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ACA After-School Club Policy

Mission Statement

ACA is committed to creating conditions that motivate and inspire students to devote
time and energy to educationally purposeful activities in and outside the classroom.

The following policy document will outline the steps that students need to form and
create clubs on campus, along with best practices and examples to help them along the way.
Further information can be found by contacting the Dean of Students or the School Counselor.

What is a ​club?​

A club is defined as a group of 4 or more current ACA students that meet together on a
regular basis, under the supervision of an appointed ACA staff member or an approved adult.
From amongst the students, it must be decided prior who will be the President and Secretary. The
advisor cannot fill these roles. Additionally, they must have a constitution created prior to
submission. All clubs are subject to the final approval of the Principal.

What is an ​advisor​?

An advisor is a faculty or staff member who provides support and guidance to officers
and members of a student organization. They not only serve as a representative of the group in an
official capacity, but also as a student advocate. An advisor is one who gives ideas, shares
insight, provides a different perspective, and encourages organization members. The advisor
should be a caring individual with a genuine interest for students, the organization, and their
programs and activities. The faculty advisor agrees to take responsibility for the supervision of
students at club/organization activities. If a faculty or staff member is not available, then a
qualified ACA parent or community member can be used, provided that they are able to establish
a reasonable amount of competency in the relevant scope of the club.
What are the functions of an advisor?

1. Assist students in creating a club constitution that contains the bylaws and rules of the
club. Advisors should ensure that the constitution is followed by all members of the club.
2. Advisors must supervise and attend EVERY meeting or activity planned on campus; and
any formally recognized club activities held OFF campus. In the event the advisor cannot
supervise a meeting they must ensure a certified teacher is in place to supervise.
3. Keep track of attendance and monitor behavior.
4. Assist students in making their own decisions. Help students to clarify their goals, to
work through their problems, to plan activities and to continually evaluate their efforts.
5. Supervise nomination and appointment of officers and members and be sure that the
process follows the club’s constitution.
6. Be aware of all events and actions being planned.
7. Provide a sense of Prophetic guidance and a level of involvement to assist the students in
successfully running and maintaining the club
8. Be sure that all events planned are chaperoned and approved by the Principal.

What is a ​constitution​?

A constitution is an official document that lays out how your club will operate. It should
cover everything from how you accept new members; elect new officers; financial plan; the
voting process, and anything else your club might need to function. A sample constitution can be
found at the end of this policy.

What should be considered before forming a club?

Before taking the effort the form a new club, you should reflect upon your goals and
create a strong intention moving forward. Here are some questions that will help you in creating
a thoughtful and successful student-led club:
1. How will it be beneficial to students at ACA?
2. What makes your club different than other clubs on campus?
3. What events do your club plan on hosting?
4. How will you remain consistent in having meetings? (If monthly, weekly, etc)
5. How will your club reach out to different groups on campus? What can ACA do to help
and support your club?
6. How will you obtain new members?

What is a financial plan?

Certain clubs may wish to create club branded clothing or cater their meetings with food
and drink; all of which cost money. Students are recommended to draft a financial plan to ensure
their activities have funding. Students should not pay for club related expenses out of their own

What are the steps required to officially form a club?

1. Find at least ​three​ ​other​ current ACA students that share the same interest in forming a
club for a total of 4 beginning members.
2. Obtain an advisor that works for ACA and will be dedicated to help. If needed, you can
have more than one advisor. The advisor cannot be a current student.
3. Decide and/or Elect the President and Secretary position.
4. Fill out the ​‘New Club Registration’​ form to register the club. A copy can be picked up
from the Admin office.
5. Draft a constitution for your club. This should set up the structure of the club and how it
should operate. Submit your draft to the Dean’s Office for approval. The Principal retains
the ability to approve or deny any clubs for any reason.
What does a sample club constitution look like?

Sample Constitution and Bylaws for
(Name of Club)

Article I – Name, Purpose and Authority

The Name of the Organization will be “The Name of the Club” of ACA.

This organization will have as its purpose (identify specific purpose of the club) as
directly approved by the Principal of ACA.

Article II – Membership

All students enrolled in Arizona Cultural Academy are eligible for membership.
(You may also list any special criteria: ex: grade point average for honor clubs)

Article III – Meetings

Meetings will be held (state location, time and date, such as in R-2, every Wednesday,
immediately after school) unless a special meeting is called.

Article IV – Club Officers

The club officers shall consist of the following:

President: Name of Student

Vice-President: Name of Student
Treasurer: Name of Student
Secretary: Name of Student
(Others as needed by club)
Article V – Duties

The club President will have the following duties:

To preside over the meetings of the club
To call special meetings of the club
To plan and prepare an agenda for the club meetings

The club Vice-President will have the following duties:

To serve as the club president if the president becomes unable to fulfill his/her duties
either temporarily of permanently
To support the club President

The club Treasurer will have the following duties:

To maintain complete and accurate record of all club receipts and disbursements
To oversee club financial plans efforts
To supervise the preparation of the budget

The club Secretary will have the following duties:

To maintain accurate minutes of each club meeting
To carry out all correspondence for the club

(Describe other duties, if needed)

Article VI – Elections

The club will hold the election of officers once a year. The voting will take place by
secret ballot.

Article VII – Fees

There are no fees to be a member of the club

Article VIII – Amendment

A two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendance is required to amend this club

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