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Chapter 9 (Inheritance)

Name: Masud Shah;

Roll No: 10;

Class: BCS 2nd (Self);

Solution of Object-Oriented
Programming C++ Chapter # 9;

Department of Computer Science;

Abdul wale khan University Mardan

(Garden Campus);

Ma’am Dr. Palwasha Afsar;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
Questions (MCQs)
Answers to these questions can be found in Appendix G.
1. Inheritance is a way to
a) Make general classes into more specific classes.
b) Pass arguments to objects of classes.
c) Add features to existing classes without rewriting them.
d) Improve data hiding and encapsulation.
2. A “child” class is said to be derived from a base class.
3. Advantages of inheritance include
a) Providing class growth through natural selection.
b) Facilitating class libraries.
c) Avoiding the rewriting of code.
d) Providing a useful conceptual framework.
4. Write the first line of the specifier for a class Bosworth that is
publicly derived from a class Alphonso.
Answer: class Bosworth: public Alphonso
5. True or false: Adding a derived class to a base class requires
fundamental changes to the base class.
Answer: false
6. To be accessed from a member function of the derived class,
data or functions in the base class must be public or protected.
7. If a base class contains a member function basefunc (), and a

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
derived class does not contain a function with this name, can an
object of the derived class access basefunc ()?
Answer: yes (assuming basefunc is not private)
8. Assume that the classes mentioned in Question 4 and the
class Alphonso contain a member function called alfunc(). Write
a statement that allows object BosworthObj of class Bosworth
to access alfunc().
Answer: BosworthObj.alfunc ()
9. True or false: If no constructors are specified for a derived
class, objects of the derived class will use the constructors in
the base class.
Answer: True
10. If a base class and a derived class each include a member
function with the same name, which member function will be
called by an object of the derived class, assuming the scope-
resolution operator is not used?
Answer: the one in the derived class
11. Write a declarator for a no-argument constructor of the
derived class Bosworth of Question 4 that calls a no-argument
constructor in the base class Alphonso.
Answer: Bosworth (): Alphonso () { }
12. The scope-resolution operator usually
a) Limits the visibility of variables to a certain function.

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Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
b) Tells what base class a class is derived from.
c) Specifies a particular class.
d) Resolves ambiguities.
13. True or false: It is sometimes useful to specify a class from
which no objects will ever be created.
Answer: True
14. Assume that there is a class Derv that is derived from a base
class Base. Write the declarator for a derived-class constructor
that takes one argument and passes this argument along to the
constructor in the base class.
Answer: Derv (int arg): Base (arg)
15. Assume a class Derv that is privately derived from class
Base. An object of class Derv located in main () can access
a) Public members of Derv.
b) Protected members of Derv.
c) Private members of Derv.
d) Public members of Base.
e) Protected members of Base.
f) Private members of Base.
16. True or false: A class D can be derived from a class C, which
is derived from a class B, which is derived from a class A.
Answer: True
17. A class hierarchy
a) Shows the same relationships as an organization chart.
Design & Written By Masud Shah
Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
b) Describes “has a” relationships.
c) Describes “is a kind of” relationships.
d) Shows the same relationships as a family tree.
18. Write the first line of a specifier for a class Tire that is
derived from class Wheel and from class Rubber.
Answer: class Tire: public Wheel, public Rubber
19. Assume a class Derv derived from a base class Base. Both
classes contain a member function func () that takes no
arguments. Write a statement to go in a member function of
Derv that calls func () in the base class.
Answer: Base::func ();
20. True or false: It is illegal to make objects of one class
members of another class.
Answer: False
21. In the UML, inheritance is called generalization.
22. Aggregation is
a) A stronger form of instantiation.
b) A stronger form of generalization.
c) A stronger form of composition.
d) A “has a” relationship.
23. True or false: the arrow representing generalization points
to the more specific class.
Answer: False

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
24. Composition is a stronger form of aggregation.

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Chapter 9 (Inheritance)

// ex9_1.cpp
// publication class and derived classes
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class publication // base class
string title;
float price;
void getdata()
cout << "\nEnter title: "; cin >> title;
cout << "Enter price: "; cin >> price;
void putdata() const

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
cout << "\nTitle: " << title;
cout << "\nPrice: " << price;
class book : private publication // derived class
int pages;
void getdata()
cout << "Enter number of pages: "; cin >> pages;
void putdata() const
cout << "\nPages: " << pages;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
class tape : private publication // derived class
float time;
void getdata()
cout << "Enter playing time: "; cin >> time;
void putdata() const
cout << "\nPlaying time: " << time;
int main()
book book1; // define publications
tape tape1;

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Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
book1.getdata(); // get data for them
book1.putdata(); // display their data
cout << endl;
return 0;
// ex9_2.cpp
//inheritance from String class
#include <cstring> //for strcpy(), etc.
using namespace std;
class String //base class
protected: //Note: can’t be private
enum { SZ = 80 }; //size of all String objects
char str[SZ]; //holds a C-string
String() //constructor 0, no args

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
{ str[0] = '\0'; }
String( char s[] ) //constructor 1, one arg
{ strcpy(str, s); } // convert string to String
void display() const //display the String
{ cout << str; }
operator char*() //conversion function
{ return str; } //convert String to C-string
class Pstring : public String //derived class
Pstring( char s[] ); //constructor
Pstring::Pstring( char s[] ) //constructor for Pstring
if(strlen(s) > SZ-1) //if too long,
for(int j=0; j<SZ-1; j++) //copy the first SZ-1
str[j] = s[j]; //characters “by hand”
str[j] = '\0'; //add the null character

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
else //not too long,
String(s); //so construct normally
int main()
{//define String
Pstring s1 = "This is a very long string which is probably "
"no, certainly--going to exceed the limit set by SZ.";
cout << "\ns1="; s1.display(); //display String
Pstring s2 = "This is a short string."; //define String
cout << "\ns2="; s2.display(); //display String
cout << endl;
return 0;
// ex9_3.cpp
// multiple inheritance with publication class
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
class publication
string title;
float price;
void getdata()
cout << "\nEnter title: "; cin >> title;
cout << " Enter price: "; cin >> price;
void putdata() const
cout << "\nTitle: " << title;
cout << "\n Price: " << price;
class sales

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Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
enum { MONTHS = 3 };
float salesArr[MONTHS];
void getdata();
void putdata() const;
void sales::getdata()
cout << " Enter sales for 3 months\n";
for(int j=0; j<MONTHS; j++)
cout << " Month " << j+1 << ": ";
cin >> salesArr[j];
void sales::putdata() const
for(int j=0; j<MONTHS; j++)
cout << "\n Sales for month " << j+1 << ": ";

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Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
cout << salesArr[j];
class book : private publication, private sales
int pages;
void getdata()
cout << " Enter number of pages: "; cin >> pages;
void putdata() const
cout << "\n Pages: " << pages;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
class tape : private publication, private sales
float time;
void getdata()
cout << " Enter playing time: "; cin >> time;
void putdata() const
cout << "\n Playing time: " << time;
int main()

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
book book1; // define publications
tape tape1;
book1.getdata(); // get data for publications
book1.putdata(); // display data for publications
cout << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
class publication
string title;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
float price;
void getdata(void)
string t;
float p;
cout << "Enter title of publication: ";
cin >> t;
cout << "Enter price of publication: ";
cin >> p;
title = t;
price = p;
void putdata(void)
cout << "Publication title: " << title << endl;
cout << "Publication price: " << price << endl;
class sales

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
float s1, s2, s3;
void getdata(void)
cout << "Enter month 1 sale: $";
cin >> s1;
cout << "Enter month 2 sale: $";
cin >> s2;
cout << "Enter month 3 sale: $";
cin >> s3;
void putdata(void)
cout << "Month 1 sale: $" << s1 << endl;
cout << "Month 2 sale: $" << s2 << endl;
cout << "Month 3 sale: $" << s3 << endl;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
class book :public publication, public sales
int pagecount;
void getdata(void)
cout << "Enter Book Page Count: ";
cin >> pagecount;
void putdata(void)
cout << "Book page count: " << pagecount << endl;
class tape :public publication, public sales

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
float ptime;
void getdata(void)
cout << "Enter tap's playing time: ";
cin >> ptime;
void putdata(void)
cout << "Tap's playing time: " << ptime << endl;
class disk :public publication

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
enum dtype
dtype userchoice;
void getdata(void)
char a;
cout << "Enter disk type (c or d) for CD and DVD: ";
cin >> a;
if (a == 'c')
userchoice = CD;
userchoice = DVD;

void putdata()

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
cout << "Disk type is: ";
if (userchoice == CD)
cout << "CD";
cout << "DVD";
int main(void)
disk d;
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
const int LEN = 80; //maximum length of names

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
class employee //employee class
char name[LEN]; //employee name
unsigned long number; //employee number
void getdata()
cout << "\n Enter last name : "; cin >> name;
cout << " Enter number :"; cin >> number;
void putdata() const
cout << "\n Name : " << name;
cout << "\n Number : " << number;
class employee2 :public employee

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
double compen;
enum paytype{ hourly, weakly, monthly };
paytype period;
void getdata(void)
char a;
cout << "Enter compensation: ";
cin >> compen;
cout << "Enter payment period (h,w,m): ";
cin >> a;
switch (a)
case 'h':
period = hourly;
case 'w':
period = weakly;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
case 'm':
period = monthly;
void putdata(void) const
cout << "Employee compensation: " << compen << endl;
switch (period)
case hourly:
cout << "hourly" << endl;
case weakly:
cout << "weakly" << endl;
case monthly:
cout << "monthly" << endl;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
class manager : public employee2 //management class
char title[LEN]; //"vice-president" etc.
double dues; //golf club dues
void getdata()
cout << " Enter title : "; cin >> title;
cout << " Enter golf club dues : "; cin >> dues;
void putdata() const
cout << "\n Title : " << title;
cout << "\n Golf club dues : " << dues;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
class scientist : public employee2 //scientist class
int pubs; //number of publications
void getdata()
cout << " Enter number of pubs : "; cin >> pubs;
void putdata() const
cout << "\n Number of publications : " << pubs;

class laborer : public employee2 //laborer class

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
int main(void)
manager m1, m2;
scientist s1;
laborer l1;
cout << endl; //get data for several employees
cout << "\nEnter data for manager 1";
cout << "\nEnter data for manager 2";
cout << "\nEnter data for scientist 1";
cout << "\nEnter data for laborer 1";
//display data for several employees
cout << "\nData on manager 1";
cout << "\nData on manager 2";

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
cout << "\nData on scientist 1";
cout << "\nData on laborer 1";
cout << endl;
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
#include <process.h> //for exit()
const int LIMIT = 100; //array size
class safearay
int arr[LIMIT];

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
int& operator [](int n) //note: return by reference
if (n< 0 || n >= LIMIT)
cout << "\nIndex out of bounds"; exit(1);
return arr[n];
class safehilo :public safearay
int llimit, ulimit;
safehilo(int a, int b) :llimit(a), ulimit(b)
if ((b - a) > LIMIT)
cout << "Array limits exceed maximum permissible range.";

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
int& operator [](int n)
if (n < llimit || n >= ulimit)
cout << "\nIndex out of bounds"; _getch(); exit(1);
safearay::operator[](n - llimit);
int main(void)
safehilo sa1(100,175);
for (int j = 100; j<175; j++) //insert elements
sa1[j] = j * 10; //*left* side of equal sign
for (int j = 100; j<175; j++) //display elements
int temp = sa1[j]; //*right* side of equal sign
cout << "Element " << j << " is " << temp << endl;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
class Counter
protected: //NOTE: not private
unsigned int count; //count
Counter() : count() //constructor, no args
Counter(int c) : count(c) //constructor, one arg
unsigned int get_count() const //return count

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
return count;
Counter operator ++ () //incr count (prefix)
return Counter(++count);
class CountDn : public Counter
CountDn() : Counter() //constructor, no args
CountDn(int c) : Counter(c) //constructor, 1 arg
CountDn operator -- () //decr count (prefix)
return CountDn(--count);
class Countupdown :public CountDn

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
Countupdown() :CountDn()
Countupdown(int c) :CountDn(c)
Countupdown operator ++(int)
return Countupdown(count++);
Countupdown operator --(int)
return Countupdown(count--);
int main(void)
CountDn c1; //class CountDn
CountDn c2(100);
cout << "\nc1 = " << c1.get_count(); //display

Design & Written By Masud Shah

Chapter 9 (Inheritance)
cout << "\nc2 = " << c2.get_count(); //display
++c1;+ +c1; c1++; //increment c1
cout << "\nc1 = " << c1.get_count(); //display it
--c2; c2--; //decrement c2
cout << "\nc2 = " << c2.get_count(); //display it
CountDn c3 = c2--; //create c3 from c2
cout << "\nc3 = " << c3.get_count(); //display c3
cout << endl;

Design & Written By Masud Shah

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