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 Date 02 - 07 - 2019


Vocabulary Builder 1
Unit 7 - Audio 1

» Ejercicio Escribe la traducción de las oraciones de la columna de la

izquierda en los campos en blanco de la columna de la derecha:

1 People eat breakfast in the morning. La gente desayuna en la mañana.

People often eat eggs, toast, or cereal Las personas a menudo comen huevos,
for breakfast. tostadas o cereales para el desayuno.
La gente almuerza alrededor del
3 People eat lunch around lunch.
People often eat sandwiches for La gente suele comer bocadillos para el
lunch. almuerzo.
5 People eat dinner in the evening. La gente cena en la noche.
6 Dinner is usually a big meal. La cena suele ser una gran comida.
People eat with a fork, knife, and a La gente come con un tenedor, un
spoon. cuchillo y una cuchara.
The food is on a plate, and the drink is La comida está en un plato, y la bebida
in a glass. está en un vaso.
Before the meal at a restaurant, the Antes de la comida en un restaurante,
server gives customers the menu. el servidor le da a los clientes el menú.
10 People first choose an appetizer. La gente primero elige un aperitivo.
Appetizers are usually salads or small Los aperitivos suelen ser ensaladas o
dishes. platos pequeños.
After the appetizer, the server brings Después del aperitivo, el servidor trae
the main course. el plato principal.
The main course is usually meat, El plato principal suele ser carne, pasta
pasta, or vegetables. o verduras.
After the main course, some people Después del plato principal, algunas
eat dessert. personas comen postre.
El postre es un pastel, una tarta o un
15 Dessert is cake, pie, or ice cream
People often drink coffee or tea with Las personas suelen tomar café o té
dessert. con el postre.

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Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Take it further

Unit 7 - Audio 2

» Ejercicio 1 En inglés, con respecto a la comida, la comes eat o la tienes

have. Traduce las siguientes oraciones:

People eat breakfast in the

La gente desayuna en la mañana.
People have breakfast in
La gente desayuna por la mañana.
the morning.
People eat lunch around La gente almuerza alrededor del
noon. mediodía.
People have lunch around La gente almuerza alrededor del
noon. mediodía.
People eat dinner around La gente come la cena alrededor de
evening. la tarde.
People have dinner around La gente cena alrededor de la
evening. tarde.

» Ejercicio 2 Otra palabra para dinner (cena) es supper. Traduce:

What time do you usually

1 ¿A qué hora sueles cenar?
have supper?

» Ejercicio 3 Otra palabra para appetizer (aperitivo) es starter. Traduce:

Are you having a starter ¿Tienes un plato de arranque antes

before the main course? del plato principal?

» Ejercicio 4 Otra palabra para bill (cuenta) es check. Traduce:

At the end of a meal, the Al final de una comida, el cliente

customer says “check, dice "¡compruebe, por favor!" O
please!” or “could we "podríamos tener la factura, por
please have the bill?”. favor".

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Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
» Ejercicio 5 Server puede ser un hombre o una mujer. Cuando se trata de
un hombre se llama waiter; waitress si se trata de una mujer. Traduce las
siguientes oraciones:

The waiter brings us the

1 El camarero nos trae el menú.
We ask the waitress for Le pedimos el cheque a la
the check. camarera.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 4

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Vocabulary Practice 1
» Ejercicio Ahora practiquemos el nuevo vocabulario. Completa los campos
en blanco:

Before the meal at a restaurant, the server

1 menu .
gives customer the
2 People often eat eggs, toast, or cereal for breakfast.
3 People eat lunch around noon.
4 People often eat sandwiches for lunch.
5 People eat dinner in the evening.
6 Dinner is usually a big meal .
People eat with a fork , knife
and spoon, and drink from a glass .
Before the meal at a restaurant,
8 menu .
the server gives customers the
9 People first choose an appetizer .
10 Appetizers are usually salads or small dishes .
11 After the appetizer, the server brings the main course.
12 The main course is usually meat , pasta, or vegetables.
13 After the main course, some people eat dessert .
14 Dessert is usually cake , pie, or ice cream.
15 People often drink coffee or tea With dessert.
16 After meal, the server brings the main course .

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 5

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Grammar Builder 1

Unit 7 - Audio 3

Polite requests

» Ejercicio 1 Puedes hacer peticiones simplemente utilizando un verbo sin la

terminación–(e)s. Agrega please (por favor) para ser más formal. Traduce las
siguientes oraciones:

1 Please bring the menu. Por favor traiga el menú.

2 Please bring more bread. Por favor traiga más pan.
3 Pass the milk, please. Pasa la leche, por favor.

» Ejercicio 2 Para hacer que una petición sea muy formal, emplea la
expresión could you please…? (¿Podría usted…?). Traduce:

Could you please bring the

1 ¿Podrías traer el menú?
Could you please pass the
2 ¿Podrías pasar la sal por favor?
Could you please bring the
3 ¿Podría por favor traer el cheque?

» Ejercicio 3 Otra expresión formal es would like (gustaría). Traduce:

I would like the menu,

1 Quisiera el menú, por favor.
We would like a table for
2 Nos gustaría una mesa para dos.
3 Would you like dessert? ¿Te gustaria un postre?

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Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Vocabulary Builder 2

Unit 7 - Audio 4

» Ejercicio Ahora, practiquemos el nuevo vocabulario. Traduce las siguientes


Beef, pork, and lamb are kinds of Carne de res, cerdo y cordero son
meat. tipos de carne.
Chicken, duck, and turkey are El pollo, el pato y el pavo son tipos de
kinds of poultry. aves de corral.
Las zanahorias, la lechuga, los
Carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, and
3 pepinos y las espinacas son
spinach are vegetables.
Oranges, apples, bananas, and Las naranjas, manzanas, plátanos y
pears are kinds of fruit. peras son tipos de fruta.
People often eat bread with La gente suele comer pan con
butter on it. mantequilla.
Italy is famous for pasta dishes, Italia es famosa por sus platos de
6 for example, spaghetti with pasta, por ejemplo, espaguetis con
tomato sauce. salsa de tomate.
France is famous for cheese and Francia es famosa por el queso y el
wine. vino.
8 Germany is famous for beer. Alemania es famosa por la cerveza.
People in Japan, China, and La gente en Japón, China y Corea
Korea ear a lot of rice. escuchan mucho arroz.
There is rice and raw fish in
10 Hay arroz y pescado crudo en sushi.
Las hamburguesas, los perros
Hamburgers, hot dogs, and fries
11 calientes y las papas fritas son
are American fast food.
comida rápida estadounidense.
Many people drink orange juice, Muchas personas beben jugo de
coffee, or tea at breakfast. naranja, café o té en el desayuno.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 7

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Vocabulary Practice 2
» Ejercicio Ahora, practiquemos el nuevo vocabulario, respondiendo las
preguntas formuladas:

What are three examples of meat?


What are three kinds of poultry?


Give four examples of vegetables:


What are four kinds of fruit?


What do people often put on their bread?


Spaghetti often comes with what kind of sauce?


What two things is France famous for?


What kind of drink is Germany famous for?


What kind of food do people in Japan, China, and Korea often

9 eat?

What is there in sushi?


What are three common American fast foods?


What are three common breakfast drinks?


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Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Grammar Builder 2

Unit 7 - Audio 5


» Ejercicio 1 Usa some para hablar sobre cantidades que no son específicas
o exactas. Traduce las siguientes oraciones:

Please bring me some

1 Por favor tráeme un poco de agua.
2 We would like some bread. Nos gustaría un poco de pan.
I would like some milk and Me gustaría un poco de leche y
sugar in my coffee. azúcar en mi café.

» Ejercicio 2 Si usas some con cosas que puedes contar (one person, two
people; one student, two students), emplea some con el plural. Traduce:

Some people drink red Algunas personas beben vino tinto,

1 wine, and some people y algunas personas beben vino
drink white wine. blanco.
There are some tables near Hay algunas mesas cerca de la
the window. ventana.
Some students in the class Algunos estudiantes en la clase son
3 are excellent, but some are excelentes, pero algunos no son
not very good. muy buenos.

» Ejercicio 3 Some también se utiliza en preguntas para referirse a

cantidades indefinidas. Traduce las siguientes oraciones:

Would you like some

1 ¿Te gustaría algunas verduras?
Do you have some money
2 ¿Tienes algo de dinero para mí?
for me?

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 9

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
» Ejercicio 4 Any se utiliza en oraciones negativas (not). Traduce:

I have some bread. Yo tengo un poco de pan.

I don’t have any bread. No tengo pan.
There are some excellent Hay algunos excelentes
restaurants in this town. restaurantes en esta ciudad.
There aren’t any excellent No hay excelentes restaurantes en
restaurants in this town. esta ciudad.
I have some friends from Tengo algunos amigos de
Germany. Alemania.
I don’t have any friends
No tengo amigos de Alemania.
from Germany.

» Ejercicio 5 Any también se usa en oraciones interrogativas. Traduce:

Would you like any

1 ¿Te gustaría alguna verdura?
Do you have any brothers
2 ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas?
or sisters?
Does she have any good
3 ¿Tiene ella buenos libros?

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 10

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Work Out 1

Unit 7 - Audio 6

» Ejercicio Escucha y escribe las palabras que oigas:

1 We like a table for two.

2 Are there tables next to the window.
3 you please bring the menu?
4 We don’t have forks on the table.
5 We would like bread, please.
6 Pass the salt, .
7 Please bring water.
8 Would you like butter?
9 We would like dessert.
10 Could you please the bill?

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 11

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Bring It All Together

Unit 7 - Audio 7

» Con el apoyo de otro compañero de clase van a realizar la escucha del

siguiente diálogo. Una vez finalicen, procederán a generar una grabación del
mismo diálogo, pero ahora con sus voces.

El audio deberán iniciarlo presentándose, indicando sus nombres, edad y

lugares de procedencia.


Person 1: Good morning, my name is Florentino Ariza, I’m 27 years old, I’m
from Ituango, Antioquia.
Person 2: Hello, my name is Fermina Daza, I’m 18 years old, I’m from
Yarumal, Antioquia.

Cuando esté el audio grabarlo, enviarlo como evidencia de trabajo por el

apartado correspondiente de plataforma acompañado del resto de ejercicios de
esta actividad.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 12

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
» John y Paula están en Cucina, un nuevo restaurant italiano en la ciudad.
Escucha mientras ellos ordenan:

Good evening, and welcome to Cucina. Would you like the

1 Waiter
wine list?
Hmmm… No, I don’t want any wine, thank you. But I would
2 Paula
like some water, please.
3 John Water is good for me, too.
4 Waiter Certainly. Would you like an appetizer?
5 Paula What do you think, John, the bruschetta?
6 John Yes, that sounds good. And maybe the fresh mozzarella plate.
7 Waiter Okay, I’ll be right back with some water and your appetizers.
8 Paula So, what are you having?
The roast chicken looks good. But the shrimp looks good, too.
9 John
I’m not sure.
I’d like pasta tonight. The lasagne looks good, but we’re
10 Paula
having mozzarella as an appetizer.
Yeah, maybe that’s too much cheese. How about the
11 John
spaghetti with the tomato and basil sauce.
12 Paula Yes, that sounds good. Oh, here’s our waiter.
So, here are your starters, and two glasses of water.
13 Waiter
What would you like as main course, Ma’am?
14 Paula I would like the spaghetti with tomato and basil.
15 Waiter Perfect. And for you, sir?
16 John I would like the baked shrimp.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 13

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Okay. And would you like any vegetables with that? Tonight
17 Waiter we have baked potatoes, sautéed spinach, or grilled eggplant,
18 Paula Oh, I love eggplant. I’ll have the grilled eggplant, please.
19 John And I’ll have the spinach.
Okay, I’ll bring those dishes in just a moment.
20 Waiter
Enjoy your appetizers!

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 14

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Take it further

Unit 7 - Audio 8

» Ejercicio 1 Pon atención a las expresiones sounds good y looks good.

Si escuchas (hear) algo y te gusta, entonces dices sounds good (suena bien).
Traduce las siguientes expresiones:

1 The music sounds good! ¡La música suena bien!

Mary sounds good when she
2 María suena bien cuando canta.
How about some coffee? ¿Qué tal un café?
Oh, yeah. That sounds good. Oh si. Eso suena bien.

» Ejercicio 2 Si ves (see) algo y te gusta, entonces dices looks good (se ve
bien). Traduce las siguientes oraciones:

The cake looks good! I want ¡El pastel se ve bien! Quiero un

some. poco.
There’s a new restaurant, and Hay un nuevo restaurante, y el
the menu looks really good. menú se ve muy bien.
Your photos of Paris look really
3 Tus fotos de París se ven muy bien.

» Ejercicio 3 también, presta atención a la frase too much (demasiado).

Traduce las siguientes oraciones:

I want one glass of wine. That’s Quiero una copa de vino. Son dos
1 two glasses of wine. That’s too copas de vino. ¡Eso es demasiado
much wine! vino!
Cheese for an appetizer and in ¿Queso para un aperitivo y en el
2 the main course? That’s too plato principal? ¡Eso es demasiado
much cheese! queso!

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 15

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Work Out 2

» Exercise 1 Practiquemos peticiones formales (polite requests). Haz las

siguientes peticiones más formales siguiendo el ejemplo:


Pass the milk, please.

Could you please pass the milk?

Bring the menu, please.


Bring some bread, please.


Pass the salt, please.


Read the wine list, please.


Bring a fork and a knife, please.


Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 16

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
» Exercise 2 Ahora completa los espacios en blanco usando some o any:

1 I would like sugar in my tea.

2 We would like bread and butter.
3 We don’t have tables near the window.
4 There are very good restaurants in this town.
5 Would you like vegetables with your main courses?
6 Do you have brothers or sisters?
7 I have friends at the university.
8 There aren’t Thai restaurants near here.
9 I would like coffee, please.
10 I don’t want dessert.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 17

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Vocabulary Practice 3
» Ejercicio: Agrega algunas imágenes y su nombre en inglés de acuerdo al
vocabulario aprendido a lo largo de esta Unit 7:




Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 18

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Drive It Home

» Ejercicio Haz oraciones afirmativas con some, oraciones negativas con

any, y oraciones interrogativas con any, siguiendo el ejemplo:

There is… cheese in the pasta.

Affirmative There is some cheese in the pasta.
Negative There isn’t any cheese in the pasta.
Interrogative Is there any cheese in the pasta?

She reads… books in French.



There is… sugar in your tea.



They have… tables next to the windows.



Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 19

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
There is… meat in the dish.


John has… friends from Canada.



She sees… people in the library.



Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 20

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Word Recall | Unit 6
» Ejercicio Completa cada espacio en blanco con la mejor respuesta:

1 People get money at the .

2 People buy and mail at the post office.
People buy
3 Store of .
food at the
4 People buy clothes at the store.
5 People eat at the .
6 People get gas at the .
People buy coffee, newspapers,
7 Store.
and magazines at the
8 There are tall In cities.
The Empire State of Fifth Avenue and
Building is at the Thirty-Fourth Street.
10 There are cars, taxis, and buses on the .
11 People in cities often live in not houses.
People shop for clothes and
12 stores.
other things at
13 People get bread at the .
14 People get meat at the shop.
15 In cities, many people work in buildings.
16 People in cities get to work by .
There are many books and
17 .
computers in
18 In cities, many people go to to walk or relax.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 21

Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Online exercises

» Ejercicio Haz clic sobre el enlace, juega con palabras y frases relacionadas
con Unit 7 | Let’s Eat! y, finalmente, agrega algunas capturas de pantalla:


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Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.

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Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.

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Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2019 25
Unit 7: Let’s Eat! | Texts based on the Living Language methodology.

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