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Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:181–188

DOI 10.1007/s00217-010-1263-1


Egg white lysozyme puriWcation with a chitin–silica-based aYnity

chromatographic matrix
Federico J. Wolman · Guillermo J. Copello · Andrea M. Mebert ·
Alexandra M. Targovnik · María V. Miranda · Agustín A. Navarro del Cañizo ·
Luis E. Díaz · Osvaldo Cascone

Received: 24 December 2009 / Revised: 8 March 2010 / Accepted: 15 March 2010 / Published online: 2 April 2010
© Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract A composite biosorbent retaining non- Introduction

covalently bound chitin in between layers of a silicon oxide
matrix was assessed for lysozyme puriWcation from undi- An important challenge of protein downstream processing
luted egg white. The matrix can be shaped with big size and is to have chromatographic matrices with high adsorption
high density, thus allowing its eYcient separation from the capacity, high aYnity, eYcient elution of the adsorbed pro-
egg white after the adsorption step. The lysozyme-depleted tein and good hydrodynamic behaviour. Besides, the per-
egg white can follow its usual commercialisation route. formance/cost ratio is critical when the usefulness of the
A surface area of 142 m2/g and a total pore volume of process is assessed [1]. With respect to hydrodynamic
0.295 cm3/g were calculated from the nitrogen sorption iso- parameters, not all commercial matrices are useful when
therms. Its water content was 78.3%. The matrix structure the raw starting material is complex. The presence of par-
is the result of the polysaccharide addition to the polymeri- ticulate material, the high viscosity and the presence of fat
sation mixture, which is known to inXuence the condensa- bring about the need of clariWcation steps or conditioning of
tion process, leading to a material with characteristic the samples.
properties. A maximum capacity of 117.1 § 9 mg lyso- On the other hand, for puriWcation processes in batch, in
zyme/g and a dissociation constant of 0.73 § 0.15 mg/mL addition to contact time optimisation, matrix recovery after
were calculated from the Langmuir isotherm. A lysozyme the adsorption step becomes diYcult when the raw material
puriWcation batch process from undiluted egg white was is not clear and its viscosity is high. To overcome this prob-
developed, where 87% of the lysozyme was removed from lem, diVerent approaches such as magnetic particles were
the egg white and the matrix was easily recovered by a sim- developed with success at a laboratory scale [2]. However,
ple Wltration through a strainer. The overall yield of the pro- they are expensive and their adsorptive capacity is rather
cess was 64% with a puriWcation factor of 20. low; therefore, the beneWt/cost ratio is not too attractive. In
this work, a novel chromatographic matrix made of a
Keywords Egg white · Lysozyme · Chromatographic copolymer of chitin and silicon oxide was developed.
matrix · Extraction · PuriWcation Chitin (Poly -(1 ! 4)-2-acetoamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose)
is the second more abundant polymer in nature. It is syn-
thesised by a great variety of species, being the exoskeleton
of arthropods the main source [3]. In spite of being a poly-
mer similar to cellulose, it has an acetamide group in posi-
tion C-2 instead an hydroxyl group, thus giving it unique
F. J. Wolman · G. J. Copello · A. M. Mebert · A. M. Targovnik · properties. Chitin is biodegradable, biocompatible, has high
M. V. Miranda · A. A. Navarro del Cañizo · L. E. Díaz · chemical resistance, low immunogenicity and low cost [4];
O. Cascone (&) these attributes make it a very interesting material for
Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica,
University of Buenos Aires, Junín 956 (1113),
chromatographic processes. Its deacetylated derivative—
Buenos Aires, Argentina chitosan—has also been used for chromatographic
e-mail: purposes [5–7].

182 Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:181–188

From the chromatographic point of view, mechanic Materials and methods

resistance of the matrix must be adequate, especially for
batch processes where stirring is required. Sol–gel chemis- Materials
try avoids the cross-link reagents that block reactive groups
of the polymer, which usually brings about a decrease in Tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and chitin (molecular weight
the amount of immobilised ligand and, therefore, a concom- 400,000) were from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland and USA,
itant decrease in protein adsorption capacity [8]. Sol–gel respectively). Lysozyme was from Sigma–Aldrich (Saint
method has been widely used in the obtention of polymeric Louis, MO, USA). All other reagents were AR grade.
hybrid materials containing inorganic and organic moieties.
This is because of the mild conditions of the polymerisation Matrix preparation
reaction, which include room temperature operation and
polymerisation at physiological compatible pH, among A 5% chitin hydrogel was prepared by a modiWcation of the
other advantages [9–11]. Recently, the sol–gel method was procedure described previously for cellulose [29]. BrieXy, a
used for obtaining gels, xerogels and Wlms composed of 5% chitin solution was prepared by dissolving chitin powder
polysaccharides and silicon oxide [9, 12–15]. Examples of in methanol saturated with CaCl2. Then, 10 mL chitin solu-
polysaccharides immobilised in silicon oxide networks are tion was added to 200 mL distilled water under vigorous stir-
chitosan, carrageen, cyclodextrin and carboxymethylcellu- ring. Afterwards, the suspension was centrifuged to collect
lose [16, 17]. Spicules of R. Wbulata are an excellent example the hydrogel in 10 mL. Finally, the hydrogel was washed
of a naturally occurring silica–chitin composite responsible with 0.2 M potassium hydrogen phthalate, pH 5. A TEOS
for the observed high mechanical stability and resistance solution was prepared by sonicating (Transonic 540 sonica-
[18]. In the present study, a composite biosorbent retaining tor, 35 kHz) a mixture of 10 mL TEOS, 0.6 mL 0.05 M HCl
non-covalently bound chitin in between layers of a silicon and 2 mL water for 30 min at 20 °C. Equal volumes of TEOS
oxide matrix was assessed for lysozyme puriWcation from solution and hydrogel were then mixed. Polymerisation took
egg white. place at 25 °C and the matrix was sectioned in 2 £ 2 mm
Lysozyme has a potent antimicrobial eVect due to the beads. Prior to the adsorptive step, the matrix was washed 3
hydrolysis of the  unions between muramic acid and times (8 h each) with 50 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH
N-acetyl glucosamine present in the microbial walls. It 8.0, 50 mM NaCl, to allow its ageing and to eliminate the
Wnds a lot of applications in food and medical areas. Egg remaining alcohol released by the TEOS hydrolysis.
white is the main source of lysozyme, containing around
3.5% of this protein. Other main proteins present in egg Matrix characterisation
white are ovoalbumin, conalbumin, ovotransferrin, G2 and
G3 globulins and Xavoprotein. Infrared spectrum: ATR-FTIR transmission spectra were
Most lysozyme puriWcation processes take advantage of acquired in the range of 4,000–650 cm¡1 using a Fourier
the high isoelectric point of the protein by using ion transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR) with a Xat-plate
exchange chromatography [19–22]. Other processes make attenuated total reXectance (ATR) (Perkin Elmer, Spectrum
use of the aYnity interaction between lysozyme and One IR). The matrix was previously dried at 60 °C for 24 h
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine monomers of chitin [23–25] or its to preclude water-related bands interference.
aYnity for dyes [26–28]. However, in almost all of these Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray
processes dilution of the egg white is required in order to analysis: Samples were analysed using a Zeiss Supra 40
obtain high adsorption capacity, thus preventing its further microscope for scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
utilisation as food additive. Elemental analyses were carried out by using an energy dis-
We herein present a novel chromatographic matrix with persive analyser (EDS) (Oxford Instruments).
high lysozyme adsorption capacity and excellent mechani- Nitrogen adsorption isotherm: Before adsorption, the
cal resistance. It can be shaped with big size and high den- sample was degassed at 50 °C for 24 h under high vacuum.
sity, thus allowing an eYcient separation of the matrix from Nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherms were per-
the egg white after the adsorption step. The lysozyme- formed in duplicate at 77.7 K employing nitrogen Mathe-
depleted egg white can follow its usual commercialisation son spectroscopic grade. The speciWc surface area (SBET)
route. and total pore volume (TPV) were estimated by the
In this work, we characterise chemically the copolymer Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) and Barrett–Joyner–
chitin–silicon oxide, we assessed its thermodynamic Halenda (BJH) methods, respectively.
parameters related to lysozyme adsorption and propose a Matrix water content: Matrix water content was deter-
process for lysozyme separation and puriWcation from undi- mined with a moisture analyser at constant temperature
luted egg white. (120 °C) (MX-50, A&D Company, Tokyo, Japan).

Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:181–188 183

Pure lysozyme adsorption isotherm 9.6 and (10) 2 M NaCl + 25% ethylene glycol in 0.1 M
sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6.
About 50 mg matrix was soaked in 1 mL lysozyme solu- In all adsorption and elution experiments, determina-
tions (0.125–10 mg/mL in adsorption buVer: 50 mM tions were performed in triplicate, and the results expressed
sodium phosphate buVer, pH 8.0, 50 mM NaCl). The as the average § standard deviation.
suspensions were gently agitated overnight at 20 °C to
allow the system to reach its equilibrium. Lysozyme con- Lysozyme puriWcation from undiluted egg white
centration in supernatants at equilibrium was then mea-
sured spectrophotometrically at 280 nm. The equilibrium About 1 g matrix was incubated with 10 mL egg white for
concentration of lysozyme bound to the matrix per unit of 10 h at room temperature with gentle agitation. Adsorbed
total matrix volume was calculated spectrophotometrically lysozyme concentration was calculated as the diVerence
as the total amount of enzyme present at the beginning of between the amount of lysozyme in the egg white and its
the experiment less the amount still in the soluble phase at amount in the supernatant after adsorption. After three
equilibrium. 10 mL-washing steps with adsorption buVer, the enzyme
was eluted with 5 mL 0.1 M acetic acid or 0.1 M sodium
Adsorption kinetics of pure lysozyme carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6, + 0.3 M NaCl or 2 M
NaCl + 25% ethylene glycol in 50 mM sodium phosphate
1 g matrix was soaked in 10 mL lysozyme solution (3 mg/ buVer, pH 8.0. After regeneration with 0.05 M NaOH, the
mL in adsorption buVer). The suspension was gently agi- matrix was utilised for two new adsorptive cycles.
tated and samples were taken at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, Total protein was calculated by the Bradford method [30].
240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 540, 600 and 1,440 min. Lyso-
zyme concentration in the supernatants was measured spec- Lysozyme activity measurement
trophotometrically at 280 nm. The amount of protein bound
to the matrix was calculated as the amount present at the Lysozyme concentration was calculated through the mea-
beginning less the amount still present in the soluble phase. sure of its enzyme activity. Lysozyme activity was deter-
mined by its lytic action on Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells
Lysozyme adsorption kinetics from egg white according to Gorin et al. [31]. One lysozyme unit is deWned
as the amount of enzyme causing a decrease of 0.001 per
About 1 g matrix was incubated with 10 mL egg white for minute in the absorbance at 450 nm (pH 7.0, 30 °C), using
24 h at room temperature with gentle agitation. Samples a suspension 1 mg/mL M. lysodeikticus as the substrate, in
were taken at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 1 mL reaction mixture.
480, 540, 600 and 1,440 min. Adsorbed lysozyme concen-
tration was calculated by measurement of lysozyme activity SDS–PAGE
as the diVerence between the amount of lysozyme in the
egg white and its amount in the supernatant. Runs were performed with a 15% gels and stained with
Coomassie Blue under standard conditions. Samples
Elution studies (eluted fractions) were previously subjected to solvent
exchange to 50 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 8.0, using
About 50 mg matrix was saturated with lysozyme by incu- an Amicon centrifugal ultraWlter (cut oV 5,000 kDa, Milli-
bating them overnight in adsorption buVer containing pore, Billerica, MA, USA). Purity was calculated by using
10 mg/mL lysozyme. After three gentle washing steps with the Scion Image software (Scion Corporation, Frederick,
adsorption buVer, they were soaked in the elution solution Maryland, USA).
during 8 h at room temperature.
Ten desorptive solutions (1 mL volume each) were
assayed, two of them previously published: (1) 0.1 M Results and discussion
sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6, 0.3 M NaCl
[21]; (2) 0.1 M acetic acid [23]; (3) 2 M NaCl in adsorption Matrix characterisation
buVer (4) 0.5 M NaSCN in adsorption buVer (5) 25% ethyl-
ene glycol in adsorption buVer (6) 2 M NaCl + 25% ethyl- Matrix ATR-IR spectrum is shown in Fig. 1. Intense bands
ene glycol in adsorption buVer (7) 0.5 M NaSCN + 25% at 790, 950 and 1,070 cm¡1 correspond to symmetric Si–O–Si
ethylene glycol in adsorption buVer (8) 2 M NaCl in 0.1 M bond stretching, Si–OH bond stretching and asymmetric
sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6 (9) 0.5 M Si–O–Si bond stretching, respectively, due to SiO2 poly-
NaSCN in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH meric network generated by TEOS polymerisation [32, 33].

184 Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:181–188

polymerisation mixture, which is known to inXuence the

condensation process, leading to a material with character-
istic properties [34].
The inXuence of chitin in the polymerisation process is
evidenced in the pore structure of the matrix. Thus, the
nitrogen sorption isotherms correspond to those of the mes-
oporous materials (type IV), while typical TEOS matrices
show isotherms of microporous material (type II) [35].
Moreover, it could also be seen the hysteresis loop present
in some mesoporous materials [35, 36]. A surface area of
142 m2/g and a total pore volume of 0.295 cm3/g can be
calculated from the nitrogen sorption isotherms. Water con-
tent of the matrix was 78.3%.

Pure lysozyme adsorption isotherm

Fig. 1 ATR-IR spectrum of the matrix. Data were acquired in the
range 4,000–650 cm¡1 using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer
with a Xat-plate attenuated total reXectance. The matrix was previously Figure 3 shows the lysozyme adsorption isotherm. Data
dried a 60 °C for 24 h were analysed according to Langmuir and Freundlich mod-
els, and Table 1 shows the thermodynamic parameters cal-
culated from them.
Less intense bands accounting for chitin structure can be The maximum capacity achieved—117 mg lysozyme/g
seen at 1,660–1,620 cm¡1, corresponding to the amide I matrix—is very high when compared with the values
band. This band—formed by a doublet at 1,655 and obtained by other authors. Bayramoglu et al. [37], working
1,625 cm¡1 (C=O and C–N stretching, respectively)— with chitosan beads modiWed by grafting of a methacrylic
appears unresolved in the ATR spectra. The bands of amide acid polymer, reported an adsorption capacity of 66 mg/g.
II (1,540 cm¡1, N–H stretching) and amide III This diVerence could be due to the method used for increas-
(1,370 cm¡1) are hardly detected in this spectrum. ing the mechanical resistance of the chitosan beads.
Peaks corresponding to nitrogen and carbon atoms were
observed in the EDS spectra (not shown), thus conWrming
the presence of chitin in the matrix. It could also be seen the
peaks corresponding to the presence of oxygen and silicon. 120
Matrix topography is shown in the SEM image of
Fig. 2, where is evident a rather homogeneous material
with no observable agglomerates of chitin. The matrix
structure is the result of the polysaccharide addition to the
q* (mg/g)




0 1 2 3
c* (mg/ml)
Fig. 3 Lysozyme adsorption isotherm. About 50 mg matrix was
soaked in 1 mL lysozyme solutions (0.125–10 mg/mL in adsorption
buVer: 50 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 8.0, 50 mM NaCl). The
suspensions were gently agitated overnight at 20 °C to allow the sys-
tem to reach its equilibrium. Lysozyme concentration in supernatants
at equilibrium was then measured spectrophotometrically at 280 nm.
The equilibrium concentration of lysozyme bound to the matrix per
unit of total matrix volume was calculated as the total amount of
enzyme present at the beginning of the experiment less the amount still
Fig. 2 SEM images of the matrix. Scanning electron microscopy in the soluble phase at equilibrium. Standard deviation of each point is
images of the matrix lower than 3%

Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:181–188 185

Table 1 Calculated thermodynamic parameters for pure lysozyme 100

adsorption to TEOS-chitin matrix

Lysozyme Bound (%)

Langmuir constants Freundlich constants 80
2 2
Qmax (mg/g) Kd (mg/mL) R N Kf R
117.1 § 9 0.73 § 0.15 0.98 0.49 § 0.05 58 § 3 0.95
Adsorption capacity was expressed as the mass of adsorbed protein per 40
mass unit of matrix (mg/g)


There are two ways for increasing the mechanical resis- 0

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
tance of chromatographic beads: (1) cross-linking of the
Time (min)
bead material by means of bifunctional reagents (2) use of
sol–gel chemistry. The problem with the Wrst approach is Fig. 4 Adsorption kinetics of pure lysozyme and lysozyme from
that the functional groups engaged in the cross-link become undiluted egg white. About 1 g matrix was incubated with 10 mL lyso-
zyme solution (3 mg/mL in adsorption buVer) and with 10 mL egg
not available for attachment of ligands or direct protein white for 24 h at room temperature with gentle agitation. Samples
adsorption, thus decreasing the adsorption capacity of the were taken at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 540, 600
matrix. Sol–gel chemistry, instead, increases the mechani- and 1,440 min. Adsorbed lysozyme concentration was calculated as
cal resistance of the beads without any decrease in the the diVerence between the amount of lysozyme in the initial solution
(pure lysozyme) and in egg white and its amount in the supernatant.
adsorption capacity. Taking into account that lysozyme (Wlled circles) Pure lysozyme solution (open circles) Lysozyme from
concentration in egg white is 0.3%, the Kd obtained from egg white. Standard deviation of each point is lower than 3%
the isotherm is more than four times lower than lysozyme
concentration in egg white, this assuring a good matrix
adsorptive capacity utilisation for batch mode processes.
It is expected that the interaction between them would be molecular diVusion and, therefore, slows the adsorptive
speciWc as N-acetyl glucosamine being chitin monomer and process.
the substrate of lysozyme. Langmuir model is based on the From Fig. 4 is evident that 10 h is an adequate time for
assumption that the adsorption takes place up to the forma- adsorption of approximately 80% of the lysozyme present
tion of a homogeneous monolayer [38], this could explain in the egg white, for the egg white/matrix ratio of 10/1
the better adjustment to the Langmuir model. On the other (volume/mass). Taking into account that the egg white is
hand, the equilibrium data were also consistent with the going to be utilised for food purposes, it is reasonable that
Freundlich model which adjusts better to materials with part of the lysozyme remains in the egg white, as it is its
heterogeneous adsorption sites. This is probably because natural antimicrobial preservative.
other interactions than speciWc enzyme–substrate could be
present in this complex matrix where the protein could Elution of the adsorbed lysozyme
interact in an unspeciWc way with many sites.
Ten eluents were assayed: two of them were previously
Lysozyme adsorption kinetics from a pure lysozyme reported for elution of lysozyme from aYnity matrices:
solution and from egg white 0.1 M acetic acid [25] and 0.3 M NaCl in 0.1 M sodium
carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6 [23]. The eYciency of
Figure 4 shows the lysozyme adsorption kinetics on the the elution solutions is shown in Table 2.
chitin matrix from a lysozyme pure solution and from egg Results in Table 2 evidence that various eluents are able
white. For pure lysozyme, a plateau is reached only after to elute 100% of the lysozyme adsorbed. However, eluents
240 min. The mesoporous nature of the matrix probably including NaSCN in their composition aVected the matrix
accounts for this slow adsorption. For this reason and due integrity thus impairing its further utilisation. For this
to the characteristics of the starting material, assays for reason, they were discarded. It can also be concluded that
lysozyme puriWcation from egg white were performed in there are electrostatic and hydrophobic components in the
the batch mode. In the case of lysozyme adsorption from lysozyme/matrix interaction. Three eluents were selected
egg white, a plateau is reached after 600 min. The larger for developing a puriWcation process: 0.1 M acetic acid, 0.3
time to reach the plateau respect to adsorption from a pure M NaCl in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH
lysozyme solution can be explained taken into account the 9.6, and 2M NaCl + 25% ethylene glycol in 50 mM sodium
high viscosity of the egg white, which limits the protein phosphate buVer, pH 8.0.

186 Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:181–188

Table 2 Performance of the

Eluent Elution
diVerent eluents for lysozyme
elution from the matrix
0.3 M NaCl in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6 100 § 3
0.1 M acetic acid 100 § 3
2 M NaCl in 50 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 8.0 44 § 2
0.5 M NaSCN in 50 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 8.0 23 § 1
25% ethyleneglycol in 50 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 8.0 81 § 3
2 M NaCl + 25% ethyleneglycol in 50 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 8.0 100 § 2
0.5 M NaSCN + 25% ethyleneglycol in 50 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 8.0 100 § 3
2 M NaCl in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6 100 § 4
0.5 M NaSCN in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6 32 § 3
2 M NaCl + 25% ethyleneglycol in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6 100 § 4

Table 3 Performance of the puriWcation process by using three diVerent eluents as regards yield
Eluent Eluted Yield SpeciWc activity of the PuriWcation
(IU) (%) eluted fraction (IU/mg protein) factor

0.1 M acetic acid 2,388,000 64 51,913 20

0.3 M NaCl in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/ 1,688,000 45 15,432 6
bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6
2M NaCl + 25% ethylene glycol, pH 8 2,008,000 54 51,487 20
Egg white had 3,712,000 IU. Adsorbed lysozyme was 3,255,000, equivalent to 87% of the amount of lysozyme contained in the egg white utilised
as starting material
SpeciWc activity of lysozyme in egg white = 2,620 IU/mg protein
SpeciWc activity of lysozyme remaining in the supernatant after adsorption = 381 IU/mg protein
In all cases, standard deviation was lower than 3%

Matrix reuse advantage of our approach is the easy recovery of the chro-
matographic matrix by sedimentation after the adsorption,
Lysozyme adsorption capacity remained unchanged after 3 washing and elution steps, this due to its size and density as
cycles of adsorption/desorption using a 10 mg/mL pure well as to its high mechanical resistance. Small beads usually
lysozyme solution as the sample. require centrifugation or Wltration steps to recover the matrix,
When a regeneration step with 0.05 N NaOH was thus adding an extra cost to the process. Moreover, a fraction
included between each puriWcation cycle, lysozyme adsorp- of chromatographic matrix always is lost at that time.
tion capacity did not undergo any decrease, thus evidencing From the comparison of results in Tables 2 and 3 is evi-
a good chemical stability of the matrix. dent the better elution eYcacy of 0.1 M acetic acid as
regards to recovery of lysozyme adsorbed and purity of the
Lysozyme puriWcation from undiluted egg white Wnal product. The high puriWcation factor obtained after
elution with 0.1 M acetic acid indicates a diVerential elu-
Table 3 shows the results obtained when lysozyme was tion of the proteins adsorbed to the matrix, thus allowing a
puriWed directly from egg white. high puriWcation degree of lysozyme in only one step and
According to the adsorption kinetics results, puriWcation starting from undiluted egg white. However, from Table 3
experiments were performed in the batch mode. It is evi- is also evident a decrease in the elution eYcacy when egg
dent the eYcacy of the adsorptive performance of the white is the starting material instead of pure lysozyme, this
matrix: 87% of the lysozyme was removed from the egg suggesting that some adsorbed biomolecules from egg
white and the matrix was easily recovered by a simple white could impair the total removal of the adsorbed lyso-
Wltration through a strainer. zyme. Despite this fact, a 64% yield for this puriWcation
Most lysozyme puriWcation processes reported require a process, and taking into account the nature of the starting
previous egg white dilution or some kind of conditioning material, is comparable with the yields obtained by other
before the chromatographic step, thus precluding its further authors [25, 27, 37].
utilisation in the food industry. In our case, egg white can After three lysozyme puriWcation cycles from egg white
be used for pastry after lysozyme depletion. Other signiWcant and the corresponding regeneration cycles with 0.05 N

Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:181–188 187

that allows obtaining lysozyme of high speciWc activity

(51,000 IU/mg).
Grasselli et al. [26] developed a dye aYnity method by
membrane chromatography based on the interaction of
lysozyme with Red HE 3-B. The maximum binding capac-
ity of the support was 26 mg/mL and the purity of lyso-
zyme was 88% starting from undiluted egg white. On the
other hand, Ghosh and Cui [40] proposed a puriWcation
method from egg white powder based on two ultraWltration
steps. A 99% pure lysozyme was obtained with high pro-
ductivity (21,874 U m¡2 s¡1). However, the pretreatment of
the starting material and the cost of the membrane technol-
ogy put some doubts on its industrial utilisation.
The matrix herein presented has a low cost and easy
Fig. 5 SDS–PAGE. Lane 1, molecular weight markers (10, 19, 26, 34,
43, 55, 72, 95, 130 and 170 kDa); lane 2, fraction eluted with 2 M manufacture.
NaCl + 25% ethylene glycol, phosphate buVer pH 8.0; lane 3, fraction
eluted with 0.3 M NaCl in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buVer,
pH 9.6; lane 4, fraction eluted with 0.1 M acetic acid; lane 5, egg white Conclusion
supernatant after lysozyme adsorption; lane 6, egg white; lane 7, lyso-
zyme standard
The process developed allows recovery and puriWcation of
lysozyme from undiluted egg white with a high adsorption
NaOH, there was not any decrease in the matrix adsorption capacity matrix of low cost and high mechanic resistance.
capacity. For these reasons, this process is a potential alternative for
Figure 5 shows the SDS–PAGE of the diVerent steps of industrial purposes.
the puriWcation process. Purity of lysozyme eluted with
0.1 M acetic acid was 90% while that of the lysozyme Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from the
Agencia Nacional de Promoción CientíWca y Tecnológica de la Repúb-
desorbed with 0.3 M NaCl in 0.1 M sodium carbonate/
lica Argentina, the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Consejo Nac-
bicarbonate buVer, pH 9.6, was only 51% and that of the ional de Investigaciones CientíWcas y Técnicas (CONICET). FJW,
lysozyme desorbed with 2M NaCl and 25% ethylene gly- OC, GJC, MVM and LED are researchers of the CONICET.
col, pH 8, was 88%. This was conWrmed by the appearance
of several protein bands accompanying to that of lysozyme
in the last eluents. References
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