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The 10thInternational
Nursing Student Forum 2019

” The Stigma Of Community Against Tuberculosis, Stay Away From The

Disease Not The Person Because Health Is Human Right
: A Literature Review”

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Nurul Hidayah, NIM 162310101144, 2016


” The Stigma Of Community Against Tuberculosis, Stay Away From The

Disease Not The Person Because Health Is Human Right
: A Literature Review”

Nurul Hidayah1
Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia


Tuberculosis is a type of disease that affects either a productive or children group, and the
number one killer infection diseases. Stigma related to this disease has negative impact on
prevention, services and policy on TB. Indonesia is the country with the third largest
number of TB sufferers worldwide after India and China. So that appropriate treatment is
needed regarding TB disease, one of which is health education. Health education can open
the horizons of people about TB so that TB patients are not discriminated against, shunned
or excluded because the treatment can make TB patients feel stressed, depressed and
frightened if someone else knows that the patient has TB. As a result of the bad stigma
associated with TB patients, many patients are hiding their illness so that many TB
sufferers do not use masks because TB can be suspected and used by people around them to
be suspected. That can increasingly cause the spread of TB in healthy people. TB must be
treated immediately so as not to spread to healthy people, because TB patients who
consume OAT (Anti Tuberculosis Drug) for 4-8 weeks have not spread the virus to healthy
people. However, OAT must be consumed for 6 months by TB patients so that they are
truly declared cured and free from TB. So eliminating the negative stigma in the
community regarding TB patients is important for the health of TB patients themselves and
healthy people because each individual has the human right to be healthy so they must
cooperate to create that health. In nursing implications, the nurse can be used as an educator
and facilitator to patient with TB and healthy persons for health education about

Keywords: Tuberculosis, Stigma, Health Promotion, Educator and Fasilitator


1.1 Introduction

Pulmonary tuberculosis (pulmonary tuberculosis) is one type of generative disease

that has spread over a long period of time in the midst of Indonesian society, which attacks
the productive age group and children and is the number one killer infectious disease
(MOH, 2007). Indonesia is one of the countries with a very high rate of pulmonary TB
sufferers who rank third after China and India (Ministry of Health, 2007).

Until now, TB control in Indonesia is still much focused on the supply side through
for example through the provision of free medicines, training of officers, and providing
diagnostic facilities such as laboratories and microscopes. But this success has not been
followed by an increase in the number of case findings. Until 2005, the case finding rate
had only reached 68%, still below the global target of 70%. Seeing these conditions
requires an effort to increase the demand side with move the community to check
themselves and look for TB treatment services that are also followed by efforts to increase
political support to ensure the availability of quality and uplifting TB services the
obligation of public officials to realize the basic rights of their citizens to live.

According to Notoatmodjo (2003) health education is an effort to convey health

messages to the community, groups, individuals in order to obtain health knowledge better.
While counseling is a process of communication and behavior change processes through
education. In order for extension activities to achieve maximum results, extension methods
and media need to be given great attention and must be adjusted to the objectives. The use
of a combination of various media will be very helpful in the health counseling process.
The more senses used to receive something, the more and more the understanding or
knowledge gained. The use of teaching aids in conducting counseling will help deliver
messages to someone or the community more clearly and can be clearly accepted (Edgar,

Family and community factors can emerge as positive social support but can also
arise as a stigma against diseases and patients with tuberculosis. Kipp et al (2011) define

related stigma with health / disease problems as a social process or personal experience that
is characterized by exclusion, rejection, reproach, or devaluation due to adverse social
assumptions about the individual and his group related to certain health problems.

1.2 Writing Method

Science direct, pubmed, proquest searched for relevant articles. Published through the
year 2003-2018, using the searchterms according to PICO;
P : living adult, children or adolescen with TB
I : TB stigma, TB perception in community
C : Bad perception, discrimination
O : Health is human right, to reached Indonesia healthy people for a better future

1.3 Journal Analysi

1.3.1 Finding Article



Explanation of the main journals

The important of missing the bad stigma of TBC patient


Aim : To protect TBC patient from discrimination and to open knowledge of the
other people

Method : The type of research used in this study was pre-experimental with the
design of one group pre and post design. Samples were taken from 30 TB patients.

Result : from the sample research above, it can be found that education about TB
knowledge is very important for the community for the sake of healthy Indonesia

Conclusion : This study concluded that health education is important for knowing
the other people.

1.3.2 Finding Article



Explanation of the journal

The important of missing the bad stigma of TBC patient


Aim : To knowing the other people about TB

Method : The type of research used in this study is descriptive study. Sample were
31 pulmonary TB clients who get treatment at Puskesmas Malingping by using total

Result : From the sample research above, it can be found that education about TB
knowledge is very important for the community and social life.

Conclusion : This study concluded that health education is important for knowing
the other people.

1.4 Discussion

This study aims to determine the effect of health education on the prevention of TB
transmission to community stigma on TB clients. Stigma is a social process or personal
experience that is characterized by exclusion, rejection, reproach, or devaluation because of
adverse social assumptions about individuals or groups due to certain health problems
(Kipp et al, 2011). According to research conducted Courtwright and Turner (2010) suggest
that although there are variations in culture and sociodemographic factors that contribute to
stigma, the main cause is concern about disease transmission.

The results showed that almost all respondents had a low stigma. Whereas based on
the results of the preliminary study, it was found that the community at first did not want to
get along with TB patients for fear of contracting it the disease. This difference is caused by
various factors. Clients are initially embarrassed to check for a disease he suffered for
treatment could have a low stigma because after getting treatment he got the right
information about tuberculosis as well as support from the officer health.

1.5 Conclusion

Based on the results of the study, several conclusions can be made: Low stigma indicates
that disclosure of disease status is not a big case for the respondent and shows high hopes
that the stigma can be turned into support.


Courtwright, A., & Turner, A. N. (2010). Tuberculosis and Stigmatization: Pathways

and Interventions. Public Health Reports, 125(Suppl 4), 34–42.

Cramm, J. M., & Nieboer, A. P. (2011). The relationship between (stigmatizing) views and
lay public preferences regarding tuberculosis treatment in the eastern cape, south
africa. International Journal for Equity in Health, 10, 2.

Departemen Kesehatan RI. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia Tahun 2008.

Hidayati, E. (2015). Pengetahuan dan Stigma Masyarakat terhadap TBC Setelah Diberikan
Pendidikan Kesehatan Pencegahan dan Penularan. Jurnal Keperawatan
Soedirman, 10(2), 76-82.

Notoatmojo, S. (2003). Pendidikan dan Perilaku Ksehatan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.


MALINGPING. Media Ilmu Kesehatan, 7(1), 43-50.

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