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Proverbs based writing

1. Prevention is better than cure

We must maintain our healthy in our daily life.It is good to go to the doctor
when we get sick but it is very good when we don’t need o go to the doctor all
around the year.Fit people should have a lifestyle in order to remain away from
any health issue or diseases.Therefore,we should do exercise at lease 2 or 3 times
a week.This is the one precaution that prevent us from sick.Healthy person can
enjoy their life happiness and peacefully.When we sick,better to see a doctor but
doctor can only treat our diseases cannot give happy life to us.We have only one
life which is important to all of us.So,we should take care of us all through proper
prevention methods so that we can be away from cure.It’s true that people say
‘Prevention is better than cure’.

2. Better late than never

‘It is better late than never’ I agree this sentence because some people are
impatient to do something because there are many reason as the result bad things
is happening.For example,when driver is driving,there are always speeding on the
road,because want to quickly arrive their destination.Unluckily,there are
encounter road accident in the journey.After the accident happen,the drivers are
very disappointed abd regret for their action before.So,to arrive or do something
later tan expected isn’t good,but it is better than not at all.

3. Blood is thicker than water

Blood relationship is always found to be stronger and more valuable than mere
friendship.Blood ties are lasting.They have a firmer bonfd of affection than an
other relationships.Friends may be sincere and willing to help.But they have got
their limits.They often stop when they find themselves to be in troubled water.But
blood relatives such as father,mother,brother or sister will stang by our side
risking even their necks.They in fact are our true alies.They might be expections
to this rule.
4. No pain no gain
Nowadays,all people care about is money,wealth and gain.Whenever starting an
activity,we only focus on the gain,thus ignoring the losses that come along.We
have to go through a lot of pain,especially moral pain,because we will always be
underrated and mistreated by our boss,who will generally think he is superior.Thi
feeling makes a person work even harder than before,making his or her goal
achievable.Without movitation,a person cannot withstand the harsh and cruel road
to wealth and fulfillment,so we must achieve the no pain no gain phrase.

5. Time is money
‘Times is money’means that we should not waste our time and respect it more
than money we have.Time is that invisible thing which can change a person’s life
entirely.A person who respect the value of time can get the desired success in his
or her life but if does not understand the value of it can also destroy his or her life
completely.We should set a timetable for our daily routine work either at home or
work place.If we manage our work without wasting too much time then we can
easily find the positive results in our life very soon.Time is precious and priceless
for those who have experienced the good or bad effects in their life.

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