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1) Introduction:
Mitosis produces two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell. This type of
cell division allows multicellar organism to grow and repair damaged tissue.
This event is divided into 4 phases:
 Prophase: Condensation of chromosomes. The nuclear disappears and the spindle
apparatus forms. After that, chromosome will attaches to the spindle.
 Metaphase: Chromosomes are condensed and become aligned in to one row at
equatorial plate of the spindle.
 Anaphase: sister chromatids of duplicated chromosome separate and are pulled to
two opposite poles of the spindle.
 Telophase: The chromosomes relax again. The spindle apparatus breaks down and
nuclear membrane is formed again.
In this practical, we will observe different phases of mitosis under the microscope.
2) Procedure:
Use the prepared sample of dividing cells to identical which phases is occurring.
3) Results:

Phases of mitosis Pictures

Prophase: Chromosomes coil

and condense. The nuclear
membrane disappears and the
spindle apparatus forms. After
that, chromosome will attaches
to the spindle.

Prophase observed under objective lens 10X

Metaphase: Condensed
chromosomes will become
aligned in to one row at
equatorial plate of the spindle.

Metaphase observed under objective lens 10X

Anaphase: sister chromatids of
duplicated chromosome separate
and are pulled to two opposite
poles of the spindle

Anaphase observed under objective lens 10X

 Telophase: The
chromosomes relax again. The
spindle apparatus breaks down
and nuclear membrane is formed

Telophase observed under objective lens 10X

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