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Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society


Macrolides in Children With Community-Acquired

Pneumonia: Panacea or Placebo?
Christopher C. Blyth1,2 and Jeffrey S. Gerber3
School of Medicine, University of Western Australia, Crawley; 2Wesfarmers Centre for Vaccines and Infectious Diseases, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia;
and 3Division of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Pneumonia, most often caused by a respiratory virus, is common in childhood. Mycoplasma pneumoniae also is detected frequently,
particularly in older children in the era of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination. Despite recommendations for β-lactam antibiot-
ics, macrolide antibiotics, including erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin, are prescribed frequently to children with
acute lower respiratory infection. However, the significance of detecting “atypical” pathogens, including M pneumoniae, in children
remains contentious. Considering the potential for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of macrolides, our understanding
of the role of these drugs in acute and chronic infections and in inflammatory conditions is changing. Some observational data have
revealed improved outcomes in adults and children with pneumonia who are prescribed macrolides, although its widespread use
has led to increases in macrolide resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae and M pneumoniae. Clinical trials to define the role of mac-
rolides in pediatric acute respiratory infection must be prioritized.
Keywords.  community-acquired; macrolides; Mycoplasma pneumonia; pneumonia; Streptococcus pneumonia.

Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of hospitalization for bacterial pneumonia in children and the nonspecific clinical fea-
children in the United States and results in a significant burden tures of atypical pneumonia leave clinicians uncertain about the
to children, families, and the healthcare system [1]. Current likely etiology at the point of antibiotic prescription. Conflicting
Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines for children data about the true role of M pneumoniae in pediatric CAP [7],
and adolescents with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) increasing macrolide resistance in both Streptococcus pneumo-
recommend amoxicillin for mild-to-moderate CAP and ampi- niae and M pneumoniae, and observational data on improved
cillin or benzyl-penicillin for children with more severe disease outcomes in those with CAP who are prescribed non-β-lactam
[2]. In addition, consideration for withholding antimicrobial antibiotics make empiric antibiotic choices for children with
therapy for young children with mild disease is recommended CAP an area of ongoing controversy. Given this background, it
given the burden of respiratory viruses in this age group. is time to reconsider the 6-year-old recommended options for
Macrolide antibiotics are recommended for children with find- children with CAP [2, 3]. In this review, we focus particularly
ings compatible with CAP secondary to atypical pathogens (eg, on the role of macrolide antibiotics.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae) or in the setting of severe β-lactam
allergy. British guidelines state that macrolide antibiotics can be ETIOLOGY OF CAP IN CHILDHOOD
added to amoxicillin if there is no response to first-line therapy,
if atypical pathogens are considered likely, or if disease is very The recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention–funded
severe [3]. Despite this relatively narrow recommendation for Etiology of Pneumonia in the Community (EPIC) study sought
macrolide antibiotics, they continue to be prescribed to 35% to to determine the viral and bacterial etiologies of radiologically
42% of children with CAP [4, 5]. confirmed CAP in hospitalized children in the United States
Recent studies in which the etiology of CAP in the setting between January 2010 and June 2012 [6]. It should be noted
of high pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) coverage was that this study occurred nearly 1 decade after the introduction
explored found frequent detection of respiratory viruses and M of PCVs and concurrent with the shift from the 7-valent to the
pneumoniae in children [6]. A lack of rapid and reliable tests for 13-valent PCV; therefore, generalizing these results to other
settings, particularly those with higher rates of pneumococcal
colonization or lower PCV coverage, should be done cautiously.
Received 4 May 2017; editorial decision 22 August 2017; accepted 9 October 2017. In the EPIC study, bacterial pathogens, including S pneumo-
Correspondence: C. C. Blyth, MBBS, PhD, University of Western Australia, M561, 35 Stirling
niae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, and
Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia (
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society   2017;00(00):1–7 Staphylococcus aureus, were identified by blood culture, whole-
© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Journal of the blood polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays (for S pneumo-
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
niae and S pyogenes only), and, when available, pleural fluid
DOI: 10.1093/jpids/pix083 culture and PCR assays. The same pathogens were identified

Macrolides in Children With CAP: Panacea or Placebo? • JPIDS 2017:XX (XX XXXX) • 1

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from endotracheal aspirates and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid infection) and wheeze (less frequent in those with Mycoplasma
samples (culture only), when such samples were available. M infection), yet no features were sufficiently reliable to distin-
pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae were detected by guish Mycoplasma-associated CAP on the basis of clinical
using PCR assays on nasopharyngeal (NP) and oropharyngeal signs [9]. This inherent limitation leads to empiric antibiotic
(OP) swabs. Viral pathogens were detected by PCR on NP and use for pediatric CAP.
OP swabs and by acute- and convalescent-phase serology test-
ing [6]. Healthy asymptomatic child controls were recruited MACROLIDES: ANTIBACTERIAL ACTION AND
between February 2011 and June 2012. A pathogen was
detected in 81% of these children, which is significantly more The macrolide class of antibiotics, derived from natural com-
than the 38% observed in a concurrently conducted study in pounds produced by Gram-positive Streptomyces species, are
adults [8]. Respiratory viruses, including respiratory syncytial characterized by a 14-membered (erythromycin, roxithro-
virus (RSV), human rhinovirus, and human metapneumovirus, mycin, clarithromycin), 15-membered (azithromycin), or
were the most frequently identified pathogen in all pediatric 16-membered (josamycin, spiramycin) lactone ring to which
age groups. Of the bacterial pathogens identified, M pneumo- amino and neutral side sugars are attached. As a class, mac-
niae was the most frequently detected (8% of patients, ranging rolides are characterized by moderately broad-spectrum
from 2% of those aged <2 years to 23% of those aged 10 years or activity that includes most Gram-positive bacteria, some
older); this pathogen was detected significantly more often than Gram-negative bacteria, and several bacteria responsible for
was pneumococcus (4%) and S aureus (1%) [6]. Other intracel- intracellular infection (eg, Mycoplasma spp, Chlamydia spp,
lular pathogens, including C pneumoniae, were detected infre- Legionella spp, and numerous Mycobacterium spp) [10]. The
quently in all age groups (<1%). Apart from human rhinovirus, bacteriostatic properties of macrolides are attributable to
other viral and bacterial pathogens (including M pneumoniae) reversible binding to the 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of the
were identified infrequently from NP/OP swabs of asymptom- 50S bacterial ribosomal subunit, which thereby inhibits RNA-
atic control children. dependent protein synthesis.
The more frequent detection of M pneumoniae in patients A rise in macrolide resistance in respiratory pathogens,
than in controls in the EPIC study lies in contrast to that in a including in both S pneumoniae and M pneumoniae, has been
recently published Dutch case-control study undertaken during reported globally. Resistance to macrolide antibiotics most fre-
a period of increased M pneumoniae activity in Europe. Using quently occurs as a result modification of the ribosomal target
PCR and mycoplasma culture, Spuesens et al [7] identified sim- by methylation or mutation, decreased uptake of the mole-
ilar rates of M pneumoniae detection and load in both popula- cules, and/or active efflux of the drug [11]. In pneumococci,
tions (16% in children with acute respiratory infection and 21% methylation of the 23S rRNA (most frequently attributable to
in asymptomatic children). These results confirm the possibility a family of rRNA methyltransferases designated Erm enzymes)
of detection (or carriage) of M pneumoniae in asymptomatic and drug efflux (most frequently attributable to msrA gene-en-
children, particularly during periods of increased M pneumo- coded ABC transporter and mefA gene-encoded MFS [major
niae activity, and they raise questions about the significance of facilitator superfamily] pumps) are the most frequent causes
M pneumoniae detection in children with and in those without of resistance [11]. In M pneumoniae, a number of specific point
pneumonia. mutations in the 23s rRNA gene that affect attachment of the
Despite the advancements in rapid diagnostics, many of macrolide molecule and various degrees of drug resistance
which were used in the aforementioned studies, there remains have been described [12, 13]. Rates of macrolide resistance in
an ongoing lack of sensitive and specific diagnostics for pedi- pneumococcus vary greatly among those in different countries
atric CAP. Diagnostic testing is performed frequently on [14]. Contemporary data from US children (2012–2014) sug-
upper respiratory tract samples; because pneumonia is a dis- gest that half of pneumococci are macrolide resistant, but <10%
ease of the lower airways, this approach, although most practi- are resistant to penicillin [15]. Macrolide-resistant M pneumo-
cal, might not reflect the true bacterial etiology of pneumonia niae has also emerged more recently with resistance rates that
(which, for example, could account for the relatively low rate range from <10% in the United States [16] and United Kingdom
of identification of pneumococcus in the EPIC study). The [17] to >90% in some Asian countries [12]. The rates of resis-
lack of sensitive and specific diagnostics is compounded fur- tance in both S pneumoniae and M pneumoniae closely parallel
ther by our inability to reliably and clinically distinguish CAP community antimicrobial use, particularly in children [16–18].
caused by different pathogens; in a meta-analysis of prospec- Recently, solithromycin, a next-generation fluoroketolide mac-
tive cohort studies in which children with CAP were exam- rolide that retains activity against most macrolide-resistant
ined, clinical features that distinguished those with from those strains, was developed. Safety and efficacy trials in pediatric
without M pneumoniae–associated CAP included chest pain patients with CAP are underway ( identifier
and crepitations (more frequent in those with Mycoplasma NCT02605122).

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MACROLIDES: IMMUNOMODULATORY AND 1 to 3 years with recurrent asthma-like symptoms were allocated
ADDITIONAL ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIVIRAL randomly to receive either 3 days of azithromycin or placebo
in a blinded fashion during an acute episode (at least 3 days of
In ecological studies, patients prescribed erythromycin for dif- cough, wheeze, or dyspnea) [31]. Of 158 randomized episodes,
fuse pan-bronchiolitis, an inflammatory disorder that is char- therapy for 154 episodes was completed. In the 148 episodes
acterized by progressive neutrophil-associated suppurative and with adequate follow-up, a significant reduction in the number
obstructive airway disease with progression to bronchiectasis of symptomatic days was noted (3.4 vs 7.7 days [azithromycin vs
and was first noted in east-Asian adults [19–21], had a signifi- placebo, respectively]; 63.3% reduction with azithromycin [95%
cantly improved survival rate and experienced improvement in CI, 56.0; 69.3%]). No effect on the time to next exacerbation was
their symptoms and radiological features. Similar effects have identified. The authors of both trials acknowledged that undiag-
been found with other 14- and 15-member macrolides [22–24]. nosed bacterial infection or macrolide-associated immunomod-
Findings of the immunomodulatory effect of macrolides, in ulatory effects could have resulted in the outcomes observed.
addition to any direct antibacterial effect, have led to their use The mechanism by which macrolides exert their immuno-
for a number of other inflammatory and infective conditions. modulatory action are complex, and an in depth description is
Several randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials of beyond the scope of this review [32, 33]. In brief, macrolides
macrolides in children and adults with chronic inflammatory exert their effect through (1) reducing neutrophil accumulation
or infectious conditions have been conducted. A meta-anal- in the airway epithelium, which results in a reduction in local
ysis of clinical trials found improvement in forced expiratory production of interleukin 8 (IL-8), (2) reducing the production
volume over 1 second (FEV1) (mean difference in FEV1, 4.0% of proinflammatory IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)
[95% confidence interval (CI), 1.7; 6.1%]) and an increase in the in macrophages, which results in a further reduction in proin-
odds of being free of pulmonary exacerbations after 6 months flammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-12) and increased anti-in-
in selected subjects with cystic fibrosis (CF) who were given flammatory cytokine production (IL-10), (3) downregulating
azithromycin compared with those who were given placebo production of proinflammatory mediators (prostaglandin E2,
[25]. In a recently published report from a placebo-controlled nitric oxide, TNF-α, IL-8, and IL-1a), (4) modulating key tran-
clinical trial in non-CF-associated bronchiectasis, a reduction scription factors, such as activator protein 1 (AP-1) and nuclear
in pulmonary exacerbations over a 6-month period was found factor κB (NFκB), and (5) decreasing airway mucus production.
in subjects prescribed azithromycin, despite the failure to detect As found in cell-culture studies, certain macrolides also
a difference in symptom scores or FEV1s [26]. In adults after can influence acute viral infection by downregulating antiviral
lung transplantation, bronchiolitis obliterans–free survival was receptors and inhibiting virus production; the production of
found in those given prophylactic azithromycin compared with intercellular admission molecule 1 (ICAM-1), the receptor for
those given placebo (hazard ratio, 0.27 [95% CI, 0.09–0.82 ]) entry by human rhinoviruses, and activated RhoA, a receptor
[27]. In a clinical trial in adults with chronic obstructive pulmo- for respiratory syncytial virus F protein, is downregulated by
nary disease, the median time to first exacerbation was 92 days macrolides [34, 35], and late-stage influenza A  virus produc-
longer in subjects prescribed long-term azithromycin than in tion also seems to be blocked by macrolides [36]. Additional
those given placebo (P < .001) [28]. Variations in the macrolide antibacterial effects have been found at subtherapeutic mac-
used, doses, and frequency of administration have made gener- rolide concentrations, particularly in in vitro models with
alizability of the findings from clinical trials difficult to imple- Pseudomonas aeruginosa; downregulation of virulence factor
ment in everyday clinical practice. production, motility, and biofilm formation have all been found
There has been significant interest in the role of macrolides [37, 38]. It is highly possible that these additional actions influ-
in preventing acute exacerbations of chronic asthma. A recent ence outcomes in acute and chronic respiratory conditions.
meta-analysis of 23 clinical trials that compared children and
adults prescribed prolonged macrolide therapy or placebo failed ADULT PNEUMONIA: EVIDENCE SUPPORTING
to find any difference in exacerbations, other treatments, symp-
toms, or quality of life [29]. Investigators have also examined Current Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines [39]
the role of macrolides in the treatment of acute exacerbations (published in 2007) recommend combination β-lactam–mac-
of asthma. As reported by Johnston et al [30], a 10-day course rolide therapy or respiratory fluoroquinolone monotherapy for
of telithromycin, a structurally similar ketolide antibiotic, when adults with CAP who have an underlying comorbidity, are at
prescribed within 24 hours of a medically attended acute asthma increased risk of drug-resistant S pneumoniae (DRSP) infection,
exacerbation in adults aged 18 to 55 years with a history of or require hospitalization (regardless of comorbidities or DRSP
asthma, resulted in a small but significant reduction in symptom risk). In previously healthy adults with outpatient CAP (CAP
scores compared with those who were given placebo (no differ- not requiring hospitalization), macrolide or doxycycline mono-
ence in FEV1 values was detected). More recently, children aged therapy is recommended.

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Numerous analyses have explored the role of macrolides in CAP, described outcomes for children given combination β-lac-
adults with pneumonia, and conflicting results have been found. tam–macrolide therapy compared with those for children pre-
After pooling outcomes from clinical trials that enrolled adults scribed β-lactam monotherapy. A 20% reduction in length of
hospitalized with CAP, Eliakim-Raz et al [40] failed to find any stay was observed in those prescribed combination therapy, and
advantage of giving empiric coverage (including macrolides) the effect size was greatest in older children (Table 1).
for atypical organisms. In their study of adults with acute lower A lack of trial data supporting treatment recommenda-
respiratory infection (including acute bronchitis, acute exac- tions that specifically consider the role of macrolide therapy
erbations of chronic bronchitis, and pneumonia) enrolled in in children with proven atypical pneumonia also remains
clinical trials, Laopaiboon et al [41] also did not identify any [45]. Evidence that supports treatment recommendations are
difference in outcomes when azithromycin was compared with derived from observational data; Principi et al [46] described
β-lactam therapy. These results are in contrast to those from 210 and 87 children aged 2 to 14  years with laboratory-con-
observational studies; Asadi et al [42] found a significant reduc- firmed (according to results from serology and/or PCR test-
tion in the mortality rate in adults hospitalized with CAP who ing of respiratory specimens) M pneumoniae or Chlamydia
were prescribed macrolides compared with those who were not pneumoniae infection, respectively, the majority of whom had
prescribed macrolides (relative risk [RR], 0.78 [95% CI, 0.64– radiologically confirmed pneumonia. Of the 191 children with
0.95]; P = .01; n = 137 574). This effect disappeared, however, M pneumoniae and/or C pneumoniae evaluated, 97.2% of those
when the analysis was restricted to data from clinical trials (RR, treated with macrolides and 81.7% treated with other antibi-
1.13 [95% CI, 0.65–1.98]; P = .66; n = 1092). Superior outcomes otics were considered cured or improved after 4 to 6 weeks
for combined β-lactam and macrolide therapy were also found (P < .05). In addition to highlighting improved outcomes with
in a pooled analysis of cohort studies (odds ratio [OR], 0.67 macrolides in children diagnosed with M pneumoniae and/or
[95% CI, 0.61–0.73]; P < .001; n = 42 942) [43]. C pneumoniae infection, these data also reveal a high rate of
clinical improvement in the absence of targeted therapy. Other
studies have found moderate reductions in length of fever and
MACROLIDE USE hospital length of stay in children with M pneumoniae CAP
who were prescribed macrolides [47, 48].
Despite their frequent prescription for children, there remains a
paucity of pediatric data from specific examinations of the role
of empiric and targeted macrolide therapy for CAP. Published
data from clinical trials and observational studies in which the Given recent evidence of the burden of respiratory viruses in
efficacy of macrolide therapy was assessed in comparison with children with CAP, increasing rates of macrolide resistance in
that of the standard of care are listed in Table 1. Apart from a both S pneumoniae and M pneumoniae, and the lack of clini-
small single-center trial that found more rapid improvement in cal trial data that show a clear benefit over alternative agents,
radiological findings in physician-defined “classic” pneumonia the role of macrolide antibiotics in children with CAP remains
and more rapid improvement in symptoms in physician-de- unclear. Yet, with M pneumoniae frequently detected (particu-
fined atypical pneumonia [44], clinical trials have yet to show larly in older children), observational data indicating modest
any advantage of prescribing macrolides, either alone or in improvements in outcomes with therapy, and data indicating
combination, over β-lactams in younger children. None of the the additional activity of macrolide antibiotics in patients with
studies recruited sufficient numbers of older children or com- acute and chronic infective and inflammatory conditions, it is
pared β-lactams and macrolides in the groups. Observational likely that specific patient groups can benefit from treatment
studies, with the attendant difficulties in adjusting for differ- with macrolide antibiotics. Defining this group and the role
ences in prescribing between patient groups, have explored the that macrolide antibiotics play is a research priority, particularly
impact of macrolide use. Ambroggio et al [56] compared 1164 given the frequent prescription of macrolides [5, 49–51] and the
children with CAP who were managed in an outpatient setting development of newer macrolide antibiotics. Despite decades of
and prescribed β-lactam monotherapy with the same number use for acute respiratory tract infection, an adequately powered
of children who were prescribed macrolide monotherapy. No clinical trial is the only way to determine the benefits, risks, and
difference in treatment failure (hospitalization or re-presenta- costs (both economic and resistance) according to age group and
tion requiring a change of drug within 14 days) was observed in in children with CAP attributable to specific pathogens. A num-
children aged ≤5 years (adjusted OR [aOR], 0.90 [95% CI, 0.37– ber of challenges need to be considered when designing such
2.22]), but a trend toward better outcomes was seen in children trials in children, including defining optimal end points and
aged >5 years (aOR, 0.48 [95% CI, 0.22–1.01]). The report from standardizing diagnostic procedures, particularly for pathogens
another study performed by the same authors, a large multi- such as M pneumoniae. Given the self-limiting nature of viral
center retrospective cohort study of children hospitalized with pneumonia and M pneumoniae disease, it is likely that the time

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Table 1.  Clinical Trials and Observational Studies of Pediatric CAP Treated With Macrolide Therapy, Either Alone or With β-Lactam Antibiotics

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Reference Study Design Population Primary Outcome Participants Drug Results
Harris et al (1998) [53] Clinical trial US children aged 6 mo to Cure: complete resolution of 456 children, 36 excluded from primary Azithromycin (5 days) vs comparator Overall treatment success: 71.8% vs 72.3% (NS); children
15 y with clinically and symptoms and signs with analysis (n = 420; 285 given (10 days) (amoxicillin-clavulanic aged ≤5 y, 67.2% vs 66.7% (NS); children aged >5 y, 75.7%
radiologically defined CAP radiologically indicated azithromycin; 135 given comparator) acid [≤5-y-olds] or erythromycin vs 77.6% (NS)
improvement (day 15–19) [>5-y-olds])
Wubbel et al (1999) [54] Clinical trial US children aged 6 mo to Cure: complete resolution of 174 children enrolled, 27 excluded from Azithromycin (5 days) vs comparator Overall treatment success: 98.6% vs 96.2% (NS); children
16 y with clinically and symptoms and signs with primary analysis (n = 147; 69 given (10 days) (amoxicillin-clavulanic aged ≤5 y, 97.4% vs 95.9% (NS); children aged >5 y, 100%
radiologically defined CAP radiologically indicated azithromycin, 78 given comparator) acid [≤5-y-olds] or erythromycin vs 96.6% (NS)
improvement (day 14–35) [>5-y-olds])
Kogan et al (2003) [44] Clinical trial Chilean children aged 1 mo Classic CAP: fever on day 3 and/ 110 children enrolled, 4 excluded from Azithromycin (3 days) vs comparator Classic CAP: absence of fever on day 3, 91.3% vs 87.5%
to 14 y with clinically and or radiologically indicated primary analysis (n = 106; 56 given (7 days) (amoxicillin for clinically (NS); improved radiologically by day 7, 81.0% vs 60.9%
radiologically defined CAP improvement by day 7; atypical azithromycin, 50 given comparator) and radiologically defined classic (P < .01); atypical CAP, mean duration of cough, 3.6 vs
CAP: no. of days of cough CAP and erythromycin for clinically 5.5 days (P = .02); improved radiologically by day 14, 100%
and radiologically indicated and radiologically defined atypical vs 81% (NS)
improved by day 14 CAP)
Aurangzeb and Hameed Clinical trial Pakistani children aged 3–72 Clinical improvement after 48 h 126 patients enrolled, 2 excluded from Clarithromycin vs amoxicillin vs Overall: 97.6% vs 97.6% vs 95.2%
(2003) [55] mo hospitalized with primary analysis (n = 124; 42 given cefuroxime (IV followed by oral)
clinically defined CAP clarithromycin, 43 given amoxicillin, 41
given cefuroxime)
Ambroggio et al (2015) Matched retrospective US children aged 1–18 y Treatment failure, defined 1164 children included in the analysis and Macrolide therapy or β-lactam Overall treatment failure: children aged ≤5 y, 2.7% vs 2.9%
[56] cohort study with ICD-coded CAP by hospitalization or matched 1:1, using propensity score monotherapy (aOR, 0.90 [95% CI, 0.37–2.22]); children aged >5 y, 4.9%
from outpatient pediatric re-presentation with a change adjusted probability of assignment vs 9.4% (aOR, 0.48 [95% CI, 0.22–1.01])
practicesa of drug within 14 days
Ambroggio et al (2012) Retrospective cohort US children aged 1–18 y with Hospital LOS and readmission 20 743 children included in the analysis Combination β-lactam + macrolide LOS: aRR, 0.80 (0.75–0.86) (ref = monoRx); LOS (≤5-y-olds),
[57] study ICD-coded CAP admitted within 14 days therapy vs β-lactam monotherapy aRR, 0.96 (0.86–1.06); LOS (6- to 11-y-olds); aRR, 0.85

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to a freestanding children’s (0.79–0.91); LOS (12- to 18-y-olds), aRR, 0.69 (0.49–
hospital 0.98); readmission, aRR, 0.69 (0.41–1.12) (ref = monoRx)
Ambroggio et al (2016) Retrospective cohort US children aged 1–18 y Treatment failure, defined 717 children included in the analysis; Combination β-lactam + macrolide Overall treatment failure: children aged ≤5 y, 8.3% vs 4.9%
[58] study with ICD-coded CAP by hospitalization or analysis was adjusted by propensity of therapy vs β-lactam monotherapy (aOR, 1.34 [95% CI, 0.83–2.18]); children aged >5 y, 4.0%
from outpatient pediatric re-presentation with a change being prescribed combination therapy vs 12.9% (aOR, 0.51 [95% CI, 0.28–0.95])
practices of drug within 14 days
Leyenaar et al (2014) Retrospective cohort US children aged 1–17 y with Hospital LOS and readmission 13 593 children included in the analysis; Combination ceftriaxone + macrolide LOS (<5-y-olds), 2.43 vs 2.37 days (aRR, 0.99 [0.96–
[50] study ICD-coded CAP admitted to within 28 days analysis was adjusted by propensity of therapy vs ceftriaxone monotherapy 1.02]); LOS (5- to 17-y-olds), 2.48 vs 2.60 days (aRR, 0.95
an acute care hospital being prescribed combination therapy [0.92–0.98]); readmission (<5-y-olds), 0.8% vs 0.7% (NS);
readmission (5- to 17-y-olds), 0.6% vs 0.5% (NS)

Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; aRR, adjusted relative risk; CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; IV, intravenous; LOS, length of stay; monoRx, monotherapy; NS, not significant; ref, reference.
This is the population that was recruited.

Macrolides in Children With CAP: Panacea or Placebo? • JPIDS 2017:XX (XX XXXX) • 5
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