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Interactions between the Multiplier Analysis and the Principle of Acceleration

Author(s): Paul A. Samuelson

Source: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 21, No. 2 (May, 1939), pp. 75-78
Published by: The MIT Press
Stable URL:
Accessed: 16/04/2010 05:16

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Economics and Statistics.
FEW economistswoulddeny that the "mul- private investment, assumed according to the
tiplier" analysis of the effects of govern- familiar acceleration principle to be propor-
mental deficit spending has thrown some light tional to the time increase of consumption. The
upon this important problem. Nevertheless, introductionof the last component accounts for
there would seem to be some ground for the the novelty of the conclusions reached and also
fear that this extremely simplified mechanism the increased complexity of the analysis.
is in danger of hardeninginto a dogma, hinder- A numerical example may be cited to illumi-
ing progress and obscuring important sub- nate the assumptions made. We assume gov-
sidiary relations and processes. It is highly ernmental deficit spending of one dollar per
desirable, therefore, that model sequences, unit period, beginning at some initial time and
which operate under more general assumptions, continuing thereafter. The marginal propen-
be investigated, possibly including the conven- sity to consume, a, is taken to be one-half. This
tional analysis as a special case.' is taken to mean that the consumption of any
In particular, the "multiplier," using this period is equal to one-half the national income
term in its usual sense, does not pretend to give of the previous period. Our last assumption is
the relation between total national income in- that induced private investment is proportional
duced by governmentalspending and the origi- to the increase in consumption between the
nal amount of money spent. This is clearly seen previous and the current period. This factor of
by a simple example. In an economy (not proportionality or relation, /3, is provisionally
necessarily our own) where any dollar of gov- taken to be equal to unity; i.e., a time increase
ernmental deficit spending would result in a in consumption of one dollar will result in one
hundred dollars less of private investment than dollar's worth of induced private investment.
would otherwisehave been undertaken,the ratio In the initial period when the government
of total induced national income to the initial spends a dollar for the first time, there will be
expenditureis overwhelminglynegative, yet the no consumptioninduced from previous periods,
"multiplier" in the strict sense must be posi- and hence the addition to the national income
tive. The answer to the puzzle is simple. What will equal the one dollar spent. This will yield
the multiplier does give is the ratio of the total fifty cents of consumption expenditure in the
increase in the national income to the total second period, an increase of fifty cents over
amount of investment, governmental and pri- the consumption of the first period, and so
vate. In other words, it does not tell us how accordingto the relation we will have fifty cents
much is to be multiplied. The effects upon pri- worth of induced private investment. Finally,
vate investment are often regarded as tertiary we must add the new dollar of expenditure by
influencesand receive little systematic attention. the government. The national income of the
In order to remedy the situation in some second period must therefore total two dollars.
measure, Professor Hansen has developeda new Similarly, in the third period the national in-
model sequence which ingeniously combines the come would be the sum of one dollar of
multiplier analysis with that of the acceleration consumption,fifty cents induced private invest-
principle or relation. This is done by making ment, and one dollar current governmental ex-
additions to the national income consist of three penditure. It is clear that given the values of
components: (i) governmentaldeficit spending, the marginal propensity to consume, a, and the
(2) private consumption expenditure induced relation, f, all succeeding national income levels
by previouspublic expenditure,and (3) induced can be easily computed in succession. This is
done in detail in Table i and illustrated in
' The writer, who has made this study in connection with Chart i. It will be noted that the introduction
his research as a member of the Society of Fellows at Har- of the acceleration principle causes our series
vard University, wishes to express his indebtedness to Pro-
fessor Alvin H. Hansen of Harvard University at whose to reach a peak at the 3rd year, a trough at
suggestion the investigation was undertaken. the 7th, a peak at the iith, etc. Such oscil-
TABLE I.-THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INCOME tatively different results emerge in a seemingly
AS A RESULT OF A CONTINUOUS LEVEL OF GOVERN- capricious manner from minor changes in hy-
potheses. Worse than this, how can we be sure
RELATION EQUALS UNITY that for still different selected values of our
(Unit: one dollar) coefficientsnew and stronger types of behavior
will not emerge? Is it not even possible that
Current Current
Current consump- private if Table 2 were extended to cover more periods,
govern- tion investment Total
Period mental induced proportional national new types of behavior might result for these
expendi- by to time income
ture previous increase in selected coefficients?
expenditure consumption
Fortunately, these questions can be given a
I ....... I.00 0.00 0.00 I.00 definite negative answer. Arithmetical methods
2 ...... 0.50 0.50 2.00
I.00 cannot do so since we cannot try all possible
3 ...... I.00 I.00 0.50 2.50
4 ....... I .00 I.25 0.25 2.50
values of the coefficients nor compute the end-
5 .00 .00 I.25 0.00 2.25 less terms of each sequence. Nevertheless, com-
6 ...... I.00 I.I25 -O.I25* 2.00 paratively simple algebraic analysis can be
7 ...... 1.00 I.00 -O.I25 I.875 applied which will yield all possible qualitative
8 ...... I .00 0.-9375 -o.o625 I.875
types of behavior and enable us to unify our
9 ...... I .00 0.9375 0.00 I*9375
I 0 ....... I.00 0.96875 0.03I25 2.00
I I . 1..... I.00 I.00 0.03I25 2.03I25 The national income at time t, Yt, can be
I2 I...00
...... I.OI5625 O.OI5625 2.03I25 written as the sum of three components: (i)
I3 I...00
...... IOI5625 0.00 2.0I5625 governmentalexpenditure, gt, (2) consumption
I4 ...... I .00 -0.0078I25 2.00
expenditure, Ct, and (3) induced private in-
~~~~~~~. ....... . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........
vestment, It.
*Negative induced private investment is interpreted to Yt- gt+Ct+It.
mean that for the system as a whole there is less investment
in this period than there otherwise would have been. Since But according to the Hansen assumptions
this is a marginal analysis, superimposed implicitly upon a Ct=aYt-1
going state of affairs, this concept causes no difficulty.
It=/3[Ct-Ct-i] =a/3Yt-i-a/3Yt-2

latory behavior could not occur in the conven- and

tional model sequences, as will soon become gt= I.
evident. Therefore, our national income can be rewritten
For other chosen values of a and A similar Yt = I +a [ I+#] Yt-1-aflyt-2-
model sequences can be developed. In Table 2
national income totals are given for various se- CHART I.-GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF DATA IN
lected values of these coefficients. In the first TABLE I
column, for example, the marginal propensity (Unit: one dollar)
to consume is assumed to be one-half, and the Goyernmentexpenditure
relation to be equal to zero. This is of special Consumption
interest because it shows the conventional mul-
tiplier sequences to be special cases of the more
general Hansen analysis. For this case no oscil-
lations are possible. In the second column the
oscillationsin the national income are undamped 2 -
and regular. In column three things are still
worse; the oscillations are explosive, becoming
larger and larger but always fluctuating around
an "average value." In the fourth column the
behavior is no longer oscillatory but is explosive
upward approaching a compound interest rate
of growth.
By this time the investigator is inclined to 0
feel somewhat disorganized. A variety of quali- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
In words, if we know the national income for Region A (relatively small values of the re-
two periods, the national income for the follow- lation)
ing period can be simply derived by taking a If there is a constant level of governmental
weighted sum. The weights depend, of course, expenditure through time, the national income
upon the values chosen for the marginal pro-
pensity to consume and for the relation. will approachasymptotically a value times
This is one of the simplest types of difference the constant level of governmentalexpenditure.
equations, having constant coefficients and be- A single impulse of expenditure,or any amount
ing of the second order. The mathematical de- of expenditure followed by a complete cessa-
tails of its solution need not be entered upon tion, will result in a gradual approach to the
here. Suffice it to say that its solution depends original zero level of national income. (It will
upon the roots -which in turn depend upon be noted that the asymptote approachedis iden-
the coefficientsa and ,8- of a certain equation.' tically that given by the Keynes-Kahn-Clark
formula. Their analysis applies to points along
the a axis and is subsumed under the more gen-
SUME AND RELATION eral Hansen analysis.) Perfectly periodic net
(Unit: one dollar) governmentalexpenditurewill result eventually
in perfectly periodic fluctuations in national
Period a= .5 a= .5 a= .6 a= .8 income.
3=0 8=2 8=2 8 =4

I ... I.00 I.00 I.00 I.00

Region B
2 . 1I..50 2.50 2.80 5.00
3 ...... .75 3-75 4.84 I7.80
A constant continuing level of governmental
4 ........ I.875 4.I25 6.352 56.20 expenditure will result in damped oscillatory
5 ... .
I9375 3-4375 6.6256 I69.84 movements of national income, gradually ap-
6 ........ I.9688* 2.03I3 5.3037 500.52
7 . 1...... I-9844 .9I4I 2.5959 I,459.592 proaching the asymptote times the con-
.69I8 I-a
8 ........ I.9922 - JII72 - 4,227.704
9 ........ I-996I .2 I48 stant level of government expenditure. (Cf.
-3.3603 I2,24II.2I6
.. ........ ..... ....... Table i.) Governmentalexpenditurein a single
. . . . .. . ..........

*Table is correct to four decimal Dlaces.

or finite numberof periods will result eventually
in damped oscillations around the level of in-
It can be easily shown that the whole field of come zero. Perfectly regular periodic fluctua-
possible values of a and , can be divided tions in government expenditure will result
into four regions, each of which gives quali- eventually in fluctuations of income of the same
tatively different types of behavior. In Chart 2 period.
these regions are plotted. Each point in this Region C
diagram represents a selection of values for the A constant level of governmentalexpenditure
marginal propensity to consume and the rela-
will result in explosive, ever increasing oscilla-
tion. Correspondingto each point there will be
tions around an asymptote computed as above.
a model sequence of national income through
(Cf. column 3 of Table 2.) A single impulse of
time. The qualitative properties of this se-
expenditure or a finite number of expenditure
quence depend upon whether the point is in impulses will result eventually in explosive oscil-
Region A, B, C, or D.2 The properties of each
lations around the level zero.
region can be briefly summarized.
Region D (large values of the marginalpropen-
Actually, the solution can be written in the form
sity to consume and the relation)
Yt=-~+aj[xi]t+aJ[x2V t
I-a A constant level of governmentalexpenditure
where Xi and X2 are roots of the quadratic equation will result in an ever increasingnational income,
x2-a[i+,P]x+aq=o, eventually approaching a compound interest
and a, and a2 are constants dependent upon the a's and 6's rate of growth. (Cf. column 4 of Table 2.) A
2Mathematically, the regions are demarcated by the con- vious footnote be real or complex, greater or less than unity
ditions that the roots of the equation referred to in the pre- in absolute value.


12 -


,- _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ .A .................. ,



0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.

single impulse of net investment will likewise marginal propensity to consume and the rela-
send the system up to infinity at a compound tion are constants; actually these will change
interest rate of growth. On the other hand, a with the level of income, so that this representa-
single infinitesimal unit of disinvestment will tion is strictly a marginal analysis to be applied
send the system ever downwardat an increasing to the study of small oscillations. Nevertheless,
rate. This is a highly unstable situation, but it is more general than the usual analysis. Con-
corresponds most closely to the pure case of trary to the impression commonly held, mathe-
pump-priming, where the total increase in matical methods properly employed, far from
national income bears no finite ratio to the making economictheory more abstract, actually
original stimulus. serve as a powerful liberating device enabling
The limitations inherent in so simplified a the entertainment and analysis of ever more
picture as that presented here should not be realistic and complicatedhypotheses.
overlooked.' In assumes that the
Lundberg, and the dynamic theories of Tinbergen. The
'It may be mentioned in passing that the formal structure present problem is so simple that it provides a useful intro-
of our problem is identical with the model sequences of duction to the mathematical theory of the latter's work.


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