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1. Body Function

Consciousness functions b110

Orientation functions b114

Energy and drive functions b130

Sleep functions b134

Attention functions b140

Memory functions b144

Emotional functions b152

Proprioceptive function b260

Sensation of pain b280

Heart functions b410

Blood vessel functions b415

Blood pressure functions b420

Haematological system functions b430

Immunological system functions b435

Respiration functions b440

Respiratory muscle functions b445

Additional respiratory functions b450

Exercise tolerance functions b455

Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory b460


Ingestion functions b510

Weight maintenance functions b530

Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions B545

Urinary excretory functions B610

Mobility of joint functions B710

Muscle power functions b730

Muscle endurance functions b740

Repair functions of the skin b820

2. Body Structures

Structure of s410

Structure of s430

Structure of s760

Structure of s810
areas of skin

3. Activities and Participation

Acquiring skills d155

Making decisions d177

Handling stress and other psychological demands d240

Carrying out daily routine d230

Speaking d330

Changing basic body position d410

Maintaining a body position d415

Transferring oneself d420

Lifting and carrying objects d430

Hand and arm use d445

Moving around in different locations d460

Walking d450

Washing oneself d510

Caring for body parts d520

Toileting d530

Dressing d540

Eating d550

Drinking d560

Family relationships d760

Economic self-sufficiency d870

Looking after one's health d570

Community life d910


Edukasi 89.32

Uji Fungsi Ketahanan kardiopulmonal 93.09

Uji Keseimbangan Statis dan Dinamis 89.15

Telemetri 89.54

Uji Fungsi Lokomotor 93.09

Uji Fleksibilitas dan Lingkup Gerak sendi 93.05

Uji Kekuatan Otot 93.04

Latihan Mobilisasi (i.e Tilting Table) 93.22

Latihan Streching Otot atau Tendon 93.27

Latihan Pernapasan 93.18

Chest Physical Therapy (Postural Drainage, dll) 93.99

Latihan Fleksibilitas 93.11

Latihan ketahanan kardiopulmonal dengan treadmill atau cycle ergometer 93.36

Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation, Continuous positive airway pressure 93.90


Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing 93.91

Respiratory Medication Administered By Nebulizer 93.94

Physiologic evaluation and testing 94.0

General physical examination 89.7


Unstable angina I20.0

Angina pectoris, unspecified I20.9

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 E.11

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 E.08

Cardiopulmonal endurance disturbance Z.50.0

CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) I25.10

Coronary artery diseasy post PCI Y.84.0

Coronary artery diseasy post CABG Z.95.1

Ischaemic cardiomyopathy I25.5

Acute myocardial infarction I21

Myocardial Infarction, Acute, Unspecified (initial episode of care) I21.3

CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) I25.10

Old Myocardial Infarction I25.2

Coronary Atherosclerosis Due to Calcified Coronary Lesion I25.84

Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease I25.9

Hypertension (primary), Unspecified I10

Hypertension Heart Disease with Heart Failure I11.0

Hypertension Heart Disease without Heart Failure I11.9

Hyperglycemia I11.9

Morbid obesity E.66.01

Hypercholesterolemia E78.01

Hypertriglyceridemia E78.01

Hyperlipidemia E78.2

Metabolic Syndrome E88.81

Atrial Fibrillation I48.91

Stroke I63.9

Carotid Artery Occlusion I67.2

Carotid Artery Stenosis I67.29

Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease I73.9

Rheumatic mitral valve diseases I.05

Mitral stenosis I05.0

Mitral stenosis with insufficiency I05.2

Rheumatic aortic valve diseases I.06

Rheumatic aortic stenosis I06.0

Rheumatic aortic insufficiency I06.1

Multiple valve disease, unspecified I.089

Rheumatic myocarditis I09.0

Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified I09.9

Pulmonary embolism I26

Primary pulmonary hypertension I27.0

Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels I28.0

Aneurysm of pulmonary artery I28.1

Acute pericarditis I30

Aortic (valve) stenosis I35.0

Aortic (valve) insufficiency I35.1

Pulmonary valve disorder I37

Acute and subacute endocarditis I33

Dilated cardiomyopathy I42.0

Other cardiomyopathies I42.8

Atrioventricular and left bundle-branch block I44

Congestive Heart Failure I50.0

Left ventricular failure I50.1

Cerebral infarction I63

Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction I64

Intracerebral haemorrage I61

Subarachnoid haemorrhage I60

Common cold J00

Acute sinusitis J01

Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis J05

Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites J06

Influenza J09

Bacterial pneumonia J.15.9

Viral pneumonia J.12

Bronchopneumonia J.18.0

Acute bronchitis J20

Acute bronchiolitis J21

Chronic bronchitis J42

Emphysema J43

Asthma J45

Status asthmaticus J46

Dyspnea (nocturnal/paroxysmal) R06.00

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J.44.9

Bronchitis J.44

Bronchiectasis J47

Adult respiratory distress syndrome J80

Pulmonary oedema J81

Tracheostomy malfunction J95

Pleural effusion J90

Pneumothorax J93

Fibrothorax J94.1
Haemothorax J94.2

Other respiratory disorder (including bronchogenic cyst, non specific J98

lung disease, pulmonary insufficiency traumatic and nontraumatic,
parenchymal lung disease, restrictive lung mechanics due to
neuromuscular disease or muscular dystrophy)

Tuberculosis of lung A15.0

Miliary tuberculosis A19

Tuberculosis of heart A18.84

Tuberculosis of other site A18.89

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