for this component of non-HCO3− buffers. This adaptation is completed
condition.4 Another special case of respiratory acidosis is the within 5 to 10 minutes from the increase in Paco2, and assuming
presence of arterial eucapnia, or even hypocapnia, occurring a stable level of hypercapnia, no further change in acid-base
together with severe venous hypercapnia, in patients having equilibrium is detectable for a few hours.7 Moderate hypoxemia
an acute, profound decrease in cardiac output but relative pre­ does not alter the adaptive response to acute respiratory acidosis.
servation of respiratory function.5,6 This disorder is known as However, preexisting hypobicarbonatemia (whether it is caused
pseudorespiratory alkalosis and is discussed under respiratory by metabolic acidosis or chronic respiratory alkalosis) enhances
alkalosis. the magnitude of the HCO3− response to acute hypercapnia; this
response is diminished in hyperbicarbonatemic states (whether
they are caused by metabolic alkalosis or chronic respiratory
Etiology and Pathogenesis acidosis).8,9
The ventilatory system is responsible for eucapnia by adjustment The adaptive increase in plasma HCO3− concentration observed
of alveolar minute ventilation ( V A ) to match the rate of CO in acute hypercapnia is amplified greatly during chronic hypercap-
production. Its main elements are the respiratory pump, which nia as a result of HCO3− generation by the kidney. In addition, the
generates a pressure gradient responsible for airflow, and the renal response to chronic hypercapnia includes a reduction in the
loads that oppose such action. rate of Cl− reabsorption, resulting in depletion of body Cl− stores.
Carbon dioxide retention can occur from an imbalance Complete adaptation to chronic hypercapnia requires 3 to 5 days.7
between the strength of the respiratory pump and the extent of Quantitative aspects of the secondary physiologic responses to
respiratory load (Fig. 14.1). When the respiratory pump is unable acute and chronic hypercapnia are depicted in Figure 14.4. The
to balance the opposing load, respiratory acidosis develops. renal response to chronic hypercapnia is not altered appreciably
Respiratory acidosis may be acute or chronic (Figs. 14.2 and by dietary Na+ or Cl− restriction, moderate K+ depletion, alkali
14.3). Life-threatening acidemia of respiratory origin can occur loading, or moderate hypoxemia. However, recovery from chronic
during severe, acute respiratory acidosis or during respiratory hypercapnia is crippled by a diet deficient in Cl−; in this circum-
decompensation in patients with chronic hypercapnia. stance, despite correction of the level of Paco2, plasma [HCO3−]
A simplified form of the alveolar gas equation at sea level and remains elevated so long as the state of Cl− deprivation persists,
on breathing of room air (Fio2, 21%) is as follows: leading to posthypercapnic metabolic alkalosis.

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