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Abaqus Questions

1. General Questions
 Q1.1 How much disk space do I need?
 Q1.2 What type of analysis can I do?
 Q1.3 What output options (hard copy) are there?
 Q1.4 What pre and post-processing programs are available other than
ABAQUS/CAE and Viewer?
 Q1.5 Is ABAQUS/Explicit available?
 Q1.6 What on-line documentation are available and how do I access it?
 Q1.7 What units are used in ABAQUS?
2. ABAQUS - Jobs
 Q2.1 How do I run small jobs?
 Q2.2 How do I go about running many small jobs?
 Q2.3 How do I run large jobs using batch?
 Q2.4 How do I run ABAQUS/CAE?
 Q2.5 How do I run ABAQUS/Viewer?
 Q2.6 How do I get the ABAQUS examples input data files (*.inp)?
 Q2.7 How do I run a ABAQUS job which uses a user subroutine?
 Q2.8 How do I run a user written post processing program which accesses the
*.fil file?
 Q2.9 How do I find out about the different procedures that are available with
 Q2.10 How do I find what the current settings are for the environment variables?
 Q2.11 How do I change the current settings of the environment variables?
 Q2.12 Can I run long jobs on the CUED Teaching System Computers?
 Q2.13 When re-running a ABAQUS job getting the old files existing message. Is it
possible to over-ride it without having to type Y?
 Q2.14 How do I stop a ABAQUS analysis job I had submitted?
 Q2.15 How do I use the re-start facility to continue an analysis job?
 Q2.16 How do I run a job to run with more than one cpu?
 Q2.17In an analysis which has been carried out previously is it possible to find
the name of the user subroutine file that had been used in the analysis? (27 April
3. ABAQUS - Elements
 Q3.1 How do I find the positive normal of a shell element?
 Q3.2 What is the difference between a shell element and a 2D solid element?
 Q3.3 How do I specify the local-1 direction for a beam in space?
 Q3.4 Why do you need to specify the local-1 direction for a beam in space?
 Q3.5 I am having problem interpreting the stress output for a shell element?
 Q3.6 How does one specify the ply directions in a flat (plane) composite shell?
How does one specify the ply directions in a cylindrical composite shell?
 Q3.7 How does one specify the ply directions in a cylindrical composite shell?
 Q3.8 Is it possible to use shell elements in a 2D-Solid (Plane stress/Plane Strain)
type of analysis?
 Q3.9 I need to model a spring which has a different stiffness in compression to
that in tension. How do I do it?
 Q3.10 I need to change the order (degree) of the elements I am using in a mesh
How do I do this?
4. ABAQUS - Mesh
 Q4.1 I have created a mesh in two parts separately and have ended up with two
sets of node numbers along a common edge. Is there any alternative to editing the
*.inp file to replace one set of node numbers by the other set in the element-nodal
connectivity list ie element entries?
 Q4.2 I have created a mesh but the scale used is wrong. Is it possible to scale the
mesh with ABAQUS?
 Q4.3 I have created a geometry in a solid modeller but the scale used is wrong. Is
it possible to scale the geometry in ABAQUS?
 Q4.4 I have a mesh but with one dimension significantly larger than the other 2
dimensions. Is it possible to scale down this dimension for viewing of the mesh with
 Q4.5 I have the results of a mesh but one dimension is significantly larger than
the other 2 dimensions. Is it possible to scale down this dimension for viewing of the
mesh with ABAQUS/Viewer?
 Q4.6 How do I change the element type being created?
 Q4.7 I am trying to mesh a rectangular block region but getting tetrahedra
elements whereas I would like to use HEX elements?
 Q4.8 It is some times tedious having to match the number of seeds on opposite
faces/edges in order to create HEX elements in rectangular blocks. Is there a simple
 Q4.9 Is it possible to change the default Green colour used for the
wireframe/shaded view of the mesh?
 Q4.10 Is it possible to change the default shaded view of the mesh to make it
 Q4.11 Is it possible to change the default Black colour used element edges in a
shaded view of the mesh?
 Q4.12 Is it possible to change the line thickness used for the element edges in a
wireframe/shaded view of the mesh?
 Q4.13 Is it possible to change the line style used for the element edges in a
wireframe/shaded view of the mesh?
 Q4.14 How do I create a mesh for a fracture mechanics problem?
5. ABAQUS - Materials
 Q5.1 How do I find what material properties are needed for a particular
analysis ?
 Q5.2 What material properties need to be specified in a thermal-electrical
analysis ?
 Q5.3 What material properties need to be specified in an analysis using
temperature- displacement elements ?
 Q5.4 What material properties need to be specified in an analysis using
piezoelectric elements?
 Q5.5 What material properties need to be specified in modelling concrete with
 Q5.6 What material properties need to be specified in using the deformation
plasticity model ?
 Q5.7 What are the appropriate units for analysis using Critical State Models -
Modified Cam Clay? (27 April 2012)
6. ABAQUS - Boundary Conditions
 Q6.1 How do I change the boundary conditions at some of the nodes?
 Q6.2 How do I completely re-define the boundary conditions?
 Q6.3 How do I release a previously fixed d.o.f.?
 Q6.4 How do I apply a prescribed displacement?
 Q6.5 Are there any default boundary conditions representing "pinned" and
"encastered" nodes that can be used?
 Q6.6 What are the variable numbers for the different nodal variables?
 Q6.7 Is it possible to connect different element types together in the same
mesh ?
 Q6.8 Is it possible to apply boundary conditions w.r.t. local axes?
 Q6.9 How do I ensure that the vertical displacements are the same along a line of
nodes which are free to move?
 Q6.10 Is it possible to remove a specified MPC during the latter part of an
 Q6.11 How does one apply prescribed displacement to a node which has 3
beams which are connected through a pin joint?
7. ABAQUS - Loading
 Q7.1 How do I apply point loads?
 Q7.2 Is it possible to apply point loads w.r.t. to local co-ordinates ie local axes?
 Q7.3 How do I apply a uniformly distributed load?
 Q7.4 How do I apply a non-uniformly distributed normal load?
 Q7.5 How do I apply a varying shear load?
 Q7.6 How do I apply a gravity loading?
 Q7.7 How do I apply a centrifugal loading?
 Q7.8 How do I apply a thermal loading ie heat input?
 Q7.9 Is the loading specified in a step the "total" load or an "incremental" load?
 Q7.10 How do I remove the loading applied in a previous step?
 Q7.11 What do I do to maintain the load at the same level as in a previous step?
 Q7.12 How do I change part of a previously applied loading? 1.
 Q7.13 How do I remove a single load which forms of group of loading which has
already been applied in a previous step?
 Q7.14 Is it possible to apply a line load along a line of nodes?
 Q7.15 What are RAMP and STEP loading?
 Q7.16 How do I apply a pressure loading to a shell element (S8R5) which is in the
global X direction?
 Q7.17 How do I specify a moving pressure loading (For example a wheel load of a
 Q7.18 How do I specify the traction loading?
 Q7.19 How do I specify the traction loading of a moving tyre?
8. ABAQUS - CAE Sketcher
 Q8.1 Is it possible save a sketch from one model and use it in another model?
 Q8.2 Can I import a sketch from a different CAE database?
 Q8.3 I had inadvertently introduced a break in the line in sketcher mode which
makes the meshing awkward because a line segment is small and split on one side
preventing me from creating a symmetric mesh.
 Q8.4 Working with small scale CAE in the sketcher mode was making silly mistake
in line drawing even though I had zoomed in and using points I had created.
 8.5 After sketching and saving and creating a part I wanted to partition it but the
points I created as markers did not match the original co-ordinates I had specified.
 Q8.6 Using the coordinates displayed I created a few points in creating a sketch
and I found that these are in the wrong place. I found that the sketch I had made was
not accurate.
 Q8.7 I had imported a geometry from a CAD package. I wanted to make some
minor changes but CAE insists that there are no modifiable parts?
 Q8.9 On sketching a rectangular section with a circular hole I was not able to
draw another partitioning circle around the first circle with an idea to specify a finer
mesh within that region. But I was not able to do this in one go in the sketcher?
 Q8.10 On entering the sketch mode to partition a face, the part has been re-
positioned so the co-ordinates fo the points I wanted to use were no longer valid. Is
there a way around it?
 Q8.11 All the parts in the assembly appear to be positioned w.r.t to the same
origin and had to be translated into position. Is there a way around it?
 Q8.12 Because of the problem of using the same origin all the part instances are
bunched together making it difficult to choose the right instance to move?
 Q8.13 In sketching an outline which involves a large dimension in one direction
and points which are close by makes it tedious to complete the outline. Any way
around it?
 Q8.14In sketching a part if you have incorrectly defined the part it does not seem
to be possible to change it. Is here a way around it?
9. ABAQUS - CAE General
 Q9.1 In creating a partition I specified an arc which circled the region to make the
partition clear but CAE complained about an open curve which needs to be closed.
 Q9.2 It is sometimes difficult to figure out whether something is possible using
CAE or not how can I find out?
 Q9.3 It is difficult to choose interior surfaces for example in a hollow sphere
where pressure is being applied to the internal surface.
 Q9.4 When I am making selection occasionally make a wrong choice especially if
it is string of nodes then do I have to start from scratch?
 Q9.5 It is easy to instance more than one instance of a part. Not easy to delete it
and I tried suppressing it.
 Q9.6 After analysing the results I found there were more than one instance which
was not intended. How do you detect these beforehand?
 Q9.7 Having carried out an analysis with a quarter model I wanted to analyse the
full model. I was trying to copy and translate each quarter and then rotating to make
the full model with out the mirroring option at the assembly level. Is there an
 Q9.8 I have carried out an analysis with quarter model making use of the
symmetry however I would like to be able to display the results on a full model. Is
that possible?
 Q9.9 I have carried out a 2D model. However I would like to be able to display it
in 3D so that stress distribution along the boundary can be easily visualised. Is that
 Q9.10 I would like to merge 2 separate parts which have a common edge but
would like to retain the boundary so that I can assign different material properties to
the two parts. Is this possible?
 Q9.11 Can one tie 2 unmatching regions together?
 Q9.12 How does one model the interface conditions between the 2 regions of a
bimetallic strip which are bonded together?
 Q9.13 I remote login to a server from my PC using X-win 32 and I find that
carrying out any work bordering on the impossible when I use zoom in/pan which do
not appear to have any effect. It is also tedious/cumbersome to turn the model
around (rotate) to specify boundary conditions on the far side/face.
 Q9.14 When I partitioned a part that had boundary condition, loading and
interaction specified on it all got unset and I had to re-specify these again. `
 Q9.15 I want to be able create a template of various sections and define section
properties so that I am able to add the actual members later on. However this
appears not to be possible.
 Q9.16 In applying pressure the wrong surfaces were being picked and since
ABAQUS does not have the option to highlight the entity before selection I have to
start all over again from scratch. Is there a way around this problem?
 Q9.17 A previously created and saved CAE file appears to be corrupted when
tried to open it subsequently. Is it possible to re-create the CAE file? (27 April 2012)
10. ABAQUS - Analysis
 Q10.1 What is the difference between a "General" step and a "Perturbation"
 Q10.2 How do I carry out a non-linear analysis where there is a possibility of
 Q10.3 In trying to restart an analysis from a step which did not complete and I
am getting the same error message?
 Q10.4 I am interested in the dynamic response (ie oscillation) due to heating of a
thermocouple. How do I go about analysing this problem?
 Q10.5 I have carried out a static analysis with the RIKS method and I find that the
time at the end of the step exceeds the step time. Why is that?
 Q10.6 What is the significance of the "minimum" and "maximum" time
increments in a step?
 Q10.7 In carrying out a frequency analysis I am getting warning messages about
negative eigenvalues. What do I do?
 Q10.8 Can I apply any loading in a frequency step?
 Q10.9 I want to use the displacement obtained from one analysis to modify the
geometry (to change the nodal position) and carry out a separate analysis. Is this
 Q10.10 In an axisymmetric analysis are there any restrictions in the choice of the
axis of symmetry?
 Q10.11 I How do I stop and re-start an analysis job?
11. ABAQUS - Advanced Analysis
 Q11.1 I want to specify the variation of the Elastic modulus as a function of the
deviatoric shear strain. I am told that this cannot be done directly but has has to be
done indirectly using field variables. How does one do it?
 Q11.2 How do I use a User Subroutine to initialise the stresses at the beginning
of the analysis?
 Q11.3 Can I use CAE to submit an analysis using user subroutine?
 Q11.4 What is the difference between user subroutine USDFLD and UFIELD?
 Q11.5 How does one submit jobs using user subroutines from the command
 Q11.6 What naming convention is to be followed for the files with user
 Q11.7 How do I use more than one user subroutine in a single analysis?
 Q11.8 I included a user subroutine called USDFLD and wrote out some stress
parameters to unit 6 but these did not appear in the dat file. What could be the
 Q11.9 Is there an alternative to writing to the *.dat file as it is not easy to extract
the information /data written to the dat file?
 Q11.10 I write out data to a file on unit 101 and specified the file name in an
open statement but could not find the file after the analysis was completed?
 Q11.11 How can I sum up the reaction forces for a given set of Nodes?
 Q11.12 Is it possible to customise output data so that it can be written to a file
which can be imported into a spreadsheet program?
 Q11.13 I tried to use the GETVM calls to extract some parameter values which
were not available in the UMAT subroutine namely the PORE PRESSURE in a
consolidation analysis but I could not. The values came out as unspecified?
 Q11.14 I am getting an error message saying that an illegal numerical operation is
attempted when I use my UMAT subroutine with the latest version whereas it ran
without any problem with an older version of ABAQUS? How do I fix the problem?
 Q11.15 In a consolidation analysis how can I calculate the amount of flow taking
place across a boundary where the pore pressure is being specified?
 Q11.16 How do I specify that no flow takes place across a boundary ie it has to
be impermeable?
 Q11.17 In a consolidation analysis at the initial stages the pore pressures were
fluctuating beyond the possible range of the pore pressures proportional to the load
applied. How is this possible?
 Q11.18 I am carrying out a tunnel excavation analysis and between the soil
excavation and the tunnel lining placed there is load relief before the lining is placed.
How do I model this?
 Q11.19 I have a large structure which has a repeating pattern of a basic unit and
what is the best way to model this structure?
 Q11.20 How do I go about introducing an imperfection like a dent on a perfect
 Q11.21 I am modelling a dish where I have the precise co-ordinates but in order
to use automatic mesh generation I have to use an approximate method of conics.
How do I reduce the inital error in the Geometry?
 Q11.22 I am modelling two parallel beams which are interconnected by a
connecting rod which does not transmit any bending moment from one beam to the
other. How do I model this?
 Q11.23 I was carrying out a vibration analysis involving a one dimensional
cantilever beam and at the end of the beam there was a concentrated mass which I
specified using the assembly option in CAE. After the analysis was completed I found
that the concentrated mass had been ignored by the analysis?
 Q11.24 I have a problem installing Fortran Compiler and getting the user sub
routines to work with ABAQUS on Windows XP computer?
 Q11.25 How do I obtain the resultant curvatures of a surface in ABAQUS?
 Q11.26 How do I model a fluid filled sphere embedded in a cube which is
subjected to external pressure?
 Q11.27 How do I model a fluid filled sphere embedded in a cube which is
subjected to a periodic pressure in a dynamic analysis?
 Q11.28 How do I calculate the volumetric strain and be able to post process it?
(19 Dec 2011).
 Q11.29 How does one specify material properties which varies with depth? (21
Dec 2011).
 Q11.30 How do I write the State variables STATEV to the odb file? (22 Dec 2011).
 Q11.31 How can I access the pore pressure from the UMAT subroutine in a soils
analysis? (22 April 2012).
 Q11.32 How can I apply a temperature gradient across a shell element thickness?
(27 April 2012).
12. ABAQUS - Output
 Q12.1 How do I suppress output being written to the *.dat file?
 Q12.2 I want to print element stresses averaged at nodes as well as the Gauss
points. How do I do that?
 Q12.3 I want to print a single table with stresses and strains at Gauss points. How
do I do that?
 Q12.4 I would like to print the displacements w.r.t. local co-ordinates. How do I
do that?
 Q12.5 I would like to print the stresses and strains w.r.t. local co-ordinates. How
do I do that?
 Q12.6 In running a ABAQUS analysis I can't find the *.msg file?
 Q12.7 In running a ABAQUS analysis the *.dat has terminated abruptly without
any error messages. What is wrong?
 Q12.8 How do I generate a customised output file?
 Q12.9 How do I monitor the progress of a long analysis?
 Q12.10 I have run an analysis and the *.res file has not been created. What is
 Q12.11 In running a ABAQUS analysis using the user subroutine option the
printed output is terminated after the datacheck stage and there are no report of any
 Q12.12 In running a ABAQUS analysis with the user subroutine option the output
file written to in the user subroutine couldn't be found. What is wrong?
 Q12.13 I have used the cylindrical co-ordinate system to specify the nodal
position (using *NODE with SYSTEM=C). Does it mean that the displacements printed
at the end of the analysis will be in terms of the cylindrical co-ordinate system?
 Q12.14 What is the default option for printing stresses and strains in the printed
output (*.dat) file?
 Q12.15 How do I get the bending moments written to the output data base
(*.odb) and to the printed output (*.dat) file? (3 Feb 2012)
13. ABAQUS/Viewer - General
 Q13.1 Is it possible to use the same set of commands repeatedly for post
processing different analyses?
 Q13.2 Is it possible to cut open and develop a cylindrical mesh and produce
contour plots on the developed flat surface?
 Q13.3 Is it possible to use the displacements in terms of local co-ordinates in
post processing an analysis with an axisymmetric mesh and non-axisymmetric
 Q13.4 Is it possible to choose your own layout for multiplots other than the 1,4,9
frames per page option provided by ABAQUS/Plot?
 Q13.5 Is it possible to take a section along a line of nodes and plot the stress
distribution for a selected eigenmode in a frequency analysis?
 Q13.6 Is it possible to produce a contour plot of the stress distribution for a
selected eigenmode in a frequency analysis?
 Q13.7 Is it possible to produce a plot of the applied boundary conditions?
 Q13.8 Is it possible to produce a plot of the applied loading?
 Q13.9 Is it possible to draw only a subset of the mesh?
 Q13.10 After viewing a subset of the mesh what is the command to restore the
view of the whole mesh?
 Q13.11 Is it possible to find the location of a particular node?
 Q13.12 Is it possible to find the nodes associated with a particular element?
 Q13.13 When using the dynamic plotting capabilities of ABAQUS/Post using the
mouse the mesh has disappeared from view. How can I restore the mesh view?
 Q13.14 How can I find which variable I can use in which type of plot and from
which file?
 Q13.15 How do I plot the surface normals for a pair of surfaces in a contact
 Q13.16 Is it possible to colour the different components differently in a complex
 Q13.17 How do I change the background colour of the viewport?
14. ABAQUS/Viewer - Contours
 Q14.1 How do I get a labelled contour plot?
 Q14.2 How do I increase the size of the contour legend?
 Q14.3 How do change the position of the contour legend?
 Q14.4 How do I remove the axes and title from the display?
 Q14.5 How do I add my own title to the display?
 Q14.6 How do I change the size of the text used in the title?
 Q14.7 How do I change the position of the title?
 Q14.8 How do I get a contour plot of the unsmoothed stresses?
 Q14.9 How do I get the contours plotted on a deformed mesh plot?
 Q14.10 In plotting the contours on the deformed mesh how do I change the scale
used for the displacements?
 Q14.11 Is it possible to draw a contour plot of the displacement magnitude (not
a contour plot of the individual displacement component)?
 Q14.12 What are the commands to specify the minimum an maximum values of
a contour plot?
 Q14.13 What is the command to specify the number of contour intervals?
 Q14.14 In re-setting (increasing) the minimum value of the contour is it possible
to change the colour from Black which is used for the region which has lower than
the minimum value set?
 Q14.15 Is there an alternative to the contour plot of the Bending moment in line
(beam) elements?
 Q14.16 How can I customize the contour intervals?
 Q14.17 In contour plots there are regions displayed in Black even though no
contour values are assigned to these regions?
 Q14.18 How do I display the incremental stresses between two stages (steps) of
an analysis?
 Q14.19 How can I customize the CAE session for example display the Contour
legend with a larger size font?
15. ABAQUS/Viewer - Mesh Plots
 Q15.1 How do I plot the mesh?
 Q15.2 How do I generate a wireframe plot of the mesh?
 Q15.3 How do I generate a hidden line plot of the mesh?
 Q15.4 How do I generate a shaded view of the mesh?
 Q15.5 How do I generate a view of the mesh with shrunken elements?
 Q15.6 How do I generate a plot of the mesh with just the mesh outline?
 Q15.7 How do I get a plot of the deformed mesh only?
 Q15.8 How do I get a plot of the mesh with node and element numbers?
 Q15.9 How do I get only the node and element numbers for a subset of the
 Q15.10 How do I display the loading and boundary conditions?
 Q15.11 How do I change the scale used for the displacement in plotting the
deformed mesh?
 Q15.12 What is the significance of the displacement magnitudes in a FREQUENCY
analysis ie eigenmode analysis?
 Q15.13 I have used the rebar option to model the reinforcement in concrete in
an analysis. How do I display the position of the rebars?
 Q15.14 How do I mark the position of the nodes?
 Q15.15 How do I create super-imposed plots of deformed and undeformed
 Q15.16 How do I prevent plots being super-imposed?
 Q15.17 How can I produce a multiplot of the mode shapes of first 6 modes in a
frequency analysis in a single figure?
 Q15.18 How can I produce a multiplot of the mode shapes of first 9 modes in a
frequency analysis in a single figure?
16. ABAQUS/Viewer - XY Plots
 Q16.1 How do I produce a stress vs strain plot for an integration point in a non-
linear analysis?
 Q16.2 Is it possible to read in results from elsewhere (experimental, analytical)
and use it to compare it with ABAQUS results?
 Q16.3 Is it possible to write out the data from a XY plot into a file for use
elsewhere example : MATLAB?
 Q16.4 I want to create a force vs displacement plot at a node which is subjected
to external point load. How do I do it?
 Q16.5 I want to create a force vs displacement plot at a node which has a
prescribed non-zero displacement. How do I do it?
 Q16.6 I want to create a pressure at an element face vs nodal displacement plot
where the element in question is subjected to external pressure loading. How do I do
 Q16.7 I want to create a plot of the sum of the reactions at a set of nodes given a
prescribed displacement against the displacement at the nodes. How do I do it?
 Q16.8 How do I find the names of the curves created so far during a session of
17. ABAQUS/Viewer - Vector Plots
 Q17.1 How do I generate a displacement vector plot ?
 Q17.2 What are the other output parameters that can be used in a vector plot?
 Q17.3 Is it possible to produce a vector plot of the principal stresses?
 Q17.4 How do I change the length of the arrows representing the vectors in a
vector plot?
 Q17.5 How do I change the thickness of the arrows representing the vectors in a
vector plot?
 Q17.6 Is it possible to plot a component only in a vector plot?
 Q17.7 Is it possible to change the colour of the vector in a vector plot?
18. ABAQUS/Viewer - Path Plots
 Q18.1 Is it possible to take an arbitrary line section through a 2D model and
display the variation of a selected output parameter along that line?
 Q18.2 Is it possible to plot the stress distribution along a line of nodes?
19. ABAQUS/Viewer - Views
 Q19.1 How do I change the direction of the view?
 Q19.2 Are there any dynamic view capabilities available with ABAQUS/Viewer?
 Q19.3 How do I get the default view after using the mouse buttons to change the
 Q19.4 How do I zoom in?
 Q19.5 How do I reset after using zoom in?
 Q19.6 How do I generate an animation?
 Q19.7 One Dimension is significantly larger than the other 2 dimensions. Is it
possible to scale down this dimension for viewing of the mesh with ABAQUS/Viewer?
 Q19.8 How do I remove the datum planes from view? animation?
 Q19.9 The DISPLAY GROUP icon has gone missing from view. How can I display it?
20. ABAQUS/Viewer - Hardcopy
 Q20.1 How do I get a colour postscript output?
 Q20.2 How do I create a hpgl output file?
 Q20.3 How do I create an encapsulated postscript output file for inclusion in a
latex document?
 Q20.4 Is it possible to create a A3/A2/A1 size output from a ABAQUS analysis?
 Q20.5 Is it possible to create a plot of size 200 mm x 100 mm from a ABAQUS
21. ABAQUS - Troubleshooting
 Q21.1While using the Graphics module CAE when expecting a menu page to pop-
up got a icon with a Cyan coloured double column. This makes it impossible to
progress with the work. What is the problem?
 Q21.2 ABAQUS 6.4 in installed in a PC running XP. The Graphics module's
viewport when moved around leaves a shadow (permanent remainder) on the
screen. How does one fix this problem?
 Q21.3 I have both ABAQUS 6.5.2, 6.6 and PATRAN 2005R2 installed in my PC.
How do I get ABAQUS to run from within PATRAN?
 Q21.4 How do I keep the PATRAN databases compact If I am only using ABAQUS ?
 Q21.5 PATRAN is complaining about the license server?
 Q21.6 How do I run a complete verify ?
 Q21.7 How do I run part of a verify. For example to verify just the standard
version ?
 Q21.8 How do I identify the nodes with warning messages in a completed
22. Pre Processing using PATRAN
23. Post Processing using PATRAN
 Q23.1 Is it possible to use PATRAN for post processing even if it was not used for
pre-processing ie not used to generate the mesh?
24. Pre Processing using FEMGV
25. Post Processing using FEMGV
 Q25.1 Is it possible to produce a 2-plot layout instead of the 1, 4 plot layouts?
 Q25.2 Is it possible to write out the results of a XY Plot to an external ascii file?
 Q25.3 Is it possible to read in the results of a XY Plot from an external ascii file?
 Q25.4 Is it possible to cut open and develop a cylindrical mesh and produce
contour plots on the developed flat surface?
 Q25.5 Is it possible to take an arbitrary line section through a 2D model and
display the variation of a selected output parameter (example : von Mises stress)
along that line?
 Q25.6 Is it possible to take an arbitrary section through a 3D model and display
contours of a selected output parameter (example : von Mises stress) on that
 Q25.7 Is it possible to produce a contour plot of the un-smoothed stresses?
 Q25.8 Is it possible to produce a contour plot of the smoothed stresses if only
the stresses at the integration points were written to the results (*.fil) file?
26. ABAQUS - Errors
 Q26.1 In a 3-dimensional analysis using mixture of elements (CDR8, S4R5 and
M3D4) degrees of freedom of M3D4 elements appear to get fixed where these are
suppose to be free. Why is that?

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