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Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2010, 51(1):21–26


Chronic complications in hemodialysis:

correlations with primary renal disease

Nephrology Clinic, “St. John” Emergency Hospital

“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest

Although hemodialysis technique has improved in the last decades and the accessibility to this life-sustaining treatment modality increased
rapidly, we are still concerned about the morbidity and mortality rates of dialysis patients. While technical advances are increasing the
efficacy and safety of renal replacement therapies, latest studies are focused on other outcomes: increasing survival rates and the quality
of life by an adequate management of the complications in chronic renal patients. This article reviews the complications of chronic
hemodialysed patient with special considerations for the role of the primary renal disease that caused renal failure.
Keywords: chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis, primary renal disease, complications.

 Introduction ▪ specific complications of ESRD with their modifi-

cations by hemodialysis therapy;
Although hemodialysis technique has improved in ▪ complications of the primary renal disease which
the last decades, morbidity and mortality of chronic lead to chronic renal failure.
hemodialysed patients remained high. The researches
conducted up to present allowed a decrease of acute  Evolution of uremia-specific complica-
intradialytical complications by improving of ultra- tions after initiating hemodialysis
filtration technique, composition of dialysis fluid or by
introduction of more biocompatible membranes; the Cardiovascular complications
alternative of continuous hemodialysis or hemodiafil- Cardiovascular disease represents the major cause of
tration techniques represented also a progress in main- death in chronic dialyzed patients [1]. Hemodialysis
taining alive the patients with stage 5 chronic kidney removal of excessive salt and water allows the control
disease (CKD) and cardiovascular instability. of systemic blood pressure in more than 80% of patients
Several factors may explain the increased morbidity (with volume-dependent hypertension); it also removes
of chronic hemodialysed patients. Increased accessi- various uremic toxins involved in pathogenesis of
bility to renal replacement therapies allowed prolonged hypertension. On the other hand, initiation of hemo-
follow up of some categories of patients considered, in dialysis increases the incidence and severity of cardio-
the years immediately following the discovery of the vascular complications by several specific factors [1–4]:
hemodialysis technique, to have contraindication for ▪ a voluminous arteriovenous fistula can precipitate
dialytic therapy because of the associated comorbidities: or exacerbate congestive heart failure;
cancer, diabetes, elderly, etc. Increasing survival of ▪ secondary hyperparathyroidism, calcium-containing
uremic patients by dialysis allowed disclosing specific binders or vitamin D analogues can induce vascular and
complications of this period. Abundant researches allow cardiac calcifications [5];
the introduction of new therapies with beneficial effects ▪ erythropoiesis stimulating agents can exacerbate
for specific complications of dialytic period, but with previous hypertension [6];
notable side effects as well: hypertension or other ▪ hyperhomocysteinemia;
cardiovascular complications induced by treatment with ▪ inadequate intradialysis ultrafiltration;
erythropoiesis stimulating agents, cardiovascular calci- ▪ rapid electrolyte changes during dialysis session;
fications favored by calcium-containing binders or by ▪ hyperlipidemia and accelerated atherosclerosis of
vitamin D3 analogues, etc. Although it is proven a uremic patients;
common pathway for CKD progression, the primary ▪ dialysis pericarditis, endocarditis.
renal disease influences not only the progression toward
the end stage of renal disease (ESRD), but the patients’ Gastrointestinal disorders
evolution after initiating dialysis therapy as well, by the Fetor and uremic peritonitis disappear after initiating
magnitude of residual renal function or through specific hemodialysis, but other gastrointestinal complications
complications/comorbidities. may occur [9, 17]:
Complications of chronic hemodialysed patients can ▪ reduced dose of dialysis may lead to anorexia,
be classified into two categories: nausea;
22 I. A. Checheriţă et al.
▪ the increased risk of gastritis and gastrointestinal Chronic hemodialysed patients with HIV-associated
bleeding is maintained due to heparin administration nephropathy may have gastrointestinal bleeding secon-
during the hemodialysis sessions or drugs that stimulate dary to Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or
gastric acid secretion; severe secondary hyperpara- colitis with cytomegalovirus [2]. Spontaneous retro-
thyroidism and hypercalcemia may also increase gastric peritoneal bleeding may occur in uremic patients with
acid secretion [5]; periarteritis nodosa [8]. Intracerebral hematoma occurs
▪ colonic diverticulosis is noted in long-term dialyzed especially in patients treated with oral anti-coagulants or
patients, especially those with polycystic kidneys [7]; those with severe hypertension [1, 2].
▪ ascites may occur due to chronic volemic overload;
sometimes it accompanies polycystic liver disease; Pulmonary complications
▪ increased frequency of angiodysplasia; Pulmonary infections are very common in uremic
▪ hemosiderosis due to excessive transfusions and patients due to their depressed immunity [7]. In long-
martial therapy was observed especially during pre- term hemodialysed patients, pleural effusion can be
erythropoietin period [7]; noted, sometimes hemorrhagic because of heparin use
▪ iron therapy and calcium-containing binders may during hemodialysis sessions. As in the case of dialysis-
cause constipation; other phosphate binders may have associated pericarditis or ascites, the etiopathogenesis
laxative effects; seems to be chronic inadequate dialysis dose; other
▪ prolonged therapy with antibiotic may lead to causes of pleural effusion – viral or bacterial infections,
pseudo-membranous colitis [7]. systemic disease, congestive heart failure, severe hypo-
Anemia proteinemia, etc. – must be excluded before a diagnosis
of dialysis-associated pleurisy is established [8].
Anemia does not improve after initiating
hemodialysis; additional factors occur [2, 3]: Bone disorders
▪ chronic hemolysis: direct traumatic effect produced
by the dialysis circuit on the red blood cells; toxic subs- Native vitamin D deficiency and secondary hyper-
tances in the dialysate (accidentally – copper, chlora- parathyroidism are noted early in the course of CKD.
mine, nitrates, zinc, fluorine, etc.); prolonged reduced Initiating hemodialysis does not influence the evolution
doses of dialysis; abnormal changes of temperature/ of these complications that continue to worsen in the
osmolarity of dialysis solution; absence of therapy.
▪ iron deficiency by: reduced intestinal absorption of Treatment for secondary hyperparathyroidism is
iron from the diet; digestive, genital or urinary often accompanied by several side effects, especially
hemorrhages; blood loss in dialysor and dialysis circuit; cardiovascular [5]:
repeated venous puncture for routine laboratory tests; ▪ hypercalcemia and increased calcium-phosphorus
▪ folates deficiency may occur following poor diet product, with vascular and coronary calcifications have
intake or due to loss through the dialysis membrane; been documented after excessive calcium-containing
▪ repeated transfusions inhibit synthesis and phosphate binders and/or vitamin D therapy;
secretion of endogenous erythropoietin; ▪ adynamic bone disease may be a result of excessive
▪ aluminum intoxication after abuse of aluminum- vitamin D3 therapy.
based phosphate binders or excessive increase of Hemodialysis can amplify bone disease in CKD.
aluminum concentration in dialysate; Aluminum intoxication – from a contaminated dialy-
▪ secondary severe hyperparathyroidism can produce sate, aluminum-based phosphate binders or secondary to
marrow fibrosis with decreased erythropoiesis rate [5]. sodium citrate therapy for metabolic acidosis – may be
Therapy with erythropoiesis stimulating agents may responsible for low turnover bone diseases; aluminum
be accompanied by several complications: onset of bone toxicity is associated with severe neurologic and
hypertension or worsening of previous hypertension [1], hematologic complications: hypochromic microcytic
thrombosis of the vascular access, erythrocytosis, anemia due to erythropoiesis suppression, encephalo-
aplastic anemia [6]. pathy, cachexia [2].
Non-aluminum osteomalacia is noted in states with
Bleeding diathesis of uremia negative calcium balance (reduced dietary intake, low
Initiating hemodialysis improves bleeding time by calcium concentration in dialysis solution), or in
removal of uremic toxins responsible for platelets patients with chronic tubulointerstitial nephropathy
dysfunction and secondary to anemia correction, but the which have long-standing metabolic acidosis [2].
bleeding tendency of chronic hemodialysed patients is Adynamic bone diseases are present especially in
maintained because of new factors [2, 3]: patients with diabetic nephropathy or in those with
▪ contact of blood with the dialysis membrane granulomatous diseases (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, etc.)
activates platelets or monocytes with cytokines release that are accompanied by vitamin D hypersecretion and
and secretion of large amounts of nitric oxide from hypercalcemia [5, 9].
endothelium; Patients who have been on dialysis for at least
▪ use of heparin during dialysis sessions is accompa- 5–7 years can develop dialysis amyloidosis, secondary
nied by an increase of bleeding time and may induce to osteoarticular depositions of β2-microglobulin; these
thrombocytopenia; protein deposits stimulate osteoclastic resorption of the
▪ antiplatelet drugs in vascular patients. bone [2, 5].
Chronic complications in hemodialysis: correlations with primary renal disease 23
Neurologic manifestations with chronic glomerulopathies and nephrotic syndrome
with heavy proteinuria or in patients with malabsorption
Uremic encephalopathy and neuropathy are remitted
of various causes (diabetic neuropathy, congestive heart
after initiating hemodialysis. Instead, other specific
failure, liver cirrhosis, etc.) [2, 9].
complications may occur [2]:
Plasma creatinine decrease in a chronic hemo-
▪ complications secondary to primary renal disease –
dialysed patient is a marker for malnutrition, not for
hypertensive encephalopathy in patients with hyperten-
efficient dialysis, and it is a negative prognostic factor.
sion, peripheral neuropathy in vasculitis, myopathy in
It is associated with hypoalbuminemia, decreased protein
systemic diseases (diabetes, lupus, amyloidosis) [8, 9];
synthesis and reduced muscle mass [2].
▪ complications of hemodialysis therapy:
– dialysis dementia; Lipid metabolism
– subdural hematoma;
CKD is characterized by type IV of hyperlipopro-
– Wernicke acute encephalopathy (thiamine defici-
teinemia with increased VLDL and IDL and decreased
HDL, with the late subclass β-VLDL emerge [7], due
– encephalopathy secondary to biotin deficiency;
to: decreased activity of hepatic lipase and lipoprotein-
– mononeuropathy – median nerve: carpal tunnel
lipase caused by the accumulation of toxins with inhibit-
syndrome due to local storage of β2-microglobulin,
tory effect, hyperinsulinism, secondary hyperpara-
median nerve compression by a voluminous arterio-
thyroidism, excessive dietary fats. Severe dyslipidemia
venous fistula or the steal syndrome with secondary
explains accelerated atherosclerosis in uremic patients
nerve ischemia;
[2, 7]. After initiating dialytic therapy, dyslipidemia
▪ iatrogenic complications: aminoglycoside or ery-
does not correct and may even aggravate; although the
thromycin therapy can result in acoustic-vestibular
lipoprotein-lipase inhibitors are removed from the
nerve damage and cause permanent deafness; drugs-
uremic serum, at the site of blood–dialysis membrane
associated myositis (clofibrate, colchicine, prednisone);
HDL are lost. Serum triglycerides levels are high;
▪ several inter- or intradialytic electrolyte distur-
heparin is, probably, implicated in this process.
bances may induce muscle cramps (hyponatremia), sei-
Dyslipidemia is more pronounced in patients with
zures (hyponatremia) or myositis (hypophosphatemia).
nephrotic syndrome and in those with diabetic nephro-
Carbohydrate metabolism pathy [2, 9].

Glucose intolerance and peripheral resistance to Cutaneous manifestations

insulin – specific to the final stage CKD – are reversed Stage 4 CKD is characterized by various cutaneous
after removal of uremic toxins by dialysis. Although complications; the majority persists or increases after
hemodialysis normalizes the half-life of insulin, initiating dialysis:
increased risk of hypoglycemia is maintained in chronic ▪ pruritus persists in most patients; secondary hyper-
dialyzed patients with severe secondary hyperpara- parathyroidism is the main etiological factor, but increa-
thyroidism or malnutrition [2]. Initiation of hemo- sed levels of serum serotonin and histamine may partici-
dialysis in an insulin-dependent diabetic patient brings pate [2];
unpredictable changes in insulin requirements: on one ▪ xerosis is secondary to perspiratory glands dysfun-
hand the peripheral resistance to insulin is restored, so ction, hypervitaminosis A, hyperparathyroidism [2];
the need for insulin would decrease, on the other hand ▪ characteristic sallow pallor due to anemia and
dialysis normalizes the half-life of insulin, therefore the retentions of urochromes and carotenoid pigments; in
insulin need increases [2, 9]. some patients a brown diffuse hyperpigmentation can
occur due to melanotropic hormone blood accumulation
Protein malnutrition
which is poorly dialyzed [2];
Uremia is a hypercatabolic state; factors involved ▪ cutaneous calcifications – secondary to hyperpara-
are: low protein intake, increased plasma hypercatabolic thyroidism [5];
hormones that are insufficiently degraded by the kidney ▪ hemodialysis-associated bullous dermatitis is asso-
(glucagon, cortisone, catecholamine), tissue resistance ciated with normal serum porphyrin levels and is due to
to anabolic hormone actions as a result of accumulation an allergic reaction to some chemical substances in the
of uremic toxins [7]. Hemodialysis largely corrects dialysis tubing set; sometimes, drugs are involved
these problems by removal of the toxins, normalizing (furosemide, tetracycline, nalidixic acid) [2].
the half-life of catabolic hormones and also by allowing
Gonadal function
a normal or hyperproteic diet. It brings, however,
various disadvantages [2]: hemodialysis itself is a Gonadal function shows partial improvement after
catabolic maneuver by releasing of proteases from initiating dialysis [2]. In men, some improvements in
erythrocytes or by amino acid loss during the dialysis sexual function are noted, especially in the context of
session. During dialysis with glucose-free solutions, erythropoietin therapy [2], but without increasing the
sudden decrease of blood glucose and insulin may serum testosterone. Women menstruation may reappear
occur, leading to periodic hormone stimulation of and prolactinemic levels are normalized, but cycles are
protein catabolism. usually anovulatoric, most of hemodialysed patients
The risk of protein malnutrition persists and is more being infertile. Chronic dialysed women rarely become
pronounced even after initiation of dialysis in patients pregnant and carry the pregnancy to term; spontaneous
24 I. A. Checheriţă et al.
abortions, death of the fetus in utero or at birth, population due to intravenous treatments, transfusions,
premature births and preeclampsia are frequently noted. etc. Frequently, acute viral hepatitis has an anicteric,
subclinical evolution. The frequency of HIV-infection
in dialysis is comparable to that in the general popula-
Due to dietary restrictions and loss from the dialysis tion [2].
membrane, hydrosoluble vitamin supplements are
Acquired polycystic kidney disease
required in patients requiring dialysis [2]. Liposoluble
vitamins – with the exception of vitamin D – do not It is a complication that occurs in long-term uremia:
require supplementation outside dietary intake. tubulointerstitial nephropathies, chronic dialyzed patients
[2, 10]. It is often associated with improvement of
Immunological abnormalities anemia or decreased need for erythropoietin due
CKD is characterized by a progressive decrease of erythropoietin secretion in cystic walls. Patients with
immunity and hemodialysis may enhance immune acquired renal cystic disease have, however, an increa-
deficiency. Infections occur frequently in hemodialysed sed risk of developing urothelial neoplasia [2, 10].
patients, being the second cause of mortality in this
group.  Complications induced by the primary
The cellular immune response, as well as humoral renal disease
response is depressed [7].
Residual renal function
Proliferation of T-lymphocytes is defective in
uremic stage due to accumulation of uremic toxins and Preservation of residual renal function (RRF) after
excessive transfusions. Erythropoietin therapy partially initiating dialysis is proven to have a positive effect on
improves cellular immune response [7]. In hemodia- the patients’ evolution [11]. Chronic glomerulopathy is
lysed patients there is evidence of activation of associated with early oliguria, while patients with
T-lymphocytes due to blood interaction with the dialysis tubulointerstitial nephropathies preserve their diuresis
membrane: the number of antigen presenting cells and for a longer period [12]; in patients with vascular
the concentration of IL-2 are increased, which worsen nephropathies, diuresis is longer preserved if heart
the inflammatory state of the patients, the tendency for failure does not occur [2, 8]. Diabetic nephropathy and
malnutrition and increased risk of infections. heart failure are strong predictive factors for accelerated
In chronic hemodialysed patients, humoral immune decline of RRF [13]. Among glomerulopathies, the
response may be altered in a characteristic fashion [2]. idiopathic membranous and diabetic glomerulopathies
Although immunoglobulin serum values are normal, are associated with the greatest risk of rapid RRF loss
normal antibody reactions are depressed. Meanwhile, after dialysis initiation by the persistence of elevated
due to blood contact with dialysis membrane, auto- urinary excretion of TGF-β1 involved in the glomerular
antibodies and anti-ethylenoxid antibodies occur with sclerosis [14].
increased frequency. Proteinuria has the same harmful effect on the RRF
Accessory immunity cells are dysfunctional in as in the predialytic period; nephrotic proteinuria in
chronic hemodialysed patients. During the hemodialysis chronic dialyzed patients is noted in diabetic nephropa-
session, blood contact with membranes made of thy, mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis
materials with reduced biocompatibility leads to or focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis [8, 11, 12].
monocyte activation with proinflammatory cytokine Therapy with ACE-inhibitors in patients with ische-
release (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6). At the beginning of the mic nephropathy or severe atherosclerosis may suddenly
hemodialysis session neutrophilic activation takes place decrease RRF [2, 4].
– with neutropenia in peripheral blood – which triggers
the complement activation and the release of protease Bone disease
and oxygen radicals. Intradialytic neutrophilic activation Because metabolic acidosis is long installed before
is responsible for numerous intradialytic and interdialytic developing CKD in most tubulointerstitial nephropathies,
complications [2]: osteoporosis is noted more frequently and more severe
▪ platelet and red blood cell dysfunction; than in other primary renal diseases [5]. Adynamic bone
▪ increase of serum lipid peroxidation products; disease is most commonly seen in diabetic patients, but
▪ reactive oxygen species contribute to amyloid the pathogenesis is still unknown [5, 9]. Patients with
arthropathy; analgesic nephropathy have a high incidence of severe
▪ the effect of DNA distortion is involved in prema- secondary hyperparathyroidism [15]. Myeloma, granulo-
ture ageing of long-term hemodialysed patients. matous diseases bring additional factors to bone damage
Neutrophilic activation during dialysis increases the in chronic dialyzed patients [5, 8].
expression of adhesion molecules with consecutive
leucopenia; unlike complement activation and neutron- Recurrences and comorbidities specific to
penia, which occur only during dialysis, leucopenia can primary renal disease
persist between dialytic sessions [2]. The diabetic patient with end stage renal disease has
Viral infections in hemodialysed patients a much higher burden of complications in chronic
hemodialysis than a non-diabetic one [16]. Even if
Markers of viral B- and C-hepatitis are more asymptomatic, the hemodialysed diabetic must be
frequent in dialyzed patients than in the general monitored regularly to detect these complications:
Chronic complications in hemodialysis: correlations with primary renal disease 25
▪ a good glycemic control is difficult to achieve as The therapy of lupus disease exacerbation has many
blood glucose is changing during hemodialysis sessions risks [8]:
[9]; ▪ NSAIDs increase the risk of occult or manifested
▪ cardiac and microvascular complications of dia- gastrointestinal bleeding when concurrent heparin is
betes continue with extremely high frequency in the used during dialysis sessions;
context of additional factors brought by hemodialysis: ▪ corticosteroids therapy may lead to severe
hyperparathyroidism, dyslipidemia, increased atheroma- complications like gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric or
tosis, sudden hemodynamic changes during the dialysis colonic perforation, pancreatitis, myositis, osteoporosis;
session [9]; about 50% of diabetics have asymptomatic ▪ immunosuppressive agents worsen immune
ischemic coronary disease [4]; depression with increased risk of neutropenia, bacterial
▪ intradialytic hypotension occurs frequently due to infections, oral ulcerations, candidiasis.
autonomous neuropathy [9] and diastolic dysfunction; Clinical picture of scleroderma dialyzed patients
therefore it is difficult to reach the target “dry weight”; may complicate with esophagus motility disorders,
▪ malnutrition is prevalent in hemodialysed diabetic gastrointestinal bleeding, pulmonary fibrosis with severe
patients: medication may cause anorexia, nausea, appetite secondary pulmonary hypertension, severe arterial hyper-
loss; diabetic-associated gastroparesis and neuropathy tension [8].
with prolonged diarrhea; congestive heart failure can Chronic hemodialysed patients, having ischemic
compete in intestinal malabsorption [9, 16]; nephropathy or nephroangiosclerosis as primary renal
▪ diabetic retinopathy has a high risk of worsening or disease, develop, from early stages, cardiovascular
occurring after initiation of hemodialysis due to rapid complications: heart failure, arrhythmias, cerebral or
cyclic changes in plasma osmolarity during the hemo- coronary stroke, myocardial or mesenteric infarction.
dialysis sessions [16]; Complications of autosomal dominant polycystic
▪ highly increased risk of urinary tract infections due kidney disease are not influenced by initiation of hemo-
to diabetic neuropathy [9]. dialysis: infection of cysts, pyelonephritic episodes,
Recurrences of chronic pyelonephritis, frequently urinary tract obstruction by giant cyst, hematuria
due to depressed immunity of dialyzed patients, are secondary to cyst rupture into the urinary tract,
accompanied by oliguria; in addition, as a result of retroperitoneal bleeding by rupture of a cyst [10].
decreased efficacy of antibiotics due to tubular Therapy of infectious complications is difficult because
concentration defect, prolonged antimicrobial treatment of the poor concentration of antibiotics in renal inter-
is required with increasing risk of pseudomembranous stitium or at cysts level; infection often progresses to
colitis or other intestinal malabsorption side effects – septicemia, imposing nephrectomy. Surgical intervene-
like nausea, anorexia – which participate to the tions are required also in severe hemorrhagic complica-
malnutrition of the chronic dialyzed patient [2, 17]. tions (prolonged macroscopic hematuria, retroperitoneal
Sometimes the administration of nephrotoxic antibiotics hematoma or retroperitoneal hemorrhage), being
can not be avoided, causing faster decline of RRF [11]. accompanied by high risks in chronic dialysis patient.
The recurrence of nephrolithiasis can lead to urinary Hemodialysis may even increase the risk of specific
tract obstruction with secondary septicemia and reduced complications of polycystic disease; sudden changes of
RRF [17]. blood pressure and extracellular volume during hemo-
Relapses of chronic glomerulopathies are accompa- dialysis sessions may precipitate the rupture of a cerebral
nied by proteinuria – which accelerates the decline of aneurysm. Eighty percents of patients with autosomal
RRF and increases the risk of malnutrition or hyperten- dominant polycystic kidney disease develop, after seve-
sion and oligoanuria that can enhance/promote cardiac ral years of dialysis, colonic diverticulosis with high
failure [8]. In chronic hemodialysed patients, pathogenic risk for diverticulitis, abscesses, colon perforation [10].
therapy is futile and may be accompanied by severe side Patients with Balkan endemic nephropathy and those
effects; only ACE inhibitors may be administered for with chronic aristolochic acid nephropathy have increa-
their antiproteinuric action [2, 8]. sed risk of urothelial neoplasia [17, 21, 22].
In most patients with ESRD, clinical and serological Chronic hemodialysed patients with primary amyloi-
activity of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) attenua- dosis have a negative prognosis on hemodialysis [8].
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Corresponding author
Ionel Alexandru Checheriţă, Junior Assistant, MD, Nephrology Clinic, “St. John” Emergency Hospital, 13 Vitan–
Bârzeşti Highroad, Sector 4, 042122 Bucharest, Romania; Phone +4021–334 50 75, Fax +4021–334 59 70,

Received: December 10th, 2009

Accepted: February 25th, 2010

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