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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Shapes, Shapes Everywhere

Content Area: Mathematics
Grade Level(s): Kindergarten
Content Standard Addressed: MGSEK.G.2 Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall

Technology Standard Addressed: 3-Knowledge Constructor

Selected Technology Tool: PowerPoint

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level)

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration
☒ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

• Using PowerPoint to create e-books allows students to have another format to demonstrate
• Using PowerPoint to create e-books, students have a visual and audio aid to go with the content.
Lesson idea implementation:
To begin the lesson, I will have students stand up in a circle and we will play the game “Sprinkle.” This
game will be to review shapes. To play, I will hold up a flash card and the person holding the wand gets to
answer what shape is on the flash card. If they get it correct, they get to “sprinkle” someone else and that
person has to sit down. Then they pass the wand to the person beside them. If they get it wrong, they have to
sit down and pass the wand to the person beside them.
After the game, I will show the pictures of different shapes and ask students what shape it is. Then I will
ask them how do they know. I will guide them to tell me characteristics such as how many sides. Next, I will
model creating an e-book with PowerPoint. Next, I will help students create their own e-book. They can do a
general overview of shapes or they can pick a shape and discuss the characteristics. I will give them flashcards
with the names of the shape to assist students. Since students may have difficulties spelling, they have the
option to type the shape name and record what they want to say about the shape.

Reflective Practice:
To further extend learning and get students excited about their work, I would publish their work to the
classroom website. I would also allow students to showcase their work to the other students in the
classroom. I would have a special chair for the student who is presenting to sit in while their book is playing.
This is to also get students excited about their work.

Spring 2018_SJB

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