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UNLV Student: K.

Gonzalez PSMT NAME:

Lesson Plan Title: Fluency Reading Lesson Plan Topic: Reading

Date: TBD Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Grade Level: 4th School Site: Lincoln

1. State Standard(s):

RF.4.4.b​ Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and

expression on successive readings.

RF.4.4.c​ ​Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading

as necessary.

2. Teaching Model(s): Small Group

3. Objective(s):

- Students will be able to read a text with accuracy, appropriate rate, and


- Students will use self correcting strategies.

4. Materials and Technology Resources:

- Fluency Passage(s) - Pencils

- Tracking Folders - Highlighter

- Timer

5. Instructional Practices

A. Motivation/ Engagement (10 minutes)

- The teacher will begin by telling the students that they will practice reading with

expression. The teacher will then demonstrate reading a passage two times- one without
expression and one with expression. Teacher will then ask, “What did you notice about

the two readings? What was different and what was similar?”

B. Activities/ Experiences (10 minutes)

- After comparing the readings, the students will partner up and practice expression

reading with a partner. Students will have timers and highlighters to highlight words

they’re not too sure about.

- After the readings each student will be called up to read with the teacher. Teacher will

note student strengths and what they need additional assistance with. While teacher is

doing one to one readings, the students will be practicing to self.

C. Closure (10 minutes)

- Students will document their reading progress in their tracking folder.

D. Extension & Contingency

- The following days will be used to practice words students are struggling with as well as

reading expression. With the noted instructional needs the teacher will see who needs

additional practice and focus on those students.

6. Accomodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners

- Students will have reading passages according to their independent and instructional

reading levels.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning

A. Teacher notes and observation.

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