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. oe asym) gy aia FL, Se : nm de ys of wrt SN ope tev Sey PART II—Section 1 ‘ alteare & wafer FUBLISHIED BY AUTHORITY “ad Perel, BIAT, eT 9, 2003 /208F 18, 1925 s NEW DELUJ, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 2003ASADIIA_ 18, 1925 variate : caaag) amuse nid feet, 4 er, 2000, saute ga (I )I/2008 We a002 (TET! fer ung ag lt Hv ean Fo Meese OO 4) Aye emer ae A Frisell woreeeTgH center a aM Ree Ane erga aye Te sacara" (gp sents 25 HIRT A ga erie Satan ert eughegh set sec! Aersey a yeaeaenT Lanes aie. ae HEAR, Ha ac sy ath Dyfi - ReucG ese gat -8t unt uae» Diced by We Ha id Publobod by the Conualler of Pubfizaios, Dei ee Ray aereg Dolenaan MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS isitway Board) NOTIFICATION New Dei, the 4th Joly, 2003 powy22003 _ 200M WY ¥3S47136.—Itisheseby natitiod for irf-vetiod Ut the Ministry of Railwnys orged the name of Dissel Compousnts Works, under tig charge of a Ch ‘Adroinistative Oilicer to “Diesel Loco Modear!ra'ton Works" (MW). “The headquarters of the “Diesst Loca Mot=ns tion Werks” (DMI) as renamed itl contin: to be at Fats RR JANUAR, Becy Tew Dati 110064 0034

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