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SET 6- ESSAY : ‘Tolerance of Dissent is Vital for

Healthy Democracy’

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Healthy Democracy’
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IASbaba Admin asked 3 months ago

Hello Friends,

‘Tolerance of Dissent is Vital for Healthy Democracy’

(This essay is related to contemporary happenings in India & rest of the world. Right
now, there is a tendency to criticize those who are opposing Govt’s policy which
creates a sense of fear in Opposition parties and can hamper the growth of a growing
democracy. So, here you should outline the importance of tolerance of dissent for a
vital democracy. Also, trace the history of dissent in the growth of a healthy
democratic tradition throughout the world)

What democracy stands for?

‘Democracy’ literally means ‘rule by the demos’ in the ancient Greek word. The term
‘demos’ is generally translated as ‘the people’ and the ‘people’ implies the whole
population, particularly the adult population, of a tribe, a territory or a country. The
entire population comprises a multitude of individuals as units. It is well-known that no
two individuals in a collectively, mechanical or organic, can be alike, as their needs
and aspirations differ even as their physical and mental compositions differ. Naturally,

their views, notions, beliefs and habits are not similar and yet the concept and
practice of and the rule of/by the people, however disparate, is very much in

Human societies are held together by something more than convenience, calculation
or the threat of punishment. There is certainly something in a state’s constitution,
especially in democratic states, that is permanent, never to be questioned, and that
political institutions must protect and preserve. A democratic constitution is in fact far
more than a writing on a piece of paper. It envisages cultural and moral loyalty to
certain values. This kind of loyalty or feelings of faithfulness consists in an explicit
commitment to the basic ideals that the law of the state incorporates. The power of
this meta-juridical ethos reflects on the manner in which procedures work and citizens
interact in their daily lives. This principle is the sovereignty of the individual, of each
individual, and resulting in the sovereignty of individual political judgment. In practice,
by ‘the people’ we mean the majority of the people. As such, in a democracy,
whatever the majority decides is carried out by the entire population. This, however,
does not mean that the majority is entitled to lord it over the minority. Rather,
democracy thrives only on the willing co-operation of the minority and on the
protection guaranteed to the rights and freedoms, and tolerance of, if not
agreement with, the views and beliefs of the minorities. It leaves much scope for
dissent, i.e., there may be people who think differently from official ideas or the ideas
of the majority.

Dissent is not necessarily a negative concept; it offers an alternative to the

prevailing ideas, institutions and system, and exists even in non-democratic

In a healthy, working democracy, the voice of the minority is given a full hearing, even
if the decision is by the majority. Debate and discussion not only clear the air but also
help to bring about a compromise. There is a certain amount of accommodation of
even, opposing viewpoints.

What if dissent is suppressed?

As such, it has always been advocated to fix a permissive limit of dissent. In a

democracy, people enjoy various kinds of freedom: of economic pursuit, belief
(political, religious and others), expression, association, etc. But these freedoms of an
individual or group of people are not permitted to cause injury to another individual or
the collective, or to adversely affect the social or national fabric, Fascism cannot be
allowed to take roots, although some people may be tempted to support it on the
grounds of dissent or as an alternative system. For if democracy is for the people,
dissent that goes against the people, in general, must be checked. One of the
vulnerable aspects of democracy is that its liberality can be taken advantage of by
those very people who, in the end, subvert the system by suppressing the voice of
dissent if it goes against them.

Dissent in Political space

In the political arena, one can witness dissent on two levels-intra-party and inter-
party. Intra-party dissent implies that though the party has a corpus of rules and
discipline and a particular modus operandi, some party members may put dissenting
notes to some of the provisions or may not agree with the style of functioning of the
leadership. This dissent has to be accommodated by the leadership; otherwise, the
party will have an authoritarian image amongst the masses or may split. At the same
time, the dissent should be expressed only on the party platform, not publicly,
otherwise, the party will be weakened. Similarly, democracy permits the
establishment and continuation of political parties of various hues and views. If the
strong suppress the weak, there will come a time when a one-party rule under a
dictator would be established. Thus, the democratic structure will collapse.

Indian Experience

Whenever the political parties in India showed an intolerance of dissent, they

themselves broke up or the people were forced to experience a bitter bout of
authoritarianism. The Congress Party broke several times (1969,1977) and the
authoritarian emergency-ruled the country during 1975-77. The dissent in the
Congress Party today is appropriately contained because of tolerance. The existence
of various parties like Bharatiya Janata Party, the Samajwadi Party Dal, the
Communist parties and other national and regional parties clearly manifest the
requisite tolerance of different points of view.

In its celebrated judgment in S. Rangarajan vs P. Jagjivan Ram, the Supreme Court

emphasised that “we must practice tolerance to the views of others. Intolerance
is as much dangerous to democracy as to the person himself.”

Dissent in economic sphere

People in a democracy have freedom of vocation and economic pursuit to earn their
livelihood. And this results in various vocations. Here, too, dissent may appear, more
specifically regarding the macroeconomic policy. For ex​ample, some may advocate
liberalisation, others mixed economy or capitalism while yet others support
nationalisation and the socialistic approach. All the dissenting views have to be
tolerated and given a hearing, even if not entirely accommodated within the official
view. It is respect for opposing viewpoints that prompts ministers and official
spokesmen to clarify or sometimes even modify policies and programmes, facilitating
a wider plan of action. In a democratic society, one group or class may differ in its
form and structure from the majority. But the majority should not interfere in that form
or structure or resort to value judgements. As human nature has it, every form end
composition of a social group is found comfortable by its members and any forcible
attempt from outside to alter it would defeat the very objective of democracy. Should
a particular group of Kerala or the North-East be asked to change its matrilineal
form of the family just because it does not conform to “mainstream” practice?
Can democracy be valued if anyone tries to impose the social norms of one group
upon other groups? ‘Live and let live’ is a basic principle of democracy.

Dissent in Social Sphere

Cultural diversity is a common phenomenon in almost every part of the world; India is
no exception. A variety of religion, custom, food habits, dress-styles, languages,
dance and other art forms, exists in India. Some of the cultural units are just
microscopic minorities and may appear to others as awkward and ridiculous. But we
can never hope to keep the national fabric intact by making fun of them. A temple, a
mosque, a church and a gurudwara are equally sacred to the respective religions: one
cannot stand or fall at the cost of another. Hence, in a democracy, positive
dissension should always be tolerated. But the dissenters also should not try to
impose themselves on others, that too by resorting to violent means, because that
violates democratic norms. As democracy reflects the will and aspirations of the
masses by projecting their arguments convincingly, the dissenters should also refrain
from demagoguery. Only then can a healthy and true enjoyment of the freedom of
expression one of the pillars of democracy-be possible. Given the nature and
philosophy of democracy, we can infer that there is something wrong, something
missing, in the society or a country that claims to be democratic, but in which dissent
is conspicuous by its absence.

Should there be any limit on Dissent? Tolerable limit?

The constitutional morality of democratic society also establishes limits for tolerance,
pluralism and freedom to dissent. In a constitutional democracy, each individual is
guaranteed the legal freedom to also challenge its fundamental principles. However,
while the constitution defends the right to dissent, citizens and society must be able
to and capable of developing civil sentiments that do not destroy the social fabric.
Moral limitations of individual freedom and tolerance guaranteed by the democratic
constitution are or should be, intrinsic to the ethos pervading democracy itself. This
ethos hinges on the individual as a primary asset and implies an essentially Socratic
habit of the mind. At its centre, there is the person, not simply as a rational agent
moved by preferences, but as an individual who has the right to ask for explanations
for the obedience owed to the laws of the state. It is no coincidence that democratic
deliberative institutions are organised on the premise of free debate and training the
public’s free will and judgement thanks to the free circulation of ideas and pluralism of
information, and finally, through freedom of association and the right to express
personal opinions. The democratic citizen, on whose vote the legitimacy of the entire
political mechanism rests, is called upon to reason using his own brain (and to vote in
solitude and as an individual), and associate with others to exchange information and
opinions, to change his or her mind and then change it again, if necessary. Finally,
the democratic citizen is also called upon to challenge those in power. Democratic
deliberating institutions are basically organised so as to gradually educate citizens to
understand that they can change their minds and give value to their right to question
authorities and ask why they must obey or share or believe, as well as finally
rendering accountable those who in their name govern, or sit in parliament.

In a democratic society, the value of individuality acquires moral legitimacy and

judicial codification because of the existence of relationships between individuals as
relationships of equality between different people. It is expressed in an ethical form
(as feelings of partiality and cooperation) and in a legal form (as the right to individual
freedom and political and social equality). Together, these two aspects compose what
can be called a democratic moral constitution.

In a representative democracy, this moral constitution permeates and orients citizens’

deliberative competence, and simultaneously protects political and legal order from
the illiberal inclinations of powerful and arrogant majorities as well as anti-egalitarian
inclinations resulting from economic and corporative interests.

Importance of dissent

As one can easily sense, the individual’s sovereignty and dissent are
inseparable within a democratic society. Not only or simply because dissent
works in the anti-authoritarian sense or as the majority’s reaction to power;
precisely because democratic ethics are of a Socratic kind, self-culture is a
public and private virtue for individuals. Since democratic legitimacy is based on
consensus (never to be confused with consensual or conformism), the
autonomy of judgement and reciprocal respect of ideas, dissent is a constitutive
virtue of democracy.
Albert Hirschman defined the attitude of those attempting to “win an argument
rather than… listening and discovering that one can at times learn something
from others” as that of someone with a predisposition for authoritarian rather
than democratic policies.

Examples from social and political sphere

The co-relation between rights and duties has been recognised by our ancient rishis
and in our sacred texts.

The Bhagavad Gita teaches us that “Your duty is your right”.

Gandhiji summed up the matter admirably: “I learned from my illiterate but wise
mother that all rights to be deserved and preserved come from duty well done”.
According to Walter Lippman, the renowned American political commentator,
“For every right that you cherish you have a duty which you must fulfil”.
Let us face the painful reality that one cannot effectively exercise fundamental
rights nor perform fundamental duties unless tolerance is prevalent in society.
Tolerance is not merely a goody virtue. It enjoins a positive attitude which
permits and protects not the only expression of thoughts and ideas which are
accepted and are acceptable but which also accords freedom to the thought we
Tolerance is desirable, nay essential because it recognises that there can be
more than one path for the attainment of truth and salvation. A tolerant society
protects the right to dissent. If there is pervasive intolerance the inevitable
consequence will be violence and that would ultimately pose a serious threat to
our democracy.
Intolerance has a chilling, inhibiting effect on freedom of thought and
expression. Development and progress in any field of human endeavour are not
possible if tolerance is lacking. We know how Galileo suffered for his theory that
the sun was the centre of our solar system and not the earth. Darwin was also a
victim of intolerance and was lampooned and considered as an enemy of
religion for his seminal work, The Origin of Species. Nearer home we have the
example of Raja Ram Mohan Roy whose efforts for reform in the Hindu religion,
especially for the abolition of Sati, evoked virulent opposition because of
menacing intolerance. We must ensure that we do not revert to those dark
It is wrong to consider a dissenter as a mischievous law-breaker or an anti-
national or unpatriotic person. Remember, patriotism is the last refuge of a

In the words of the eminent American jurist Benjamin N. Cardozo, “the dissenter
speaks to the future, and his voice is pitched to a key that will carry through the
years and for the moment, he is the gladiator making a last stand against the
lions.” According to US Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, a dissent in a
court of last resort is an appeal to the brooding spirit of the law, to the
intelligence of a future day, and as observed by Justice Felix Frankfurter,
dissents in the US Supreme Court have gradually become majority opinions.

Courts in India have also recognised the right to dissent. In 1967, the High
Court of Bombay in the case of Anant Karandikar significantly ruled that “it is
implicit in the freedom of press that every one ought to have the privilege of
expressing opinions which are unpopular or distasteful. Right to dissent is the
very essence of democracy. Conformity to accepted norms and belief has
always been the enemy of freedom of thought.”

The Supreme Court of India in a decision pronounced on November 12, 1974,

observed: “Peaceful protests and the voicing of a contrary opinion are powerful
wholesome weapons in the democratic repertoire. It is, therefore,
unconstitutional to pick up a peaceful protester and to put him behind the prison

The historic dissent of Justice Fazl Ali in 1950 must be noted. In the A.K.
Gopalan case, the Supreme Court was required to construe Article 21 of the
Constitution which reads as “Protection of life and personal liberty — No person
shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure
established by law.” The majority in that case ruled that the expression
“procedure established by law” in Article 21 means positive or state made law. It
rejected the plea that the procedure prescribed by law should comply with the
basic principles of natural justice.

Justice Fazl Ali dissented. He held that Article 21 is not complied with by mere
prescription of a procedure pursuant to a law enacted by the state, but the
procedure must comply with certain “fundamental principles of justice which
inhere in every civilised system of law and which are at the root of it.” Justice
Fazl Ali ruled in his dissent — that “a person should be deprived of his personal
liberty without a trial is a serious matter, but the needs of society may demand it
and the individual may often have to yield to those needs. Still the balance
between the maintenance of individual rights and public good can be struck only
if the person who is deprived of his liberty is allowed a fair chance to establish
his innocence.”
After two decades, Justice Fazl Ali’s dissent was expressly accepted by the
Supreme Court in January 1978 as laying down the correct law in the case of
Mrs Maneka Gandhi whose passport was impounded by the authorities. The
Supreme Court ruled that the concept of reasonableness must be projected in
the procedure contemplated by Article 21 and stated that the minority view of
Justice Fazl Ali “must be regarded as correct and the majority view must be held
to have been overruled.”

The voice of dissent, when it is not the voice of violence, is essential for the
advancement and progress of society. But for bold dissenters, the scourge of
Sati and other social evils would be still haunting us. One need not accept the
dissenter’s views. They can be rebutted in a dialogue.

Democracy is the only form of government conceived so as to result in a constant

process of amending laws or decisions taken without jeopardizing the stability of civil
and legal order. Dissent is hence set in the decision-making process. It is one of its
fundamental elements. One can, therefore, join John Stuart Mill in saying that
“formidable evil” is not in “conflict … between parts of the truth”, but instead in the
“quiet suppression of half-truths.” Although the critics of democracy have often
emphasised the conformist temptation of the political model, the principle of the
individual’s sovereignty does not at all undersign an idea of a harmonious society, but
rather a society that learns how to regulate dissent without using force, using
procedures for solving conflict through a free debate

NOTE- In between, give examples wherever a dissenter is silenced like Gauri

Lankesh, various NGO’s and Civil Societies working to safeguard rights of vulnerable
groups etc. Try to cover aspects of the Social, Economical, Political, Environmental
and Cultural point of view.

Do not focus only on India. It is an open subject encompassing the World.

You can use above content and come up with your own thought process to write a
very good essay using suitable examples wherever required.

Best Wishes


Pulibandla Narasimharao replied 3 months ago

Thank You Baba ji

SushilkumaR replied 3 months ago

thanks babaji

Tania replied 3 months ago

please upload science and technology related VAN

IASbaba Admin replied 3 months ago

We will in March

sandeep replied 3 months ago

Babaji I have 2 devices one i pad and a laptop, I couldn’t be able to login in both at a
particular time as I sometimes read from iPad and at times on lappi,, kindly give
access to at least 2 devices it becomes sometimes annoying .

Ashok Kumar KHICHAR replied 2 months ago

it is marvelous effort by the IAS baba team and thank to whole team which are
engaged in providing a quality content that is develop our thought and ensure a step
towards goal.

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