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® 3

(b) Second C olum n o f S d = 1, d\ = d-$ = 0)

® 1

Fig. 5.11 (continued)

the joint displacement di = 1 (with d2 = d3 = 0) induces unit displacements

u 31 = 1 at the right end of member 1 and u® = 1 at the left end of member 2,
while member 3 is not subjected to any displacements. The member stiffness
coefficients (or end forces) necessary to cause the foregoing end displacements
of the individual members are also shown in Fig. 5.11(a). (Recall that we de­
rived the explicit expressions for member stiffness coefficients, in terms of E,
I, and L of the member, in Section 5.2.) From the figure, we can see that the
total vertical joint force 511 at joint 2, required to cause the joint displacement
d1 = 1 (with d2 = d3 = 0), must be equal to the algebraic sum of the vertical
forces at the two member ends connected to this joint; that is,
S„ = + kn (5.112a)
Similarly, the total joint moment S21 at joint 2 must be equal to the algebraic
sum of the moments at the ends of members 1 and 2 connected to joint 2. Thus,
(Fig. 5.11(a)),
521 = 4 3 + ¿2? (5.112b)
and the total joint moment Sn at joint 3 must equal the algebraic sum of the
moments at the two member ends connected to the joint; that is,

531 = 4 ? (5.112c)
Note that the foregoing expressions for sl3 (i = 1 through 3) are identical to
those listed in the first column of S in Eq. (5.110).
The second column of S can be verified in a similar manner. From
Fig. 5.11(b), we can see that the joint rotation d2 = 1 (with d\ = d3 = 0) in­
duces unit rotations u*1) = 1 at the right end of member 1, and u f ) = 1 at the
left end of member 2. The member stiffness coefficients associated with these
end displacements are also shown in the figure. By comparing the joint forces
with the member end forces, we obtain the expressions for the structure stiff­
ness coefficients as

S12 = 4 4 + 4 ? (5.112d)
522 = 4 4 + ¿22 (5.112e)

532 = ¿ 2 (5.112f)
which are the same as those in the second column of S in Eq. (5.110).
Similarly, by subjecting the beam to a unit rotation d3 = 1 (with
= d2 = 0), as shown in Fig. 5.11(c), we obtain
£ 22



53b = 44 + 44 (5.112i)
The foregoing structure stiffness coefficients are identical to those listed in the
third column of S in Eq. (5.110).

Assembly of the Structure Stiffness Matrix

Using Member Code Numbers
Although the procedures discussed thus far for formulating S provide clearer
insight into the basic concept of the structure stiffness matrix, it is more con­
venient from a computer programming viewpoint to directly form the structure
stiffness matrix S by assembling the elements of the member stiffness matrices k.
This technique, which is sometimes referred to as the code number technique,
was described in detail in Section 3.7 for the case of plane trusses. The
technique essentially involves storing the pertinent elements of the stiffness
matrix k for each member of the beam, in the structure stiffness matrix S,
by using the member code numbers. The code numbers for a member are
simply the structure coordinate numbers at the location and in the direction
of each of the member end displacements u, arranged in the order of the end
To illustrate this technique, consider again the three-member beam of
Fig. 5.10. The analytical model of the beam is redrawn in Fig. 5.12(a), which
shows its three degrees of freedom (numbered from 1 to 3) and five restrained
coordinates (numbered from 4 to 8). In accordance with the notation for mem­
ber end displacements adopted in Section 5.2, the first two end displacements
of a member, u and u2, are always the vertical translation and rotation, respec­
tively, at the left end (or beginning) of the member, whereas the last two end
displacements, u3 and u4, are always the vertical translation and rotation, re­
spectively, at the right end (or end) of the member. Thus, the first two
code numbers for a member are always the structure coordinate numbers

4 >
O d 2 D ©

R4 «6 R7
Three degrees o f freedom (1 through 3);
fiv e restrained coordinates (4 through 8)
(a) A nalytical M odel

4 5 1 2 1 2 6 3 6 3 7 8
v k a) k (1)
k 11 k 12 kk 13
(1) kk 14 4 r ikk11^ kk 12 k 13
<2>! k (2) 1k (2) 1 1
k 14 r k (3)
k 11 kk 12
(3) kk 13
(3) kk 14
(3)1 6
k (1)
(1) k22 kk23(1) kk 24
(1) 5 k22) : kk23
(2) ''k (2)
k24 2 kk21
(3) ;k (3) ; kk 23
k22 (3) kk24
(3) 3
k 1= k 2= k 3= i— ^
k (1)
(1) k32 kk33 (f ) kk34
(1) 1 kk31
(2) k(2) kk33
(2) kk34
(2) 6 kk31
(3) kk32
(3) ‘ kk 33
(3) kk34
(3) 7
k (1) k ( v \ k (1)
Lk (1)
k41 k42 43 44 2 kk41 k 42
(2) ; k k43
O! k (2) : k (2);
k 44 3 kk41
(3) kk42
(3) ! kk 43
(3) kk44
(3) 8

2 i 3
''1 - 1 4 /'
k«•34 k (2)
a ©+ «-12 \ kk 14
(2) 1 1
k v + k ? ,!
k (1)
k43 + k (2/ k
k21 d ) . k (2)
^44 + ^22 k (2)
iijr k24 2 /'

(2) kkH42
(2) k w . + k ~(3)'< 3 p'
41 i '\K44
HH 't + '\/t22
i i y /- i

(b) A ssem bling o f Structure Stiffness M atrix S

Fig. 5.12
corresponding to the vertical translation and rotation, respectively, of the be­
ginning joint; and the third and fourth member code numbers are always the
structure coordinate numbers corresponding to the vertical translation and ro­
tation, respectively, of the end joint.
From Fig. 5.12(a) we can see that, for member 1 of the beam, the begin­
ning joint is 1 with restrained coordinates 4 and 5, and the end joint is 2 with
degrees of freedom 1 and 2. Thus, the code numbers for member 1 are 4 ,5 ,1 ,2 .
Similarly, the code numbers for member 2, for which the beginning and end
joints are 2 and 3, respectively, are 1, 2, 6, 3. In a similar manner, the code
numbers for member 3 are found to be 6, 3, 7, 8.
To establish the structure stiffness matrix S, we write the code numbers of
each member on the right side and at the top of its stiffness matrix k (i = 1, 2,
or 3), as shown inFig. 5.12(b). These code numbers now define the positions of
the elements of the member stiffness matrices in the structure stiffness matrix
S. In other words, the code numbers on the right side of a k matrix represent the
row numbers of S; and the code numbers at the top represent the column num­
bers of S. Furthermore, since the number of rows and columns of S equal the
number of degrees of freedom (NDOF) of the beam, only those elements of a
k matrix for which both the row and the column code numbers are less than or
equal to NDOFbelong in the structure stiffness matrix S. The structure stiffness
matrix S is obtained by algebraically adding the pertinent elements of the k ma­
trices of all the members in their proper positions in the S matrix.
To assemble the S matrix for the beam of Fig. 5.12(a), we start by storing
the pertinent elements of the stiffness matrix of member 1, ki, in the S matrix
(see Fig. 5.12(b)). Thus, the element k ^ is stored in row 1 and column 1 of S,
the element k43) is stored in row 2 and column 1 of S, the element k34) is stored
in row 1 and column 2 of S, and the element k \ l is stored in row 2 and column
2 of S. It should be noted that since the beam has three degrees of freedom,
only those elements of k1 whose row and column code numbers both are less
than or equal to 3 are stored in S. The same procedure is then used to store the
pertinent elements of k2 and k3, of members 2 and 3, respectively, in the S ma­
trix. Note that when two or more member stiffness coefficients are stored in the
same element of S, then the coefficients must be algebraically added. The com­
pleted structure stiffness matrix S for the beam is shown in Fig. 5.12(b), and is
identical to the one derived previously (Eq. (5.110)) by substituting the mem­
ber compatibility and stiffness relations into the joint equilibrium equations.

EXAMPLE 5.4 Determine the structure stiffness matrix for the three-span continuous beam shown
in Fig. 5.13(a).

SOLUTION Analytical Model: The analytical model ofthe structure is shown in Fig. 5.13(b). The
beam has two degrees of freedom—the rotations of joints 2 and 3—which are
identified by the structure coordinate numbers 1 and 2 in the figure.
Structure Stiffness Matrix: To generate the 2 x 2 structure stiffness matrix S, we will
determine, for each member, the stiffness matrix k and store its pertinent elements in
their proper positions in S by using the member code numbers.
100 kN
15 kN /m

“16 m _ 6m ■ 6m ■ 8m ■
E I = constant
(a) Three-Span Continuous B eam

| 2 | 2 1 3
8 X1
4 d 3 >
© d ’

f j f

• 1 T
5 6 7
(b) A nalytical M odel

Fig. 5.13

M em ber 1 By substituting L = 16 m into Eq. (5.53), we obtain

3 4 5 1
0.0029297 0.023438 -0.0029297 0.023438 3
0.023438 0.25 -0.023438 0.125 4


-0.0029297 -0.023438 0.0029297 -0.023438 5 (1)

0.023438 0.125 -0.023438 j 0.25 _ 1
From Fig. 5.13(b), we observe that the code numbers for this member are 3, 4, 5, 1.
These numbers are written on the right side and at the top of k in Eq. (1), to indicate
the rows and columns, respectively, of the structure stiffness matrix S, where the ele­
ments of k 1 are to be stored. Thus, the element in row 4 and column 4 of k 1 is stored
in row 1 and column 1 of S, as
S = EI (2)
Note that the elements of ki corresponding to the restrained coordinate numbers 3, 4,
and 5 are disregarded.
M em ber 2 L = 12 m. By using Eq. (5.53),
1 2
' 0.0069444 0.041667 -0.0069444 0.041667'
0.041667 [0.33333"] -0.041667 ['"046667""
k2 = E I (3)
-0.0069444 -0 \0 4 Ï6 6 7 J 0.0069444 -0'.'04Ï6'6'7"
0.041667 ¡0.16667''] 0.041667 0.33333'"]
From Fig. 5.13(b), we can see that the code numbers for this member are 5, 1, 6, 2.
These numbers are used to add the pertinent elements of k2 in their proper positions
in the structure stiffness matrix S given in Eq. (2), which now becomes
1 2
0.25 + 0.33333 0.16667
S = EI (4)
0.16667 0.33333

M em ber 3 L = 8 m. Thus,
6 2 7 8
' 0.023438 0.09375 -0.023438 0.09375'
0.09375 [ ; ö i ;;;j - 0.09375 0.25
ks = E I (5)
-0.023438 1-Ö ’.Ö9’375J 0.023438 -0.09375
0.09375 0.25 0.09375 0.5

The code numbers for this member are 6, 2, 7, 8. Thus, the element in row 2 and
column 2 of k3 is added in row 2 and column 2 of S in Eq. (4), as
1 2
0.25 + 0.33333 0.16667 1
0.16667 0.33333 + 0.5 2

Since the stiffnesses of all three members of the beam have now been stored in S, the
structure stiffness matrix for the given beam is
1 2
0.58333 0.16667 1
S = EI Ans
0.16667 0.83333 2

Note that the structure stiffness matrix is symmetric.


As discussed in the preceding section, the force-displacement relationships for
an entire structure can be expressed in matrix form (see Eq. (5.109)) as
P - P f = Sd
in which Pf represents the structure fixed-joint force vector. It was also shown
in the preceding section that by using the basic equations of equilibrium, com­
patibility, and member stiffness, the structure fixed-joint forces P f can be ex­
pressed in terms of the member fixed-end forces Qf (see Eq. (5.111)). In this
section, we consider the physical interpretation of the structure fixed-joint
forces; and discuss the formation of the Pf vector, by assembling the elements
of the member Qf vectors, using the member code numbers.
The concept of the structure fixed-joint forces P f is analogous to that of the
member fixed-end forces Q f. The structure fixed-joint forces represent the re­
action forces (and/or moments) that would develop at the locations and in the
directions o f the structure’s degrees o f freedom, due to the external member
loads, i f all the joints o f the structure were fixed against translations and
To develop some insight into the concept of structure fixed-joint forces, let
us reconsider the beam of Fig. 5.10. The beam, subjected only to the member
loads, is redrawn in Fig. 5.14(a), with its analytical model depicted in
Fig. 5.14(b). Now, assume that joint 2, which is free to translate and rotate, is
restrained against these displacements by an imaginary restraint (or clamp)
applied to it, as shown in Fig. 5.14(c). Similarly, joint 3, which is free to rotate,
is also restrained against rotation by means of an imaginary restraint (or
clamp). When external loads are applied to the members of this hypothetical


(a) B eam

2 ' 3

D ©; ¿c be
£ } ■

4 6 7

(b) A nalytical M odel

w1 P p w3 Rf g

: P i : :
i c : ï >

\ \
Rf4 Rf6
f6 Rf 7
(c) Fixed Structure Subjected to M em ber Loads

Fig. 5.14
e * (3) 2 /4

n m ii
d D

2 / i (3)
2 /3 (3)

(d) M em ber Fixed-E nd Forces

r Q f 4

Q f 5
Q fi =
f3 1

'P f)! 1
Q t- + Q /) 1
Q f 2
Pf = Q f) + 2 Q f 2_ -­=
Q f) 6

Q % + Q v) 3

' Q /i 6
-Q) P)’-
Q f2 J 3
Qf 33 ==
Q f33) 7

Q /4 8

(e) A ssem bly o f Structure Fixed-Joint Force Vector P f

Fig. 5.14 (continued)

completely fixed structure, reaction forces and moments develop at each of its
joints. Note that, in Fig. 5.14(c), the reactions due to the imaginary restraints
are denoted symbolically by Pf i (i = 1 through 3), whereas the reactions at the
actual supports are denoted by Rf i (i = 4 through 8). The imaginary reactions
Pfi, Pf2, and Pf3, which are at the locations and in the directions of the struc­
ture’s three degrees of freedom 1, 2, and 3, respectively, are considered the
structure fixed-joint forces due to member loads. Thus, the structure fixed-joint
force vector, Pf, for the beam, can be written as

Pf i
P/ = Pf 2 (5.113)
Pf 3
To relate the structure fixed-joint forces P / to the member fixed-end
forces Q/, we draw the free-body diagrams of the members and the interior
joints of the hypothetical fixed beam, as shown in Fig. 5.14(d). In this figure,
the superscript (i) denotes the member number. Note that, because all the
joints of the beam are completely restrained, the member ends, which are
rigidly connected to the joints, are also fixed against any displacements.
Therefore, only the fixed-end forces due to member loads, Q/, can develop at
the ends of the three members of the beam. By applying the equations of
equilibrium Y2 FY = 0 and Y2 M = 0 to the free body of joint 2, and the
equilibrium equation M = 0 to the free body of joint 3, we obtain the fol­
lowing relationships between the structure fixed-joint forces and the member
fixed-end forces.
p Q(1) _i_ q (2)
P/1 = Q / 3 + Q/1
p = Q(1)
P/2 Q /4_l_+ Q(2)
Q /2
P q (2) _i_ Q(3)
P/3 = Q/4 + Q/2

which can be expressed in vector form as

" Pf r r o0 (i)
f3 + o ? r
= 0 (b
P/ = Pf 2 0 f4 + o (2

0 (2)
0 f4 + 0 (% _

Note that the foregoing P/ vector is identical to that determined for the exam­
ple beam in the preceding section (Eq. (5.111)).

Assembly of Structure Fixed-Joint Force Vector

Using Member Code Numbers
The structure fixed-joint force vector P/ can be conveniently assembled from
the member fixed-end force vectors Q /, using the member code number tech­
nique. The technique is similar to that for forming the structure stiffness matrix
S, described in the preceding section. Essentially, the procedure involves stor­
ing the pertinent elements of the fixed-end force vector Q/ for each member of
the beam in their proper positions in the structure fixed-joint force vector P/,
using the member code numbers.
The foregoing procedure is illustrated for the example beam in Fig. 5.14(e).
As shown there, the code numbers of each member are written on the right side
of its fixed-end force vector Q/. Any member code number that is less than or
equal to the number of degrees of freedom of the structure (NDOF), now iden­
tifies the row of P/ in which the corresponding member force is to be stored.
Thus, as shown in Fig. 5.14(e), the third and fourth elements of Q/1, with code
numbers 1 and 2, respectively, are stored in the first and second rows of P/. The
same procedure is then repeated for members 2 and 3. Note that the completed
P/vector for the beam is identical to that obtained previously (Eq. (5.111)).
Equivalent Joint Loads
The negatives of the structure fixed-joint forces (i.e., —P/) are commonly
known as the equivalent jo in t loads. This is because the structure fixed-joint
forces, when applied to a structure with their directions reversed, cause the
same joint displacements as the actual member loads.
The validity of the foregoing interpretation can be shown easily using
the principle of superposition (Section 1.7), as illustrated in Fig. 5.15. Fig­
ure 5.15(a) shows a continuous beam subjected to arbitrary member loads.
(This beam was considered previously, and its analytical model is given in
Fig. 5.14(b).) In Fig. 5.15(b), joints 2 and 3 of the beam are fixed by imaginary
restraints so that the translation and rotation ofjoint 2, and the rotation ofjoint
3, are 0. This hypothetical completely fixed beam is then subjected to member
loads, causing the structure fixed-joint forces / , / and / to develop at the
imaginary restraints, as shown in Fig. 5.15(b). Lastly, as shown in Fig. 5.15(c),


(a) Actual B eam Subjected to M em ber Loads

P f2 Pf3 ^ 3
r r
© n u n

d D
(b) F ixed B eam Subjected to M em ber Loads

(c) A ctual B eam Subjected to Equivalent Joint Loads

Fig. 5.15
the actual beam is subjected to external loads at its joints, which are equal in
magnitude to Pf1, Pf2, and Pn, but are reversed in direction.
By comparing Figs. 5.15(a), (b), and (c), we realize that the actual loading
applied to the beam in Fig. 5.15(a) equals the algebraic sum of the loadings
given in Figs. 5.15(b) and (c), because the reactive forces Pn, Pf2, and Pn in
Fig. 5.15(b) cancel the corresponding applied loads in Fig. 5.15(c). Thus, ac­
cording to the principle of superposition, any joint displacement of the actual
beam due to the member loads (Fig. 5.15(a)) must equal the algebraic sum of
the corresponding joint displacement of the fixed beam due to the member
loads (Fig. 5.15(b)), and the corresponding joint displacement of the actual
beam subjected to no member loads, but to the fixed-joint forces with their di­
rections reversed. However, the joint displacements of the fixed beam (Fig.
5.15(b)) are 0. Therefore, the joint displacements of the beam due to the mem­
ber loads (Fig. 5.15(a)) must be equal to the corresponding joint displacements
of the beam due to the negatives of the fixed-joint forces (Fig. 5.15(c)). In other
words, the negatives of the structure fixed-joint forces do indeed cause the
same joint displacements of the beam as the actual member loads; and in that
sense, such forces can be considered to be the equivalent joint loads. It is im­
portant to realize that this equivalency between the negative fixed-joint forces
and the member loads is valid only for joint displacements, and cannot be gen­
eralized to member end forces and reactions, because such forces are generally
not 0 in fixed structures subjected to member loads.
Based on the foregoing discussion of equivalent joint loads, we can define
the equivalentjo in t load vector P e for a structure as simply the negative of its
fixed-joint force vector P f; that is,

Pe = - P / (5.114)

An alternative form of the structure stiffness relations, in terms of the equiv­

alent joint loads, can now be obtained by substituting Eq. (5.114) into
Eq. (5.109). This yields

P + Pe = Sd (5.115)

Once S, P /(or P e), and P have been evaluated, the structure stiffness rela­
tions (Eq. (5.109) or Eq. (5.115)), which now represent a system of simultane­
ous linear equations, can be solved for the unknown joint displacements d .
With d known, the end displacements u for each member can be determined by
applying the compatibility equations defined by its code numbers; then the cor­
responding end forces Q can be computed by applying the member stiffness re­
lations. Finally, the support reactions R are determined from the member
end forces Q , by considering the equilibrium of the support joints in the direc­
tions of the restrained coordinates via member code numbers, as discussed in
Chapter 3 for the case of plane trusses.
EXAMPLE 5.5 Determine the fixed-joint force vector and the equivalent joint load vector for the
propped-cantilever beam shown in Fig. 5.16(a).

SOLUTION Analytical Model: See Fig. 5.16(b).

Structure Fixed-Joint Force Vector: To generate the 3 x 1 structure fixed-joint force
vector Pf, we will, for each member: (a) determine the fixed-end force vector Q f,
using the fixed-end force equations given inside the front cover; and (b) store the per­
tinent elements of Q f in their proper positions in Pf, using the member code numbers.
M em ber 1 By substituting w = 30 kN/m, L = 9 m, and l1 = l2 = 0 into the fixed-
end force expressions for loading type 3, we obtain
FSb = FSe = = 135 kN

FMb = = 202.5 kN • m
b 12
FMe = — - - = - 2 0 2 .5 kN • m
e 121

30 kN /m

n 1 M 11M T m
| 9m 7m |
2I I 1
E = constant
(a) Beam

1 2 2

£ ©
© ® £Y


(b) A nalytical M odel (N D O F = 3)

240 kN

80 kN-m 122.5 kN-m

© %
© ‘
(c) Equivalent Joint Loads

Fig. 5.16
Thus, the fixed-end force vector for member 1 is given by
135 4
5 5 2052.55 5
Q f1 = (1)
135 1
-2 02.5 2
From Fig. 5.16(b), we can see that the code numbers for member 1 are 4, 5, 1, 2. These
numbers are written on the right side of Q n in Eq. (1) to indicate the rows of the struc­
ture fixed-joint vector Pf, where the elements of Q f1 are to be stored. Thus, the elements
in the third and fourth rows of Q f1 are stored in rows 1 and 2, respectively, of Pf, as
' 135 '
Pf = -2 02.5 (2)
Note that the elements of Q n corresponding to the restrained coordinate numbers 4
and 5 are disregarded.

M em ber 2 By substituting w = 30 kN/m, L = 7 m, and 11 = 12 = 0 into the fixed-

end force expressions for loading type 3, we obtain

FSb = FSe = = 105 kN

FMb = = 122.5 kN • m
FMe = = —122.5 kN • m
105 1
122.5 2 (3)
Q f2
.... 105..... 6
5- 51252 .5
5 3

From Fig. 5.16(b), we observe that the code numbers for this member are 1, 2, 6, 3.
These numbers are used to add the pertinent elements of Q f2 in their proper positions
in Pf given in Eq. (2), which now becomes
135 + 1 0 5 1
Pf = -2 0 2 .5 + 122.5 2
-122.5 3
Since the fixed-end forces for both members of the beam have now been stored in P f,
the structure fixed-joint force vector for the given beam is

' 240 '

Pf = -8 0 Ans
-1 22.5

Equivalent Joint Load Vector: By using Eq. (5.114), we obtain

-2 4 0 1
Pe = - P f = 80 2 Ans
122.5 3
These equivalent joint loads, when applied to the beam as shown in Fig. 5.16(c), cause
the same joint displacements as the actual 30 kN/m uniformly distributed load given
in Fig. 5.16(a).


Based on the concepts presented in the previous sections, we can develop the
following step-by-step procedure for the analysis of beams by the matrix stiff­
ness method. The reader should note that the overall format of this procedure
is essentially the same as the procedure for analysis of plane trusses presented
in Chapter 3.
1. Prepare an analytical model of the beam, as follows.
a. Draw a line diagram of the beam, and identify each joint and mem­
ber by a number. The origin of the global X Y coordinate system is
usually located at the farthest left joint, with the X and Y axes ori­
ented in the horizontal (positive to the right) and vertical (positive
upward) directions, respectively. For each member, establish a local
xy coordinate system, with the origin at the left end (beginning) of
the member, and the x and yaxes oriented in the horizontal (positive
to the right) and vertical (positive upward) directions, respectively.
b. Number the degrees of freedom and restrained coordinates of the
beam, as discussed in Section 5.1.
2. Evaluate the structure stiffness matrix S and fixed-joint force vector Pf
The number of rows and columns of S must be equal to the number of
degrees of freedom (NDOF) of the beam; the number of rows of P /
must equal NDOF. For each member of the structure, perform the fol­
lowing operations.
a. Compute the member stiffness matrix k (Eq. (5.53)).
b. If the member is subjected to external loads, then evaluate its fixed-
end force vector Q f, using the expressions for fixed-end forces given
inside the front cover.
c. Identify the member code numbers and store the pertinent elements
of k and Q/ in their proper positions in the structure stiffness matrix
S, and the fixed-joint force vector Pf, respectively. The complete
structure stiffness matrix S, obtained by assembling the stiffness
coefficients of all the members of the beam, must be symmetric.
3. If the beam is subjected to joint loads, then form the NDOF x 1 joint
load vector P.
4. Determine the joint displacements d. Substitute P, Pf, and S into
the structure stiffness relations, P — Pf = Sd (Eq. (5.109)), and solve
the resulting system of simultaneous equations for the unknown
joint displacements d. To check that the simultaneous equations have
been solved correctly, substitute the numerical values of the joint dis­
placements d back into the structure stiffness relations, P — Pf = Sd.
If the solution is correct, then the stiffness relations should be satisfied.
It should be noted that joint translations are considered positive when in
the positive direction of the Y axis, and joint rotations are considered
positive when counterclockwise.
5. Compute member end displacements and end forces, and support
reactions. For each member of the beam, do the following.
a. Obtain member end displacements u from the joint displacements
d, using the member code numbers.
b. Compute member end forces, using the relationship Q = ku + Q f
(Eq. (5.4)).
c. Using the member code numbers, store the pertinent elements of Q
in their proper positions in the support reaction vector R (as dis­
cussed in Chapter 3).
6. Check the calculation of member end forces and support reactions by
applying the equations of equilibrium, J2 FY = 0 and J2 M = 0, to
the free body of the entire beam. If the calculations have been carried
out correctly, then the equilibrium equations should be satisfied.

EXAMPLE 5.6 Determine the joint displacements, member end forces, and support reactions for the
three-span continuous beam shown in Fig. 5.17(a), using the matrix stiffness method.

SOLUTION Analytical Model: See Fig. 5.17(b). The beam has two degrees of freedom—the
rotations of joints 2 and 3—which are numbered 1 and 2, respectively. The six
restrained coordinates of the beam are numbered 3 through 8.
Structure Stiffness Matrix and Fixed-Joint Force Vector:
M em ber 1 By substituting E = 29,000 ksi, I = 510 in.4, and L = 240 in. into
Eq. (5.53), we obtain
3 4 5 1
" 12.839 1,540.6 - 12.839 1,540.6
1.540.6 246,500 - 1,540.6 123,250
ki (1)
-12.839 -1 ,540.6 12.839 -1 ,540.6
1.540.6 123,250 - 1,540.6 r246,500~~"".

E I = constant
E = 2 9 ,000 ksi
I = 510 in.4
(a) Three-Span Continuous B eam

Fig. 5.17
1 1
Î © © .Q a © y

\ 6 7
(b) A nalytical M odel

1 2 1 2

2 4 6 ,5 0 0 + 3 2 8 ,6 6 7 164 , 333 1 5 7 5 ,1 6 7 164 , 333

S =
164,333 3 2 8 ,6 6 7 + 2 4 6 ,5 0 0 2 _ 164 , 333 5 7 5 ,1 6 7

-9 0 0
pf =

(c) Structure Stiffness Matrix and Fixed-Joint Force Vector

30 k
0.125 k/in.

2 00
iannm) 8i
1 ,1 5 0 ^ j© I 1 I© p 400 4 0 0 ^ © 2 | © ^ 2 0 0 ® m ©
18.125 11.875 1.1111 1.1111 12.5 17.5
(d) M em ber End Forces

18.125 3 18.125 k
1,150 4 1,150k-in.
11.875 + 1.1111 5 12.986 k
R =
- 1 .1 1 1 1 + 12.5 6 _ 11.389 k
17.5 7 17.5 k
-8 0 0 8 - 8 0 0 k-in.

(e) Support R eaction Vector

30 k
0.125 k/in.
O 6
1 1
1,150 k-in. © a 800 k-in.

\ \ ■
18.125 k 12.986 k 11.389 k 17.5 k
(f ) Support R eactions

Fig. 5.17 (continued)

Using the fixed-end force equations given inside the front cover, we evaluate the fixed-
end forces due to the 30 k concentrated load as
FSh = [3(120) + 120] = 15 k
FMb = = 900 k-in.
FSe = [120 + 3(120)] = 15 k
FMe = — - - = -9 0 0 k-in.
e (240)2
Thus, the fixed-end force vector for member 1 is
Qn = (2)
From Fig. 5.17(b), we observe that the code numbers for member 1 are 3, 4, 5, 1.
Using these code numbers, the pertinent elements of k 1 and Q f1 are stored in their
proper positions in the 2 x 2 structure stiffness matrix S and the 2 x 1 structure
fixed-joint force vector P/, respectively, as shown in Fig. 5.17(c).
M em ber 2 E = 29,000 ksi, / = 510 in.4,and L = 180 in.
5 1 6 2
' 30.432 —— 2— , 73—
8 .—
9 —30.432 2,738.9'
2,738.9 —28—67— -2 ,738.9 ""164 , 333"
k2 = (3)
-30.432 —- 2 —38.9 30.432 "—2",^738.9
.2,738.9 —6 Î3 3 3 — -2 ,738.9 ’"3287667""".
Since this member is not subjected to any external loads, its fixed-end force vector is
0; that is,
Q /2 = 0 (4)
Using the code numbers 5, 1, 6, 2 for this member (see Fig. 5.17(b)), the relevant ele­
ments of k 2 are stored into S, as shown in Fig. 5.17(c).
M em ber 3 E = 29,000 ksi, I = 510 in.4 , and L = 240 in.
6 2 7 8
' 12.839 1,540.6 -12.839 1,540.6'
1,540.6 -2 4 6 -0 0 "! -1 ,5 4 0 .6 123,250
k3 (5)
-12.839 -1 ,540.6 12.839 -1 ,540.6
1,540.6 123,250 -1 ,540.6 246,500
The fixed-end forces due to the 0.125 k/in. (=1.5 k/ft) uniformly distributed load are
FSb = 15 k
FMb = 600 k-in.
FSe 15 k
FMe = - = —600 k-in.
r 157 6
600 2
Q f3 =
15 7
-6 0 0 8

The relevant elements of k3 and are stored in S and Pf, respectively, using the
member code numbers 6, 2, 7, 8.
The completed structure stiffness matrix S and structure fixed-joint force vector Pf
are given in Fig. 5.17(c). Note that the S matrix is symmetric.
Joint Load Vector: Since no external loads (i.e., moments) are applied to the beam at
joints 2 and 3, the joint load vector is 0; that is,
P = 0
Joint Displacements: By substituting the numerical values of P, Pf, and S into
Eq. (5.109), we write the stiffness relations for the entire continuous beam as
P - P/ = Sd
0 -9 0 0 ' 575,167 164,333 d1
0 600 164,333 575,167 di
900 575,167 164,333 d1
600 164,333 575,167 di
By solving these equations simultaneously, we determine the joint displacements to be
d = x 10 3 rad Ans
To check the foregoing solution, we substitute the numerical values of d back into the
structure stiffness relationship to obtain
575,167 164,333 2.0284 900.01
P - P f = Sd x 10-3 =
164,333 575,167 -1.6227 -599.99
Member End Displacements and End Forces:
M em ber 1 The member end displacements u can be obtained simply by comparing
the member’s degree of freedom numbers with its code numbers, as follows:

U1 " 3 0 0
U2 4 0 0
5 = x 10-3 (7)
U3 0 0
U4 1 d1 2.0284
Note that the member code numbers (3, 4, 5, 1), when written on a side of u as
shown in Eq. (7), define the compatibility equations for the member. Since the code
numbers corresponding to u1, u2, and u3 are the restrained coordinate numbers 3, 4, and
5, respectively, this indicates that u1 = u2 = u3 = 0. Similarly, the code number 1 cor­
responding to u4 indicates that u4 = d1. The foregoing compatibility equations can be
easily verified by a visual inspection of the beam’s line diagram, given in Fig. 5.17(b).
The member end forces can now be calculated, using the member stiffness rela­
tionship Q = ku + Q f (Eq. (5.4)). Using k 1 and Q f r o m Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively,
we write
i2.839 1,540.6 -12.839 1,540.6 0
1,540.6 246, 500 -1,540.6 123,250 0
Qi X 10-3
-i2.839 -1,540.6 12.839 -1,540.6 0
1,540.6 123,250 -1,540.6 246,500 2.0284
157 18.125 k
900 1,150 k-in.
+ (8) Ans
15 11.875 k
-900 _ -400 k-in.

The end forces for member 1 are shown in Fig. 5.17(d). We can check our calculation
of end forces by applying the equilibrium equations, £ Fy = 0 and £ M = 0, to the
free body of member 1 to ensure that it is in equilibrium. Thus,
+ t £ Fy = 0 18.125 - 30 + 11.875 = 0 Checks

+ YE M® = 0 1,150 - 30(120) - 400 + 11.875(240) = 0 Checks

Next, to generate the support reaction vector R , we write the member code numbers
(3, 4, 5, 1) on the right side of Q 1, as shown in Eq. (8), and store the pertinent elements
of Q 1 in their proper positions in R by matching the code numbers on the side of Q 1
to the restrained coordinate numbers on the right side of R (see Fig. 5.17(e)).
M em ber 2 The member end displacements are given by
U1 " 5 0 0
U2 1 _ d1 = 2.0284 X 10- 3
U3 6 “ 0 0
U4 2 d2 - 1.6227.

By using k 2 from Eq. (3) and Q f2 = 0 , we compute member end forces as

Q = ku + Q f

30.432 2,738.9 -30.432 2,738.9 0

2.738.9 328,667 - 2 ,738.9 164,333 2.0284
Q2 x i0-3
-30.432 -2,738.9 30.432 - 2 ,738.9 0
2.738.9 i64,333 -2,738.9 328,667 -1.6227
1.1118 "I 5
8 4880088k-88in88. 1 Ans
-88181 k 6
-200 k-ik. 2
The foregoing member end forces are shown in Fig. 5.17(d). To check our calcula­
tions, we apply the equations of equilibrium to the free body of member 2 as
+ t £ Fy = 0 1.1111 - 1.1111 = 0 Checks

+ YE M@ = 0 400 - 200 - 1.1111(180) = 0.002 ^ 0 Checks

Next, we store the pertinent elements of Q 2 in their proper positions in the reaction
vector R , using the member code numbers (5, 1, 6, 2), as shown in Fig. 5.17(e).
M em ber 3

u1 " 6 0 0
u2 27 = d2 = -1.6227 x 10- 3
u3 0 0
u4 8 0 0
By substituting k 3 and Q fl from Eqs. (5) and (6), respectively, into the member stiff­
ness relationship Q = ku + Q f, we determine the end forces for member 3 to be
12.839 1,540.6 -12.839 1,540.6 0
1,540.6 246,500 -1,540.6 123,250 -1.6227
Q3 x 10-3
-12.839 -1,540.6 12.839 -1,540.6 0
1,540.6 123,250 -1,540.6 246,500 0

15 1" 12.5 k "1

600 200 k-in.
+ Ans
15 17.5 k
-600 -800 k-in.

These member end forces are shown in Fig. 5.17(d). To check our calculations, we
apply the equilibrium equations:

+ tE Fy = 0 12.5 - 0.125(240) + 17.5 = 0 Checks

+ Y E M@ = 0 200 - 0.125(240X120) - 800 + 17.5(240) = 0 Checks

Next, by using the code numbers (6, 2, 7, 8) for member 3, we store the relevant ele­
ments of Q 3 in their proper positions in R .
Support Reactions: The completed reaction vector R is shown in Fig. 5.17(e), and the
support reactions are depicted on a line diagram of the structure in Fig. 5.17(f). Ans
Equilibrium Check: Finally, applying the equilibrium equations to the free body of
the entire beam (Fig. 5.17(f)), we write

+ t E Fy = 0
18.125 - 30 + 12.986 + 11.389 - 0.125(240) + 17.5 = 0 Checks

+ Y E M® = 0
1,150 - 30(120) + 12.986(240) + 11.389(420) - 0.125(240)(540)
+ 17.5(660) - 800 = 0.02 ^ 0 Checks

EXAMPLE 5.7 Determine the joint displacements, member end forces, and support reactions for the
beam shown in Fig. 5.18(a), using the matrix stiffness method.

SOLUTI ON Analytical Model: See Fig. 5.18(b). The beam has four degrees of freedom
(numbered 1 through 4) and four restrained coordinates (numbered 5 through 8).
30 kN /m


E = constant
E = 28 GPa
I = 5 .8 (1 0 9) m m 4
(a) B eam

(b) A nalytical M odel

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

(1 3 ,5 3 3 + 3 0 ,4 5 0 ) ( - 4 0 ,6 0 0 + 6 0 ,9 0 0 ) 60,900 0 " 1 43,983 20,300 60,900 0 1

( - 4 0 ,6 0 0 + 6 0 ,9 0 0 ) (1 6 2 ,4 0 0 + 162,400) 81,200 0 2 20,300 3 24,800 81,200 0 2
S = 3 =
60 ,9 0 0 81,200 (1 6 2 ,4 0 0 + 64,9 6 0 ) 32,480 60,900 81,200 2 27,360 32,480 3
0 0 32,480 64,960 4 0 0 32,480 64,960 4

27 1
-3 6 2
187.5 3
-1 8 7 .5 4

(c) Structure Stiffness M atrix and Fixed-Joint Force Vector

30 kN /m
150 kN
I 2 3 6.78 236.78 337.92 247.92

Vi ^ c r *
281 .1 9
o d ( î m 1
146.33 56.33 143.67 143.67 99.79 50.21
(d) M em ber End Forces

Fig. 5.18
146.33 5 " 146.33 kN
281.19 6 2 8 1 .1 9 kN • m
R =
143.67 + 9 9 .7 9 7 = 2 4 3 .4 6 kN
50.21 8 50.21 kN

(e) Support R eaction Vector

30 kN /m 200 kN 150 kN
281 .1 9
90 kN -m
0 l
0 © D ■ ® n

146.33 243.46 50.21

(f) Support Reactions

Fig. 5.18 (continued)

Structure Stiffness Matrix and Fixed-Joint Force Vector:
M em ber 1 By substituting E = 28(106) kN/m2, I = 8,700(10-6) m4, and L = 6 m
into Eq. (5.53), we write
5 6 1 2
13,533 40,600 -13,533 40,600” 5
40,600 162,400 - 40,600 6
ki = 44444
-13,533 -4 0 ,6 0 0 i 13,533 1
40, 600 81,200 i-40,600 162,400_ 2
Using the fixed-end force expressions given inside the front cover,
FSb = 63 kN, FMb = 54 kN • m, FSe = 27 kN, and FMe = - 3 6 kN • m.

Qn =
Using the code numbers (5, 6, 1, 2) for member 1, we store the pertinent elements of
k and Q f1 in their proper positions in the S matrix and the Pf vector, respectively, as
shown in Fig. 5.18(c).
M em ber 2 E = 28(106) kN/m2, I = 5,800(10-6) m4, and L = 4 m. Thus,
1 2 7 3
30,450 60,900 i -3 0 ,4 5 0 60,900 1
164,400 i -6 0 ,9 0 0 3—400 2
k2 = 44444
—50,450 - 6—600 30,450 - 00,300 7
3—400 i -6 0 ,9 0 0 102 ,400 _ 3
As this member is not subjected to any loads,

Q f2 = 0
Using the member code numbers 1,2, 7, 3, the relevant elements of k 2 are stored in S
in Fig. 5.18(c).
M em ber 3 E = 28(106) kN/m2, I = 5,800(10-6) m4, and L = 10 m.
7 3 8 4
" 1,948.8 .7 4 4 -1 ,948.8 9,744 " 7
9,744 . 64,960 ! -9 ,7 4 4 ! 32,480 3
k3 =
- 1 , 948.8 -9 ,7 4 4 1,948.8 -9 ,7 4 4 8
9,744 . 32,480 ! -9 ,7 4 4 ! 64,960. 4

The fixed-end forces are determined to be FSb = 75 kN, FMb = 187.5 kN • m,

FSe = 75 kN, and FMe = —187.5 kN • m. Thus,
■ 75 ■ 7
.... 1 8 . . 3
Q f3
.8 7. 5. . 84

The relevant elements of k3 and Q f3 are stored in S and Pfrespectively, using the mem­
ber code numbers 7, 3, 8, 4. The completed structure stiffness matrix S and structure
fixed-joint force vector P f are given in Fig. 5.18(c).
Joint Load Vector: By comparing Figs. 5.18(a) and (b), we realize that P1 = —200 kN,
P2 = 0, P3 = —90 kN • m, and P4 = 0. Thus, the joint load vector can be expressed as
P =
-9 0
Joint Displacements: The stiffness relations for the entire beam can be expressed as
P - Pf = Sd
By substituting the numerical values of P, Pf, and S, we obtain
-2 0 0 27 43,983 20,300 60,900 0 ~d1~
0 -3 6 20,300 324,800 81,200 0 d2
-9 0 187.5 60,900 81,200 227,360 32,480 dì
0 - 1 8 7 .5 . 0 0 32,480 64,960 d4
227 43,983 20, 300 60,900
d1 0
36 20,300 324,800 81,200
d2 0
277.5 60,900 81,200 227,360
d3 32,480
187.5 0 0 32,480
d4 64, 960
By solving the foregoing system of simultaneous equations, we determine the joint
displacements to be
-4.4729 m
0.56143 rad
x 10-3 Ans
-0.68415 rad
3.2285 rad
Back substitution of the foregoing numerical values of d into the structure stiffness
relationship P — P / = Sd indicates that the solution of the simultaneous equations
has indeed been carried out correctly.
Member End Displacements and End Forces:
M em ber 1

u1 5 0 " 0
u2 6 0 = 0
x 10-3
u3 1 = d1 -4.4729
u4 2 d2 0.56143.
146.33 kN 5
281.19kN • m 6
Qi = kiuj + Q f \ Ans
-5 6 .3 3 kN 1
236.78 kN • m 2
M em ber 2
-4.4729 1 -143.67 kN
0.56143 2 -236.78 kN • m
U2 = 7 x 10 ; Q 2 = k.2U2 + Q f 2 = Ans
0 143.67 kN
-0.68415 3 -337.92 kN • m_

M em ber 3
0 7 99.79 kN 7
-0.68415 247.92 kN • m 3
3 x 10-3 ; Q3 = k3u3 + Q f 3 = Ans
0 8 50.21 kN 8
3.2285 4 0 4

The member end forces are shown in Fig. 5.18(d).

Support Reactions: The reaction vector R, as assembled from the appropriate elements
of the member end-force vectors, is given in Fig. 5.18(e). Also, Fig. 5.18(f) depicts the
support reactions on a line diagram o f the structure. Ans

Equilibrium Check: The equilibrium equations check.


In this section, we consider computer implementation of the procedure for the
analysis of beams presented in this chapter. Because of the similarity in the
methods for the analysis of beams and plane trusses, the overall format of
the program for beam analysis remains the same as that for the analysis of
plane trusses developed in Chapter 4. Therefore, many parts of the plane truss
program can be copied and used, without any modifications, in the program for
beam analysis. In the following, we discuss the development of an input mod­
ule and consider programming of the analysis steps for beams.

Input Module
Joint Data The joint data consists of (a) the total number of joints (NJ) of
the beam, and (b) the global X coordinate of each joint. (Recall that the global
X Y coordinate system must be oriented so that the X axis coincides with the
beam’s centroidal axis.) The joint coordinates are stored in computer memory
in the form of a jo in t coordinate vector COORD of the order N J x 1.
Consider, for example, the continuous beam shown in Fig. 5.19(a), with its
analytical model given in Fig. 5.19(b). As the beam has four joints, its
COORD vector has four rows, with the X coordinate of a joint i stored in the
ith row, as shown in Fig. 5.19(c). A flowchart for programming the reading

3 k/ft

2 k/ft
k-ft 25 k 4
________ u n n i ________ : 1 I t

S ------------------------ 1

10 ft----------------5 ft 5 ft­
10 ft ■ -------------- 20 f t 10 ft
- I = 35 0 in 4 _ - I = 500 in.

E = 2 9 ,000 ksi
(a) Actual B eam

I— Restraint in Y direction
(0 = free, 1 = restrained)
• X Coordinate Joint number -
y --------- Rotational restraint
0 Joint 1 "1 1 0" (0 = free, 1 = restrained)

120 Joint 2 2 1 0
360 Joint 3 3 1 0
_480_ Joint 4 _4 1 1_
NJ x 1 NS x (NCJT + 1)

(c) Joint Coordinate Vector (d) Support Data Matrix

Fig. 5.19

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