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Project Plan

Helwan University
Dr. Zakaria Hegazy
Training Programme

Effective Writing of Technical

Background information

Short description of Helwan University

Overview :established in July 26, 1975 as a public
Location: Helwan City
Faculties: 19 faculties
Policy: for research and education
● engages in them that advance the mission of the
● accepts financial support from numerous sources for them
● no influence or control over the research design, methodology,
analysis, or findings of HU research projects, nor do they have
influence or control over the content of educational programs.
Organizational Structure
Business Unit
What is FP7?
Main roles and responsibilities of FP7 Focal Point Unit in HU
The relationship between this project and
other projects in HU
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Second level
● Third level

● Fourth level

● Fifth level
Formulation of objectives or
definition of the problem
2.1. Definition of the Problem Using Gap Analysis
2.1.1. The Model
2.1.2. Methodology to perform Gap Analysis Method
2.1.3. The findings
2.1.4. SWOT Analysis
2.2.The overall goal
2.3.The specific objectives
Definition of the Problem Using Gap
Only, 5 proposals were written and sent last
year (2007).
Thus, servqual model is applied
Trainee needs Past experience

Expected Training

Gap 5

Perceived Training

commission Gap 4
Training delivery External
to trainees
Gap 3

Training quality
Gap 1
Gap 2

Management perceptions
of trainees expectations
The overall goal

160 staff members (20 members × 4

months × 4 weeks) should be trained on
writing proposals based on FP7
Project activities
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Second level
● Third level

● Fourth level

● Fifth level

Strategic Training Model

Source: NCFLD, Module I, Session 1, P. 39.
Project activities

Activity 1: Assessment of training needs

Activity 2: Development of Training Path
Activity 3: Program Evaluation
Activity 4: Setting up a backstopping mechanism
No Brief Description of the Estimate
Activity Activity d number
Name of hours

oThe first phase: a pre-assessment 12

oThe second phase: main assessment 36
odata collecting
1 oanalyzing data
Assessment of osynthesizing data
training needs orecommendations for the
resultant training responses
oThe third phase: The post-
Unit 1: Orientation to the 3

Unit 2: How Proposals are 3


Unit 3: How to Write the 3

‘Potential Impact’ of the
Development of
Training Path

Unit 4: How to Write the 3

‘Project Implementation’

Unit 5: How to Streamline 6

Proposal Writing
oResponse Level 18
oLearning Level for the second unit 3
oLearning Level for the third unit 3
3 Evaluation
oLearning Level for the fourth unit 3
oLearning Level for the fifth unit 3
oPerformance Level for the whole units 6

Setting up a
oTo adapt the material or 6
oTo provide extra training for trainers
4 backstopping
Gantt chart for the first Activity
(TNA for the staff members in the university)
Gantt chart for the Second Activity
(Development of Training Path)
Gantt chart for the third and Fourth Activities
(Evaluation of the program)
10. Summary of costs and benefits

The benefits of the current project:

Improved writing proposal quality of HU staff members.
More highly motivated staff members in writing FP7 proposals.
Cooperation between HU and industries located in Helwan city through applied research.
Potential Funds from FP7 programme
Participation of Egypt and Egyptian researchers the international research agenda.
Expanding the research base in the Egyptian education environment.
Creating job opportunities for staff assistants, technicians, secretaries, and others.
Deepening the importance of training in supporting such strategic projects.
More focusing on R&D in Egypt.
Encouraging young researchers to fellow the staff members’ steps in research culture.
Integration with the country policy in reforming its education structure.
The costs of the current project are
illustrated in the following budget
P r o je c t B u d g e t f o r th e f ir s t w e e k o f tr a in in g p lu s T N A
U n it
s n I te m D e s c r ip tio n Q ty r a te T o ta l
1 A c tiv ity 1 T h e c o s t o f p e rfo rm in g T N A (m a n /h6 o0 u r) 5 0 3 0 0 0
2 A c tiv ity 2 T ra in e rs
c o' s t (m a n /h o u r) 36 100 3600
3 A c tiv ity 3 E v a lu a tio n c o s t (m a n /h o u r) 12 50 600
4 A c tiv ity 4 Im p ro v e m e n t c o s t (m a n /h o u r) 6 50 300
5 M a te riaalsn d s u p p l yflip c h a rts , p e n s , … 1 500 500
6 C o n te n t A c q u is itioth ne c o n te n t m a te ria ls r e fe re n c e 20 50 1000
7 P e r D im e A llo w a n c e s fo r d a ily e x p e n s e s (c o ffe
2 0e , te1 a0 ...),
0 2000
T o ta l 11000
P r o je c t B u d g e t fo r e a c h fo llo w in g w e e
U n it
co st
sn Ite m D e s c r ip tio n Q t yr a t e T o t a
2 A c tiv ity 2 T r a i n ce or s 't ( m a n / h o u r ) 36 100 360
3 A c tiv ity 3 E v a lu a tio n c o s t (m a n /h o u r) 1 2 5 0 6 0 0
4 A c tiv ity 4 I m p r o v e m e n t c o s t ( m a n / h o u 6r ) 5 0 3 0 0
5 M a t e r ai an lsds u p p l fyl i p c h a r t s , p e n s , … 1 500 500
6 C o n t e n t A c q ut ihs ei t ci oo nn t e n t m a t e r i a l s r e f e r e n2 c0 e 5 0 1 0 0
7 P e r D im e A l l o w a n c e s f o r d a i l y e x p e n 2s e0 s 1( c0 o0 f f2e 0e 0,
T o ta l 800
T h e cost of 16 w eek s 1 6 8 0 0 01 280 0 0
T h e c o s6t wo fe 1e k s ( 4 m o t h s ) t o t r a i n 18 60 00 t +r a 3i n0 e0r 0s EiTGs N13EP AG10 ,P0= 01 2

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