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Penyuluhan ASI Ekslusif dan Manajemen Laktasi

he favorite review/question books for ABPN Psychiatry Certification Examination seem

to be:

 Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual (“Kenny and Spiegel,” the
favorite overall)
 Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Update & Board Preparation
 Kaplan & Sadock’s Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry

The most popular/best online question bank for the ABPN is Board Vitals (which also
has question banks for other specialties as well). From user comments online, this
resource is definitely not error free yet, but it’s still widely used. Using the code BW10at
checkout also gets you 10% off (buying after clicking that link gives me a referral; if you
don’t want me to get anything, then just use the coupon code without clicking the

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