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Amare Hailu Hora

Phone: +251911980076
Email: /
To: - mercy corps Ethiopia

Subject: Sending Letter of Application

Dear Sir,

I Have MSc Degree In Development Economics From Arsi University In 2017 And Bsc Degree In
Agricultural Resource Economics From Hawassa University In 2006 .

Now I would like apply for your vacant position that was posted on 06, 02, 2019 for the position
Diversified Economic Opportunities Team Lead ,

Job ID;- 209721

Carrier level :- Senior

I attached my work experience and CV with this cover letter concerning my educational background
and personal information.

I hope that my educational back ground work experience will be suitable for your vacant position
,therefor if I’m selected for your organization I assure you that I shall do all my best to give you your
entire satisfaction very soon .

Please I will be available for interview and other information besides my CV if needed

With best regards

Amare Hailu Hora

Personal Information
 Profession: - Economist
 Name: Amare Hailu Ura
 Sex: Male
 Date Of Birth:- Oromia Region Arsi Zone Munnessa Woreda
 Date Of Birth:- 02/06/1974 E.C
 Work Place :- Arsi Zone Bele Woreda
 Nationality:- Ethiopian
 Marital status:- Married
 Language :- I’m fluent in two local and one foreign language Afan oromo ,
Amaharic ,English
Phone : +251911980076 or /+251912291202/
Email: /

 M.Sc. degree in Development Economics, on July, 2017 G.C from Arsi
University Assela, Ethiopia.
Masters researches project “Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers’
Participation in Formal Microcredit.”
 B.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Economics July, 2006 from Debub University,
Hawassa , Ethiopia
 High School Certificate, 1992-1994 Transcript ,In Shashemanne
Comprehensive Secondary School

 (Oct, 2015 – To date) Assistant manager, budget and finance administration
team leader, in Arsi Zone Bele Gesgar woreda Finance and Economic
Cooperation Office.
 Responsibilities:
Manages and directs the overall activities of the office including budget planning
and administration money transfer and administration, expenditure payment and
recording, accounting management and reporting of the overall activities.
Lead and supervise the present staff to improve the quality, reliability, timeliness
and accessibility of the finance to deliver good and trust full services to customer
direct and approve over all of their duties
 (May. 2012 – Sep, 2015) Monitoring and evaluation expert, Bele Gesgar
woreda Food security program /PSNP and HABP/ productive Safety net
program and House Hold Asset Building program/
 Responsibilities:
Monitor and evaluate the overall activities of food security program to its
objective, efficient and effectiveness and its impact, on the livelihood of the
clients/ beneficiaries’/
Planning of the project from grass root level and reporting of the activities to the
concerned body, supervise the target groups, developing training manual on
capacity building, for woreda staff, development agent /DA/ stakeholders and
program clients.
 Identifying potential IGAs & Investment Opportunities through Market & Value
Chain Analyses in the woreda for Chronically Food In secured (CFI) House
Holds, thereby increasing their production and productivity and so improving
their asset building
 Facilitate access to sustainable financial services for small scale farmers by
Providing a line of credit to financial service providers and, pending additional
financing, a credit guarantee to encourage continued provision of loans to clients
in transition to graduation or graduated and Supporting the implementation of an
appropriate regulatory and supervisory framework for grassroots financial
 Increasing Access to Effective Product and Labour Markets through Analysis of
opportunities and constraints of current input and technologies supply and
developing supply Strategic Plan and Analyze and identify capacity requirements
to strengthen critical parts of the value-added chains
 Building Knowledge, Skills and Confidence for Chronically Food insecured
 (Sept, 2006- April ,2012) Assistant Manager, team leader in budget
planning ,monitoring and evaluation , and experts , Arsi Zone Bele Gesgar
woreda Finance and Economic development Office
 Responsibilities: Coordinates and directs the day to day activities of the office
Approve the annual work programs of each department, monitor and evaluate the
of project activates፣ Prepare the required budget for each project, consolidate
woreda plan and report to the zone line office ,coordinate team work ,control
budget utilization , make budget adjustment when necessary
 July 15/2005- Sept 15, 2005 data collectors /Enumentors / in international
livestock research institute. /ILRI/
 Responsibilities’ collecting primary data from sample population and organize
and encoding Data.
Total work experience 12 years and 8 month
Special Skills:
I took different short term training like IBEX integrated budget expenditure
system , supply and procurement , budget planning and budget control ,cash
flow, Accounting and expenditure system , STATA and SPSS software .
Use of Personal Computers for Data Processing And Analysis.
Full Ability to Operate The Following Software:
1. Excel Spread Sheet, Power Points Microsoft Word
STATA, SPSS and, IBEX /integrated budget expenditure
 Reading books, magazines’፣ admiring nature, participating in any social

1. Mekonin Kebede:- address:-email . phone /mobile/ 09- 2229- 9549
former Bele gesgar woreda Finanace and economic
developemet office manager .
2. Tadesse H/Mika’el :- Address , email mobile 0913060733 Arsii zone
food security coordinater.
3. Mekonin Legese : Address : email. Mlegesse@gmail .com
mobile 0941634401 Lecturer At Arsi university

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