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Vagal Neuropathy After Upper Respiratory

Infection: A Viral Etiology?

Milan R. Amin, MD* and James A. Koufman, MD†

Purpose: To describe a condition that occurs following an upper respiratory illness, which
represents injury to various branches of the vagus nerve. Patients with this condition may
present with breathy dysphonia, vocal fatigue, effortful phonation, odynophonia, cough,
globus, and/or dysphagia, lasting long after resolution of the acute viral illness. The patterns
of symptoms and findings in this condition are consistent with the hypothesis that viral
infection causes or triggers vagal dysfunction. This so-called postviral vagal neuropathy
(PVVN) appears to have similarities with other postviral neuropathic disorders, such as
glossopharyngeal neuralgia and Bell’s palsy.
Materials and Methods: Five patients were identified with PVVN. Each patient’s chart was
reviewed, and elements of the history were recorded.
Results: Each of the 5 patients showed different features of PVVN.
Conclusions: Respiratory infection can trigger or cause vocal fold paresis, laryngopharyn-
geal reflux, and neuropathic pain.
(Am J Otolaryngol 2001;22:251-256. Copyright © 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company)

Cranial nerves are known to be affected by ropathy occurring after a viral upper respira-
inflammatory neuropathic processes. Bell’s tory infection (URI) (Table 1). In each case,
palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, and glossopha- unilateral or bilateral vocal fold paresis, doc-
ryngeal neuralgia are examples of such cranial umented by electromyography, and other
neuropathies. These represent isolated nerve manifestations of vagal dysfunction were ob-
injuries that result in motor and sensory dys- served after the URI. This report focuses on
function (eg, paralysis, pain), depending on the spectrum of symptoms that may result
the nerves affected. Other cranial neuropa- from such an injury, which include breathy
thies have also been described.1,2 dysphonia, vocal fatigue, effortful phonation,
Of particular interest to the otolaryngologist odynophonia, and symptoms of laryngopha-
is the existence of vagal neuropathy. This en- ryngeal reflux (LPR). In addition, severe neu-
tity presumably represents the consequence of ropathic-type pain may be associated with
a disease process affecting the vagus nerve, postviral vagal neuropathy (PVVN). In each
leading to nerve dysfunction, such as vocal case, the symptoms and findings appear to
fold paresis or paralysis. The etiology of vagal represent dysfunction of specific vagal
neuropathy is uncertain, although viral infec- branches. The workup and treatment of PVVN
tion has been suggested as a possible cause.3-5 are emphasized.
This article describes 5 cases of vagal neu-

Case 1
From the *Department of Otolaryngology—Head and
Neck Surgery, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Hah-
nemann University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, A 67-year-old man was referred to our voice
PA; and the †Center for Voice Disorders of Wake Forest center in 1994 with complaints of fever, sore
University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC.
Presented as a poster at the annual meeting of the throat, dysphagia, breathy hoarseness, and
Southern Section of the Triologic Society, St. Peters- left-sided otalgia of 1 week’s duration. He also
burg, FL, January 11-13, 2000. complained of aspiration with cough when
Address reprint requests to James A. Koufman, MD,
Center for Voice Disorders, Wake Forest University, swallowing liquids. Except for adult-onset di-
Department of Otolaryngology, Medical Center Blvd, abetes, the patient’s past medical history was
Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1034. unremarkable.
Copyright © 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company
0196-0709/01/2204-0005$35.00/0 Examination showed ruptured vesicles on
doi:10.1053/ajot.2001.24823 the left tympanic membrane (but not on the

American Journal of Otolaryngology, Vol 22, No 4 (July-August), 2001: pp 251-256 251


TABLE 1. Summary of Findings in Reported Patients clearing, dysphagia, globus pharyngeus, and
Patient Right Vocal Left Vocal Neuropathic
heartburn. He reported that his symptoms be-
No. Fold Paresis Fold Paresis LPR Pain gan in the winter of 1989 after an acute URI.
His past medical history was otherwise unre-
1 ⫺ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ markable. In 1989, he had been seen by an-
2 ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
3 ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺ other laryngologist who had diagnosed bilat-
4 ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺ eral fold paresis and LPR.
5 ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺ At the time of his presentation to our voice
Abbreviation: LPR, laryngopharyngeal reflux.
center, he was only able to speak for 1 to 2
minutes before experiencing severe burning
and lancinating pain. The pain involved his
ear canal), left trigeminal hypesthesia, de- neck and jaw bilaterally, the roof of his
creased left-sided pharyngeal tone, and a left mouth, and his right ear. The vocal symptoms
vocal fold paralysis. The patient was aphonic. and pain were so persistent and severe that
The paralyzed vocal fold was in a lateral po- the patient, a self-employed businessman,
sition with a wide-open posterior commis- was virtually disabled.
sure, and it was severely bowed. Secretions Examination via transnasal fiberoptic laryn-
pooled in the hypopharynx and spilled over goscopy with stroboscopy showed bilateral
into the endolarynx. vocal fold paresis (limited and asymmetric
Laryngeal electromyography (LEMG) showed vocal fold mobility with bilateral bowing and
spontaneous activity in both the left cricothy- decreased tone of the right vocal fold) and
roid and thyroarytenoid muscles. There was LPR. The patient had a 24-hour, double-probe
reduced (2⫹) recruitment in the left cricothy- pH study, which confirmed the presence of
roid muscle and no voluntary motor units (0⫹ LPR. LEMG showed bilateral cricothyroid and
recruitment) in the left thyroarytenoid mus- right thyroarytenoid muscle weakness (ie,
cle. Thus, the patient had evidence of a com- neuropathy involving both superior laryngeal
bined left superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves and the right recurrent laryngeal
neuropathy, with the left recurrent nerve be- nerve). There was no evidence of ongoing
ing severely affected. Magnetic resonance im- neural degeneration or regeneration in any of
aging (MRI) of the brain, skull base, neck, and the muscles tested (ie, this neuropathy had
upper chest was normal. not occurred recently).
The vocal paralysis did not recover; subse- Initial treatment of the LPR with proton
quently, the patient underwent a successful pump inhibitors improved the patient’s LPR
left medialization laryngoplasty and aryte- symptoms; however, the dysphonia, effortful
noid adduction procedure. The procedure phonation, vocal fatigue, and pain persisted.
corrected his aspiration and restored his A bilateral medialization laryngoplasty was
voice. Years later, he remains asymptomatic. performed, which dramatically improved his
This patient was referred to us with a diag- voice symptoms; however, he continued to
nosis of herpetic polyneuritis. Although we have pain. He was then referred to a neurology
were never unable to prove that diagnosis, the pain center. The consultant believed that the
etiology of his problems was almost certainly symptoms were consistent with neuropathic
viral. It is particularly interesting that this pain and the patient was started on gabapen-
patient had involvement of multiple cranial tin 300 mg 3 times daily. The pain responded
nerves and several branches of the vagus to the medication, and the patient has subse-
nerve. quently returned to full-time work with min-
imal symptoms.
Case 2 In this case, the onset of voice symptoms,
reflux symptoms, and pain all appeared after
A 46-year-old man presented in September an acute URI. After effective treatment of the
1998 with complaints of dysphonia, vocal fa- LPR and paresis, it became clear that although
tigue, effortful phonation, odynophonia, and the pain was triggered by voice use, it was out
neck and jaw pain for almost 10 years. He also of proportion to the laryngeal and voice find-
complained of symptoms of chronic throat ings. Other features also indicated that the

pain was neuropathic (eg, its persistence, an- esophageal and pharyngeal acid exposure.
atomic distribution, and intensity). Esophageal manometry was also abnormal.
In this case, the onset of severe LPR after
Case 3 URI suggests the possibility that viral inflam-
mation may involve vagal branches supplying
the esophageal body and its sphincters.
A 68-year-old woman presented in January
1999 with complaints of chronic hoarseness
and vocal fatigue. Four years before presenta- Case 5
tion, she suffered an URI, after which she
developed her symptoms. Before the illness
A 78-year-old woman was in good health
her voice had been normal, and she had had
until she became ill with an URI on December
no other throat complaints. Her past medical
16, 1998. She presented to her local otolaryn-
history was otherwise unremarkable.
gologist with fever, coryza, sore throat, and
Initial office examination showed evidence
cough. On initial examination, she reportedly
of bilateral vocal fold paresis with bowing. In
had bilateral vesicular eruptions in her throat.
addition, the evidence of LPR included pseudo-
Thereafter, she developed severe breathy
sulcus vocalis, ventricular obliteration, and
hoarseness, vocal fatigue, effortful phonation,
diffuse laryngeal edema and erythema. LEMG
odynophonia, chronic throat clearing, dys-
confirmed bilateral vocal fold paresis. Double-
phagia, globus pharyngeus, cough, and heart-
probe pH testing confirmed LPR. Manometry
burn. Most disturbing, however, was the de-
and barium swallow showed abnormal esoph-
velopment of severe aspiration and cough.
ageal pressures and motility. Although the
After her acute symptoms subsided, she had
patient responded well to proton pump inhib-
persistent symptoms of vocal fold paresis,
itors, she required bilateral medialization la-
LPR, dysphagia, and aspiration. By March
ryngoplasty to restore her voice.
1999, 3 months after the URI, the patient’s
In this case, the patient experienced the
aspiration was unimproved. Barium swallow
onset of multiple problems after a viral ill-
showed gross laryngeal and tracheal penetra-
ness. Objective evidence shows the presence
tion, and her physician was concerned about
of abnormalities in multiple and bilateral
the possibility that she might develop aspira-
branches of the vagus nerve.
tion pneumonia. At that time, the physician
considered recommending that a feeding tube
Case 4 be placed, and the patient was referred to our
center for evaluation.
A 50-year-old woman presented in April Our initial examination showed bilateral
1999 with a 5-month history of hoarseness, vocal fold paresis, with the right vocal fold
vocal fatigue, effortful phonation, odynopho- almost paralyzed. Both vocal folds were
nia, cough, dysphagia, globus, and heartburn. bowed, and there was pooling of secretions in
All of these symptoms began after a viral URI the hypopharynx and larynx. Severe inflam-
with severe cough. Persistent chronic cough matory findings of LPR were present; the en-
and dysphagia were her most troubling symp- tire larynx was red and swollen, especially
toms. Before her illness, the patient denied posteriorly.
ever having any of the above symptoms, and LEMG showed bilateral vocal fold paresis.
her past medical history was otherwise non- Reduced recruitment was seen in both crico-
contributory. thyroid muscles and both thyroarytenoid
Examination showed the typical inflamma- muscles. Most severely affected was the right
tory findings of LPR and sluggish mobility and thyroarytenoid muscle, which showed on-
bowing of the left vocal fold. Chest radio- going degeneration. The waveform morphol-
graphs were normal. The patient underwent ogy of the left thyroarytenoid muscle showed
LEMG, which confirmed a left thyroarytenoid low-amplitude polyphasic motor units, which
muscle paresis (ie, left recurrent laryngeal indicated ongoing neural regeneration. The
neuropathy). Double-probe pH testing was LEMG was interpreted as showing bilateral
grossly abnormal, with the finding of severe combined superior and recurrent laryngeal

neuropathies with an uncertain prognosis for hoarseness after the resolution of acute laryn-
recovery. gitis is noted in these patients. Physical exam-
An MRI of the head and skull base, and a ination showed evidence of vocal fold paresis
computed tomography scan (skull base or paralysis.
through superior mediastinum) were normal. The theory of viral illnesses causing neu-
Modified barium swallow showed poor pha- ropathy is not without precedent. Viral infec-
ryngeal phase function with vallecular and tion has been proposed as the possible etiol-
piriform sinus stasis, and aspiration. Pharyn- ogy in Bell’s palsy. Similarly, Guillain-Barre
geal and upper esophageal sphincter (UES) syndrome is widely believed to be caused by
manometry showed extremely low resting viral-induced inflammation. Two mechanisms
tone of the UES, with extremely poor pharyn- whereby viral infection may cause neuritis or
geal contractions. The peak pharyngeal con- neuropathy have been proposed: (1) direct in-
traction amplitudes were 40 mm Hg (normal fection and inflammation of a nerve, or (2) by
being 50 to 250 mm Hg). the induction of a nonspecific inflammatory
A right medialization laryngoplasty was response that secondarily involves a nerve.
performed, and the patient was started on The thought that viruses may infect nerves
omeprazole 20 mg 2 times daily and gabapen- directly has been studied in relation to the
tin 100 mg 3 times daily. One week later, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) (eg, postherpetic
patient’s swallowing and voice were im- neuralgia). Notably, it has been shown that the
proved. Four months later, the patient was vagus nerve can be infected by HSV.12 Gesser
seen in follow-up. At that time, she was eating et al13 were able to show the presence of HSV
normally, and repeat pharyngeal and UES ma-
in vagal sensory ganglia after oral and esoph-
nometry showed peak pharyngeal contrac-
ageal inoculation of the virus in mice. They
tions in the normal range (150 mm Hg).
postulated that the virus directly entered
This patient appears to have developed bi-
nerve endings during the mucosal infection
lateral PVVN affecting the entire laryngo-
stage and then traveled by axonal transport to
pharynx. Her aspiration was probably the
the proximal ganglia.
result of the combination of inadequate pha-
The other potential mechanism (ie, nerve
ryngeal propulsion, UES dysfunction, LPR,
injury as a result of the inflammatory cascade)
and glottal incompetence. The glottal closure
has been studied as it relates to Guillain-Barre
was improved by a medialization procedure,
and pharyngeal function improved as well. syndrome.14 Presumably, the proximity of the
Whether the recovery was entirely spontane- nerve to the site of infection allows exposure
ous or related in part to the medical treatment to various inflammatory mediators, such as
remains uncertain. cytokines. These mediators may cause in-
discriminate damage to the nerve through
DISCUSSION demyelination and axonal loss or may lead
to the production of cross-reacting antibodies,
Unilateral or bilateral vocal fold paresis is a which may subsequently damage the nerve. In
relatively common clinical entity, and in most addition, there is evidence that the acute in-
cases, the causes are trauma, tumor, or an flammatory response may also temporarily
iatrogenic cause; however, some are consid- slow nerve conduction.15
ered idiopathic. Most series report that be- The neuropathy is not always limited to the
tween 15% and 20% of cases fit into this initial affected nerve. With Guillain-Barre syn-
latter category6-8; although the incidence has drome, neuropathy may be progressive and may
been reported as high as 41%.9 It also has affect multiple nerves. Similarly, in the case
been postulated that some of these idiopathic of trigeminal neuralgia, although HSV may
cases are related to viral infection. Clerf 3 at- initially invade a single branch of the nerve, it
tributed 45 of 293 cases to be secondary to appears to lead to the development of symp-
viral infection. Although unproven, the the- toms in other divisions as well. There is some
ory that viruses can cause vocal fold weakness evidence that Bell’s palsy, which is tradition-
or paralysis has been reiterated by several ally believed to be a mononeuropathy, is ac-
authors.5,10,11 A typical history of persistent tually a polyneuropathy, because some pa-

tients have symptoms and findings consistent been shown that neuropathic pain may be
with involvement of other cranial nerves.16 caused by the production of tumor necrosis
Each of the 5 patients described in this factor-alpha in regions of axonal damage18
article prove this point to a different extent. and by the stimulation of sympathetic sprout-
Although all had documented abnormalities ing.17
on LEMG, 4 patients also had evidence of new As mentioned, the key element of the dis-
onset LPR, 1 patient had neuropathic pain, ease process in these patients is the finding of
and 1 had involvement of the trigeminal vocal fold paresis. Although paresis is often
nerve. This implies that the initial neuro- obvious on telescopic examination, the diag-
pathic process may have spread to other nosis in these patients was confirmed by
nerves and/or ganglia, causing abnormalities LEMG. This confirmation allows the physi-
in other systems. cian to gather objective proof of neuromuscu-
Although the mechanism of postviral onset lar weakness, while ruling out cricoarytenoid
of LPR is unknown, we postulate that it re- joint fixation or pericapsular fibrosis as possi-
sults from dysfunction of the UES and/or ble causes of hypomobility of the vocal folds.
changes in other reflux-protective mecha- In addition, LEMG may provide prognostic
nisms of the esophagus, such as esophageal information, which would help determine the
acid clearance. Indeed, 3 of the 5 patients in therapy offered to the patient.19
this study showed abnormalities on manome- Treatment for patients with PVVN should
try, such as very low resting UES tone and take into consideration each individual symp-
poor esophageal peristalsis (abnormal esoph- tom or finding, because each is treated in a
ageal motility). Although it is possible that different manner. The paresis, LPR, and neu-
LPR was an unrelated, coexistent disease, all ropathic pain (when present) should each be
the patients in this series had no LPR symp- individually addressed. Symptomatic vocal
toms before they developed the URI. fold paresis or paralysis may be effectively
Pain associated with voice use was also a treated with injection augmentation or medi-
prominent clinical feature in 1 patient. Al- alization procedures.20 LPR should be treated
though patients with vocal fold paresis and with dietary changes and proton pump inhib-
paralysis may have odynophonia, in this case itors. Neuropathic pain may be more difficult
the pain was described as severe, sharp, and to treat; we have found that gabapentin may
radiating. This type of pain is different from be useful in the treatment of such pain. In
the discomfort associated with muscle tension some cases, referral to a specialized pain
and fatigue, and is consistent with the defini- clinic may be indicated.
tion of neuropathic pain. In this case, the It must be pointed out that confirmatory
patient continued to experience neuropathic evidence of a viral etiology of PVVN is not
pain with voice use after his voice had been available, because this would require biopsy
restored by a medialization procedure. of the affected nerves. This was not possible,
The likely mechanism for the development and certainly is not advisable, because it
of neuropathic pain has been studied in other would only worsen the patient’s symptoms.
parts of the body.17 It is postulated that in Serology is unreliable, and, even if positive,
response to the injury, the proximal axonal would not prove an etiologic link between the
stumps begin to undergo a series of changes, virus and the neuropathy. The authors
including the expression of transcription and strongly believe that the history in these pa-
nerve growth factors. If the injury to the nerve tients is clear and represents the best evidence
is severe, the axons do not have a proper for a viral etiology.
roadmap to guide them. This may lead to
rearrangement in organization within periph- CONCLUSIONS
eral nerves, in which certain fibers may sprout
into terminals normally occupied by other PVVN appears to have identifiable clinical
types of fibers. This may lead to abnormal components. Patients presenting with the
functioning of distal muscle bundles, or in the sudden onset of voice problems, LPR, and/or
case of injury to afferent nerves, may lead to painful phonation may represent a group of
chronic neuropathic pain.17 In addition, it has patients who have sustained postviral injuries

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